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Line 513: cs_incident_Statuses_b to_stat

509: ) * 1440 wait_on_agent
510: from cs_incidents_audit_b aud , --this is audit rec for response
511: cs_incidents_audit_b to_dttm , -- to date time
512: cs_incidents_audit_b from_dttm, -- from date time
513: cs_incident_Statuses_b to_stat
514: /* the pair of from_dttm to to_dttm will give the durating in which an agent
515: owned a serveice request.
516: cs_incidents_all_b sr -- only for incident_date */
517: where aud.incident_audit_id =

Line 615: cs_incident_statuses_b to_Stat

611: from cs_incidents_audit_b curr_resp,
612: cs_incidents_audit_b aud , --this is audit rec for prior resolutions
613: cs_incidents_audit_b to_dttm , -- to date time
614: cs_incidents_audit_b from_dttm, -- from date time
615: cs_incident_statuses_b to_Stat
616: /* the pair of from_dttm to to_dttm will give the durating in which an agent
617: owned a serveice request.
618: cs_incidents_all_b sr -- only for incident_date */
619: where aud.incident_audit_id =