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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 28

    select pbg.security_group_id,
      from per_business_groups_perf pbg
         , hr_person_deployments pdt
     where pdt.person_deployment_id = p_person_deployment_id
         and pbg.business_group_id = pdt.to_business_group_id;
Line: 96

    select pbg.legislation_code
      from per_business_groups_perf     pbg
         , hr_person_deployments pdt
     where pdt.person_deployment_id = p_person_deployment_id
         and pbg.business_group_id = pdt.to_business_group_id;
Line: 361

Procedure chk_non_updateable_args
  (p_rec in hr_pdt_shd.g_rec_type
  ) IS
  l_proc     varchar2(72) := g_package || 'chk_non_updateable_args';
Line: 420

End chk_non_updateable_args;
Line: 459

  select 1
  from   per_business_groups_perf
  where  business_group_id = p_bg_id;
Line: 545

  select 1
  from   per_all_people_f per,
         per_periods_of_service pds
  where  per.person_id = p_person_id
  and    p_effective_date between
         per.effective_start_date and per.effective_end_date
  and    per.business_group_id = p_from_business_group_id
  and    pds.person_id = per.person_id
  and    p_start_date between
         pds.date_start and nvl(pds.actual_termination_date,hr_api.g_eot);
Line: 667

  select per.person_id
  from   per_all_people_f per
  where  per.person_id = p_person_id
  and    p_start_date between
         per.effective_start_date and per.effective_end_date
  and    per.business_group_id = p_to_business_group_id;
Line: 675

  select ptu.person_type_id
  from   per_person_type_usages_f ptu,
         per_person_types ppt
  where  ptu.person_id = p_person_id
  and    ptu.person_type_id = ppt.person_type_id
  and    ppt.system_person_type in ('EMP','CWK','APL')
  and    ptu.effective_end_date >= p_start_date;
Line: 684

  select ptu.person_type_id
  from   per_person_type_usages_f ptu,
         per_person_types ppt
  where  ptu.person_id = p_person_id
  and    ptu.person_type_id = ppt.person_type_id
  and    ppt.system_person_type in ('EMP','CWK','APL')
  and    ptu.effective_start_date > p_start_date
  and not exists (select 1
                  from   per_person_type_usages_f ptu1,
                         per_person_types ppt1
                  where  ptu.person_type_usage_id = ptu1.person_type_usage_id
                  and    ptu1.person_type_id = ppt1.person_type_id
                  and    ppt1.system_person_type in ('EMP','CWK','APL')
                  and    ptu1.effective_start_date = p_start_date);
Line: 848

  select system_person_type,business_group_id,active_flag
  from   per_person_types
  where  person_type_id = p_person_type_id;
Line: 1058

 select min(effective_start_date) from per_all_people_f
 where person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 1130

  select 1
  from   per_all_people_f
  where  person_id = p_from_person_id
  and    effective_start_date > nvl(p_end_date,hr_api.g_eot);
Line: 1330

  select pbg.method_of_generation_emp_num
  from   per_business_groups pbg
  where  pbg.business_group_id=p_to_business_group_id;
Line: 1335

  select employee_number
  from   per_all_people_f
  where  person_id = p_to_person_id
  and    effective_end_date = hr_api.g_eot;
Line: 1341

  select 1
  from   per_all_people_f
  where  effective_end_date = hr_api.g_eot
  and    employee_number=p_employee_number
  and    business_group_id = p_to_business_group_id;
Line: 1566

  select system_person_type,business_group_id,active_flag
  from   per_person_types
  where  person_type_id = p_leaving_person_type_id;
Line: 1835

  select 1
  from   per_all_assignments_f
  where  supervisor_id = p_person_id
  and    p_start_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 1937

  select   1
  from     hr_all_organization_units
  where    organization_id     = p_organization_id
  and      internal_external_flag = 'INT';
Line: 1946

  select   1
  from     per_organization_units
  where    organization_id = p_organization_id
  select   1
  from     per_business_groups_perf
  where    business_group_id = p_to_business_group_id;
Line: 2052

  select inactive_date
  from   hr_locations_all
  where  location_id = p_location_id
  and    nvl(business_group_id,p_to_business_group_id)=p_to_business_group_id;
Line: 2162

  select 1
  from   per_jobs job,
         per_job_groups jgr
  where  job.job_id = p_job_id
  and    p_start_date between job.date_from and nvl(job.date_to,hr_api.g_eot)
  and    job.job_group_id  = jgr.job_group_id
  and    jgr.internal_name = 'HR_'||jgr.business_group_id
  and    (jgr.business_group_id = job.business_group_id
      or jgr.business_group_id is null)
  and    job.business_group_id = p_to_business_group_id;
Line: 2273

  select 1
  from   hr_positions_f hp,
         per_shared_types ps
  where  hp.position_id = p_position_id
  and    hp.business_group_id = p_to_business_group_id
  and    p_start_date between
         hp.effective_start_date and hp.effective_end_date
  and    p_start_date between
         hp.date_effective and nvl(hp.date_end,hr_api.g_eot)
  and    ps.shared_type_id = hp.availability_status_id
  and    ps.system_type_cd = 'ACTIVE';
Line: 2385

  select 1
  from   per_grades grade
  where  grade.grade_id = p_grade_id
  and    grade.business_group_id = p_to_business_group_id
  and    p_start_date between
         grade.date_from and nvl(grade.date_to,hr_api.g_eot);
Line: 2491

