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Product: PA - Projects
Meaning: Billing Extension Messages
Description: Billing Extension Messages
Quick Codes
Code Meaning Description
CCREV_DESCRIPTION Revenue = Lesser Begining of Event Description for Cost/Cost events
COST_BUDGET_NOT_BASELINED Cost Budget is not Baselined Cost Budget is not Baselined
DATES_ERROR Event completion date must be before Accrue Thru Date. Completion date of the Event must be before the accrue thru date of the process
EVENT_TYPE_ERROR Event Type being inserted is not of Automatic Classification. Event Type being inserted is not of Automatic Classification.
INVALID_CALLING_PLACE Cannot Create Automatic Event in this Calling Place Cannot Create Automatic Event in this Calling Place
INVALID_COST_BUDGET_TYPE Invalid Parameter Passed : Cost Budget Type Code Invalid Parameter Passed : Cost Budget Type Code
INVALID_ID One of these IDs is invalid: Project/Task/Org/Bill Assnment. One of the following Id's is invalid - Project/Task/Org/Billing Assignment Id
INVALID_INVENT_ID The following Inventory ID is invalid: Org/Item ID One of these Inventory IDs is invalid: Org/Item.
INVALID_PROJECT_EVENT You cannot have Project Level events with task level funding. You may not create Project Level events when you have Task Level funding.
INVALID_REV_BUDGET_TYPE Invalid Parameter Passed : Revenue Budget Type Code Invalid Parameter Passed : Revenue Budget Type Code
MANDATORY_PRM_MISSING Call your WWS Support Rep. WWS:PAXIAPIB.pls mandatory prms. Please call your WWS Support Rep. WWS: Check PAXIAPIB.pls for mandatory prms.
NO_ORIG_EVENT You must provide original event num for ADJ automatic event. You must have specified original event num for ADJ automatic event.
NULL_EVENT_TYPE_ERROR Create a default event type for this Billing Extension. Please create a default event type for this Billing Extension.
PA_CLIENT_EXTN_APP_ERROR Approval/release extension returned extension app error. Approval/Release Extension Returned Status as Extension Application Error.
PA_CLIENT_EXTN_ORACLE_ERROR Approval/release client extension returned Oracle error. Approval/Release Client Extension Returned Status as Oracle Error.
PA_CURR_NOT_VALID_BC The Transaction Currency Code is not valid. The Transaction Currency Code is not valid.
PA_EX_CLOSED_PROJECT Cannot approve draft invoices for a closed status project. Cannot Approve Draft Invoices for a project with a status of Closed.
PA_EX_INACTIVE_CUSTOMER Cannot approve draft invoices for an inactive customer Cannot approve draft invoices for an inactive customer
PA_FUNC_EXCH_RATE_NOT_PASSD Please provide a functional currency rate. Please provide a functional currency rate.
PA_FUNC_INVALID_RATE_TYPE Invalid Functional Rate type. Please enter a valid Rate Type. Invalid Functional Rate type. Please enter a valid Rate Type.
PA_FUND_EXCH_RATE_NOT_PASSD The Funding Rate is not provided. Please provide a Rate. The Funding Rate is not provided. Please provide a Rate.
PA_FUND_INVALID_RATE_TYPE Invalid Funding Rate type. Please enter a valid Rate Type. Invalid Funding Rate type. Please enter a valid Rate Type.
PA_IN_ALREADY_APPROVED The invoice has already been approved The invoice has already been approved
PA_IN_CM_INV_DATE Crediting Invoice Date must be on or after original invoice. Crediting Invoice Date should be on or after original Invoice date
PA_IN_ENT_INV_DATE You must pass the invoice date before releasing the invoice You must pass the invoice date before releasing the invoice
PA_IN_ENT_INV_NUMBER You must pass the AR Invoice Number to release the invoice. You must pass the AR Invoice Number before releasing the invoice
PA_IN_ENT_NUM_INV_NUMBER The AR invoice number must be numeric characters 0 through 9. You must pass the AR Invoice Number as numeric characters (0 through 9)
PA_IN_NO_APP_GEN_ERR Cannot approve an invoice with generation error. Cannot approve an invoice with generation error.
PA_IN_RA_INV_NUMBER_NOT_UNIQUE You must enter a unique AR invoice number You must enter a unique AR invoice number
PA_PROJ_EXCH_RATE_NOT_PASSD Missing project rate. Please provide a project currency rate. Missing project rate. Please provide a project currency rate
PA_PROJ_INVALID_RATE_TYPE Invalid Project Rate type. Please enter a valid Rate Type. Invalid Project Rate type. Please enter a valid Rate Type.
PA_REL_ALL_DR_INV Need to approve/release all draft invoices having same Set Need to approve/release all draft invoices having same Set
PA_UNREL_INVOICES_EXIST Need to release all lower draft invoices for this project Need to release all lower draft invoices for this project
REV_BUDGET_NOT_BASELINED Revenue Budget is not Baselined Revenue Budget is not Baselined
ZERO_AMOUNTS Revenue/Bill Amount must be non-zero. Revenue/Bill Amount must be non-zero for Revenue/Invoice Process respectively