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Line 286: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl

282: CURSOR csr_rslt_dtl(c_person_id IN Number
283: ,c_ext_rslt_id IN Number
284: ,c_ext_dtl_rcd_id IN Number ) IS
285: SELECT *
286: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
287: WHERE dtl.ext_rslt_id = c_ext_rslt_id
288: AND dtl.person_id = c_person_id
289: AND dtl.ext_rcd_id = c_ext_dtl_rcd_id;

Line 632: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl

628: FROM per_assignment_status_types
629: WHERE per_system_status = 'TERM_ASSIGN'
630: AND active_flag = 'Y')
632: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
633: ,ben_ext_rslt res
634: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
635: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
636: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn

Line 633: ,ben_ext_rslt res

629: WHERE per_system_status = 'TERM_ASSIGN'
630: AND active_flag = 'Y')
632: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
633: ,ben_ext_rslt res
634: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
635: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
636: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn
637: WHERE dfn.ext_dfn_id IN (SELECT ext_dfn_id

Line 1349: ,p_data_element_value IN ben_ext_rslt_dtl.val_01%TYPE

1345: -- ============================================================================
1346: PROCEDURE Update_Record_Values
1347: (p_ext_rcd_id IN ben_ext_rcd.ext_rcd_id%TYPE
1348: ,p_ext_data_element_name IN ben_ext_data_elmt.NAME%TYPE
1349: ,p_data_element_value IN ben_ext_rslt_dtl.val_01%TYPE
1350: ,p_data_ele_seqnum IN Number
1351: ,p_ext_dtl_rec IN OUT NOCOPY ben_ext_rslt_dtl%ROWTYPE
1352: ) IS
1353: CURSOR csr_seqnum (c_ext_rcd_id IN ben_ext_rcd.ext_rcd_id%TYPE

Line 1351: ,p_ext_dtl_rec IN OUT NOCOPY ben_ext_rslt_dtl%ROWTYPE

1347: (p_ext_rcd_id IN ben_ext_rcd.ext_rcd_id%TYPE
1348: ,p_ext_data_element_name IN ben_ext_data_elmt.NAME%TYPE
1349: ,p_data_element_value IN ben_ext_rslt_dtl.val_01%TYPE
1350: ,p_data_ele_seqnum IN Number
1351: ,p_ext_dtl_rec IN OUT NOCOPY ben_ext_rslt_dtl%ROWTYPE
1352: ) IS
1353: CURSOR csr_seqnum (c_ext_rcd_id IN ben_ext_rcd.ext_rcd_id%TYPE
1354: ,c_ext_data_element_name IN ben_ext_data_elmt.NAME%TYPE
1355: ) IS

Line 1368: l_ext_dtl_rec_nc ben_ext_rslt_dtl%ROWTYPE;

1364: ORDER BY seq_num;
1366: l_seqnum_rec csr_seqnum%ROWTYPE;
1367: l_proc_name Varchar2(150):= g_proc_name||'Update_Record_Values';
1368: l_ext_dtl_rec_nc ben_ext_rslt_dtl%ROWTYPE;
1369: BEGIN
1371: IF g_debug THEN
1372: Hr_Utility.set_location('Entering :'||l_proc_name, 5);

Line 1560: PROCEDURE Ins_Rslt_Dtl(p_dtl_rec IN OUT NOCOPY ben_ext_rslt_dtl%ROWTYPE) IS

1557: -- ============================================================================
1558: -- ~ Ins_Rslt_Dtl : Inserts a record into the results detail record.
1559: -- ============================================================================
1560: PROCEDURE Ins_Rslt_Dtl(p_dtl_rec IN OUT NOCOPY ben_ext_rslt_dtl%ROWTYPE) IS
1562: l_proc_name Varchar2(150) := g_proc_name||'Ins_Rslt_Dtl';
1563: l_dtl_rec_nc ben_ext_rslt_dtl%ROWTYPE;

Line 1563: l_dtl_rec_nc ben_ext_rslt_dtl%ROWTYPE;

