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1 PACKAGE ozf_fund_adjustment_pvt AS
2 /*$Header: ozfvadjs.pls 120.2.12010000.2 2008/08/04 06:17:36 nirprasa ship $*/
4    /*****************************************************************************************/
5    -- Start of Comments
6    -- NAME
7    --    Create Fund Utilization
8    -- PURPOSE
9    --  Create utilizations for the utlized amount of that  activity
10    -- called only from ozf_Act_budgets API for utlized amount creation
11    -- HISTORY
12    -- 02/23/2001  mpande  CREATED
14    PROCEDURE create_fund_utilization(
15       p_act_budget_rec   IN       ozf_actbudgets_pvt.act_budgets_rec_type
16      ,x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
17      ,x_msg_count        OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
18      ,x_msg_data         OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
19      ,p_act_util_rec     IN       ozf_actbudgets_pvt.act_util_rec_type := ozf_actbudgets_pvt.G_MISS_ACT_UTIL_REC
20      );
22    /*****************************************************************************************/
23    -- NAME
24    --    Create Fund Utilization
25    -- PURPOSE
26    --  Create utilizations for the utlized amount of that  activity
27    --  called only from ozf_Act_budgets API for utlized amount creation
28    -- HISTORY
29    -- 02/23/2001  mpande  CREATED
30    -- 06/21/2004  yzhao   UPDATED added x_utilized_amount to return actual utilized amount
32    PROCEDURE create_fund_utilization(
33       p_act_budget_rec   IN       ozf_actbudgets_pvt.act_budgets_rec_type
34      ,x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
35      ,x_msg_count        OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
36      ,x_msg_data         OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
37      ,p_act_util_rec     IN       ozf_actbudgets_pvt.act_util_rec_type := ozf_actbudgets_pvt.G_MISS_ACT_UTIL_REC
38      ,x_utilized_amount  OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
39      );
41    /* =========================================================
42    --rec_type to hold the amount
43    --This is a private rec type to be used by this API only
44    ============================================================*/
45    TYPE cost_rec_type IS RECORD(
46       cost_id                       NUMBER,
47       cost_amount                   NUMBER,   -- amount in object currency
48       cost_desc                     VARCHAR2(2000),
49       cost_curr                     VARCHAR2(30)   -- now only supports the object_currency
50                                                 );
52    /* =========================================================
53    --tbl_type to hold the amount
54    --This is a private rec type to be used by this API only
55    ============================================================*/
57    TYPE cost_tbl_type IS TABLE OF cost_rec_type
60    /*****************************************************************************************/
61    -- Start of Comments
62    -- NAME
63    --    Reconcile_budget_line
64    -- PURPOSE
65    -- This API is called from the java layer from the reconcile button on budget_sourcing screen
66    -- It releases all th ebudget that was requested from a fund to the respective fund by creating transfer records
67    -- and negative committment.
68    -- HISTORY
69    -- 04/30/2001  mpande  CREATED
71    PROCEDURE create_budget_amt_utilized(
72       p_budget_used_by_id     IN       NUMBER
73      ,p_budget_used_by_type   IN       VARCHAR2
74      ,p_currency              IN       VARCHAR2
75      ,p_cost_tbl              IN       cost_tbl_type
76      ,p_api_version           IN       NUMBER
77      ,p_init_msg_list         IN       VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
78      ,p_commit                IN       VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
79      ,p_validation_level      IN       NUMBER := fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
80      ,x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
81      ,x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
82      ,x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2);
84    ---------------------------------------------------------------------
85    -- PROCEDURE
86    --    Convert_Currency
87    --
88    -- PURPOSE
89    --           This API will be used to convert currency for checkbook.
91    --                  p_from_currency  IN VARCHAR2 From currency
92    --                  p_to_currency IN VARCHAR@  To currency
93    --                  p_from_amount IN NUMBER    From amount
94    -- NOTES
96    -- HISTORY
97    --    06/08/2001  feliu  Create.
98    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
99   FUNCTION Convert_Currency (
100      p_from_currency      IN  VARCHAR2,
101      p_to_currency        IN  VARCHAR2,
102      p_from_amount        IN  NUMBER,
103      p_conv_type          IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR --Added for bug 7030415
106 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
107    -- PROCEDURE
108    --    get_exchange_rate
109    -- PURPOSE
110    -- Get currency exchange rate. called by BudgetOverVO.java.
