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Line 412: return hr_general.decode_lookup('PQH_ACCO_STATUS','03') ;

409: Close csr_assignment_exist_for_acco;
411: If l_var ='Y' then -- Accommodation is Occupied
412: return hr_general.decode_lookup('PQH_ACCO_STATUS','03') ;
413: else -- Accommodation is Available
414: return hr_general.decode_lookup('PQH_ACCO_STATUS','02');
415: End If;
416: --

Line 414: return hr_general.decode_lookup('PQH_ACCO_STATUS','02');

411: If l_var ='Y' then -- Accommodation is Occupied
412: return hr_general.decode_lookup('PQH_ACCO_STATUS','03') ;
413: else -- Accommodation is Available
414: return hr_general.decode_lookup('PQH_ACCO_STATUS','02');
415: End If;
416: --
417: End Get_Accommodation_status;
418: --

Line 701: AND business_group_id = hr_general.get_business_group_id

697: IS
698: SELECT information1
699: FROM per_shared_types
700: WHERE lookup_type = 'FR_PQH_PHYSICAL_SHARE'
701: AND business_group_id = hr_general.get_business_group_id
702: AND system_type_cd = p_shard_type_cd;
704: CURSOR global_salary_share
705: IS

Line 788: AND hr_general.effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date

784: CURSOR csr_primary_asg(p_person_id IN NUMBER) IS
785: SELECT assignment_id, object_version_number
786: FROM per_all_assignments_f
787: WHERE person_id = p_person_id
788: AND hr_general.effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date
789: AND primary_flag = 'Y';
790: l_asg_id NUMBER(15);
791: l_asg_ovn NUMBER(9);
792: l_scl_id NUMBER(15);

Line 815: and sit.business_group_id = hr_general.get_business_group_id

811: Select statutory_situation_id
812: from pqh_fr_stat_situations_v sit , per_shared_types_vl sh
813: where sh.shared_type_id = type_of_ps
814: and sh.system_type_cd = nvl(pqh_fr_utility.GET_BG_TYPE_OF_PS,sh.system_type_cd)
815: and sit.business_group_id = hr_general.get_business_group_id
816: and sit.default_flag = 'Y'
817: and sit.situation_type = 'IA'
818: and sit.sub_type = 'IA_N'
819: and trunc(sysdate) between date_from and nvl(date_to,hr_general.end_of_time);

Line 819: and trunc(sysdate) between date_from and nvl(date_to,hr_general.end_of_time);

815: and sit.business_group_id = hr_general.get_business_group_id
816: and sit.default_flag = 'Y'
817: and sit.situation_type = 'IA'
818: and sit.sub_type = 'IA_N'
819: and trunc(sysdate) between date_from and nvl(date_to,hr_general.end_of_time);
820: --
821: Cursor csr_person_details IS
822: Select per.per_information15, pps.orig_hire_dt
823: from per_all_people_f per,

Line 849: OPEN csr_bg_hours(hr_general.get_business_group_id);

845: OPEN csr_primary_asg(p_person_id);
846: FETCH csr_primary_asg INTO l_asg_id, l_asg_ovn;
847: CLOSE csr_primary_asg;
849: OPEN csr_bg_hours(hr_general.get_business_group_id);
850: FETCH csr_bg_hours INTO l_bg_hours.working_hours, l_bg_hours.frequency;
851: CLOSE csr_bg_hours;
853: HR_ASSIGNMENT_API.update_emp_asg(

Line 854: p_effective_date => hr_general.effective_date

850: FETCH csr_bg_hours INTO l_bg_hours.working_hours, l_bg_hours.frequency;
851: CLOSE csr_bg_hours;
853: HR_ASSIGNMENT_API.update_emp_asg(
854: p_effective_date => hr_general.effective_date
855: ,p_datetrack_update_mode => 'CORRECTION'
856: ,p_assignment_id => l_asg_id
857: ,p_object_version_number => l_asg_ovn
858: ,p_normal_hours => fnd_number.canonical_to_number(l_bg_hours.working_hours)

Line 899: ,P_PROVISIONAL_END_DATE => hr_general.end_of_time

895: p_effective_date => trunc(sysdate)
896: ,P_STATUTORY_SITUATION_ID => l_statutory_situation_id
897: ,P_PERSON_ID => p_person_id
898: ,P_PROVISIONAL_START_DATE => l_date_of_hire
899: ,P_PROVISIONAL_END_DATE => hr_general.end_of_time
900: ,P_APPROVAL_FLAG => 'Y'
901: ,P_ACTUAL_START_DATE => l_date_of_hire
902: ,P_EMP_STAT_SITUATION_ID => l_emp_stat_situation_id
903: ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER => l_object_version_number

Line 947: return hr_general.decode_position_latest_name(get_position_id(p_admin_career_id,p_effective_date));

943: IS
945: Begin
947: return hr_general.decode_position_latest_name(get_position_id(p_admin_career_id,p_effective_date));
949: End get_position_name;
951: Function get_position_id (p_admin_career_id in Varchar2, p_effective_date in Date) return number

Line 1136: l_return_value := l_months ||' '||hr_general.decode_lookup('QUALIFYING_UNITS','M')||

1133: l_months := trunc(months_between (p_end_date,p_start_date),0);
1134: l_days := p_end_date - add_months(p_start_date,l_months);
1136: l_return_value := l_months ||' '||hr_general.decode_lookup('QUALIFYING_UNITS','M')||
1137: ' '||l_days ||' '||hr_general.decode_lookup('QUALIFYING_UNITS','D');
1139: Return l_return_value;