1559: -- ============================================================================
1560: PROCEDURE Ins_Rslt_Dtl(p_dtl_rec IN OUT NOCOPY ben_ext_rslt_dtl%ROWTYPE) IS
1562: l_proc_name Varchar2(150) := g_proc_name||'Ins_Rslt_Dtl';
1563: l_dtl_rec_nc ben_ext_rslt_dtl%ROWTYPE;
1565: BEGIN -- ins_rslt_dtl
1567: IF g_debug THEN

Line 1573: SELECT ben_ext_rslt_dtl_s.NEXTVAL INTO p_dtl_rec.ext_rslt_dtl_id FROM dual;

1569: END IF;
1570: -- nocopy changes
1571: l_dtl_rec_nc := p_dtl_rec;
1572: -- Get the next sequence NUMBER to insert a record into the table
1573: SELECT ben_ext_rslt_dtl_s.NEXTVAL INTO p_dtl_rec.ext_rslt_dtl_id FROM dual;
1575: INSERT INTO ben_ext_rslt_dtl
1577: ,EXT_RSLT_ID

Line 1575: INSERT INTO ben_ext_rslt_dtl

1571: l_dtl_rec_nc := p_dtl_rec;
1572: -- Get the next sequence NUMBER to insert a record into the table
1573: SELECT ben_ext_rslt_dtl_s.NEXTVAL INTO p_dtl_rec.ext_rslt_dtl_id FROM dual;
1575: INSERT INTO ben_ext_rslt_dtl
1577: ,EXT_RSLT_ID
1579: ,EXT_RCD_ID

Line 1786: PROCEDURE Upd_Rslt_Dtl(p_dtl_rec IN ben_ext_rslt_dtl%ROWTYPE ) IS

1783: -- ============================================================================
1784: -- ~ Upd_Rslt_Dtl : Updates the primary assignment record in results detail table
1785: -- ============================================================================
1786: PROCEDURE Upd_Rslt_Dtl(p_dtl_rec IN ben_ext_rslt_dtl%ROWTYPE ) IS
1788: l_proc_name Varchar2(150):= g_proc_name||'upd_rslt_dtl';
1790: BEGIN -- Upd_Rslt_Dtl

Line 1791: UPDATE ben_ext_rslt_dtl

1788: l_proc_name Varchar2(150):= g_proc_name||'upd_rslt_dtl';
1790: BEGIN -- Upd_Rslt_Dtl
1791: UPDATE ben_ext_rslt_dtl
1792: SET VAL_01 = p_dtl_rec.VAL_01
1793: ,VAL_02 = p_dtl_rec.VAL_02
1794: ,VAL_03 = p_dtl_rec.VAL_03
1795: ,VAL_04 = p_dtl_rec.VAL_04

Line 1887: ,p_rslt_rec IN OUT NOCOPY ben_ext_rslt_dtl%ROWTYPE

1883: (p_assignment_id IN per_all_assignments.assignment_id%TYPE
1884: ,p_organization_id IN per_all_assignments.organization_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL
1885: ,p_effective_date IN Date
1886: ,p_ext_dtl_rcd_id IN ben_ext_rcd.ext_rcd_id%TYPE
1887: ,p_rslt_rec IN OUT NOCOPY ben_ext_rslt_dtl%ROWTYPE
1888: ,p_asgaction_no IN Number DEFAULT NULL
1889: ,p_error_message OUT NOCOPY Varchar2) IS
1891: CURSOR csr_rule_ele

Line 1938: l_ff_value ben_ext_rslt_dtl.val_01%TYPE;

1935: l_proc_name Varchar2(150) := g_proc_name ||'Process_Ext_Rslt_Dtl_Rec';
1936: l_foumula_type_id ff_formulas_f.formula_id%TYPE;
1937: l_outputs Ff_Exec.outputs_t;
1938: l_ff_value ben_ext_rslt_dtl.val_01%TYPE;
1939: l_ff_value_fmt ben_ext_rslt_dtl.val_01%TYPE;
1940: l_org_id per_all_assignments_f.organization_id%TYPE;
1941: l_bgid per_all_assignments_f.business_group_id%TYPE;

Line 1939: l_ff_value_fmt ben_ext_rslt_dtl.val_01%TYPE;

