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Line 1733: if fnd_global.user_id = 1005653 THEN --SATKUMAR

1730: END IF;--p_is_pjm_enabled_org
1732: /*
1733: if fnd_global.user_id = 1005653 THEN --SATKUMAR
1734: insert into wms_packing_material_temp value (select * from wms_packing_material_gtemp);
1735: commit;
1736: end if;
1737: */

Line 3288: ,p_user_id => fnd_global.user_id

3284: ,p_xfr_lpn_id => p_to_lpn_id
3285: ,p_posting_flag => 'N' -- Set this so that locator capacity calculation will not consider this
3286: ,p_move_order_line_id => null
3287: ,p_process_flag => 'N' -- Set process_flag to 'N' so that INV TM will not process this MMTT
3288: ,p_user_id => fnd_global.user_id
3289: ,x_trx_tmp_id => l_txn_tmp_id
3290: ,x_proc_msg => l_proc_msg
3291: ,p_secondary_trx_qty => CASE WHEN p_secondary_uom IS NOT NULL THEN 0 ELSE NULL END --INVCONV kkillams
3292: ,p_secondary_uom => nvl(p_secondary_uom, ' ') --INVCONV kkillams

Line 3531: trace(' p_user_id => '||fnd_global.user_id);

3527: trace(' p_from_lpn_id => '||p_from_lpn_id);
3528: trace(' p_xfr_lpn_id => '||p_to_lpn_id);
3529: trace(' p_posting_flag => N');
3530: trace(' p_move_order_line_id => '||l_mol_list(i).move_order_line_id);
3531: trace(' p_user_id => '||fnd_global.user_id);
3532: trace(' p_secondary_trx_qty => '||l_mol_list(i).secondary_transaction_quantity);
3533: trace(' p_secondary_uom => '||l_mol_list(i).secondary_uom_code);
3534: END IF;
3535: -- Create new MMTT

Line 3558: ,p_user_id => fnd_global.user_id

3554: ,p_xfr_lpn_id => p_to_lpn_id
3555: ,p_posting_flag => 'N' -- Set this so that locator capacity calculation will not consider this
3556: ,p_process_flag => 'N' -- Set process_flag to 'N' so that INV TM will not process this MMTT record
3557: ,p_move_order_line_id => l_mol_list(i).move_order_line_id
3558: ,p_user_id => fnd_global.user_id
3559: ,x_trx_tmp_id => l_txn_tmp_id
3560: ,x_proc_msg => l_proc_msg
3561: );

Line 3627: , p_user_id => fnd_global.user_id

3623: trace(' No lot attributes are passed in');
3624: END IF;
3625: l_insert := inv_trx_util_pub.insert_lot_trx(
3626: p_trx_tmp_id => l_txn_tmp_id
3627: , p_user_id => fnd_global.user_id
3628: , p_lot_number => p_lot_number
3629: , p_exp_date => p_lot_expiration_date
3630: , p_trx_qty => l_mol_list(i).transaction_quantity
3631: , p_pri_qty => l_mol_list(i).primary_quantity

Line 3660: , p_user_id => fnd_global.user_id

3656: trace(' Lot attributes are passed in');
3657: END IF;
3658: l_insert := inv_trx_util_pub.insert_lot_trx(
3659: p_trx_tmp_id => l_txn_tmp_id
3660: , p_user_id => fnd_global.user_id
3661: , p_lot_number => p_lot_number
3662: , p_exp_date => p_lot_expiration_date
3663: , p_trx_qty => l_mol_list(i).transaction_quantity
3664: , p_pri_qty => l_mol_list(i).primary_quantity

Line 3787: , p_user_id => fnd_global.user_id

3783: IF g_lot_ser_attr.count = 0 THEN
3784: -- No serial attributes
3785: l_insert := inv_trx_util_pub.insert_ser_trx(
3786: p_trx_tmp_id => nvl(l_ser_txn_id,l_txn_tmp_id)
3787: , p_user_id => fnd_global.user_id
3788: , p_fm_ser_num => p_fm_serial_number
3789: , p_to_ser_num => p_fm_serial_number
3790: , x_proc_msg => l_proc_msg
3791: );

Line 3806: , p_user_id => fnd_global.user_id

3802: ELSE
3803: -- Has serial attributes
3804: l_insert := inv_trx_util_pub.insert_ser_trx(
3805: p_trx_tmp_id => nvl(l_ser_txn_id,l_txn_tmp_id)
3806: , p_user_id => fnd_global.user_id
3807: , p_fm_ser_num => p_fm_serial_number
3808: , p_to_ser_num => p_fm_serial_number
3809: , x_proc_msg => l_proc_msg
3810: , p_time_since_new =>to_number(get_column_default_value('TIME_SINCE_NEW'))

