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Line 1000: FROM qp_pte_source_systems qpss

996: AND l_agreement_id IS NULL
997: --AND qdt.to_currency_code = NVL(:order.transactional_curr_code, qdt.to_currency_code)
998: --AND qdt.to_currency_code = NVL(l_order_transac_curr_code, qdt.to_currency_code)
999: AND qlhv.source_system_code IN (SELECT qpss.application_short_name
1000: FROM qp_pte_source_systems qpss
1001: WHERE qpss.pte_code = Fnd_Profile.value('QP_PRICING_TRANSACTION_ENTITY'))
1002: UNION
1003: SELECT DISTINCT qlhv.list_header_id price_list_id
1004: ,qlhv.name name

Line 1059: FROM qp_pte_source_systems qpss

1055: --AND qdt.to_currency_code = NVL(:order.transactional_curr_code, qdt.to_currency_code)
1056: --AND qdt.to_currency_code = NVL(l_order_transac_curr_code, qdt.to_currency_code)
1057: AND qdt.to_currency_code = NVL(l_currency_code, qdt.to_currency_code)
1058: AND qlhv.source_system_code IN (SELECT qpss.application_short_name
1059: FROM qp_pte_source_systems qpss
1060: WHERE qpss.pte_code = Fnd_Profile.value('QP_PRICING_TRANSACTION_ENTITY'))
1061: UNION
1062: SELECT DISTINCT qlhv.list_header_id price_list_id
1063: ,qlhv.name name

Line 1120: FROM qp_pte_source_systems qpss

1116: hz_cust_acct_relate r
1117: WHERE r.related_cust_account_id = l_sold_to_org_id AND
1118: r.status = 'A' AND l_cust_relation_flag = 'Y'))
1119: AND qlhv.source_system_code IN (SELECT qpss.application_short_name
1120: FROM qp_pte_source_systems qpss
1121: WHERE qpss.pte_code = Fnd_Profile.value('QP_PRICING_TRANSACTION_ENTITY'))
1122: ORDER BY name;

Line 1168: FROM qp_pte_source_systems qpss

1164: AND l_agreement_id IS NULL
1165: --AND currency_code = NVL(l_order_transac_curr_code, currency_code)
1166: AND currency_code = NVL(l_currency_code, currency_code)
1167: AND qlhv.source_system_code IN (SELECT qpss.application_short_name
1168: FROM qp_pte_source_systems qpss
1169: WHERE qpss.pte_code = Fnd_Profile.value('QP_PRICING_TRANSACTION_ENTITY'))
1170: UNION
1171: SELECT
1172: qlhv.list_header_id price_list_id

Line 1219: FROM qp_pte_source_systems qpss

1215: AND l_agreement_id IS NOT NULL
1216: --AND currency_code = NVL(l_order_transac_curr_code, currency_code)
1217: AND currency_code = NVL(l_currency_code, currency_code)
1218: AND qlhv.source_system_code IN (SELECT qpss.application_short_name
1219: FROM qp_pte_source_systems qpss
1220: WHERE qpss.pte_code = Fnd_Profile.value('QP_PRICING_TRANSACTION_ENTITY'))
1221: UNION
1222: SELECT
1223: qlhv.list_header_id price_list_id

Line 1274: FROM qp_pte_source_systems qpss

1270: hz_cust_acct_relate r
1271: WHERE r.related_cust_account_id = l_sold_to_org_id AND
1272: r.status = 'A' AND l_cust_relation_flag = 'Y'))
1273: AND qlhv.source_system_code IN (SELECT qpss.application_short_name
1274: FROM qp_pte_source_systems qpss
1275: WHERE qpss.pte_code = Fnd_Profile.value('QP_PRICING_TRANSACTION_ENTITY'))
1276: ORDER BY name;
1278: l_price_list_multi c_price_list_multi%ROWTYPE;

Line 1407: FROM qp_pte_source_systems qpss

1403: --commented out below 2 lines for MOAC as the ORG_ID check is built into the view qp_list_headers_vl
1404: -- (((nvl(global_flag,'Y') = 'Y' or orig_org_id = fnd_profile.Value('ORG_ID'))
1405: -- and qp_security.security_on = 'Y') or qp_security.security_on = 'N')
1406: AND source_system_code IN (SELECT qpss.application_short_name
1407: FROM qp_pte_source_systems qpss
1408: WHERE qpss.pte_code = Fnd_Profile.value('QP_PRICING_TRANSACTION_ENTITY'))
1409: ORDER BY name;
1411: CURSOR c_price_list_ttyp

Line 1429: FROM qp_pte_source_systems qpss

1425: AND TRUNC(l_temp_date) BETWEEN NVL(TRUNC(start_date_active), TRUNC(l_temp_date)) AND
1426: NVL(TRUNC(end_date_active), TRUNC(l_temp_date)) AND
1427: list_type_code = 'PRL'
1428: AND source_system_code IN (SELECT qpss.application_short_name
1429: FROM qp_pte_source_systems qpss
1430: WHERE qpss.pte_code = Fnd_Profile.value('QP_PRICING_TRANSACTION_ENTITY'))
1431: ORDER BY name;
1433: l_price_list_ttyp c_price_list_ttyp%ROWTYPE;