1935: l_proc_name Varchar2(150) := g_proc_name ||'Process_Ext_Rslt_Dtl_Rec';
1936: l_foumula_type_id ff_formulas_f.formula_id%TYPE;
1937: l_outputs Ff_Exec.outputs_t;
1938: l_ff_value ben_ext_rslt_dtl.val_01%TYPE;
1939: l_ff_value_fmt ben_ext_rslt_dtl.val_01%TYPE;
1940: l_org_id per_all_assignments_f.organization_id%TYPE;
1941: l_bgid per_all_assignments_f.business_group_id%TYPE;

Line 2453: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl

2449: -- EE assignments
2450: --
2451: CURSOR c_rec05_sent (c_asg_seq IN VARCHAR2) IS
2452: SELECT 1
2453: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
2454: ,ben_ext_rslt res
2455: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
2456: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
2457: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn

Line 2454: ,ben_ext_rslt res

2450: --
2451: CURSOR c_rec05_sent (c_asg_seq IN VARCHAR2) IS
2452: SELECT 1
2453: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
2454: ,ben_ext_rslt res
2455: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
2456: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
2457: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn
2458: WHERE dfn.ext_dfn_id IN (SELECT ext_dfn_id

Line 3240: FROM ben_ext_rslt res

3236: BETWEEN c_orig_st_date AND c_orig_ed_date;
3238: CURSOR c_sent_to_abp (c_eff_dt IN DATE) IS
3239: SELECT 1
3240: FROM ben_ext_rslt res
3241: WHERE ext_dfn_id IN (SELECT ext_dfn_id
3242: FROM pqp_extract_attributes
3243: WHERE ext_dfn_type = 'NL_FPR')
3244: AND ext_stat_cd = 'A'

Line 3245: AND EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl

3241: WHERE ext_dfn_id IN (SELECT ext_dfn_id
3242: FROM pqp_extract_attributes
3243: WHERE ext_dfn_type = 'NL_FPR')
3244: AND ext_stat_cd = 'A'
3245: AND EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
3246: WHERE dtl.ext_rslt_id = res.ext_rslt_id
3247: AND dtl.person_id = g_person_id)
3248: AND trunc(res.eff_dt) = trunc(c_eff_dt)
3249: ORDER BY ext_rslt_id DESC;

Line 3254: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl

3251: CURSOR c_09_abp_data (c_eff_dt IN DATE
3252: ,c_pt_code IN VARCHAR2) IS
3253: SELECT fnd_number.canonical_to_number(val_06)/100 basis
3254: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
3255: ,ben_ext_rslt res
3256: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
3257: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
3258: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn

Line 3255: ,ben_ext_rslt res

3251: CURSOR c_09_abp_data (c_eff_dt IN DATE
3252: ,c_pt_code IN VARCHAR2) IS
3253: SELECT fnd_number.canonical_to_number(val_06)/100 basis
3254: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
3255: ,ben_ext_rslt res
3256: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
3257: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
3258: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn
3259: WHERE dfn.ext_dfn_id IN (SELECT ext_dfn_id

Line 3279: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl

3275: ,c_poj_cd IN VARCHAR2) IS
3276: SELECT fnd_number.canonical_to_number(val_06)/100 basis
3277: ,TRUNC(res.eff_dt) eff_dt
3278: , val_05 code
3279: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
3280: ,ben_ext_rslt res
3281: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
3282: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
3283: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn

Line 3280: ,ben_ext_rslt res

3276: SELECT fnd_number.canonical_to_number(val_06)/100 basis
3277: ,TRUNC(res.eff_dt) eff_dt
3278: , val_05 code
3279: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
3280: ,ben_ext_rslt res
3281: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
3282: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
3283: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn
3284: WHERE dfn.ext_dfn_id IN (SELECT ext_dfn_id

Line 3304: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl

3301: CURSOR c_09_poj_cor_abp_data (c_eff_dt IN DATE
3302: ,c_poj_cd IN VARCHAR2) IS
3303: SELECT 1
3304: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
3305: ,ben_ext_rslt res
3306: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
3307: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
3308: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn

Line 3305: ,ben_ext_rslt res

3301: CURSOR c_09_poj_cor_abp_data (c_eff_dt IN DATE
3302: ,c_poj_cd IN VARCHAR2) IS
3303: SELECT 1
3304: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
3305: ,ben_ext_rslt res
3306: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
3307: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
3308: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn
3309: WHERE dfn.ext_dfn_id IN (SELECT ext_dfn_id

