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2 -- $Header: WSHPRPBS.pls 120.3 2007/12/21 14:24:46 mvudugul ship $
3 /*#
4  * This is the public interface for picking batches. This package
5  * has procedures for creating and releasing picking batches.
6  * @rep:scope public
7  * @rep:product WSH
8  * @rep:displayname Picking Batch
9  * @rep:lifecycle active
12  * @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY WSH_TRIP
14  */
15 --
16 --===================
18 --===================
19 --
20 --
21  TYPE Batch_Info_rec IS Record (
22              Backorders_Only_Flag        wsh_picking_batches.Backorders_Only_Flag%TYPE,
23 	     Document_Set_Id             wsh_picking_batches.Document_Set_Id%TYPE,
24 	     Document_Set_Name           wsh_report_sets.name%TYPE,
25              Existing_Rsvs_Only_Flag     wsh_picking_batches.Existing_Rsvs_Only_Flag%TYPE,
26              Shipment_Priority_Code      wsh_picking_batches.Shipment_Priority_Code%TYPE,
27              Ship_Method_Code            wsh_picking_batches.Ship_Method_Code%TYPE,
28 	     Ship_Method_Name            fnd_lookup_values_vl.meaning%TYPE,
29              Customer_Id                 wsh_picking_batches.Customer_Id%TYPE,
30 	     --TCA view removal Changes Starts
31 	     Customer_Number             hz_cust_accounts.account_number%TYPE, /*Customer Number*/
32 	     --TCA view removal Changes End
33              Order_Header_Id             wsh_picking_batches.Order_Header_Id%TYPE,
34 	     Order_Number                oe_order_headers_all.Order_Number%TYPE,
35 	     Ship_Set_Id                 wsh_picking_batches.Ship_Set_Number%TYPE,
36 	     Ship_Set_Number             oe_sets.set_name%TYPE,
37              Inventory_Item_Id           wsh_picking_batches.Inventory_Item_Id%TYPE,
38              Order_Type_Id               wsh_picking_batches.Order_Type_Id%TYPE,
39 	     Order_Type_Name             oe_transaction_types_tl.name%TYPE,
40              From_Requested_Date         DATE,
41              To_Requested_Date           DATE,
42              From_Scheduled_Ship_Date    DATE,
43              To_Scheduled_Ship_Date      DATE,
44              Ship_To_Location_Id         wsh_picking_batches.Ship_To_Location_Id%TYPE,
45 	     Ship_To_Location_code       hr_locations_all_tl.location_code%TYPE,
46              Ship_From_Location_Id       wsh_picking_batches.Ship_From_Location_Id%TYPE,
47 	     Ship_From_Location_code     hr_locations_all_tl.location_code%TYPE,
48              Trip_Id                     wsh_picking_batches.Trip_Id%TYPE,
49 	     Trip_Name                   wsh_trips.name%TYPE,
50              Delivery_Id                 wsh_picking_batches.Delivery_Id%TYPE,
51 	     Delivery_Name               wsh_new_deliveries.name%TYPE,
52              Include_Planned_Lines       wsh_picking_batches.Include_Planned_Lines%TYPE,
53              Pick_Grouping_Rule_Id       wsh_picking_batches.Pick_Grouping_Rule_Id%TYPE,
54              Pick_Grouping_Rule_Name     wsh_pick_grouping_rules.name%TYPE,
55              Pick_Sequence_Rule_Id       wsh_picking_batches.Pick_Sequence_Rule_Id%TYPE,
56              Pick_Sequence_Rule_Name     wsh_pick_sequence_rules.name%TYPE,
57 	     Autocreate_Delivery_Flag    wsh_picking_batches.Autocreate_Delivery_Flag%TYPE,
58              Attribute_Category          wsh_picking_batches.Attribute_Category%TYPE,
59              Attribute1                  wsh_picking_batches.Attribute1%TYPE,
60              Attribute2                  wsh_picking_batches.Attribute2%TYPE,
61              Attribute3                  wsh_picking_batches.Attribute3%TYPE,
62              Attribute4                  wsh_picking_batches.Attribute4%TYPE,
63              Attribute5                  wsh_picking_batches.Attribute5%TYPE,
64              Attribute6                  wsh_picking_batches.Attribute6%TYPE,
65              Attribute7                  wsh_picking_batches.Attribute7%TYPE,
66              Attribute8                  wsh_picking_batches.Attribute8%TYPE,
67              Attribute9                  wsh_picking_batches.Attribute9%TYPE,
