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Line 3724: wip_logger.log('inserting into wip_cost_txn_interface', l_retStatus);

3720: if G_RES_CHG_FAILED <> wip_constants.yes then --Bug 6891758
3721: x_group_id := -9999; -- Bug 13481688 , Assiginning dummy value to group_id to identify this group later while inserting the resources.
3722: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
3723: wip_logger.log('derive_insert_wcti Phase 110', l_retStatus);
3724: wip_logger.log('inserting into wip_cost_txn_interface', l_retStatus);
3725: end if;
3726: insert into wip_cost_txn_interface(
3727: group_id, -- Bug 13481688
3728: created_by,

Line 3726: insert into wip_cost_txn_interface(

3722: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.full_logging) then
3723: wip_logger.log('derive_insert_wcti Phase 110', l_retStatus);
3724: wip_logger.log('inserting into wip_cost_txn_interface', l_retStatus);
3725: end if;
3726: insert into wip_cost_txn_interface(
3727: group_id, -- Bug 13481688
3728: created_by,
3729: created_by_name,
3730: creation_date,

Line 3864: wip_cost_txn_interface wti,

3860: wti.last_update_login,
3861: wo.first_unit_start_date,
3862: wo.last_unit_completion_date
3863: from wip_operations wo,
3864: wip_cost_txn_interface wti,
3865: bom_resources br
3866: where wti.group_id = x_group_id
3867: and wti.process_phase = 2
3868: and wti.process_status = 1

Line 3880: from wip_cost_txn_interface wti2

3876: and wor.organization_id = wti.organization_id
3877: and nvl(wor.repetitive_schedule_id,-1) = nvl(wti.repetitive_schedule_id,-1))
3878: and wti.rowid =
3879: (select min(wti2.rowid)
3880: from wip_cost_txn_interface wti2
3881: where wti2.group_id = x_group_id
3882: and wti2.process_phase = 2
3883: and wti2.process_status = 1
3884: and wti2.transaction_type = 1

Line 3898: update wip_cost_txn_interface set group_id = NULL where group_id = x_group_id;

3894: and nvl(wo.repetitive_schedule_id,-1) = nvl(wti.repetitive_schedule_id,-1) ;
3896: end if;
3897: -- We need to clear the group ID then only processor will process this record
3898: update wip_cost_txn_interface set group_id = NULL where group_id = x_group_id;
3899: -- Bug 13481688 @End
3900: end if;
3901: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
3902: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then