Line 3329: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl

3326: CURSOR c_12_abp_data (c_eff_dt IN DATE
3327: ,c_code IN VARCHAR2) IS
3328: SELECT fnd_number.canonical_to_number(val_06)/100 amount
3329: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
3330: ,ben_ext_rslt res
3331: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
3332: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
3333: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn

Line 3330: ,ben_ext_rslt res

3326: CURSOR c_12_abp_data (c_eff_dt IN DATE
3327: ,c_code IN VARCHAR2) IS
3328: SELECT fnd_number.canonical_to_number(val_06)/100 amount
3329: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
3330: ,ben_ext_rslt res
3331: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
3332: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
3333: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn
3334: WHERE dfn.ext_dfn_id IN (SELECT ext_dfn_id

Line 3356: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl

3352: ,c_mon IN VARCHAR2
3353: ,c_eff_dt IN DATE
3354: ,c_code IN VARCHAR2) IS
3355: SELECT fnd_number.canonical_to_number(val_06)/100 amount
3356: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
3357: ,ben_ext_rslt res
3358: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
3359: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
3360: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn

Line 3357: ,ben_ext_rslt res

3353: ,c_eff_dt IN DATE
3354: ,c_code IN VARCHAR2) IS
3355: SELECT fnd_number.canonical_to_number(val_06)/100 amount
3356: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
3357: ,ben_ext_rslt res
3358: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
3359: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
3360: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn
3361: WHERE dfn.ext_dfn_id IN (SELECT ext_dfn_id

Line 5477: CURSOR csr_ext_attr (c_ext_dfn_id IN ben_ext_rslt.ext_dfn_id%TYPE) IS

5474: --
5475: -- Cursor to get the extract definition type
5476: --
5477: CURSOR csr_ext_attr (c_ext_dfn_id IN ben_ext_rslt.ext_dfn_id%TYPE) IS
5478: SELECT ext_dfn_type
5479: FROM pqp_extract_attributes
5480: WHERE ext_dfn_id = c_ext_dfn_id;
5481: --

Line 5484: CURSOR csr_req_id (c_ext_rslt_id IN ben_ext_rslt.ext_rslt_id%TYPE

5480: WHERE ext_dfn_id = c_ext_dfn_id;
5481: --
5482: -- Based on result id and Ext. Dfn Id, get the con. request id
5483: --
5484: CURSOR csr_req_id (c_ext_rslt_id IN ben_ext_rslt.ext_rslt_id%TYPE
5485: ,c_ext_dfn_id IN ben_ext_rslt.ext_dfn_id%TYPE
5486: ,c_business_group_id IN ben_ext_rslt.business_group_id%TYPE) IS
5487: SELECT request_id
5488: FROM ben_ext_rslt

Line 5485: ,c_ext_dfn_id IN ben_ext_rslt.ext_dfn_id%TYPE

5481: --
5482: -- Based on result id and Ext. Dfn Id, get the con. request id
5483: --
5484: CURSOR csr_req_id (c_ext_rslt_id IN ben_ext_rslt.ext_rslt_id%TYPE
5485: ,c_ext_dfn_id IN ben_ext_rslt.ext_dfn_id%TYPE
5486: ,c_business_group_id IN ben_ext_rslt.business_group_id%TYPE) IS
5487: SELECT request_id
5488: FROM ben_ext_rslt
5489: WHERE ext_rslt_id = c_ext_rslt_id

Line 5486: ,c_business_group_id IN ben_ext_rslt.business_group_id%TYPE) IS

5482: -- Based on result id and Ext. Dfn Id, get the con. request id
5483: --
5484: CURSOR csr_req_id (c_ext_rslt_id IN ben_ext_rslt.ext_rslt_id%TYPE
5485: ,c_ext_dfn_id IN ben_ext_rslt.ext_dfn_id%TYPE
5486: ,c_business_group_id IN ben_ext_rslt.business_group_id%TYPE) IS
5487: SELECT request_id
5488: FROM ben_ext_rslt
5489: WHERE ext_rslt_id = c_ext_rslt_id
5490: AND ext_dfn_id = c_ext_dfn_id