Line 3996: , p_user_id => fnd_global.user_id

3992: IF g_lot_ser_attr.count = 0 THEN
3993: -- No serial attributes
3994: l_insert := inv_trx_util_pub.insert_ser_trx(
3995: p_trx_tmp_id => nvl(l_cur_rec.serial_transaction_temp_id, p_transaction_temp_id)
3996: , p_user_id => fnd_global.user_id
3997: , p_fm_ser_num => p_fm_serial_number
3998: , p_to_ser_num => p_fm_serial_number
3999: , x_proc_msg => l_proc_msg
4000: );

Line 4015: , p_user_id => fnd_global.user_id

4011: ELSE
4012: -- Has serial attributes
4013: l_insert := inv_trx_util_pub.insert_ser_trx(
4014: p_trx_tmp_id => nvl(l_cur_rec.serial_transaction_temp_id, p_transaction_temp_id)
4015: , p_user_id => fnd_global.user_id
4016: , p_fm_ser_num => p_fm_serial_number
4017: , p_to_ser_num => p_fm_serial_number
4018: , x_proc_msg => l_proc_msg
4019: , p_time_since_new =>to_number(get_column_default_value('TIME_SINCE_NEW'))

Line 4085: , p_user_id => fnd_global.user_id

4081: trace('MSNT record inserted for serial(with attr):'||p_fm_serial_number||',ser_txn_id='||nvl(l_ser_txn_id,l_txn_tmp_id));
4082: END IF;
4083: /* l_insert := inv_trx_util_pub.insert_ser_trx(
4084: p_trx_tmp_id => nvl(l_cur_rec.serial_transaction_temp_id, p_transaction_temp_id)
4085: , p_user_id => fnd_global.user_id
4086: , p_fm_ser_num => p_fm_serial_number
4087: , p_to_ser_num => p_fm_serial_number
4088: , x_proc_msg => l_proc_msg
4089: );

Line 4260: trace(' p_user_id => '||fnd_global.user_id);

4256: trace(' p_tolocator_id => '||l_to_loc_id);
4257: trace(' p_from_lpn_id => '||p_from_lpn_id);
4258: trace(' p_cnt_lpn_id => '||p_content_lpn_id);
4259: trace(' p_xfr_lpn_id => '||p_to_lpn_id);
4260: trace(' p_user_id => '||fnd_global.user_id);
4261: END IF;
4263: l_insert := inv_trx_util_pub.insert_line_trx(
4264: p_trx_hdr_id => l_txn_hdr_id

Line 4283: ,p_user_id => fnd_global.user_id

4279: ,p_tolocator_id => l_to_loc_id
4280: ,p_from_lpn_id => p_from_lpn_id
4281: ,p_cnt_lpn_id => p_content_lpn_id
4282: ,p_xfr_lpn_id => p_to_lpn_id
4283: ,p_user_id => fnd_global.user_id
4284: ,x_trx_tmp_id => l_txn_tmp_id
4285: ,x_proc_msg => l_proc_msg);
4287: IF l_debug = 1 THEN

Line 4351: trace(' p_user_id => '||fnd_global.user_id);

4347: trace(' p_from_lpn_id => '||p_from_lpn_id);
4348: trace(' p_xfr_lpn_id => '||p_to_lpn_id);
4349: trace(' p_secondary_trx_qty => '||p_secondary_qty);
4350: trace(' p_secondary_uom => '||p_secondary_uom);
4351: trace(' p_user_id => '||fnd_global.user_id);
4352: trace(' p_grade_code => '||p_grade_code);
4353: END IF;
4354: l_insert := inv_trx_util_pub.insert_line_trx(
4355: p_trx_hdr_id => l_txn_hdr_id

Line 4372: ,p_user_id => fnd_global.user_id

4368: ,p_locator_id => p_locator_id
4369: ,p_tolocator_id => l_to_loc_id
4370: ,p_from_lpn_id => p_from_lpn_id
4371: ,p_xfr_lpn_id => p_to_lpn_id
4372: ,p_user_id => fnd_global.user_id
4373: ,p_secondary_trx_qty => p_secondary_qty
4374: ,p_secondary_uom => p_secondary_uom
4375: ,x_trx_tmp_id => l_txn_tmp_id
4376: ,x_proc_msg => l_proc_msg);

Line 4422: , p_user_id => fnd_global.user_id

4418: -- Create MTLT
4419: -- Insert MTLT record
4420: l_insert := inv_trx_util_pub.insert_lot_trx(
4421: p_trx_tmp_id => l_txn_tmp_id
4422: , p_user_id => fnd_global.user_id
4423: , p_lot_number => p_lot_number
4424: , p_trx_qty => p_transaction_qty
4425: , p_pri_qty => p_primary_qty
4426: , p_secondary_qty => p_secondary_qty

Line 4450: , p_user_id => fnd_global.user_id

4446: -- Create MSNT
4447: -- Insert MSNT record
4448: l_insert := inv_trx_util_pub.insert_ser_trx(
4449: p_trx_tmp_id => l_ser_txn_id
4450: , p_user_id => fnd_global.user_id
4451: , p_fm_ser_num => p_fm_serial_number
4452: , p_to_ser_num => nvl(p_to_serial_number, p_fm_serial_number)
4453: , x_proc_msg => l_proc_msg
4454: );