  select null
  from   hr_positions_f hp,
         per_shared_types ps
  where  hp.position_id = p_position_id
  and    p_start_date between
         hp.effective_start_date and hp.effective_end_date
  and    hp.job_id = p_job_id
  and    p_start_date between
         hp.date_effective and nvl(hp.date_end,hr_api.g_eot)
  and    ps.shared_type_id = hp.availability_status_id
  and    ps.system_type_cd = 'ACTIVE' ;
Line: 2598

  select 1
  from   per_valid_grades
  where  position_id = p_position_id
  and    p_start_date between
         date_from and nvl(date_to,hr_api.g_eot);
Line: 2605

  select 1
  from   per_valid_grades
  where  position_id = p_position_id
  and    grade_id = p_grade_id
  and    p_start_date between
         date_from and nvl(date_to,hr_api.g_eot);
Line: 2714

  select 1
  from   per_valid_grades
  where  job_id = p_job_id
  and    p_start_date between
         date_from and nvl(date_to,hr_api.g_eot);
Line: 2721

  select 1
  from   per_valid_grades
  where  job_id = p_job_id
  and    grade_id = p_grade_id
  and    p_start_date between
         date_from and nvl(date_to,hr_api.g_eot);
Line: 2830

  select null
  from   hr_positions_f hp,
         per_shared_types ps
  where  hp.position_id = p_position_id
  and    p_start_date between
         hp.effective_start_date and hp.effective_end_date
  and    hp.organization_id = p_organization_id
  and    p_start_date between
         hp.date_effective and nvl(hp.date_end,hr_api.g_eot)
  and    ps.shared_type_id = hp.availability_status_id
  and    ps.system_type_cd = 'ACTIVE' ;
Line: 2940

  select legislation_code
  from per_business_groups_perf
  where business_group_id = p_to_business_group_id;
Line: 2945

  select 1
  from   pay_all_payrolls_f
  where  p_start_date between
         effective_start_date and effective_end_date
  and    payroll_id = p_payroll_id
  and    business_group_id = p_to_business_group_id;
Line: 3067

  select legislation_code
  from per_business_groups_perf
  where business_group_id = p_to_business_group_id;
Line: 3072

  select active_flag, per_system_status
  from   per_ass_status_type_amends
  where  assignment_status_type_id = p_assignment_status_type_id
  and    business_group_id = p_to_business_group_id;
Line: 3078

  select active_flag, per_system_status
  from   per_assignment_status_types
  where  assignment_status_type_id = p_assignment_status_type_id
  and    nvl(business_group_id,p_to_business_group_id) = p_to_business_group_id
  and    nvl(legislation_code,p_legislation_code) = p_legislation_code;
Line: 3208

  select party_id
  from   per_all_people_f
  where  person_id = p_per_id
  and    p_start_date
     between  effective_start_date
       and    effective_end_date;
Line: 3216

  select 1
  from   per_all_people_f
  where  person_id = p_supervisor_id
  and    p_start_date between
         effective_start_date and effective_end_date
  and    nvl(current_employee_flag,'N') = 'Y';
Line: 3341

  select assignment_type
  from   per_all_assignments_f
  where  person_id = p_supervisor_id
  and    p_start_date between
         effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 3452

  select business_group_id
  from   per_pay_bases
  where  pay_basis_id = p_pay_basis_id;
Line: 3542

  select enabled_flag,id_flex_num
  from   pay_people_groups
  where  people_group_id = p_people_group_id
  and    p_start_date between
         nvl(start_date_active,hr_api.g_sot) and nvl(end_date_active,hr_api.g_eot);
Line: 3549

  select people_group_structure
  from   per_business_groups_perf
  where  business_group_id = p_to_business_group_id;
Line: 3668

  select 1
  from   hr_soft_coding_keyflex
  where  soft_coding_keyflex_id = p_soft_coding_keyflex_id
  and    enabled_flag = 'Y'
  and    p_start_date between
         nvl(start_date_active,hr_api.g_sot) and nvl(end_date_active,hr_api.g_eot);
Line: 3676

  select legislation_code
  from   per_business_groups_perf
  where  business_group_id = p_to_business_group_id;
Line: 3681

  select 1
  from   pay_legislation_rules
  where  legislation_code = p_legislation_code
  and    rule_type = 'TAX_UNIT'
  and    rule_mode = 'Y';
Line: 3688

  select 1
  from   fnd_new_messages
  where  message_name = p_message_name
  and    application_id = 801;
Line: 3898

Procedure chk_delete
  (p_person_deployment_id   in hr_person_deployments.person_deployment_id%type
  ) is
  l_proc        varchar2(72) := g_package||'chk_delete';
Line: 3908

  select start_date,status
  from   hr_person_deployments
  where  person_deployment_id = p_person_deployment_id;
Line: 3931

end chk_delete;
Line: 3936

Procedure insert_validate
  (p_rec                          in out nocopy hr_pdt_shd.g_rec_type
  ) is
  l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'insert_validate';
Line: 4314

End insert_validate;
Line: 4319

Procedure update_validate
  (p_rec                          in out nocopy hr_pdt_shd.g_rec_type
  ) is
  l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'update_validate';
Line: 4340

    (p_rec              => p_rec
Line: 4668

End update_validate;
Line: 4673

Procedure delete_validate
  (p_rec                          in hr_pdt_shd.g_rec_type
  ) is
  l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'delete_validate';
Line: 4685

End delete_validate;