Line 5488: FROM ben_ext_rslt

5484: CURSOR csr_req_id (c_ext_rslt_id IN ben_ext_rslt.ext_rslt_id%TYPE
5485: ,c_ext_dfn_id IN ben_ext_rslt.ext_dfn_id%TYPE
5486: ,c_business_group_id IN ben_ext_rslt.business_group_id%TYPE) IS
5487: SELECT request_id
5488: FROM ben_ext_rslt
5489: WHERE ext_rslt_id = c_ext_rslt_id
5490: AND ext_dfn_id = c_ext_dfn_id
5491: AND business_group_id = c_business_group_id;
5492: --

Line 5629: l_conc_reqest_id ben_ext_rslt.request_id%TYPE;

5625: -- =========================================
5626: l_rej_hf_ee NUMBER;
5627: l_rej_old_ee NUMBER;
5628: l_ext_params csr_ext_params%ROWTYPE;
5629: l_conc_reqest_id ben_ext_rslt.request_id%TYPE;
5630: l_ext_dfn_type pqp_extract_attributes.ext_dfn_type%TYPE;
5631: i per_all_assignments_f.business_group_id%TYPE;
5632: l_ext_rslt_id ben_ext_rslt.ext_rslt_id%TYPE;
5633: l_ext_dfn_id ben_ext_dfn.ext_dfn_id%TYPE;

Line 5632: l_ext_rslt_id ben_ext_rslt.ext_rslt_id%TYPE;

5628: l_ext_params csr_ext_params%ROWTYPE;
5629: l_conc_reqest_id ben_ext_rslt.request_id%TYPE;
5630: l_ext_dfn_type pqp_extract_attributes.ext_dfn_type%TYPE;
5631: i per_all_assignments_f.business_group_id%TYPE;
5632: l_ext_rslt_id ben_ext_rslt.ext_rslt_id%TYPE;
5633: l_ext_dfn_id ben_ext_dfn.ext_dfn_id%TYPE;
5634: l_return_value Varchar2(2) :='N';
5635: l_proc_name Varchar2(150) := g_proc_name ||'Pension_Criteria_Full_Profile';
5636: l_assig_rec csr_assig%ROWTYPE;

Line 6012: -- it logs a warning in the ben_ext_rslt_err table against

6009: -- ====================================================================
6010: -- Raise_Extract_Warning:
6011: -- When called from the Rule of a extract detail data element
6012: -- it logs a warning in the ben_ext_rslt_err table against
6013: -- the person being processed (or as specified by context of
6014: -- assignment id ). It prefixes all warning messages with a
6015: -- string "Warning raised in data element "||element_name
6016: -- This allows the same Rule to be called from different data

Line 7961: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl

7957: -- for this assignment. If not sent then trigger a send
7958: --
7959: CURSOR c_rec_02_sent(c_asg_seq_no IN VARCHAR2 ) IS
7960: SELECT 1
7961: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
7962: ,ben_ext_rslt res
7963: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
7964: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
7965: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn

Line 7962: ,ben_ext_rslt res

7958: --
7959: CURSOR c_rec_02_sent(c_asg_seq_no IN VARCHAR2 ) IS
7960: SELECT 1
7961: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
7962: ,ben_ext_rslt res
7963: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
7964: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
7965: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn
7966: WHERE dfn.ext_dfn_id IN (SELECT ext_dfn_id

Line 8150: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl

8146: -- for this assignment. If not sent then trigger a send
8147: --
8148: CURSOR c_rec_04_sent(c_asg_seq_no IN VARCHAR2 ) IS
8149: SELECT 1
8150: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
8151: ,ben_ext_rslt res
8152: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
8153: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
8154: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn

Line 8151: ,ben_ext_rslt res

8147: --
8148: CURSOR c_rec_04_sent(c_asg_seq_no IN VARCHAR2 ) IS
8149: SELECT 1
8150: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
8151: ,ben_ext_rslt res
8152: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
8153: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
8154: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn
8155: WHERE dfn.ext_dfn_id IN (SELECT ext_dfn_id

