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1 PACKAGE BODY qa_chart_histogram_pkg AS
2 /* $Header: qachistb.pls 120.1 2006/08/09 01:05:16 bso noship $ */
4     --
5     -- Tracking Bug 4939897
6     -- R12 Forms Tech Stack Upgrade - Obsolete Oracle Graphics
7     --
10         PROCEDURE populate_data(
11             p_chart_id NUMBER,
12             x_row_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) IS
14         --
15         -- This is a very specific private procedure that assumes
16         -- qltcontb.histogram has been called to populate qa_chart_data
17         -- (the old data point table), it then migrates the data over
18         -- to the qa_chart_generic table.  It does a direct INSERT INTO
19         -- qa_chart_generic...SELECT FROM qa_chart_data.  This is not
20         -- the most efficient way to achieve a histogram, but in order
21         -- to completely re-use the legacy code for implementation and
22         -- maintenance efficient and, more importantly, to not destabilize
23         -- existing code, this is a reasonable approach.
24         --
25         -- bso Wed Jan 11 13:53:16 PST 2006
26         --
28         BEGIN
29             --
30             -- There is no WHERE clause because this table always
31             -- hold data for one single session.  This will result
32             -- in a Full Table Scan in Performance Repository.
33             -- This is expected and there is no performance issue
34             -- as the session data will be rolled back momentarily,
35             -- so it always contains a small no. of records only.
36             --
37             -- bso Wed Jan 11 13:54:47 PST 2006
38             --
39             INSERT INTO qa_chart_generic(
40                 created_by,
41                 creation_date,
42                 last_updated_by,
43                 last_update_date,
44                 last_update_login,
45                 chart_id,
46                 line,
47                 x_value,
48                 y_value)
49             SELECT
50                 /* Small amount of data from one session only. */
51                 /* FTS expected and reviewed by bso 1/11/2006. */
52                 fnd_global.user_id,
53                 sysdate,
54                 fnd_global.user_id,
55                 sysdate,
56                 fnd_global.login_id,
57                 p_chart_id,
58                 bar_number,
59                 hist_range,
60                 num_occurrences
61             FROM
62                 qa_chart_data;
64             x_row_count := sql%ROWCOUNT;
66         END populate_data;
69         FUNCTION get_x_axis_label(
70             p_element_id NUMBER,
71             p_spec_id NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
72         --
73         -- Construct the x-axis label.
74         -- If p_spec_id is null, it is simply the <element name>.
75         -- Else, it features both the <element name> and the <spec name>
76         -- in a message QA_CHART_HISTOGRAM_X_LABEL.
77         --
78         BEGIN
80             IF p_spec_id IS NULL THEN
81                 RETURN qa_chars_api.get_element_name(p_element_id);
82             ELSE
83                 fnd_message.set_name('QA', 'QA_CHART_HISTOGRAM_X_LABEL');
84                 fnd_message.set_token('ELEMENT_NAME',
85                     qa_chars_api.get_element_name(p_element_id));
86                 fnd_message.set_token('SPEC_NAME',
87                     qa_specs_pkg.get_spec_name(p_spec_id));
89                 RETURN fnd_message.get;
90             END IF;
92         END get_x_axis_label;
95         FUNCTION get_y_axis_label RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
96         --
97         -- y-axis label is always the function name "Count", translated.
98         --
99         BEGIN
100             RETURN qa_eres_util.get_mfg_lookups_meaning(
101                 p_lookup_type => 'QA_FUNCTION',
102                 p_lookup_code => qa_ss_const.chart_function_count);
103         END get_y_axis_label;
106     PROCEDURE create_chart(
107     --
108     --  This is a wrapper to the original qltcontb.histogram
109     --  procedure.  It calls qltcontb.histogram and then calls
110     --  populate_data.  It will be called by QLTENGIN.pld.
111     --
112     --  Bug 5130880 Added target value.
