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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 193

    l_update_summary BOOLEAN;
Line: 440

       l_update_summary := FALSE ;
Line: 464

       l_update_summary := TRUE ;
Line: 504

       ,p_update                        => l_update_summary
Line: 744

Line: 1231

PROCEDURE update_absence_plan_details
  (p_assignment_id             IN  NUMBER
  ,p_person_id                 IN  NUMBER
  ,p_business_group_id         IN  NUMBER
  ,p_absence_id                IN  NUMBER
  ,p_absence_date_start        IN  DATE
  ,p_absence_date_end          IN  DATE
  ,p_pl_id                     IN  NUMBER
  ,p_pl_typ_id                 IN  NUMBER
  ,p_element_type_id           IN  NUMBER --
  ,p_update_start_date         IN  DATE   --
  ,p_update_end_date           IN  DATE   --
  ,p_output_type               IN  ff_exec.outputs_t
  ,p_error_code                OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  ,p_message                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2

  l_absence_end_date              DATE;
Line: 1257

Line: 1275

    debug( p_update_start_date);
Line: 1276

    debug(p_update_end_date );
Line: 1384

      (p_assignment_id             => p_assignment_id
      ,p_business_group_id         => p_business_group_id
      ,p_plan_id                   => p_pl_id
      ,p_absence_id                => p_absence_id
      ,p_delete_start_date        => l_absence_end_date+1
      ,p_delete_end_date          => l_gap_absence_plan.last_gap_daily_absence_date
      ,p_error_code                => l_error_code
      ,p_message                   => l_error_message
Line: 1427

END update_absence_plan_details ;
Line: 1450

SELECT pgda.level_of_entitlement
       ,SUM(pgda.duration) days
       ,SUM(pgda.duration_in_hours) hours
 FROM   pqp_gap_daily_absences  pgda
       ,pqp_gap_absence_plans   pgap
       ,per_absence_attendances paa
       ,ben_pl_f                bpf
WHERE pgda.gap_absence_plan_id   = pgap.gap_absence_plan_id
  AND pgap.absence_attendance_id = paa.absence_attendance_id
  AND pgda.absence_date         <= p_effective_date
  AND pgap.assignment_id         = p_assignment_id
  AND paa.business_group_id      = p_business_group_id
  AND paa.business_group_id      = bpf.business_group_id
  AND bpf.pl_id                  = pgap.pl_id
  AND bpf.pl_typ_id              = p_pl_typ_id
GROUP BY level_of_entitlement
ORDER BY level_of_entitlement;