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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 20

|     12/12/2002  S. Singhania    Added EVT.ENTITY_ID in the select          |
|                                   string that is returned back from        |
|                                   function GET_QUERY_STRING                |
|     06/26/2003  S. Singhania    Removed the code that refers the table     |
|                                   XLA_ACCOUNTING_LOG. This was not         |
|                                   needed as events are marked with         |
|                                   parent request_id of accounting prog     |
|                                   rather than the child's request_id.      |
|     07/22/2003  S. Singhania    Added dbdrv command to the file            |
|     08/27/2003  S. Singhania    Replaced the funtion with the procedure    |
|                                   GET_QUERY_STRINGS so that the report     |
|                                   XLAACCPB.rdf can use this procedure to   |
|                                   build its query. bug # 3113574           |
|     10/13/2003  S. Singhania    Added NOCOPY hint to OUT parameters in     |
|                                   GET_QUERY_STRINGS                        |
|     03/24/2004  S. Singhania    Added local trace procedure and added      |
|                                   FND_LOG messages.                        |
|                                 Bug 3389175. Added a condition to perform  |
|                                   outerjoin to the Trx id view if fnd log  |
|                                   is enabled.                              |
|     06/27/2005  W. Shen         Bug 4447717. directly return if no         |
|                                   transaction identifier                   |
|     07/20/2005  W. Shen         Change the get_transcation_identifiers     |
|                                   from procedure to function to return     |
|                                   some error result so it can be processed |
|                                   0-- success                              |
|                                   1-- fail                                 |
|     12/30/2005  W. Chan         Bug 4908407. Make user transaction date    |
|                                   timezone converted.                      |
|     02/27/2006  V. Kumar        Bug 5013132 Using bind variable in Execute |
|                                   Immediate of l_sql_str                   |

--           ****************  declaraions  ********************
-- declaring types

    (f1               VARCHAR2(80)
    ,f2               VARCHAR2(30)
    ,f3               VARCHAR2(240)
    ,f4               VARCHAR2(30));
Line: 146

       ,p_select_str             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
       ,p_from_str               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
       ,p_where_str              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
CURSOR cols_csr IS
   (SELECT xid.transaction_id_col_name_1   trx_col_1
          ,xid.transaction_id_col_name_2   trx_col_2
          ,xid.transaction_id_col_name_3   trx_col_3
          ,xid.transaction_id_col_name_4   trx_col_4
          ,xid.source_id_col_name_1        src_col_1
          ,xid.source_id_col_name_2        src_col_2
          ,xid.source_id_col_name_3        src_col_3
          ,xid.source_id_col_name_4        src_col_4
          ,xem.column_name                 column_name
          ,xem.column_title                prompt
          ,utc.data_type                   data_type
      FROM xla_entity_id_mappings   xid
          ,xla_event_mappings_vl    xem
          ,user_tab_columns         utc
     WHERE xid.application_id       = p_application_id
       AND xid.entity_code          = p_entity_code
       AND xem.application_id       = p_application_id
       AND xem.entity_code          = p_entity_code
       AND xem.event_class_code     = p_event_class_code
       AND utc.table_name           = p_reporting_view_name
       AND utc.column_name          = xem.column_name)
     ORDER BY xem.user_sequence;
Line: 333

            '  SELECT'                                         ||
            '  NULL                        dummy'              ||
            l_col_string                                       ||
            '  FROM'                                           ||
            '  dual                        dual'               ||
            l_view_name                                        ||
            '  WHERE'                                          ||
            '  ROWNUM = 1';
Line: 381

   p_select_str := l_col_string;
Line: 387

         (p_msg      => 'p_select_str = '||p_select_str
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 443

   (SELECT xid.transaction_id_col_name_1   trx_col_1
          ,xid.transaction_id_col_name_2   trx_col_2
          ,xid.transaction_id_col_name_3   trx_col_3
          ,xid.transaction_id_col_name_4   trx_col_4
          ,xid.source_id_col_name_1        src_col_1
          ,xid.source_id_col_name_2        src_col_2
          ,xid.source_id_col_name_3        src_col_3
          ,xid.source_id_col_name_4        src_col_4
          ,xem.column_name                 column_name
          ,xem.column_title                prompt
          ,utc.data_type                   data_type
      FROM xla_entity_id_mappings   xid
          ,xla_event_mappings_vl    xem
          ,user_tab_columns         utc
     WHERE xid.application_id       = p_application_id
       AND xid.entity_code          = p_entity_code
       AND xem.application_id       = p_application_id
       AND xem.entity_code          = p_entity_code
       AND xem.event_class_code     = p_event_class_code
       AND utc.table_name           = l_reporting_view_name
       AND utc.column_name          = xem.column_name)
     ORDER BY xem.user_sequence;
Line: 504

  select reporting_view_name
  into   l_reporting_view_name
  from   xla_event_class_attrs
  where  application_id=p_application_id
         and entity_code=p_entity_code
         and event_class_code=p_event_class_code;
Line: 648

            '  SELECT'                                         ||
            '  NULL                        dummy, '             ||
            l_col_string                                       ||
            '  FROM'                                           ||
            '  dual                        dual'               ||
            l_view_name                                        ||
            '  WHERE'                                          ||
            '  ROWNUM = 1';
Line: 700

      ' SELECT '                                         ||
      l_col_string                                       ||
      '  FROM'                                           ||
      '  xla_events                  evt'                ||
      ' ,xla_transaction_entities    ent'                ||
      l_view_name                                        ||
      '  WHERE'                                          ||
      '  evt.event_id           =  :1 '                  ||
      '  and evt.application_id =  :2 '                  ||
      '  and ent.entity_id      = evt.entity_id'         ||
      '  and ent.application_id = evt.application_id '   ||