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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 31

 select TRX_NUMBER
  WHERE  CUSTOMER_TRX_ID = p_commitment_id;
Line: 90

    SELECT nvl(transactional_curr_code,'USD')
    INTO   l_currency_code from oe_order_headers
    WHERE  header_id=p_header_id;
Line: 166

v_SelectStmt		VARCHAR2(500);
Line: 182

    v_SelectStmt :=
	'SELECT allocate_tax_freight
           INTO :allocate_fax_freight
      	   FROM  ra_cust_trx_types_all rctt
                 ,ra_customer_trx_all rcta
    	   WHERE rctt.cust_trx_type_id = rcta.cust_trx_type_id
    	   AND   rcta.customer_trx_id = :commitment_id';
Line: 190

    DBMS_SQL.PARSE(v_CursorID, v_SelectStmt, DBMS_SQL.V7);
Line: 218

    SELECT NVL(allocate_tax_freight, 'N')
    INTO   l_allocate_tax_freight
    FROM   ra_cust_trx_types_all rctt
          ,ra_customer_trx_all rcta
    WHERE  rctt.cust_trx_type_id = rcta.cust_trx_type_id
    AND    rcta.customer_trx_id = p_line_rec.commitment_id;
Line: 349

    SELECT 	l.header_id
		,nvl(l.unit_selling_price, 0)
                -- QUOTING change
    INTO   	l_header_id
                -- QUOTING change
    FROM   	oe_order_lines_all l
    WHERE  	l.line_id = l_line_id;
Line: 392

      SELECT nvl(transactional_curr_code,'USD')
      INTO   l_currency_code from oe_order_headers
      WHERE  header_id=l_header_id;
Line: 522

        oe_payments_Util.Delete_Row(p_line_id => l_line_id, p_header_id => l_header_id);
Line: 526

          oe_payments_Util.Delete_Row(p_line_id => l_line_id, p_header_id => l_header_id);
Line: 535

              UPDATE oe_payments
              SET    payment_trx_id = l_new_commitment_id,
                     commitment_applied_amount = l_commitment_applied_amount,
                     payment_number = nvl(payment_number, 1)
              WHERE  line_id = l_line_id
              AND    header_id = l_header_id
              AND    nvl(payment_type_code, 'COMMITMENT') = 'COMMITMENT';
Line: 544

              UPDATE oe_payments
              SET    payment_trx_id = l_new_commitment_id,
                     commitment_applied_amount = l_commitment_applied_amount
              WHERE  line_id = l_line_id
              AND    header_id = l_header_id
              AND    nvl(payment_type_code, 'COMMITMENT') = 'COMMITMENT';
Line: 556

            /*** Fix Bug # 2511389: Call to delete_row added above should take care of this scenario also
            IF l_commitment_bal >0 OR (l_commitment_bal <= 0 AND l_commitment_applied_amount < l_payment_types_tbl(1).commitment_applied_amount) THEN
                 IF l_ordered_quantity = 0 THEN
                   Oe_Payments_Util.Delete_Row(p_line_id => p_line_id);
Line: 569

	        UPDATE oe_payments
	        SET    commitment_applied_amount = l_commitment_applied_amount,
                       payment_number = nvl(payment_number, 1)
	        WHERE  line_id = l_line_id
                AND    header_id = l_header_id
                AND    payment_trx_id = l_new_commitment_id     /* Added this condition for Bug #3536642 */
                AND    nvl(payment_type_code, 'COMMITMENT') = 'COMMITMENT';
Line: 578

	        UPDATE oe_payments
	        SET    commitment_applied_amount = l_commitment_applied_amount
	        WHERE  line_id = l_line_id
                AND    header_id = l_header_id
                AND    payment_trx_id = l_new_commitment_id    /* Added this condition for Bug #3536642 */
                AND    nvl(payment_type_code, 'COMMITMENT') = 'COMMITMENT';
Line: 605

      l_payment_types_rec.last_update_date := SYSDATE;
Line: 606

      l_payment_types_rec.last_updated_by := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
Line: 613

         select (nvl(max(payment_number),0) + 1)
         into l_payment_types_rec.payment_number
         from oe_payments
         where header_id = l_header_id
         and line_id = l_line_id;
Line: 627

          oe_debug_pub.add(  'BEFORE CALLING OE_PAYMENTS_UTIL.INSERT_ROW' ) ;
Line: 630

      OE_Payments_Util.INSERT_ROW(p_payment_types_rec => l_payment_types_rec);
Line: 633

          oe_debug_pub.add(  'AFTER CALLING OE_PAYMENTS_UTIL.INSERT_ROW' ) ;
Line: 642

     oe_debug_pub.add('Check if a request for update commitment applied has been logged or not');
Line: 649