113     --
114         p_criteria_id                   NUMBER,
115         p_element_id                    NUMBER,
116         p_spec_id                       NUMBER,
117         p_title                         VARCHAR2,
118         p_description                   VARCHAR2,
119         p_sql                           VARCHAR2,
120         p_dec_prec                      NUMBER,
121         p_usl                           NUMBER,
122         p_lsl                           NUMBER,
123         p_target_value                  NUMBER,
124         x_cp              IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
125         x_cpk             IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
126         x_num_points      IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
127         x_num_bars        IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
128         x_chart_id           OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
129         x_row_count          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) IS
131         l_dummy NUMBER;
133     BEGIN
135         --
136         -- Main worker to populate the data points in qa_chart_data
137         -- table.  This is a pre-R12 existing API.
138         --
139         qltcontb.histogram(
140             sql_string => p_sql,
141             num_points => x_num_points,
142             dec_prec => p_dec_prec,
143             num_bars => x_num_bars,
144             usl => p_usl,
145             lsl => p_lsl,
146             cp => x_cp,
147             cpk => x_cpk,
148             not_enough_data => l_dummy);
150         qa_chart_headers_pkg.create_chart(
151             p_criteria_id => p_criteria_id,
152             p_title => p_title,
153             p_description => p_description,
154             p_x_label => get_x_axis_label(p_element_id, p_spec_id),
155             p_y_label => get_y_axis_label,
156             x_chart_id => x_chart_id);
158         --
159         -- Bug 5130880.  Need to have spec limits, cp, cpk and uom code
160         -- in the chart header for display purpose.
161         -- bso Tue Aug  8 17:25:53 PDT 2006
162         --
163         UPDATE qa_chart_headers
164         SET    last_update_date = sysdate,
165                upper_spec_limit = p_usl,
166                lower_spec_limit = p_lsl,
167                target_value = p_target_value,
168                cp = x_cp,
169                cpk = x_cpk,
170                uom_code = (
171                    SELECT uom_code
172                    FROM   qa_spec_chars
173                    WHERE  spec_id = p_spec_id AND
174                           char_id = p_element_id)
175         WHERE  chart_id = x_chart_id;
177         populate_data(x_chart_id, x_row_count);
179         DELETE
180             /* Small amount of data from one session only. */
181             /* FTS expected and reviewed by bso 1/11/2006. */
182             FROM qa_chart_data;
184     END create_chart;
187     PROCEDURE create_chart_autonomous(
188     --
189     --  This is a wrapper to create_chart and performs
190     --  autonomous commit.
191     --
192     --  Bug 5130880 Added target value.
193     --
194         p_criteria_id                   NUMBER,
195         p_element_id                    NUMBER,
196         p_spec_id                       NUMBER,
197         p_title                         VARCHAR2,
198         p_description                   VARCHAR2,
199         p_sql                           VARCHAR2,
200         p_dec_prec                      NUMBER,
201         p_usl                           NUMBER,
202         p_lsl                           NUMBER,
203         p_target_value                  NUMBER,
204         x_cp              IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
205         x_cpk             IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
206         x_num_points      IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
207         x_num_bars        IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
208         x_chart_id           OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
209         x_row_count          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) IS
211     PRAGMA autonomous_transaction;
213     BEGIN
214         create_chart(
215             p_criteria_id,
216             p_element_id,
217             p_spec_id,
218             p_title,
219             p_description,
220             p_sql,
221             p_dec_prec,
222             p_usl,
223             p_lsl,
224             p_target_value,
225             x_cp,
226             x_cpk,
227             x_num_points,
228             x_num_bars,
229             x_chart_id,
230             x_row_count);
231         COMMIT;
232     END create_chart_autonomous;
235     PROCEDURE delete_data(p_chart_id NUMBER) IS
236     --
237     -- This is a simple wrapper to qa_chart_generic_pkg
238     -- since Histogram uses generic charting architecture.
239     --
240     BEGIN
241         qa_chart_generic_pkg.delete_data(p_chart_id);
242     END delete_data;
245     PROCEDURE delete_data_autonomous(p_chart_id NUMBER) IS
246     --
247     -- This is a wrapper to delete_data and performs
248     -- autonomous commit.
249     --
250     PRAGMA autonomous_transaction;
251     BEGIN
252         delete_data(p_chart_id);
253         COMMIT;
254     END delete_data_autonomous;
257 END qa_chart_histogram_pkg;