111    -- PARAMETERS
112    --         p_from_currency   IN VARCHAR2,
113    --           p_to_currency   IN VARCHAR2,
114    --           p_conversion_date IN DATE ,
115    --           p_conversion_type IN VARCHAR2,
116    --           p_max_roll_days  IN NUMBER,
117    --           x_denominator   OUT NUMBER,
118    --       x_numerator OUT NUMBER,
119    --           x_rate    OUT NUMBER,
120    --           x_return_status   OUT  VARCHAR2
122    -- HISTORY
123    -- 02/05/2002 feliu  CREATED
124    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
126 PROCEDURE get_exchange_rate (
127                 p_from_currency IN VARCHAR2,
128                 p_to_currency   IN VARCHAR2,
129                 p_conversion_date IN DATE ,
130                 p_conversion_type IN VARCHAR2,
131                 p_max_roll_days  IN NUMBER,
132                 x_denominator   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
133                 x_numerator     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
134                 x_rate    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
135                 x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
137       ---------------------------------------------------------------------
138    -- PROCEDURE
139    --    process_act_budgets
140    --
141    -- PURPOSE
142    --
143    -- PARAMETERS
144    --         p_api_version
145    --         ,x_return_status
146 --            ,x_msg_count
147 --            ,x_msg_data
148   --          ,p_act_budgets_rec
149     --        ,x_act_budget_id
150    -- NOTES
151    -- HISTORY
152    --    4/18/2002  Mumu Pande  Create.
153    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
154    PROCEDURE process_act_budgets (
155       x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
156       x_msg_count         OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER,
157       x_msg_data          OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
158       p_act_budgets_rec   IN       ozf_actbudgets_pvt.act_budgets_rec_type,
159       p_act_util_rec     IN       ozf_actbudgets_pvt.act_util_rec_type,
160       x_act_budget_id     OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
161    );
164    ---------------------------------------------------------------------
165    -- PROCEDURE
166    --    process_act_budgets
167    --
168    -- PURPOSE
169    --
170    -- PARAMETERS
171    --         p_api_version
172    --         ,x_return_status
173    --            ,x_msg_count
174    --            ,x_msg_data
175    --          ,p_act_budgets_rec
176     --        ,x_act_budget_id
177     --        x_utilized_amount : actual utilized amount when success
178    -- NOTES
179    -- HISTORY
180    --    6/21/2004  Ying Zhao  Create.
181    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
182    PROCEDURE process_act_budgets (
183       x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
184       x_msg_count         OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER,
185       x_msg_data          OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
186       p_act_budgets_rec   IN       ozf_actbudgets_pvt.act_budgets_rec_type,
187       p_act_util_rec     IN       ozf_actbudgets_pvt.act_util_rec_type,
188       x_act_budget_id     OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER,
189       x_utilized_amount   OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
190    );
193 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
195 --    post_utilized_budget
196 --
197 -- PURPOSE
198 -- This procedure is called by updating offer API when changing offer status to "ACTIVE'
199 -- and by post_utilized_budget concurrent program for scan data offer and lump sum offer.
200 -- It is used to create utilized records when offer start date reaches.
203 --       p_offer_id
204 --       p_offer_type
205 --      ,p_api_version     IN       NUMBER
206 --      ,p_init_msg_list   IN       VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
207 --      ,p_commit          IN       VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
208 --      ,x_msg_count       OUT      NUMBER
209 --      ,x_msg_data        OUT      VARCHAR2
210 --      ,x_return_status   OUT      VARCHAR2)
212 -- NOTES
213 -- HISTORY
214 --    09/24/2002  feliu  Create.
215 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
216  PROCEDURE post_utilized_budget (
217       p_offer_id        IN       NUMBER
218      ,p_offer_type      IN       VARCHAR2
219      ,p_api_version     IN       NUMBER
220      ,p_init_msg_list   IN       VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
221      ,p_commit          IN       VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
222      ,p_check_date      IN       VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_true -- do date validation
223      ,x_msg_count       OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
224      ,x_msg_data        OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
225      ,x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
226    );
228 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
230 --    adjust_utilized_budget
231 --
232 -- PURPOSE
233 --This API will be called by claim to automatic increase committed and utilized budget
234 --when automatic adjustment is allowed for scan data offer.
235 --It will increase both committed and utilized amount.
238 --       p_claim_id     IN NUMBER
239 --       p_offer_id
240 --       p_product_activity_id
241 --       p_amount
242 --      ,p_cust_acct_id         IN         NUMBER
243 --      ,p_bill_to_cust_acct_id IN         NUMBER
244 --      ,p_bill_to_site_use_id  IN         NUMBER
245 --      ,p_ship_to_site_use_id  IN         NUMBER
246 --      ,p_api_version     IN       NUMBER
247 --      ,p_init_msg_list   IN       VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
248 --      ,p_commit          IN       VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
249 --      ,x_msg_count       OUT      NUMBER
250 --      ,x_msg_data        OUT      VARCHAR2
251 --      ,x_return_status   OUT      VARCHAR2)
253 -- NOTES
254 -- HISTORY
255 --    09/24/2002  feliu  Create.