68              Attribute10                 wsh_picking_batches.Attribute10%TYPE,
69              Attribute11                 wsh_picking_batches.Attribute11%TYPE,
70              Attribute12                 wsh_picking_batches.Attribute12%TYPE,
71              Attribute13                 wsh_picking_batches.Attribute13%TYPE,
72              Attribute14                 wsh_picking_batches.Attribute14%TYPE,
73              Attribute15                 wsh_picking_batches.Attribute15%TYPE,
74              Autodetail_Pr_Flag          wsh_picking_batches.Autodetail_Pr_Flag%TYPE,
75 	     -- Bug#: 3266659 - Removing carrier params
76              -- Carrier_Id                  wsh_picking_batches.Carrier_Id%TYPE,
77              -- Carrier_Name                wsh_carriers_v.carrier_name%TYPE,
78              Trip_Stop_Id                wsh_picking_batches.Trip_Stop_Id%TYPE,
79 	     Trip_Stop_location_id       wsh_trip_stops.Stop_Id%TYPE,
80              Default_Stage_Subinventory  wsh_picking_batches.Default_Stage_Subinventory%TYPE,
81              Default_Stage_Locator_Id    wsh_picking_batches.Default_Stage_Locator_Id%TYPE,
82              Pick_From_Subinventory      wsh_picking_batches.Pick_From_Subinventory%TYPE,
83              Pick_From_locator_Id        wsh_picking_batches.Pick_From_locator_Id%TYPE,
84              Auto_Pick_Confirm_Flag      wsh_picking_batches.Auto_Pick_Confirm_Flag%TYPE,
85              Delivery_Detail_Id          wsh_picking_batches.Delivery_Detail_Id%TYPE,
86              Project_Id                  wsh_picking_batches.Project_Id%TYPE,
87              Task_Id                     wsh_picking_batches.Task_Id%TYPE,
88              Organization_Id             wsh_picking_batches.Organization_Id%TYPE,
89 	     Organization_Code           org_organization_definitions.organization_code%TYPE,
90              Ship_Confirm_Rule_Id        wsh_picking_batches.Ship_Confirm_Rule_Id%TYPE,
91 	     Ship_Confirm_Rule_Name      wsh_Ship_Confirm_rules.name%TYPE,
92              Autopack_Flag               wsh_picking_batches.Autopack_Flag%TYPE,
93              Autopack_Level              wsh_picking_batches.Autopack_Level%TYPE,
94              Task_Planning_Flag          wsh_picking_batches.Task_Planning_Flag%TYPE,
95              -- Non_Picking_flag            wsh_picking_batches.Non_Picking_flag%TYPE,
96              Category_Set_ID             wsh_picking_batches.Category_Set_ID%TYPE,
97              Category_ID                 wsh_picking_batches.Category_ID%TYPE,
98              Ship_Set_Smc_Flag           wsh_picking_batches.Ship_Set_Smc_Flag%TYPE,
99 	     -- Bug#: 3266659 - Adding the  columns like zone, region, delivery criteria, release
100 	     --			subinventory and append flag
101 	     region_ID                   wsh_picking_batches.region_id%TYPE,
102 	     zone_ID                     wsh_picking_batches.zone_id%TYPE,
103 	     ac_Delivery_Criteria        wsh_picking_batches.ac_delivery_criteria%TYPE,
104 	     rel_subinventory            wsh_picking_batches.rel_subinventory%TYPE,
105 	     append_flag                 wsh_picking_batches.append_flag%TYPE := 'N',
106              task_priority               wsh_picking_batches.task_priority%TYPE,
107              actual_departure_date       wsh_picking_batches.actual_departure_date%TYPE,
108              allocation_method           wsh_picking_batches.allocation_method%TYPE, -- X-dock
109              crossdock_criteria_id       wsh_picking_batches.crossdock_criteria_id%TYPE, -- X-dock
110              crossdock_criteria_name     varchar2(80), -- X-dock
111              dynamic_replenishment_flag    varchar2(1) --bug# 6689448 (replenishment project)
112   );
114 --===================
116 --===================
118 -- Start of comments
119 --
120 -- API Name          : Create_Batch
121 -- Type              : Public
122 -- Purpose
123 -- Pre-reqs          : None.
124 -- Function          : The procedure takes in a rule_id / rule_name and brings up the default
125 --                     values for a new batch to be created.