Line 1137: ' '||l_days ||' '||hr_general.decode_lookup('QUALIFYING_UNITS','D');

1133: l_months := trunc(months_between (p_end_date,p_start_date),0);
1134: l_days := p_end_date - add_months(p_start_date,l_months);
1136: l_return_value := l_months ||' '||hr_general.decode_lookup('QUALIFYING_UNITS','M')||
1137: ' '||l_days ||' '||hr_general.decode_lookup('QUALIFYING_UNITS','D');
1139: Return l_return_value;

Line 1150: and O.organization_id = hr_general.get_business_group_id

1146: Cursor csr_get_bg_typ_of_ps IS
1147: Select System_type_cd
1148: from per_shared_types_vl sh , hr_organization_information O
1149: where O.org_information_context = 'FR_PQH_GROUPING_UNIT_INFO'
1150: and O.organization_id = hr_general.get_business_group_id
1151: and sh.shared_type_id = o.org_information1;
1152: --
1153: l_return_value varchar2(10) := null;
1154: Begin

Line 1288: RETURN HR_GENERAL.end_of_time; --Returning end of time because we dont want to match it to asg.effective_start_date

1284: END IF;
1285: END LOOP;
1286: IF l_old_start_date IS NULL THEN
1287: hr_utility.set_location('1st exit',10);
1288: RETURN HR_GENERAL.end_of_time; --Returning end of time because we dont want to match it to asg.effective_start_date
1289: ELSE
1290: IF l_emp_catg <> l_old_emp_catg AND (l_grd_ldr_pgm_id = l_old_grd_ldr_pgm_id AND l_grd_id = l_old_grd_id) THEN
1291: hr_utility.set_location('3rd exit',10);
1292: RETURN p_start_date;

Line 1295: RETURN HR_GENERAL.end_of_time; --Returning end of time because we dont want to match it to asg.effective_start_date

1291: hr_utility.set_location('3rd exit',10);
1292: RETURN p_start_date;
1293: ELSE
1294: hr_utility.set_location('2nd exit',10);
1295: RETURN HR_GENERAL.end_of_time; --Returning end of time because we dont want to match it to asg.effective_start_date
1296: END IF;
1297: END IF;
1298: --
1299: elsif p_action = 'EMPLOY' then

Line 1490: AND p_effective_date BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date AND NVL(asg.effective_end_date,HR_GENERAL.end_of_time)

1486: AND asg.soft_coding_keyflex_id = scl.soft_coding_keyflex_id
1487: AND ast.per_system_status = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN'
1488: AND asg.assignment_status_type_id = ast.assignment_status_type_id
1489: AND asg.primary_flag = 'N'
1490: AND p_effective_date BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date AND NVL(asg.effective_end_date,HR_GENERAL.end_of_time)
1491: AND asg.position_id NOT IN(SELECT position_id
1492: FROM hr_all_positions_f
1493: WHERE information_category = 'FR_PQH'
1494: AND information10 =(SELECT TO_CHAR(corps_definition_id)

Line 1498: AND NVL(date_to,HR_GENERAL.end_of_time))

1494: AND information10 =(SELECT TO_CHAR(corps_definition_id)
1495: FROM pqh_corps_definitions
1496: WHERE ben_pgm_id = TO_NUMBER(p_new_ben_pgm_id)
1497: AND p_effective_date BETWEEN date_from
1498: AND NVL(date_to,HR_GENERAL.end_of_time))
1499: AND p_effective_date BETWEEN effective_start_date
1500: AND NVL(effective_end_date,HR_GENERAL.end_of_time));
1501: --
1502: --Cursor to fetch working hours.

Line 1500: AND NVL(effective_end_date,HR_GENERAL.end_of_time));

1496: WHERE ben_pgm_id = TO_NUMBER(p_new_ben_pgm_id)
1497: AND p_effective_date BETWEEN date_from
1498: AND NVL(date_to,HR_GENERAL.end_of_time))
1499: AND p_effective_date BETWEEN effective_start_date
1500: AND NVL(effective_end_date,HR_GENERAL.end_of_time));
1501: --
1502: --Cursor to fetch working hours.
1503: CURSOR csr_working_hours(p_ben_pgm_id NUMBER) IS
1504: SELECT NVL(normal_hours,0), NVL(normal_hours_frequency,'X')

Line 1507: AND p_effective_date BETWEEN date_from AND NVL(date_to,HR_GENERAL.end_of_time);

1503: CURSOR csr_working_hours(p_ben_pgm_id NUMBER) IS
1504: SELECT NVL(normal_hours,0), NVL(normal_hours_frequency,'X')
1505: FROM pqh_corps_definitions
1506: WHERE ben_pgm_id = p_ben_pgm_id
1507: AND p_effective_date BETWEEN date_from AND NVL(date_to,HR_GENERAL.end_of_time);
1508: --
1509: --Variable Declarations.
1510: l_old_hours NUMBER;
1511: l_old_frequency VARCHAR2(01);

Line 2049: AND business_group_id = HR_GENERAL.get_business_group_id;

2045: SELECT shared_type_id, shared_type_name
2046: FROM per_shared_types_vl
2047: WHERE lookup_type = 'FR_PQH_ORG_CATEGORY'
2048: AND system_type_cd = p_lookup_code
2049: AND business_group_id = HR_GENERAL.get_business_group_id;
2050: --
2051: l_bg_return csr_bg_shared_types%ROWTYPE;
2052: l_glb_return csr_glb_shared_types%ROWTYPE;
2053: --