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Line 819: -- when this SQL is executed; fetch translated columns from hr_locations_all_tl

815: /* Bug 2766736. Changed ftv.nls_territory to ftv.territory_short_name in
816: the select statement */
818: -- Bug 3574886: Query from base tables in case the session context is not set correctly
819: -- when this SQL is executed; fetch translated columns from hr_locations_all_tl
820: select distinct
821: hlt.location_code,
822: hlt.description,
823: hrl.address_line_1,

Line 844: hr_locations_all_tl hlt,

840: l_hrl_postal_code,
841: l_hrl_country,
842: l_hrl_to_region1
843: from hr_locations_all hrl,
844: hr_locations_all_tl hlt,
845: fnd_territories_vl ftv,
846: fnd_lookup_values_vl flv1,
847: fnd_lookup_values_vl flv2,
848: fnd_lookup_values_vl flv3

Line 2704: -- when this SQL is executed; fetch translated columns from hr_locations_all_tl

2700: /* Bug 2766736. Changed ftv.nls_territory to ftv.territory_short_name in
2701: the select statement. */
2703: -- Bug 3574886: Query from base tables in case the session context is not set correctly
2704: -- when this SQL is executed; fetch translated columns from hr_locations_all_tl
2705: select distinct hlt.description,
2706: hrl.address_line_1,
2707: hrl.address_line_2,
2708: hrl.address_line_3,

Line 2727: hr_locations_all_tl hlt,

2723: l_ship_to_postal_code,
2724: l_ship_to_country,
2725: l_ship_to_region2
2726: FROM hr_locations_all hrl,
2727: hr_locations_all_tl hlt,
2728: fnd_territories_vl ftv,
2729: fnd_lookup_values_vl flv1,
2730: fnd_lookup_values_vl flv2,
2731: fnd_lookup_values_vl flv3

Line 2915: -- when this SQL is executed; fetch translated columns from hr_locations_all_tl

2911: /* Bug 2766736. Changed ftv.nls_territory to ftv.territory_short_name in
2912: the select statement. */
2914: -- Bug 3574886: Query from base tables in case the session context is not set correctly
2915: -- when this SQL is executed; fetch translated columns from hr_locations_all_tl
2916: select distinct hlt.description,
2917: hrl.address_line_1,
2918: hrl.address_line_2,
2919: hrl.address_line_3,

Line 2938: hr_locations_all_tl hlt,

2934: l_ship_to_postal_code,
2935: l_ship_to_country,
2936: l_ship_to_region2
2937: FROM hr_locations_all hrl,
2938: hr_locations_all_tl hlt,
2939: fnd_territories_vl ftv,
2940: fnd_lookup_values_vl flv1,
2941: fnd_lookup_values_vl flv2,
2942: fnd_lookup_values_vl flv3

Line 3205: -- when this SQL is executed; fetch translated columns from hr_locations_all_tl

3201: the select statement. */
3202: begin
3204: -- Bug 3574886: Query from base tables in case the session context is not set correctly
3205: -- when this SQL is executed; fetch translated columns from hr_locations_all_tl
3206: select distinct hlt.description,
3207: hrl.address_line_1,
3208: hrl.address_line_2,
3209: hrl.address_line_3,

Line 3227: hr_locations_all_tl hlt,

3223: l_bill_to_country,
3224: l_bill_to_postal_code,
3225: l_bill_to_region2
3226: from hr_locations_all hrl,
3227: hr_locations_all_tl hlt,
3228: fnd_territories_vl ftv,
3229: fnd_lookup_values_vl flv1,
3230: fnd_lookup_values_vl flv2,
3231: fnd_lookup_values_vl flv3