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1 PACKAGE BODY per_manage_contracts_pkg AS
2   /* $Header: pemancon.pkb 115.3 2002/12/06 11:56:19 pkakar noship $ */
3   --
4   --
5   -- Returns a summary flag indicating the type of association between a person and their contracts.
6   --
7   -- 'N' - Person has no contracts.
8   -- 'Y' - Person has contracts
9   --
10   FUNCTION contract_association
11   (p_person_id IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
12     CURSOR cContract(p_person_id NUMBER) IS
13       SELECT 'Y'
14       FROM   per_people_f      per
15 	    ,per_contracts_f   con
16 	    ,fnd_sessions      ses
17       WHERE  per.person_id       = p_person_id
18 	AND  con.person_id       = per.person_id
19 	AND  ses.session_id      = USERENV('sessionid')
20 	AND  ses.effective_date BETWEEN per.effective_start_date
21 				    AND per.effective_end_date
22 	AND  ses.effective_date BETWEEN con.effective_start_date
23 				    AND con.effective_end_date;
24      v_contracts_flag char;
25   BEGIN
26     OPEN  cContract(p_person_id);
27     FETCH cContract INTO v_contracts_flag;
28     IF cContract%NOTFOUND THEN
29       -- Person has no contracts.
30       --
31       CLOSE cContract;
32       RETURN 'N';
33     ELSE
34       -- Person has contracts.
35       --
36       CLOSE cContract;
37       RETURN v_contracts_flag;
38     END IF;
39   END contract_association;
40   --
41   -- Returns the flexfield structures for a business group.
42   --
43   PROCEDURE get_flex_structures
44   (p_business_group_id      IN NUMBER
45   ,p_grade_structure        IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
46   ,p_people_group_structure IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
47   ,p_job_structure          IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
48   ,p_position_structure     IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) IS
49     CURSOR cFlexStructures(p_business_group_id NUMBER) IS
50       SELECT grade_structure
51             ,people_group_structure
52             ,job_structure
53             ,position_structure
54       FROM   per_business_groups
55       WHERE  business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
56   BEGIN
57      OPEN  cFlexStructures(p_business_group_id);
58      FETCH cFlexStructures INTO p_grade_structure
59                                ,p_people_group_structure
60                                ,p_job_structure
61                                ,p_position_structure;
62      CLOSE cFlexStructures;
63   END get_flex_structures;
64   --
65   -- Calls hr_contract_api.update_contract in date-track CORRECTION mode for all records
66   -- matching supplied contract_id argument, (excluding that which matches the supplied object_version_number
67   -- if the exclude flag is set to 'Y'), passing only the required arguements plus current values for
68   -- user_status and user_status_date_change.
69   --
70   PROCEDURE update_contracts
71   (p_contract_id                    IN     number
72   ,p_object_version_number          IN OUT NOCOPY number
73   ,p_doc_status                     IN     varchar2
74   ,p_doc_status_change_date         IN     date
75   ,p_exclude_flag                   IN     char)
76   IS
77   --
78   CURSOR c_all_con IS
79   SELECT contract_id,
80 	 effective_start_date,
81 	 object_version_number,
82 	 person_id,
83          reference,
84 	 type,
85          status
86   FROM per_contracts_f
87   WHERE contract_id = p_contract_id;
88   --
89   CURSOR c_exc_con IS
90   SELECT contract_id,
91 	 effective_start_date,
92 	 object_version_number,
93 	 person_id,
94          reference,
95 	 type,
96          status
97   FROM per_contracts_f
98   WHERE contract_id = p_contract_id
99   AND object_version_number <> p_object_version_number;
100   --
101   l_con                    c_all_con%ROWTYPE;
102   l_effective_start_date   date;
103   l_effective_end_date     date;
104   l_object_version_number  number;
105   l_dt_mode                varchar2(30) := 'CORRECTION';
106   l_get_current_ovn        boolean := FALSE;
107   --
108   BEGIN
109   --
110   -- Use the appropriate cursor to use, based on flag parameter.
111   --
112     IF p_exclude_flag = 'N' THEN
113    --
114    -- update all records, including the current one (matching ovn)
115       OPEN c_all_con;
116       FETCH c_all_con INTO l_con;
117       WHILE c_all_con%FOUND LOOP
118        -- for each record, set the doc_status and doc_status_change_date attributes via
119        -- a call to hr_contract_api.update_contract using CORRECTION dt mode.
120        --
121         l_object_version_number := l_con.object_version_number;
122        --
123        -- if we are at the current record (same ovn), then set flag indicating we
124        -- should get the new ovn returned for the for current iteration.
125 	IF l_object_version_number = p_object_version_number THEN
126           l_get_current_ovn := TRUE;
127 	END IF;
128        --
129         hr_contract_api.update_contract
130         (p_contract_id                   => l_con.contract_id
131         ,p_effective_start_date          => l_effective_start_date
132         ,p_effective_end_date            => l_effective_end_date
133         ,p_object_version_number         => l_object_version_number
134         ,p_person_id                     => l_con.person_id
135         ,p_reference                     => l_con.reference
136         ,p_type                          => l_con.type
137         ,p_status                        => l_con.status
138         ,p_doc_status                    => p_doc_status
139         ,p_doc_status_change_date        => p_doc_status_change_date
140         ,p_effective_date                => l_con.effective_start_date
141         ,p_datetrack_mode                => l_dt_mode);
142        --
143        -- pass out the new ovn for the current record
144 	IF l_get_current_ovn THEN
145 	  p_object_version_number := l_object_version_number;
146 	  l_get_current_ovn := FALSE;
147         END IF;
148        --
149         FETCH c_all_con INTO l_con;
150        --
151       END LOOP;
152       CLOSE c_all_con;
153      --
154     ELSIF p_exclude_flag = 'Y' THEN
155      --
156      -- update all records, excluding the current one (matching ovn)
157       OPEN c_exc_con;
158       FETCH c_exc_con INTO l_con;
159       WHILE c_exc_con%FOUND LOOP
160        -- for each record, set the doc_status and doc_status_change_date attributes via
161        -- a call to hr_contract_api.update_contract using CORRECTION dt mode.
162        --
163         l_object_version_number := l_con.object_version_number;
164        --
165         hr_contract_api.update_contract
166         (p_contract_id                   => l_con.contract_id
167         ,p_effective_start_date          => l_effective_start_date
168         ,p_effective_end_date            => l_effective_end_date
169         ,p_object_version_number         => l_object_version_number
170         ,p_person_id                     => l_con.person_id
171         ,p_reference                     => l_con.reference
172         ,p_type                          => l_con.type
173         ,p_status                        => l_con.status
174         ,p_doc_status                    => p_doc_status
175         ,p_doc_status_change_date        => p_doc_status_change_date
176         ,p_effective_date                => l_con.effective_start_date
177         ,p_datetrack_mode                => l_dt_mode);
178        --
179         FETCH c_exc_con INTO l_con;
180        --
181       END LOOP;
182       CLOSE c_exc_con;
183      -- pass back a null ovn value.
184       p_object_version_number := NULL;
185      --
186      --
187     END IF;
188    --
189   END update_contracts;
190  --
191 END per_manage_contracts_pkg;