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Product: AP - Payables
Meaning: Match Status
Description: Type of Distribution Match
Quick Codes
Code Meaning Description
AMOUNT_CORRECTION Amount Correction Invoice distribution producing a amount correction matched to a base PO/RCV matched invoice distribution
DIST_CORRECTION Distribution Correction Invoice distribution producing a correction against a non-PO/RCV matched invoice distribution
ITEM_TO_PO Matched to Purchase Order Invoice distribution matched to a purchase order
ITEM_TO_RECEIPT Matched to Receipt Invoice distribution matched to receipt
ITEM_TO_SERVICE_PO Item distribution matched to a service po Item distribution matched to a service po
ITEM_TO_SERVICE_RECEIPT Item distribution matched to a service receipt Item distribution matched to a service receipt
ITEM_TO_SERVICE_SHIPMENT Item distribution matched to a service shipment Item distribution matched to a service shipment
NOT_MATCHED Not Matched Not matched
OTHER_TO_RECEIPT Charge Matched to Receipt Charge invoice distribution matched to receipt
OTHER_TO_SERVICE_RECEIPT Other charge distribution matched to a service receipt Other charge distribution matched to a service receipt
PRICE_CORRECTION Price Correction Invoice distribution producing a price correction matched to a base PO/RCV matched invoice distribution
QTY_CORRECTION Quantity Correction Invoice distribution producing a quantity correction matched to a base PO/RCV matched invoice distribution