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2 /* $Header: aspaengs.pls 120.1 2005/08/19 12:58 axavier noship $ */
3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 -- Package Name:   ASP_ALERT_ENGINE
5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 -- Description:
7 --   Core Alert Engine Package for Sales Alerts Backend Workflow Processing.
8 --   This package is used by the workflow activity nodes.
9 --
10 -- Procedures:
11 --   (see below for specification)
12 --
13 -- History:
14 --   08-Aug-2005  axavier created.
15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*
18  |                             Public Constants
19  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
21 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*
22  |                             Public Datatypes
23  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
25 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*
26  |                             Public Variables
27  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
29 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*
30  |                             Public Routines
31  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
33 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 --
35 --  Procedure: Get_Alert_Agent
36 --   This is a factory method, which produces appropriate agents based on the
37 --   Alert Types.
38 --
39 --  Arguments IN/OUT:
40 --   itemtype  - A valid item type from (WF_ITEM_TYPES table).
41 --   itemkey   - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
42 --   actid     - The function activity(instance id).
43 --   funcmode  - function execution mode. This is set by the engine
44 --               as either 'RUN', 'CANCEL', 'TIMEOUT'
45 --   resultout -
46 --               ORDER_ALERT_AGENT if Alert is related to Order
47 --               SVCCONTRACT_ALERT_AGENT if Alert is related to Service Contract
48 --               INVOICE_ALERT_AGENT if Alert is related to Invoice
49 --               SERVICE_ALERT_AGENT if Alert is related to Service
50 --               CUSTOM if Alert is not supported out of the box.
51 --                      Custom Agent to process the request.
52 --
53 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
55 PROCEDURE Get_Alert_Agent(
56   itemtype  in VARCHAR2,
57   itemkey   in VARCHAR2,
58   actid     in NUMBER,
59   funcmode  in VARCHAR2,
60   resultout in out NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
62 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
63 --
64 --  Procedure: Get_Content_Provider
65 --   This is a factory method, which produces appropriate providers based on the
66 --   Alert Types.
67 --
68 --  Arguments IN/OUT:
69 --   itemtype  - A valid item type from (WF_ITEM_TYPES table).
70 --   itemkey   - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
71 --   actid     - The function activity(instance id).
72 --   funcmode  - function execution mode. This is set by the engine
73 --               as either 'RUN', 'CANCEL', 'TIMEOUT'
74 --   resultout -
75 --               ORDER_CONTENT_PROVIDER if Alert is related to Order
76 --               SVCCONTRACT_CONTENT_PROVIDER if Alert is related to Service Contract
77 --               INVOICE_CONTENT_PROVIDER if Alert is related to Invoice
78 --               SERVICE_CONTENT_PROVIDER if Alert is related to Service
79 --               CUSTOM if Alert is not supported out of the box.
80 --                      Custom Provider to process the request.
81 --
82 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
84 PROCEDURE Get_Content_Provider(
85   itemtype  in VARCHAR2,
86   itemkey   in VARCHAR2,
87   actid     in NUMBER,
88   funcmode  in VARCHAR2,
89   resultout in out NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
92 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
93 --
94 --  Procedure: Get_Delivery_Agent
95 --   This is a factory method, which produces appropriate agents based on the
96 --   Alert Types.
97 --
98 --  Arguments IN/OUT:
99 --   itemtype  - A valid item type from (WF_ITEM_TYPES table).
100 --   itemkey   - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
101 --   actid     - The function activity(instance id).
102 --   funcmode  - function execution mode. This is set by the engine
103 --               as either 'RUN', 'CANCEL', 'TIMEOUT'
104 --   resultout -
105 --               ASP_DELIVERY_AGENT if Alert is related to Order, Service Contract,
106 --               Invoice, and Service Request.
107 --               CUSTOM if Alert is not supported out of the box.
108 --                      Custom Agent to process the request.
109 --
110 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
112 PROCEDURE Get_Delivery_Agent(
113   itemtype  in VARCHAR2,
114   itemkey   in VARCHAR2,
115   actid     in NUMBER,
116   funcmode  in VARCHAR2,
117   resultout in out NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
120 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
121 --
122 --  Procedure: NOOP
123 --   This is a No Operation method, which does nothing. This is the mathod call
124 --   associated with the Custom Activity Node, that the end customer would use for
125 --   extensibility.
126 --
127 --  Arguments IN/OUT:
128 --   itemtype  - A valid item type from (WF_ITEM_TYPES table).
129 --   itemkey   - A string generated from the application object's primary key.
130 --   actid     - The function activity(instance id).
131 --   funcmode  - function execution mode. This is set by the engine
132 --               as either 'RUN', 'CANCEL', 'TIMEOUT'
133 --   resultout - NULL
134 --
135 --
136 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
139     itemtype  in VARCHAR2,
140     itemkey   in VARCHAR2,
141     actid     in NUMBER,
142     funcmode  in VARCHAR2,
143     resultout in out NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
145 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
146 -- Alerts_Selector
147 --   This procedure sets up the responsibility and organization context for
148 --   multi-org sensitive code.
149 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
151 PROCEDURE Alerts_Selector(
152   itemtype      IN      VARCHAR2,
153   itemkey       IN      VARCHAR2,
154   actid         IN      NUMBER,
155   funcmode      IN      VARCHAR2,
156   resultout     OUT     NOCOPY VARCHAR2);