256 --    03/29/2005  kdass  bug 5117557 - added params p_cust_acct_id, p_bill_to_cust_acct_id,
257 --                       p_bill_to_site_use_id, p_ship_to_site_use_id
258 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
259    PROCEDURE  adjust_utilized_budget (
260       p_claim_id             IN         NUMBER
261      ,p_offer_id             IN         NUMBER
262      ,p_product_activity_id  IN         NUMBER
263      ,p_amount               IN         NUMBER
264      ,p_cust_acct_id         IN         NUMBER
265      ,p_bill_to_cust_acct_id IN         NUMBER
266      ,p_bill_to_site_use_id  IN         NUMBER
267      ,p_ship_to_site_use_id  IN         NUMBER
268      ,p_api_version          IN         NUMBER
269      ,p_init_msg_list        IN         VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
270      ,p_commit               IN         VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
271      ,x_msg_count            OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
272      ,x_msg_data             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
273      ,x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
274    );
276 /*****************************************************************************************/
277 -- Start of Comments
278 -- NAME
279 --    update_budget_source
280 -- PURPOSE
281 -- This API is called from the java layer from the update button on budget_sourcing screen
282 -- It update source_from_parent column for ams_campaign_schedules_b and AMS_EVENT_OFFERS_ALL_B.
283 -- HISTORY
284 -- 12/08/2002  feliu  CREATED
285 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
287  PROCEDURE update_budget_source(
288       p_object_version_number IN       NUMBER
289      ,p_budget_used_by_id     IN       NUMBER
290      ,p_budget_used_by_type   IN       VARCHAR2
291      ,p_from_parent           IN       VARCHAR2
292      ,p_api_version           IN       NUMBER
293      ,p_init_msg_list         IN       VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
294      ,p_commit                IN       VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
295      ,p_validation_level      IN       NUMBER := fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
296      ,x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
297      ,x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
298      ,x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
299    );
302  /*****************************************************************************************/
303 -- Start of Comments
304 -- NAME
305 --    post_sf_lumpsum_amount
306 -- PURPOSE
307 -- This API is called from soft fund request to create expense based utilization.
308 -- HISTORY
309 -- 10/22/2003  feliu  CREATED
310 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
311    PROCEDURE post_sf_lumpsum_amount (
312       p_offer_id        IN       NUMBER
313      ,p_api_version     IN       NUMBER
314      ,p_init_msg_list   IN       VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
315      ,p_commit          IN       VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
316      ,p_validation_level      IN       NUMBER := fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
317      ,x_msg_count       OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
318      ,x_msg_data        OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
319      ,x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
320    );
322 /*****************************************************************************************/
323 --rec_type to hold the fund src curr
324 --This is a private rec type to be used by this API only
325 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
326    TYPE parent_src_rec_type IS RECORD (
327       fund_id                       NUMBER
328      ,fund_curr                     VARCHAR2 (30)
329      ,fund_amount                   NUMBER
330      ,plan_amount               NUMBER
331      );
333 /*****************************************************************************************/
334 --tbl_type to hold the amount
335 --This is a private rec type to be used by this API only
336 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
338    TYPE parent_src_tbl_type IS TABLE OF parent_src_rec_type
341 /*****************************************************************************************/
342    --
343    -- NAME
344    --    get_parent_Src
345    -- PURPOSE
346    -- API to automaticaly populate the parent_source_id ( fund_id), parent_curr, parent_amt
347    -- for transfers and requests
348    -- HISTORY
349    -- 04/27/2001 mpande   Created.
350 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
351    PROCEDURE get_parent_src (
352       p_budget_source_type   IN       VARCHAR2
353      ,p_budget_source_id     IN       NUMBER
354      ,p_amount               IN       NUMBER
355      ,p_req_curr             IN       VARCHAR2
356      ,p_mode                 IN       VARCHAR2 := jtf_plsql_api.g_create
357      ,p_old_amount           IN       NUMBER := 0
358      ,p_exchange_rate_type   IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL -- Added for bug 7030415
359      ,x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
360      ,x_parent_src_tbl       OUT NOCOPY      parent_src_tbl_type
361    );
363 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
365 END ozf_fund_adjustment_pvt;