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Line 207: from oe_headers_iface_all

204: delete from oe_actions_interface
205: where (order_source_id, orig_sys_document_ref) IN
206: (select order_source_id, orig_sys_document_ref
207: from oe_headers_iface_all
208: where batch_id = p_batch_id
209: and nvl(error_flag,'N') = 'N');
211: delete from oe_price_adjs_interface

Line 214: from oe_headers_iface_all

211: delete from oe_price_adjs_interface
212: where (order_source_id, orig_sys_document_ref) IN
213: (select order_source_id, orig_sys_document_ref
214: from oe_headers_iface_all
215: where batch_id = p_batch_id
216: and nvl(error_flag,'N') = 'N');
218: delete from oe_lines_interface

Line 221: from oe_headers_iface_all

218: delete from oe_lines_interface
219: where (order_source_id, orig_sys_document_ref) IN
220: (select order_source_id, orig_sys_document_ref
221: from oe_headers_iface_all
222: where batch_id = p_batch_id
223: and nvl(error_flag,'N') = 'N');
225: delete from oe_headers_iface_all

Line 225: delete from oe_headers_iface_all

221: from oe_headers_iface_all
222: where batch_id = p_batch_id
223: and nvl(error_flag,'N') = 'N');
225: delete from oe_headers_iface_all
226: where batch_id = p_batch_id
227: and nvl(error_flag,'N') = 'N';
229: -- commit after every batch is processed

Line 311: FROM oe_headers_iface_all

307: -- Batches cursor
308: -----------------------------------------------------------
309: CURSOR l_batch_cursor IS
310: SELECT DISTINCT batch_id,org_id
311: FROM oe_headers_iface_all
312: WHERE request_id = l_request_id;
314: -----------------------------------------------------------
315: -- Messages cursor

Line 481: FROM oe_headers_iface_all h, oe_lines_iface_all l, --bug 4685432

477: , count(*) num_lines
478: , NULL request_id
479: , NULL batch_id
480: , l_default_org_id org_id
481: FROM oe_headers_iface_all h, oe_lines_iface_all l, --bug 4685432
482: oe_sys_parameters_all sys
483: WHERE h.order_source_id = nvl(p_order_source_id,h.order_source_id)
484: AND h.orig_sys_document_ref = nvl(p_orig_sys_document_ref,h.orig_sys_document_ref)
485: AND nvl(sys.org_id,l_default_org_id) = l_default_org_id --bug 4685432, 5209313

Line 552: FROM oe_headers_iface_all

548: -- Headers Cursor
549: -----------------------------------------------------------
550: CURSOR c_headers(p_request_id NUMBER) IS
551: SELECT order_source_id, orig_sys_document_ref,org_id,request_id
552: FROM oe_headers_iface_all
553: WHERE request_id = p_request_id
554: ORDER BY order_source_id, orig_sys_document_ref, change_sequence;
556: minimum number;

Line 755: FROM oe_headers_iface_all h, oe_order_sources os, --bug 4685432

751: AND h.org_id = a.org_id
752: AND operation_code <> 'BOOK_ORDER')
753: UNION
754: SELECT h.orig_sys_document_ref orig_sys_document_ref
755: FROM oe_headers_iface_all h, oe_order_sources os, --bug 4685432
756: oe_sys_parameters_all sys
757: WHERE request_id IS NULL
758: AND nvl(sys.org_id,l_default_org_id) = l_default_org_id --bug 4685432, 5209313
759: AND sys.org_id(+) = h.org_id

Line 974: update oe_headers_iface_all

970: -- number of child requests are spawned as this order will continue
971: -- to exist with no request id assigned.
972: l_order_rec.request_id(l_index) := l_request_id;
974: update oe_headers_iface_all
975: set error_flag='Y' --- did not update ineligible_for_hvop as per the TDD
976: where order_source_id = l_order_rec.order_source_id(l_index)
977: and orig_sys_document_ref = l_order_rec.orig_sys_document_ref(l_index)
978: and nvl(org_id,-99) = nvl(l_order_rec.org_id(l_index),-99);

Line 1071: UPDATE oe_headers_iface_all

1067: --------------------------------------------------------------
1069: v_start := DBMS_UTILITY.GET_TIME;
1070: FORALL l_index IN 1..l_order_count
1071: UPDATE oe_headers_iface_all
1072: SET request_id = l_order_rec.request_id(l_index)
1073: , batch_id = l_order_rec.batch_id(l_index)
1074: , org_id = l_order_rec.org_id(l_index) -- added for MOAC
1075: WHERE order_source_id = l_order_rec.order_source_id(l_index)

Line 1131: UPDATE oe_headers_iface_all

1127: If p_debug_level > 0 Then
1128: oe_debug_pub.add('Updating Line_Ids for'||c.org_id);
1129: oe_debug_pub.add('Updating Line_Ids for'||c.orig_sys_document_ref);
1130: End If;
1131: UPDATE oe_headers_iface_all
1132: SET header_id = oe_order_headers_s.nextval
1133: WHERE order_source_id = c.order_source_id
1134: AND orig_sys_document_ref = c.orig_sys_document_ref
1135: AND nvl(org_id,-99) = nvl(c.org_id,-99)

Line 1178: FROM oe_headers_iface_all

1174: UPDATE oe_lines_interface
1175: SET request_id = l_request_id
1176: WHERE (order_source_id, orig_sys_document_ref) IN
1177: ( SELECT order_source_id, orig_sys_document_ref
1178: FROM oe_headers_iface_all
1179: WHERE request_id = l_request_id);
1181: COMMIT;

Line 1187: FROM oe_headers_iface_all

1183: UPDATE oe_price_adjs_interface
1184: SET request_id = l_request_id
1185: WHERE (order_source_id, orig_sys_document_ref) IN
1186: ( SELECT order_source_id, orig_sys_document_ref
1187: FROM oe_headers_iface_all
1188: WHERE request_id = l_request_id);
1190: COMMIT;

Line 1196: FROM oe_headers_iface_all

1192: UPDATE oe_actions_interface
1193: SET request_id = l_request_id
1194: WHERE (order_source_id, orig_sys_document_ref) IN
1195: ( SELECT order_source_id, orig_sys_document_ref
1196: FROM oe_headers_iface_all
1197: WHERE request_id = l_request_id);
1199: COMMIT;
1200: */

Line 1302: UPDATE oe_headers_iface_all

1299: -- Process_Batch will only return unexp error or success result
1300: IF l_return_status <> FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS THEN
1302: UPDATE oe_headers_iface_all
1303: SET error_flag = 'Y'
1304: WHERE batch_id = l_batch_id;
1306: -- All orders in this batch would have failed as it is an unexp error.

Line 1315: FROM oe_headers_iface_all

1311: G_BOOKED_ORDERS := l_booked_orders;
1313: SELECT count(*)
1314: INTO l_batch_orders
1315: FROM oe_headers_iface_all
1316: WHERE batch_id = l_batch_id;
1318: G_ERROR_ORDERS := l_error_orders + l_batch_orders;