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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 74

        SELECT *
        WHERE  rowid = X_Rowid
        FOR UPDATE of Po_Header_Id NOWAIT;
Line: 84

Line: 273

  PROCEDURE NAME:	Update_Row()


  PROCEDURE Update_Row(X_Rowid                          VARCHAR2,
                       X_Po_Header_Id                   NUMBER,
                       X_Agent_Id                       NUMBER,
                       X_Type_Lookup_Code               VARCHAR2,
                       X_Last_Update_Date               DATE,
                       X_Last_Updated_By                NUMBER,
                       X_Segment1                       VARCHAR2,
                       X_Summary_Flag                   VARCHAR2,
                       X_Enabled_Flag                   VARCHAR2,
                       X_Segment2                       VARCHAR2,
                       X_Segment3                       VARCHAR2,
                       X_Segment4                       VARCHAR2,
                       X_Segment5                       VARCHAR2,
                       X_Last_Update_Login              NUMBER,
                       X_Vendor_Id                      NUMBER,
                       X_Vendor_Site_Id                 NUMBER,
                       X_Vendor_Contact_Id              NUMBER,
                       X_Ship_To_Location_Id            NUMBER,
                       X_Bill_To_Location_Id            NUMBER,
                       X_Terms_Id                       NUMBER,
                       X_Ship_Via_Lookup_Code           VARCHAR2,
                       X_Fob_Lookup_Code                VARCHAR2,
                       X_Freight_Terms_Lookup_Code      VARCHAR2,
                       X_Status_Lookup_Code             VARCHAR2,
                       X_Currency_Code                  VARCHAR2,
                       X_Rate_Type                      VARCHAR2,
                       X_Rate_Date                      DATE,
                       X_Rate                           NUMBER,
                       X_From_Header_Id                 NUMBER,
                       X_From_Type_Lookup_Code          VARCHAR2,
                       X_Start_Date                     DATE,
                       X_End_Date                       DATE,
                       X_Revision_Num                   NUMBER,
-- Bug 902976, zxzhang, 10/04/99
-- Change REVISED_DATE from VarChar(25) to Date.
--                     X_Revised_Date                   VARCHAR2,
                       X_Revised_Date                   DATE,
                       X_Note_To_Vendor                 VARCHAR2,
                       X_Printed_Date                   DATE,
                       X_Comments                       VARCHAR2,
                       X_Reply_Date                     DATE,
                       X_Reply_Method_Lookup_Code       VARCHAR2,
                       X_Rfq_Close_Date                 DATE,
                       X_Quote_Type_Lookup_Code         VARCHAR2,
                       X_Quotation_Class_Code           VARCHAR2,
                       X_Quote_Warning_Delay            NUMBER,
                       X_Quote_Vendor_Quote_Number      VARCHAR2,
                       X_Closed_Date                    DATE,
                       X_Approval_Required_Flag         VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute_Category             VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute1                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute2                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute3                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute4                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute5                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute6                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute7                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute8                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute9                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute10                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute11                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute12                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute13                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute14                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute15                    VARCHAR2
 ) IS


     po_header_id                      =     X_Po_Header_Id,
     agent_id                          =     X_Agent_Id,
     type_lookup_code                  =     X_Type_Lookup_Code,
     last_update_date                  =     X_Last_Update_Date,
     last_updated_by                   =     X_Last_Updated_By,
     segment1                          =     X_Segment1,
     summary_flag                      =     X_Summary_Flag,
     enabled_flag                      =     X_Enabled_Flag,
     segment2                          =     X_Segment2,
     segment3                          =     X_Segment3,
     segment4                          =     X_Segment4,
     segment5                          =     X_Segment5,
     last_update_login                 =     X_Last_Update_Login,
     vendor_id                         =     X_Vendor_Id,
     vendor_site_id                    =     X_Vendor_Site_Id,
     vendor_contact_id                 =     X_Vendor_Contact_Id,
     ship_to_location_id               =     X_Ship_To_Location_Id,
     bill_to_location_id               =     X_Bill_To_Location_Id,
     terms_id                          =     X_Terms_Id,
     ship_via_lookup_code              =     X_Ship_Via_Lookup_Code,
     fob_lookup_code                   =     X_Fob_Lookup_Code,
     freight_terms_lookup_code         =     X_Freight_Terms_Lookup_Code,
     status_lookup_code                =     X_Status_Lookup_Code,
     currency_code                     =     X_Currency_Code,
     rate_type                         =     X_Rate_Type,
     rate_date                         =     X_Rate_Date,
     rate                              =     X_Rate,
     from_header_id                    =     X_From_Header_Id,
     from_type_lookup_code             =     X_From_Type_Lookup_Code,
     start_date                        =     X_Start_Date,
     end_date                          =     X_End_Date,
     revision_num                      =     X_Revision_Num,
     revised_date                      =     X_Revised_Date,
     note_to_vendor                    =     X_Note_To_Vendor,
     printed_date                      =     X_Printed_Date,
     comments                          =     X_Comments,
     reply_date                        =     X_Reply_Date,
     reply_method_lookup_code          =     X_Reply_Method_Lookup_Code,
     rfq_close_date                    =     X_Rfq_Close_Date,
     quote_type_lookup_code            =     X_Quote_Type_Lookup_Code,
     quotation_class_code              =     X_Quotation_Class_Code,
     quote_warning_delay               =     X_Quote_Warning_Delay,
     quote_vendor_quote_number         =     X_Quote_Vendor_Quote_Number,
     closed_date                       =     X_Closed_Date,
     approval_required_flag            =     X_Approval_Required_Flag,
     attribute_category                =     X_Attribute_Category,
     attribute1                        =     X_Attribute1,
     attribute2                        =     X_Attribute2,
     attribute3                        =     X_Attribute3,
     attribute4                        =     X_Attribute4,
     attribute5                        =     X_Attribute5,
     attribute6                        =     X_Attribute6,
     attribute7                        =     X_Attribute7,
     attribute8                        =     X_Attribute8,
     attribute9                        =     X_Attribute9,
     attribute10                       =     X_Attribute10,
     attribute11                       =     X_Attribute11,
     attribute12                       =     X_Attribute12,
     attribute13                       =     X_Attribute13,
     attribute14                       =     X_Attribute14,
     attribute15                       =     X_Attribute15

    WHERE rowid = X_rowid;
Line: 416

END Update_Row;