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2 /* $Header: cscvpskb.pls 120.6 2006/04/17 21:14:32 kjhamb noship $ */
4  -- This procedure accepts service key name, service key value and returns all
5  -- ID information that are found when search is made on a servcie key name and
6  -- value.
7  PROCEDURE Service_Key_Search (
8     p_skey_name IN VARCHAR2,
9     p_skey_value IN VARCHAR2,
10     x_hdr_info_tbl OUT NOCOPY HDR_INFO_TBL_TYPE )
11  IS
12    -- Local Variable declaration
13    l_skey_value 	VARCHAR2(2000);
14    l_skey_name 		VARCHAR2(40);
15    l_party_id		NUMBER;
16    l_object_id		NUMBER;
17    l_incident_id	NUMBER;
18    l_contact_point_type VARCHAR2(30);
19    l_contact_type	VARCHAR2(100);
20    l_count 		NUMBER :=0;
21    l_hdr_info_tbl       CSC_SERVICE_KEY_PVT.hdr_info_tbl_type;
22    l_sold_to_contact_id NUMBER;
24    -- Cursor declaration for Service Keys
26    -- Service Request
27    -- Querying Customer information using service request number
28    CURSOR SR_Customer_Cur IS
29 	SELECT incident_id, customer_id, customer_phone_id, customer_email_id,
30 	       account_id
31    	FROM cs_incidents_all_b
32 	WHERE incident_number = l_skey_value;
34   -- Querying Contact Information using Incident Id
35    CURSOR SR_Contact_Cur IS
36   	SELECT party_id, contact_point_id, contact_point_type, contact_type
37  	FROM cs_hz_sr_contact_points
38 	WHERE primary_flag = 'Y' AND
39 	      --contact_type <> 'EMPLOYEE' AND
40 	      incident_id = l_incident_id;
42   -- Querying secondary contact point for a contact
43    CURSOR SR_sec_cont_pt_cur  IS
44 	SELECT contact_point_id, contact_point_type
45 	FROM cs_hz_sr_contact_points
46 	WHERE incident_id = l_incident_id AND
47 	      party_id = l_party_id AND
48 	      contact_point_type = l_contact_point_type AND
49 	      rownum < 2;
51    -- Querying subject party id for a contact
52     CURSOR party_cont_sub_id_cur IS
53 	SELECT subject_id
54 	FROM hz_relationships
55 	WHERE party_id = l_party_id AND
56 	      subject_type = 'PERSON' AND
57               object_id = l_object_id;
59    -- Invoice Number
60     CURSOR invoice_num_cur IS
61 	SELECT cust_acct.party_id, cust_acct.cust_account_id, customer_trx_id, ra.org_id org_id
62 	FROM hz_cust_accounts cust_acct, ra_customer_trx_all ra
63 	WHERE cust_acct.cust_account_id = ra.bill_to_customer_id AND
64 	      ra.complete_flag = 'Y' AND
65 	      ra.cust_trx_type_id IN
66 			( SELECT cust_trx_type_id FROM ra_cust_trx_types_all
67 			  WHERE type = 'INV') AND
68 	      ra.trx_number = l_skey_value;
70    -- Invoice Number -- MOAC
71     CURSOR invoice_num_moac_cur IS
72 	SELECT cust_acct.party_id, cust_acct.cust_account_id, customer_trx_id, ra.org_id org_id
73 	FROM hz_cust_accounts cust_acct, ra_customer_trx ra
74 	WHERE cust_acct.cust_account_id = ra.bill_to_customer_id AND
75 	      ra.complete_flag = 'Y' AND
76 	      ra.cust_trx_type_id IN
77 			( SELECT cust_trx_type_id FROM ra_cust_trx_types
78 			  WHERE type = 'INV') AND
79 	      ra.trx_number = l_skey_value;
81     -- Order Number
82     CURSOR order_num_cur IS
83 	SELECT hza.party_id, hza.cust_account_id, oe.header_id, oe.org_id, oe.sold_to_contact_id
84 	FROM oe_order_headers_all oe, hz_cust_accounts hza
85 	WHERE oe.sold_to_org_id = hza.cust_account_id AND
86 	      oe.order_number = l_skey_value;
88      CURSOR order_contact_cur IS
89         SELECT party_id
90         FROM hz_cust_account_roles
91         WHERE cust_account_role_id = l_sold_to_contact_id;
94   -- Order Number -- MOAC
95     CURSOR order_num_moac_cur IS
96 	SELECT hza.party_id, hza.cust_account_id, oe.header_id, oe.org_id, oe.sold_to_contact_id
97 	FROM oe_order_headers oe, hz_cust_accounts hza
98 	WHERE oe.sold_to_org_id = hza.cust_account_id AND
99 	      oe.order_number = l_skey_value;
101   -- RMA Number
102     CURSOR rma_num_cur IS
103 	SELECT hza.party_id, hza.cust_account_id, oe.header_id, oe.org_id, oe.sold_to_contact_id
104 	FROM oe_order_headers_all oe, hz_cust_accounts hza