126 --                     It then uses the information in the in parameter p_batch_rec and replaces the
127 --                     values it picked up from the rule with the not null members of p_batch_rec
128 --                     It then creates a new batch_id and inserts a new batch in the picking batch table
129 --                     It will do some basic validations on the  the input parameters
130 --
131 --
132 -- PARAMETERS        : p_api_version_number    known api version  number
133 --                     p_init_msg_list         FND_API.G_TRUE to reset list
134 --                     p_commit                FND_API.G_TRUE to perform a commit
135 --                     x_return_status         return status
136 --                     x_msg_count             number of messages in the list
137 --                     x_msg_data              text of messages
138 --                     p_rule_id               Pick Release Rule Id --For Defaulting purpose
139 --                     p_rule_name             Pick Release Rule Name --For Defaulting purpose
140 --                     p_batch_rec             which contains all the Picking Batch parameters.
141 --                     p_batch_prefix          Which used to prefix for the Batch Name
142 --                                             i.e, Batch_Name becomes p_batch_prefix-batch_id
143 --                     x_batch_id              Returns the batch Id created
144 -- VERSION          :  current version         1.0
145 --                     initial version         1.0
146 -- End of comments
148 /*#
149  * This procedure is used to create a picking batch. The procedure takes in a pick release
150  * rule_id / rule_name and brings up the default values for a new batch to be created.
151  * It then uses the information in the parameter p_batch_rec and replaces the values it
152  * picked up from the rule with the not null values of p_batch_rec. A new batch is
153  * inserted in the picking batch table.
154  * @param p_api_version         version number of the API
155  * @param p_init_msg_list       messages will be initialized, if set as true
156  * @param p_commit              commits the transaction, if set as true
157  * @param x_return_status       return status of the API
158  * @param x_msg_count           number of messages, if any
159  * @param x_msg_data            message text, if any
160  * @param p_rule_id             pick release rule id for getting the defaulting rule to be used
161  * @param p_rule_name           pick release rule name for getting the defaulting rule to be used
162  * @param p_batch_rec           record structure for picking batch parameters.
163  * @param p_batch_prefix        prefix for the batch name
164  * @param x_batch_id            batch_id that is created by this procedure
165  * @rep:scope public
166  * @rep:lifecycle active
167  * @rep:displayname Create Picking Batch
168  */
169  PROCEDURE Create_Batch (
170         ----- Standard parameters
171          p_api_version        IN   NUMBER,
172          p_init_msg_list      IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
173          p_commit             IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
174          x_return_status      OUT  NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
175          x_msg_count          OUT  NOCOPY    NUMBER,
176          x_msg_data           OUT  NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
178         ---- Program specific paramters.
179          p_rule_id            IN   NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL,
180 	 p_rule_name          IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
181          p_batch_rec          IN   WSH_PICKING_BATCHES_PUB.Batch_Info_Rec,
182          p_batch_prefix       IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
183          x_batch_id           OUT  NOCOPY    NUMBER
185  );
188 -- Start of comments
189 --
190 -- API Name          : Release_Batch
191 -- Type              : Public
192 -- Purpose
193 -- Pre-reqs          : None.
194 -- Function          : The procedure takes in a Batch_id/ Batch_name and depending on the p_release_mode
195 --                     value it process the batch.   p_log_level value should be greator than 0 when
196 --                     customer want to get the pick release log incase of concurrent pick release
197 --
198 --                     It will do some basic validations on the  the input parameters
202 --                     p_init_msg_list         FND_API.G_TRUE to reset list
199 --                     like log_level should be positive  ,and on the not null values of p_batch_rec.
200 --
201 -- PARAMETERS        : p_api_version_number    known api version  number
203 --                     p_commit                FND_API.G_TRUE to perform a commit
204 --                     x_return_status         return status
205 --                     x_msg_count             number of messages in the list
206 --                     x_msg_data              text of messages
207 --                     p_batch_id              Picking Batch Id which is used to get Batch
208 --					       information from the wsh_picking_batches table.
209 --                     p_batch_name            Picking Batch Name which is used to get Batch
210 --					       information from the wsh_picking_batches table.
211 --                     p_log_level             Controlls the log message generated by cuncurrent
212 --					       pick release process.
