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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 7

    SELECT oracle_username
    FROM fnd_oracle_userid
    WHERE oracle_id between 900 and 999;
Line: 25

cursor c1(p_table varchar2) is select table_owner from user_synonyms where synonym_name=p_table;
Line: 48

select cols.table_name
  from all_tab_columns cols
     , bsc_db_tables tbls
 where cols.owner=p_owner
   and cols.table_name=tbls.table_name
   and tbls.table_type=0
   and cols.column_name =p_level_col
   and (cols.data_type<>p_datatype or cols.data_length <>p_data_length)
Line: 63

select level_pk_col, cols.data_type, cols.data_length
  from bsc_sys_dim_levels_b  lvl
     , all_tab_columns cols
 where lvl.level_table_name=p_level
   and lvl.level_table_name = cols.table_name
   and lvl.level_pk_col = cols.column_name
   and cols.owner = p_owner;
Line: 91

  select distinct log_table
    from all_snapshot_logs
    where master = p_level and log_owner = p_owner;
Line: 96

  select cols.column_name, cols.data_type, cols.data_length
    from bsc_sys_dim_levels_b lvl
       , all_tab_columns cols
   where lvl.level_table_name = p_level
     and lvl.level_table_name = cols.table_name
     and cols.owner = p_owner
     and cols.data_type = 'VARCHAR2'
     and (cols.column_name = 'LANGUAGE' or cols.column_name = 'NAME'
          OR cols.column_name in -- code
                 (select column_name
                    from bsc_sys_dim_level_cols lvlcols
                   where lvlcols.dim_level_id=lvl.dim_level_id
                     and column_type='P')
          OR cols.column_name in -- fk code
                 (select relation_col
                    from bsc_Sys_dim_level_rels rels
                   where rels.dim_level_id=lvl.dim_level_id
                     and rels.relation_type=1)
  select column_name, data_type, data_length
    from all_tab_columns
   where table_name =(select distinct log_table from all_snapshot_logs where log_owner=p_owner and log_table=p_mv_log )
   and owner=p_owner
   and data_type='VARCHAR2';
Line: 200

    select log_table
    from all_snapshot_logs
    where master = p_table_name and log_owner = p_table_owner;