105 	WHERE oe.sold_to_org_id = hza.cust_account_id AND
106 -- Bug Fix 5136678 Added 'Mixed' Category Code
107 	      oe.order_category_code IN ('RETURN','MIXED') AND
108 	      oe.order_number = l_skey_value;
110   -- RMA Number MOAC
111     CURSOR rma_num_moac_cur IS
112 	SELECT hza.party_id, hza.cust_account_id, oe.header_id, oe.org_id, oe.sold_to_contact_id
113 	FROM oe_order_headers oe, hz_cust_accounts hza
114 	WHERE oe.sold_to_org_id = hza.cust_account_id AND
115 --Bug Fix 5136678 Added 'Mixed' Category Code
116 	      oe.order_category_code IN ('RETURN','MIXED') AND
117 	      oe.order_number = l_skey_value;
119   -- Contract Number
120     CURSOR contract_num_cur IS
121 	SELECT party_id, contract_id
122 	FROM oks_ent_hdr_summary_v
123         WHERE contract_number = l_skey_value;
125    -- System
126     CURSOR system_cur IS
127 	SELECT hca.party_id, hca.cust_account_id, csb.system_id
128 	FROM csi_systems_vl csb, hz_cust_accounts hca
129 	WHERE csb.customer_id = hca.cust_account_id
130 	AND csb.name = l_skey_value;
132    -- Tag Number
133     CURSOR tag_num_cur IS
134 	SELECT item.owner_party_id, item.owner_party_account_id, instance_id
135 	FROM csi_item_instances item
136 	WHERE item.external_reference IS NOT NULL
137 	AND item.external_reference = l_skey_value;
139   -- Serial Number
140     CURSOR serial_num_cur IS
141 	SELECT item.owner_party_id, item.owner_party_account_id, instance_id
142 	FROM csi_item_instances item
143 	WHERE item.serial_number  IS NOT NULL
144 	AND item.serial_number = l_skey_value;
146   -- Instance Name
147    CURSOR instance_name_cur IS
148        SELECT owner_party_id, owner_party_account_id, instance_id
149        FROM csi_item_instances
150        WHERE owner_party_source_table = 'HZ_PARTIES'
151        AND instance_description IS NOT NULL
152        AND instance_description = l_skey_value;
154   -- Instance Number
155    CURSOR instance_num_cur IS
156        SELECT owner_party_id, owner_party_account_id, instance_id
157        FROM csi_item_instances
158        WHERE owner_party_source_table = 'HZ_PARTIES'
159        AND instance_number IS NOT NULL
160        AND instance_number = l_skey_value;
162   --SSN
163    CURSOR SSN_cur IS
164  	SELECT party_id
165         FROM hz_parties
166 	WHERE jgzz_fiscal_code = l_skey_value;
171    l_skey_value := p_skey_value;
172    l_skey_name  := p_skey_name;
174       CSC_Service_Key_CUHK.Service_Key_Search_Pre(p_skey_name => l_skey_name,
175 						  p_skey_value => l_skey_value,
176 						  x_hdr_info_tbl => l_hdr_info_tbl);
177       x_hdr_info_tbl := l_hdr_info_tbl;
178    ELSE
179     IF p_skey_name = 'SERVICE_REQUEST_NUMBER' THEN
180       FOR sr_customer_rec IN sr_customer_cur
181       LOOP
182 	  l_count := l_count + 1;
183 	  x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).cust_party_id := sr_customer_rec.customer_id;
184           l_object_id := x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).cust_party_id;
185 	  x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).cust_phone_id :=
186 					sr_customer_rec.customer_phone_id;
187 	  x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).cust_email_id :=
188 					sr_customer_rec.customer_email_id;
189 	  x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).account_id := sr_customer_rec.account_id;
190           l_incident_id := sr_customer_rec.incident_id;
191 	  x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).service_key_id := l_incident_id;
193           --IF l_incident_id IS NOT NULL THEN
194 	     FOR sr_contact_rec IN sr_contact_cur
195   	     LOOP
196 	         l_contact_type := sr_contact_rec.contact_type;
197 	         IF l_contact_type = 'EMPLOYEE' THEN
198 		   x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).employee_id :=
199 						sr_contact_rec.party_id;
200                  ELSE
201 		   x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).rel_party_id :=
202 						sr_contact_rec.party_id;