Line 8561: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl

8557: --
8558: CURSOR c_rec_08_sent(c_start_of_yr IN DATE
8559: ,c_asg_seq_no IN VARCHAR2 ) IS
8560: SELECT 1
8561: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
8562: ,ben_ext_rslt res
8563: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
8564: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
8565: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn

Line 8562: ,ben_ext_rslt res

8558: CURSOR c_rec_08_sent(c_start_of_yr IN DATE
8559: ,c_asg_seq_no IN VARCHAR2 ) IS
8560: SELECT 1
8561: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
8562: ,ben_ext_rslt res
8563: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
8564: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
8565: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn
8566: WHERE dfn.ext_dfn_id IN (SELECT ext_dfn_id

Line 10741: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl

10738: CURSOR c_prev_term_dt (c_asg_seq_no IN VARCHAR2 ) IS
10739: SELECT dtl.val_07,
10740: DECODE(dtl.val_09,' ','A')
10741: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
10742: ,ben_ext_rslt res
10743: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
10744: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
10745: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn

Line 10742: ,ben_ext_rslt res

10738: CURSOR c_prev_term_dt (c_asg_seq_no IN VARCHAR2 ) IS
10739: SELECT dtl.val_07,
10740: DECODE(dtl.val_09,' ','A')
10741: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
10742: ,ben_ext_rslt res
10743: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
10744: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
10745: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn
10746: WHERE dfn.ext_dfn_id IN (SELECT ext_dfn_id

Line 10765: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl

10762: CURSOR c_prev_term_rev (c_asg_seq_no IN VARCHAR2
10763: ,c_in_term_date IN VARCHAR2) IS
10764: SELECT 1
10765: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
10766: ,ben_ext_rslt res
10767: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
10768: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
10769: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn

Line 10766: ,ben_ext_rslt res

10762: CURSOR c_prev_term_rev (c_asg_seq_no IN VARCHAR2
10763: ,c_in_term_date IN VARCHAR2) IS
10764: SELECT 1
10765: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
10766: ,ben_ext_rslt res
10767: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
10768: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
10769: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn
10770: WHERE dfn.ext_dfn_id IN (SELECT ext_dfn_id

Line 10845: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl

10841: AND language = 'US';
10843: CURSOR c_rec05_sent IS
10844: SELECT 1
10845: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
10846: ,ben_ext_rslt res
10847: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
10848: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
10849: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn

Line 10846: ,ben_ext_rslt res

10843: CURSOR c_rec05_sent IS
10844: SELECT 1
10845: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
10846: ,ben_ext_rslt res
10847: ,ben_ext_rcd rcd
10848: ,ben_ext_rcd_in_file rin
10849: ,ben_ext_dfn dfn
10850: WHERE dfn.ext_dfn_id IN (SELECT ext_dfn_id

Line 12634: SELECT ben_ext_rslt_dtl_s.NEXTVAL INTO l_ext_rslt_dtl_id FROM dual;

12630: ,p_effective_date
12631: ,p_error_message
12632: ,l_seq_num);
12634: SELECT ben_ext_rslt_dtl_s.NEXTVAL INTO l_ext_rslt_dtl_id FROM dual;
12636: INSERT INTO ben_ext_rslt_dtl
12637: ( EXT_RSLT_DTL_ID
12638: ,EXT_RSLT_ID

Line 12636: INSERT INTO ben_ext_rslt_dtl

12632: ,l_seq_num);
12634: SELECT ben_ext_rslt_dtl_s.NEXTVAL INTO l_ext_rslt_dtl_id FROM dual;
12636: INSERT INTO ben_ext_rslt_dtl
12637: ( EXT_RSLT_DTL_ID
12638: ,EXT_RSLT_ID
12640: ,EXT_RCD_ID

Line 12737: SELECT ben_ext_rslt_dtl_s.NEXTVAL INTO l_ext_rslt_dtl_id FROM dual;

12733: ,c_ext_dtl_rcd_id => l_rcd_id);
12734: FETCH csr_rslt_dtl INTO l_main_rec;
12735: CLOSE csr_rslt_dtl;
12737: SELECT ben_ext_rslt_dtl_s.NEXTVAL INTO l_ext_rslt_dtl_id FROM dual;
12739: INSERT INTO ben_ext_rslt_dtl
12740: ( EXT_RSLT_DTL_ID
12741: ,EXT_RSLT_ID