Line: 687

  , NVL(payment_amount, 0)
  , l_payment_amount
  FROM  oe_order_headers_all
  WHERE header_id = l_header_id;
Line: 750

    SELECT NVL(commitment_applied_amount, 0)
    INTO  l_commitment_applied_amount
    FROM  oe_payments
    WHERE line_id = p_line_id
    AND  header_id = p_header_id
    AND  payment_trx_id = p_commitment_id;
Line: 777

PROCEDURE update_commitment(
 p_line_id		IN 	NUMBER
,x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2

l_split_by		VARCHAR2(30);
Line: 804

SELECT line_id,commitment_id,header_id,
FROM   oe_order_lines_all
WHERE  header_id = l_header_id
AND split_from_line_id = p_line_id;
Line: 816

      oe_debug_pub.add(  'ENTERING UPDATE_COMMITMENT FOR LINE_ID '||P_LINE_ID , 1 ) ;
Line: 820

    SELECT 	l.header_id
                -- QUOTING change
    INTO   	l_header_id
                -- QUOTING change
    FROM   oe_order_lines l
    WHERE  l.line_id = p_line_id;
Line: 850

    SELECT commitment_applied_amount
    INTO   l_commitment_applied_amount
    FROM   oe_payments oop
    WHERE  nvl(payment_type_code,'COMMITMENT') = 'COMMITMENT'
    AND    line_id=p_line_id
    AND    header_id = l_header_id;
Line: 901

       update oe_payments
       set commitment_applied_amount = 0
       WHERE line_id = l_children_line_id
       AND   header_id = l_header_id
       AND   nvl(payment_type_code, 'COMMITMENT') = 'COMMITMENT';
Line: 908

      update oe_payments
      set commitment_applied_amount = l_children_commitment
      where line_id = l_children_line_id
      and   header_id = l_header_id
      and   nvl(payment_type_code, 'COMMITMENT') = 'COMMITMENT';
Line: 917

      update oe_payments
      set commitment_applied_amount = nvl(oe_globals.g_commitment_balance, 0)
      where line_id = l_children_line_id
      and   header_id =l_header_id
      and   nvl(payment_type_code, 'COMMITMENT') = 'COMMITMENT';
Line: 930

      oe_debug_pub.add(  'Exiting UPDATE_COMMITMENT. ', 1 ) ;
Line: 933

END update_commitment;
Line: 961

         WHERE  ROWNUM = 1';
Line: 978

          WHERE  ROWNUM = 1';
Line: 1014

procedure update_commitment_applied(
  p_line_id             IN NUMBER
, p_amount              IN NUMBER
, p_header_id           IN NUMBER
, p_commitment_id       IN NUMBER
, x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2

) IS

l_commitment_applied_amount	NUMBER := 0;
Line: 1043

     oe_debug_pub.add('OEXVCMTB: Entering UPDATE_COMMITMENT_APPLIED FOR LINE_ID '||P_LINE_ID, 1 );
Line: 1065

  SELECT nvl(commitment_applied_amount,0)
  INTO   l_commitment_applied_amount
  FROM   oe_payments
  WHERE  header_id = p_header_id
  AND    line_id = p_line_id
  AND    payment_trx_id = p_commitment_id;
Line: 1110

      SELECT nvl(transactional_curr_code,'USD')
      INTO   l_currency_code from oe_order_headers
      WHERE  header_id=p_header_id;
Line: 1136

  UPDATE oe_payments
  SET    commitment_applied_amount = l_amount_to_apply
  WHERE  header_id = p_header_id
  AND    line_id   = p_line_id
  AND    payment_trx_id = p_commitment_id;
Line: 1143

     oe_debug_pub.add('OEXVCMTB: Exiting UPDATE_COMMITMENT_APPLIED. ', 1 );
Line: 1146

END update_commitment_applied;