203                  END IF;
204                  l_party_id :=  sr_contact_rec.party_id;
205 		 l_contact_point_type := sr_contact_rec.contact_point_type;
207  		 IF l_contact_point_type = 'PHONE' THEN
208 		    x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).rel_phone_id :=
209 					sr_contact_rec.contact_point_id;
210 		    l_contact_point_type := 'EMAIL';
211 		    FOR sr_sec_cont_pt_rec IN sr_sec_cont_pt_cur
212 		    LOOP
213 		       x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).rel_email_id :=
214 				  	sr_sec_cont_pt_rec.contact_point_id;
215 		    END LOOP;
216  		 ELSIF l_contact_point_type = 'EMAIL' THEN
217 		    x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).rel_email_id :=
218 					sr_contact_rec.contact_point_id;
219 		    l_contact_point_type := 'PHONE';
220 		    FOR sr_sec_cont_pt_rec IN sr_sec_cont_pt_cur
221 		    LOOP
222 		       x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).rel_phone_id :=
223 				  	sr_sec_cont_pt_rec.contact_point_id;
224 		    END LOOP;
225 		 END IF;
226 		 l_party_id :=  x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).rel_party_id;
227 		 FOR sr_cont_sub_id_rec IN party_cont_sub_id_cur
228   		 LOOP
229 		     x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).per_party_id :=
230 					sr_cont_sub_id_rec.subject_id;
231 		 END LOOP;
232 	     END LOOP;
233 	     IF x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).rel_party_id = x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).cust_party_id AND
234                  x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).per_party_id IS NULL THEN
235                  x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).per_party_id := x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).cust_party_id;
236              END IF;
238 	  --END IF;
240       END LOOP;
242    ELSIF p_skey_name = 'INVOICE_NUMBER' THEN
243     if mo_global.get_access_mode = 'M' then
244      FOR invoice_num_rec IN invoice_num_moac_cur
245      LOOP
246 	l_count := l_count + 1;
247 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).cust_party_id  := invoice_num_rec.party_id;
248 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).account_id     := invoice_num_rec.cust_account_id;
249 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).service_key_id := invoice_num_rec.customer_trx_id;
250         -- Added org_id as part of the MOAC project. This org_id will be used to
251         -- populate the oeprating unit in the header.
252 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).org_id := invoice_num_rec.org_id;
253      END LOOP;
254     else
255      FOR invoice_num_rec IN invoice_num_cur
256      LOOP
257 	l_count := l_count + 1;
258 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).cust_party_id  := invoice_num_rec.party_id;
259 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).account_id     := invoice_num_rec.cust_account_id;
260 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).service_key_id := invoice_num_rec.customer_trx_id;
261         -- Added org_id as part of the MOAC project. This org_id will be used to
262         -- populate the oeprating unit in the header.
263 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).org_id := invoice_num_rec.org_id;
264      END LOOP;
265     end if;
267    ELSIF p_skey_name = 'ORDER_NUMBER' THEN
268     IF mo_global.get_access_mode = 'M' THEN
269      FOR order_num_rec IN order_num_moac_cur
270      LOOP
271 	l_count := l_count + 1;
272 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).cust_party_id  := order_num_rec.party_id;
273 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).account_id     := order_num_rec.cust_account_id;
274 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).service_key_id := order_num_rec.header_id;
275         -- Added org_id as part of the MOAC project. This org_id will be used to
276         -- populate the oeprating unit in the header.