Line 12739: INSERT INTO ben_ext_rslt_dtl

12735: CLOSE csr_rslt_dtl;
12737: SELECT ben_ext_rslt_dtl_s.NEXTVAL INTO l_ext_rslt_dtl_id FROM dual;
12739: INSERT INTO ben_ext_rslt_dtl
12740: ( EXT_RSLT_DTL_ID
12741: ,EXT_RSLT_ID
12743: ,EXT_RCD_ID

Line 14561: DELETE ben_ext_rslt_dtl

14557: FETCH csr_rslt_dtl INTO l_main_rec;
14558: WHILE csr_rslt_dtl%FOUND
14559: LOOP
14560: -- Delete for each detail record for the person
14561: DELETE ben_ext_rslt_dtl
14562: WHERE ext_rslt_dtl_id = l_main_rec.ext_rslt_dtl_id
14563: AND person_id = l_person_id;
14564: FETCH csr_rslt_dtl INTO l_main_rec;

Line 14585: DELETE ben_ext_rslt_dtl

14581: FETCH csr_rslt_dtl INTO l_main_rec;
14582: WHILE csr_rslt_dtl%FOUND
14583: LOOP
14584: -- Delete for each detail record for the person
14585: DELETE ben_ext_rslt_dtl
14586: WHERE ext_rslt_dtl_id = l_main_rec.ext_rslt_dtl_id
14587: AND person_id = l_person_id;
14588: FETCH csr_rslt_dtl INTO l_main_rec;
14589: END LOOP; -- While csr_rslt_dtl%FOUND

Line 16243: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl

16239: CURSOR csr_get_a_record_count(c_recordid_1 IN NUMBER
16240: ,c_recordid_2 IN NUMBER
16241: ,c_emr_id IN NUMBER ) IS
16242: SELECT Count(dtl.ext_rslt_dtl_id)
16243: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
16244: WHERE dtl.ext_rslt_id = ben_ext_thread.g_ext_rslt_id
16245: AND ext_rcd_id NOT IN(c_recordid_1,c_recordid_2)
16246: AND val_25 = c_emr_id;

Line 16285: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl

16281: ,c_recordid_2 IN Number
16282: ,c_recordid_3 IN Number
16283: ,c_emr_id IN Number ) IS
16284: SELECT Count(dtl.ext_rslt_dtl_id)
16285: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
16286: WHERE dtl.ext_rslt_id = Ben_Ext_Thread.g_ext_rslt_id
16287: AND ext_rcd_id IN(c_recordid_1,c_recordid_2,c_recordid_3)
16288: AND val_25=c_emr_id;

Line 16310: (p_business_group_id ben_ext_rslt_dtl.business_group_id%TYPE

16306: -- ================================================================================
16307: -- ~ Sort_Post_Process : Post process logic
16308: -- ================================================================================
16309: FUNCTION Sort_Post_Process
16310: (p_business_group_id ben_ext_rslt_dtl.business_group_id%TYPE
16311: )RETURN Number IS
16313: CURSOR csr_get_rslt(c_org_id IN Varchar2
16314: ,c_ext_rslt_id IN Number ) IS

Line 16316: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl

16313: CURSOR csr_get_rslt(c_org_id IN Varchar2
16314: ,c_ext_rslt_id IN Number ) IS
16315: SELECT DISTINCT(val_26) val_26
16316: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
16317: WHERE dtl.ext_rslt_id = c_ext_rslt_id
16318: AND val_25= c_org_id
16319: ORDER BY val_26 ASC ;

Line 16323: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl

16319: ORDER BY val_26 ASC ;
16321: CURSOR csr_get_rslt1(c_ext_rslt_id IN Number ) IS
16322: SELECT val_25,val_26
16323: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
16324: WHERE dtl.ext_rslt_id = c_ext_rslt_id
16325: ORDER BY val_26 ASC ;
16327: CURSOR csr_rslt_dtl_sort(c_val_26 IN Varchar2