213 --                     p_release_mode          Used to do ONLINE or CONCURRENT pick release,
214 --                                             Default is "CONCURREN"
215 --                     x_request_id            Returns request Id for concurrent pick release request
216 -- VERSION           : current version         1.0
217 --                     initial version         1.0
218 -- End of comments
220 /*#
221  * This procedure is used to release a picking batch. The procedure takes in a pick release
222  * Batch_id/ Batch_name and depending on the pick release mode value it processes the batch.
223  * Log level value should be greater than 0 when the pick release log is needed.
224  * @param p_api_version         version number of the API
225  * @param p_init_msg_list       messages will be initialized, if set as true
226  * @param p_commit              commits the transaction, if set as true
227  * @param x_return_status       return status of the API
228  * @param x_msg_count           number of messages, if any
229  * @param x_msg_data            message text, if any
230  * @param p_batch_id            Picking Batch Id to be released.
231  * @param p_batch_name          Picking Batch Name to be released.
232  * @param p_log_level           log level to control the log messages generated by concurrent pick release process
233  * @param p_release_mode        pick release mode 'ONLINE' or 'CONCURRENT'
234  * @param x_request_id          request id for concurrent pick release request
235  * @rep:scope public
236  * @rep:lifecycle active
237  * @rep:displayname Release Picking Batch
238  */
239  PROCEDURE Release_Batch (
240          -- Standard parameters
241          p_api_version        IN   NUMBER,
242          p_init_msg_list      IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
243          p_commit             IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
244          x_return_status      OUT  NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
245          x_msg_count          OUT  NOCOPY    NUMBER,
246          x_msg_data           OUT  NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
247          -- program specific paramters.
248           p_batch_id          IN   NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
249 	  p_batch_name        IN   VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL,
250           p_log_level         IN   NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
251 	  p_release_mode      IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'CONCURRENT',
252 	  x_request_id        OUT  NOCOPY   NUMBER
253         ) ;
257 -- Start of comments
258 --
259 -- API Name          : Get_Batch_Record
260 -- Type              : Public
261 -- Purpose
262 -- Pre-reqs          : None.
263 -- Function          : The procedure takes in a Batch_id or Batch_name and retrieves
264 --                     the batch record from wsh_picking_batches.
265 --                     Note: Non-database attributes will be NULL.
266 --
267 -- PARAMETERS        : p_api_version_number    known api version  number
268 --                     p_init_msg_list         FND_API.G_TRUE to reset list
269 --                     p_commit                FND_API.G_TRUE to perform a commit
270 --                     x_return_status         return status
271 --                     x_msg_count             number of messages in the list
272 --                     x_msg_data              text of messages
273 --                     p_batch_id              Picking Batch Id which is used to get Batch
274 --					       information from the wsh_picking_batches table.
275 --                     p_batch_name            Picking Batch Name which is used to get Batch
276 --					       information from the wsh_picking_batches table.
277 --                     x_batch_rec             Batch record from wsh_picking_batches
278 -- VERSION           : current version         1.0
279 --                     initial version         1.0
280 -- End of comments
282 /*#
283  * This procedure is used to get a picking batch record. The procedure takes in a pick release
284  * Batch_id/ Batch_name and retrieves the batch record from wsh_picking_batches.
285  * @param p_api_version         version number of the API
286  * @param p_init_msg_list       messages will be initialized, if set as true
287  * @param p_commit              commits the transaction, if set as true
288  * @param x_return_status       return status of the API
289  * @param x_msg_count           number of messages, if any
290  * @param x_msg_data            message text, if any
291  * @param p_batch_id            Picking Batch Id used to get the picking batch information.
292  * @param p_batch_name          Picking Batch Name used to get the picking batch information
293  * @param x_batch_rec           Picking batch record
294  * @rep:scope public
295  * @rep:lifecycle active
296  * @rep:displayname Retrieve Picking Batch Record
297  */
298  PROCEDURE Get_Batch_Record(
299          -- Standard parameters
300          p_api_version        IN   NUMBER,
301          p_init_msg_list      IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
302          p_commit             IN   VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,
303          x_return_status      OUT  NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
307          p_batch_id           IN   NUMBER     DEFAULT NULL,
304          x_msg_count          OUT  NOCOPY    NUMBER,
305          x_msg_data           OUT  NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
306          -- program specific paramters.
308          p_batch_name         IN   VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL,
309          x_batch_rec          OUT  NOCOPY     WSH_PICKING_BATCHES_PUB.Batch_Info_Rec
310         ) ;