277 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).org_id := order_num_rec.org_id;
279         -- Included following logic to identify Contact for the order
280         l_sold_to_contact_id := order_num_rec.sold_to_contact_id;
281         FOR order_contact_rec IN order_contact_cur
282         LOOP
283             x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).rel_party_id := order_contact_rec.party_id;
284         END LOOP;
285         l_party_id := x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).rel_party_id;
286         l_object_id := x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).cust_party_id;
287         FOR order_cont_sub_id_rec IN party_cont_sub_id_cur
288         LOOP
289             x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).per_party_id :=  order_cont_sub_id_rec.subject_id;
290         END LOOP;
291 	IF x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).rel_party_id = x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).cust_party_id AND
292            x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).per_party_id IS NULL THEN
293            x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).per_party_id := x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).cust_party_id;
294         END IF;
296      END LOOP;
297     ELSE
298      FOR order_num_rec IN order_num_cur
299      LOOP
300 	l_count := l_count + 1;
301 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).cust_party_id  := order_num_rec.party_id;
302 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).account_id     := order_num_rec.cust_account_id;
303 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).service_key_id := order_num_rec.header_id;
304         -- Added org_id as part of the MOAC project. This org_id will be used to
305         -- populate the oeprating unit in the header.
306 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).org_id := order_num_rec.org_id;
308         -- Included following logic to identify Contact for the order
309         l_sold_to_contact_id := order_num_rec.sold_to_contact_id;
310 	FOR order_contact_rec IN order_contact_cur
311         LOOP
312             x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).rel_party_id := order_contact_rec.party_id;
313         END LOOP;
314         l_party_id := x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).rel_party_id;
315         l_object_id := x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).cust_party_id;
316         FOR order_cont_sub_id_rec IN party_cont_sub_id_cur
317         LOOP
318               x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).per_party_id :=  order_cont_sub_id_rec.subject_id;
319         END LOOP;
320 	IF x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).rel_party_id = x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).cust_party_id AND
321            x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).per_party_id IS NULL THEN
322            x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).per_party_id := x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).cust_party_id;
323         END IF;
325       END LOOP;
326      END IF;
328    ELSIF p_skey_name = 'RMA_NUMBER' THEN
329     IF mo_global.get_access_mode = 'M' THEN
330      FOR rma_num_rec IN rma_num_moac_cur
331      LOOP
332 	l_count := l_count + 1;
333 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).cust_party_id  := rma_num_rec.party_id;
334 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).account_id     := rma_num_rec.cust_account_id;
335 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).service_key_id := rma_num_rec.header_id;
336         -- Added org_id as part of the MOAC project. This org_id will be used to
337         -- populate the oeprating unit in the header.
338 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).org_id := rma_num_rec.org_id;
340         -- Included following logic to identify Contact for the order
341         l_sold_to_contact_id := rma_num_rec.sold_to_contact_id;
342         FOR rma_contact_rec IN order_contact_cur
343         LOOP
344            x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).rel_party_id := rma_contact_rec.party_id;
345         END LOOP; -- end loop for order_contact_rec
346         l_party_id := x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).rel_party_id;
347         l_object_id := x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).cust_party_id;
348         FOR rma_cont_sub_id_rec IN party_cont_sub_id_cur
349         LOOP
350            x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).per_party_id :=  rma_cont_sub_id_rec.subject_id;
351         END LOOP; -- end loop for order_cont_sub_id_rec
352 	IF x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).rel_party_id = x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).cust_party_id AND
353            x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).per_party_id IS NULL THEN
354            x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).per_party_id := x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).cust_party_id;
355         END IF;
357       END LOOP; -- end loop for rma_num_rec
359     ELSE  -- else for mo_global.get_access_mode
361      FOR rma_num_rec IN rma_num_cur
362      LOOP
363 	l_count := l_count + 1;
364 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).cust_party_id  := rma_num_rec.party_id;
365 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).account_id     := rma_num_rec.cust_account_id;
366 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).service_key_id := rma_num_rec.header_id;
367         -- Added org_id as part of the MOAC project. This org_id will be used to
368         -- populate the oeprating unit in the header.
