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Line 558: --sommukhe 24-Jan-2006 Bug #4926548,replaced igs_pe_person_v with hz_parties for cursor c_per_id

554: --Change History:
555: --Who When What
556: --sommukhe 1-May-2006 Bug #5099457, Changes included as incorporated for 4111806
557: --sommukhe 10-FEB-2006 Bug #3712546,modified the cursor cur_fac_wl also added cursors cur_fac_wl_null and cur_fac_asg_task
558: --sommukhe 24-Jan-2006 Bug #4926548,replaced igs_pe_person_v with hz_parties for cursor c_per_id
559: -- sarakshi 14-Feb-2005 Bug#4099575, obsoleted the column std_exp_wl, removed the code asssociated with it
560: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
561: -- p_person_id instructor id for which the rollover should be performed ,
562: -- run the rollover for all the instructors if null

Line 647: CURSOR c_per_id (cp_person_id igs_pe_person_v.person_id%TYPE) IS

643: cur_upd_src_task_rec cur_upd_src_task%ROWTYPE ;
645: --get the faculty name and person number to be logged
646: --
647: CURSOR c_per_id (cp_person_id igs_pe_person_v.person_id%TYPE) IS
648: SELECT party_number person_number, party_name person_name
649: FROM hz_parties
650: WHERE party_id =cp_person_id;
651: l_per_id c_per_id%ROWTYPE;