Line 16330: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl

16327: CURSOR csr_rslt_dtl_sort(c_val_26 IN Varchar2
16328: ,c_ext_rslt_id IN Number ) IS
16329: SELECT *
16330: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
16331: WHERE dtl.ext_rslt_id = c_ext_rslt_id
16332: -- AND dtl.person_id = c_person_id
16333: AND dtl.val_26 =c_val_26;

Line 16340: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl

16337: CURSOR csr_get_header_rslt(c_ext_rslt_id IN Number
16338: ,c_ext_dtl_rcd_id IN Number ) IS
16339: SELECT *
16340: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
16341: WHERE dtl.ext_rslt_id = c_ext_rslt_id
16342: AND ext_rcd_id= c_ext_dtl_rcd_id;

Line 16348: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl

16345: CURSOR csr_get_trailer_rslt(c_ext_rslt_id IN Number
16346: ,c_ext_dtl_rcd_id IN Number ) IS
16347: SELECT *
16348: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
16349: WHERE dtl.ext_rslt_id = c_ext_rslt_id
16350: AND ext_rcd_id= c_ext_dtl_rcd_id;
16352: -- Cursor to get the person existence flag

Line 16355: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl

16352: -- Cursor to get the person existence flag
16353: CURSOR csr_get_person_exist(c_org_id IN Number) IS
16354: SELECT 'x'
16355: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl
16356: WHERE ext_rslt_id=Ben_Ext_Thread.g_ext_rslt_id
16357: AND val_25=c_org_id;
16359: --

Line 16377: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl

16373: -- Cursor to get the records 05 rows that need to be deleted.
16374: --
16375: CURSOR csr_rec05_del (p_ext_rcd_id IN NUMBER) IS
16376: SELECT ext_rslt_dtl_id
16377: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl
16378: WHERE ext_rslt_id = Ben_Ext_Thread.g_ext_rslt_id
16379: AND ext_rcd_id = p_ext_rcd_id
16380: AND val_05 = '00000000'
16381: AND val_06 = '00000000'

Line 16462: DELETE ben_ext_rslt_dtl

16458: ,c_rcd_type_cd => 'D')-- D=Detail, T=Total, H-Header
16459: -- Loop through each detail record for the extract
16460: LOOP
16461: -- Delete all detail records for the record
16462: DELETE ben_ext_rslt_dtl
16463: WHERE ext_rcd_id = csr_rcd_rec.ext_rcd_id
16464: AND ext_rslt_id = Ben_Ext_Thread.g_ext_rslt_id
16465: AND business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
16466: END LOOP; -- FOR csr_rcd_rec

Line 16475: DELETE ben_ext_rslt_dtl

16471: FOR csr_rcd_05_id_rec IN csr_rcd_05_id
16472: LOOP
16473: FOR csr_rec05_del_rec IN csr_rec05_del (csr_rcd_05_id_rec.ext_rcd_id)
16474: LOOP
16475: DELETE ben_ext_rslt_dtl
16476: WHERE ext_rslt_dtl_id = csr_rec05_del_rec.ext_rslt_dtl_id;
16477: END LOOP; -- FOR csr_rcd_05_id
16478: END LOOP; -- For csr_rec05_del

Line 16984: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl

16980: l_ext_rslt_dtl_id := l_R99_rslt_dtl_id;
16981: END IF;
16983: DELETE
16984: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
16985: WHERE dtl.ext_rslt_id = Ben_Ext_Thread.g_ext_rslt_id
16986: AND dtl.ext_rcd_id = csr_rcd_rec.ext_rcd_id
16987: AND dtl.ext_rslt_dtl_id = l_ext_rslt_dtl_id
16988: AND business_group_id = p_business_group_id;

Line 17000: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl

16996: l_ext_rslt_dtl_id := l_R00_rslt_dtl_id;
16997: END IF;
16999: DELETE
17000: FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
17001: WHERE dtl.ext_rslt_id = Ben_Ext_Thread.g_ext_rslt_id
17002: AND dtl.ext_rcd_id = csr_rcd_rec.ext_rcd_id
17003: AND dtl.ext_rslt_dtl_id = l_ext_rslt_dtl_id
17004: AND business_group_id = p_business_group_id;