369 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).org_id := rma_num_rec.org_id;
371         -- Included following logic to identify Contact for the order
372         l_sold_to_contact_id := rma_num_rec.sold_to_contact_id;
373         FOR rma_contact_rec IN order_contact_cur
374         LOOP
375            x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).rel_party_id := rma_contact_rec.party_id;
376         END LOOP; -- end loop for rma_contact_rec
377         l_party_id := x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).rel_party_id;
378         l_object_id := x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).cust_party_id;
379         FOR rma_cont_sub_id_rec IN party_cont_sub_id_cur
380         LOOP
381             x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).per_party_id :=  rma_cont_sub_id_rec.subject_id;
382         END LOOP; -- end loop for rma_cont_sub_id_rec
383 	IF x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).rel_party_id = x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).cust_party_id AND
384            x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).per_party_id IS NULL THEN
385            x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).per_party_id := x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).cust_party_id;
386         END IF;
388      END LOOP; -- end loop for rma_num_rec
389     END IF; -- end if for mo_global.get_access_mode
391    ELSIF p_skey_name = 'CONTRACT_NUMBER' THEN
392      FOR contract_num_rec IN contract_num_cur
393      LOOP
394 	l_count := l_count + 1;
395 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).cust_party_id  := contract_num_rec.party_id;
396 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).service_key_id := contract_num_rec.contract_id;
397      END LOOP;
398    ELSIF p_skey_name = 'SYSTEM_NUMBER' THEN
399      FOR system_rec IN system_cur
400      LOOP
401 	l_count := l_count + 1;
402 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).cust_party_id  := system_rec.party_id;
403 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).account_id     := system_rec.cust_account_id;
404 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).service_key_id := system_rec.system_id;
405      END LOOP;
406    ELSIF p_skey_name = 'EXTERNAL_REFERENCE' THEN
407      FOR tag_num_rec IN tag_num_cur
408      LOOP
409 	l_count := l_count + 1;
410 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).cust_party_id  := tag_num_rec.owner_party_id;
411 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).account_id     := tag_num_rec.owner_party_account_id;
412 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).service_key_id := tag_num_rec.instance_id;
413      END LOOP;
414    ELSIF p_skey_name = 'SERIAL_NUMBER' THEN
415      FOR serial_num_rec IN serial_num_cur
416      LOOP
417 	l_count := l_count + 1;
418 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).cust_party_id  := serial_num_rec.owner_party_id;
419 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).account_id     := serial_num_rec.owner_party_account_id;
420 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).service_key_id := serial_num_rec.instance_id;
421      END LOOP;
422    ELSIF p_skey_name = 'INSTANCE_NAME' THEN
423      FOR instance_name_rec IN instance_name_cur
424      LOOP
425 	l_count := l_count + 1;
426 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).cust_party_id  := instance_name_rec.owner_party_id;
427 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).account_id     := instance_name_rec.owner_party_account_id;
428 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).service_key_id := instance_name_rec.instance_id;
429      END LOOP;
430    ELSIF p_skey_name = 'INSTANCE_NUMBER' THEN
431      FOR instance_num_rec IN instance_num_cur
432      LOOP
433 	l_count := l_count + 1;
434 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).cust_party_id  := instance_num_rec.owner_party_id;
435 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).account_id     := instance_num_rec.owner_party_account_id;
436 	x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).service_key_id := instance_num_rec.instance_id;
437      END LOOP;
438    ELSIF p_skey_name = 'SSN' THEN
439      FOR SSN_rec in SSN_cur
440      LOOP
441 	l_count := l_count + 1;
442         x_hdr_info_tbl(l_count).cust_party_id  := SSN_rec.party_id;
443      END LOOP;
444    END IF;
446    END IF;
450     --FND_MESSAGE.Set_Token('PARAMETER', 'Order');
451     --APP_EXCEPTION.raise_exception;
453      FND_MSG_PUB.Build_Exc_Msg( p_pkg_name => 'CSC_SERVICE_KEY_PVT',
454 				p_procedure_name => 'Service_Key_Search');
455      APP_EXCEPTION.raise_exception;
456  END Service_Key_Search;