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Line 4665: UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers

4661: END IF;
4663: -- Update the location information for serialized packed items
4664: FORALL bulk_i IN l_tmp_bulk_lpns.lpn_id.first .. l_tmp_bulk_lpns.lpn_id.last
4665: UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
4666: SET current_organization_id = l_lpn.organization_id
4667: , current_subinventory_code = l_lpn.subinventory_code
4668: , current_locator_id = l_lpn.locator_id
4669: , last_update_date = SYSDATE

Line 4721: UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers

4718: -- Serialized item packed LPN information are stored in the serial numbers table
4719: -- Also update the cost group field since it is not guaranteed that the serial number will
4720: -- have that value stamped
4721: UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
4722: SET lpn_id = p_lpn_id
4723: , cost_group_id = p_cost_group_id
4724: , last_update_date = SYSDATE
4725: , last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id

Line 5018: UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers

5014: AND parent_lpn_id = l_child_lpn.lpn_id;
5015: END IF;
5017: -- Update the location information for serialized packed items
5018: UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
5019: SET current_organization_id = p_organization_id
5020: , current_subinventory_code = l_subinventory
5021: , current_locator_id = l_locator_id
5022: , last_update_date = SYSDATE

Line 5089: UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers

5085: l_progress := 'Unacking serialized items sn '||p_from_serial_number||'-'||p_to_serial_number;
5087: -- Serialized item packed LPN information are stored
5088: -- in the serial numbers table
5089: UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
5090: SET lpn_id = NULL
5091: , last_update_date = SYSDATE
5092: , last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id
5093: WHERE inventory_item_id = p_content_item_id

Line 5347: UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers

5343: END IF;
5345: -- Update the information for serialized packed items
5346: FORALL bulk_i IN l_tmp_bulk_lpns.lpn_id.first .. l_tmp_bulk_lpns.lpn_id.last
5347: UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
5348: SET last_update_date = SYSDATE
5349: , last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id
5350: , lpn_id = NULL
5351: WHERE lpn_id = l_tmp_bulk_lpns.lpn_id(bulk_i);

Line 6669: FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt, mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt1, mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt2

6665: NVL(msnt1.fm_serial_number, msnt2.fm_serial_number),
6666: NVL(msnt1.to_serial_number, msnt2.to_serial_number)
6667: , mmtt.secondary_transaction_quantity --INVCONV kkillams
6668: , mmtt.secondary_uom_code --INVCONV kkillams
6669: FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt, mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt1, mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt2
6670: WHERE mmtt.organization_id = p_organization_id
6671: AND mmtt.transaction_header_id = l_trx_header_id
6672: AND mtlt.transaction_temp_id(+) = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
6673: AND msnt1.transaction_temp_id(+) = mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id

Line 6932: --Insert serials into MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS_TEMP

6928: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
6929: mdebug('inserting serials '|| l_serial_number_from || '-' || l_serial_number_to || ' into mmtt', G_INFO);
6930: mdebug('with l_trx_tmp_id='|| l_trx_tmp_id, G_INFO);
6931: END IF;
6932: --Insert serials into MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS_TEMP
6933: x_error_code := inv_trx_util_pub.insert_ser_trx(
6934: p_trx_tmp_id=> l_trx_tmp_id,
6935: p_user_id=> fnd_global.user_id,
6936: p_fm_ser_num=> l_serial_number_from,

Line 7516: UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers

7512: -- in the serial numbers table
7513: -- Also update the cost group field since it is not
7514: -- guaranteed that the serial number will have that value stamped
7515: -- if serial status is not resides in store (3), update lot and rev
7516: UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
7517: SET lpn_id = p_lpn_id,
7518: last_update_date = SYSDATE,
7519: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
7520: last_txn_source_type_id = p_source_type_id,


7640: CURSOR lpn_serial_contents_cursor IS
7641: SELECT inventory_item_id, current_organization_id, lpn_id,
7642: revision, lot_number, serial_number, cost_group_id
7644: WHERE lpn_id = l_current_lpn
7645: -- bug 5103594, added the Order By clause
7646: ORDER BY inventory_item_id, revision, lot_number, serial_number;

Line 8092: FROM mtl_serial_numbers

8088: --check to see if there are any serial numbers associated with lpn
8089: BEGIN
8091: INTO l_lpn_is_valid
8092: FROM mtl_serial_numbers
8093: WHERE current_organization_id = p_organization_id
8094: AND lpn_id = lpn_rec.lpn_id
8095: AND rownum < 2;
8096: IF ( l_debug = 1 ) THEN

Line 8190: FROM mtl_serial_numbers

8186: l_next_item_rec LPN_item_cur%ROWTYPE;
8188: CURSOR LPN_serial_cur (p_lpn_id NUMBER, p_item_id NUMBER, p_revision VARCHAR2, p_lot_number VARCHAR2) IS
8189: SELECT serial_number
8190: FROM mtl_serial_numbers
8191: WHERE current_organization_id = p_organization_id
8192: AND inventory_item_id = p_item_id
8193: AND lpn_id = p_lpn_id
8194: AND NVL(revision, '@') = NVL(p_revision, '@')

Line 8350: -- Insert record into MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS_TEMP

8346: END IF;
8347: l_insert_lot_rec := FALSE;
8348: END IF;
8350: -- Insert record into MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS_TEMP
8351: IF ( l_insert_ser_rec ) THEN
8352: OPEN LPN_serial_cur(Nested_LPN_rec.lpn_id, l_crnt_item_rec.inventory_item_id,
8353: l_crnt_item_rec.revision, l_crnt_item_rec.lot_number);
8354: FETCH LPN_serial_cur INTO l_crnt_ser_rec;