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Lookup Type: HAZARD_TYPE

Product: PER - Human Resources
Description: Hazard Type
Quick Codes
Code Meaning Description
AEM Any vehicle Any vehicle or associated equipment /machinery
AMS Any material, substance or product Any material, substance or product
BES Building, engineering structure or excavation Building, engineering structure or excavation/underground working
CFF Construction formwork, shuttering and falsework Construction formwork, shuttering and falsework
EFF Electricity supply cable, wiring apparatus or equipment Electricity supply cable, wiring apparatus or equipment
ENT Entertainment or sporting facilities or equipment Entertainment or sporting facilities or equipment
FGS Floor ground stairs or any working surface Floor ground stairs or any working surface
GVD Gas, vapour or dust Gas, vapour dust fume or oxygen deficient atmosphere
LS Ladder or scaffolding Ladder or scaffolding
LVA Live animal Live animal
MCP Moveable container Moveable container or package
MLC Machinery or Equipment Machinery or Equipment for lifting and conveying
OTE Other Other
OTH Other machinery Other machinery
PHT Portable power or hand tools Portable power or hand tools
PIM Pathogen or infected material Pathogen or infected material
PPC Process plant, pipework Process plant, pipework or bulk storage