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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 28

  SELECT ccf.name formula_name
  ,      ccf.calc_formula_id formula_id
  ,      ccf.formula_status  formula_status
  ,      ccf.org_id org_id
  FROM   cn_quotas cq
  ,      cn_calc_formulas ccf
  WHERE  cq.quota_id = p_quota_id
  AND    ccf.calc_formula_id = cq.calc_formula_id;
Line: 38

  SELECT count(*)
  FROM   user_objects
  WHERE  object_name = 'CN_FORMULA_'||abs(p_formula_id)||'_'||abs(p_org_id)||'_PKG'
  AND    (object_type = 'PACKAGE' OR object_type = 'PACKAGE BODY');
Line: 115

    SELECT cspa.srp_plan_assign_id srp_plan_assign_id,
           cspa.salesrep_id salesrep_id,
           cspa.comp_plan_id comp_plan_id,
           cspa.start_date start_date,
           nvl(cspa.end_date,p_date) end_date
    FROM   cn_srp_plan_assigns cspa,
           cn_srp_quota_assigns csqa
    WHERE  cspa.salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
    AND    p_date BETWEEN cspa.start_date AND nvl(cspa.end_date,p_date)
    AND    csqa.quota_id = p_quota_id
    AND    csqa.srp_plan_assign_id = cspa.srp_plan_assign_id;
Line: 128

    SELECT count(*) valid_compplan_cnt
    FROM   cn_comp_plans
    WHERE  comp_plan_id = p_comp_plan_id
    AND    status_code = 'INCOMPLETE';
Line: 134

    ,      q.interval_type_id  interval_type_id
    ,      q.credit_type_id    credit_type_id
    ,      cit.name            interval_type_name
    ,      cci.name            credit_type_name
    ,      q.name              quota_name
    ,      qr.revenue_class_id
	    from cn_srp_plan_assigns spa,
                 cn_srp_quota_assigns sqa,
                 cn_quotas q,
                 cn_quota_rules qr,
	         cn_dim_hierarchies dh,
	         jtf_rs_salesreps jrs,
	         jtf_rs_group_members mem,
	         jtf_rs_role_relations rr,
             cn_interval_types cit,
             cn_credit_types cci,
             cn_repositories cr
           where spa.salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
             and spa.start_date <= p_date
             and nvl(spa.end_date, p_date) >= p_date
             and jrs.salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
	     and nvl(jrs.org_id, -9999) = nvl(spa.org_id, -9999)
	     and mem.resource_id = jrs.resource_id
	     and nvl(mem.delete_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'
	     and rr.role_id = spa.role_id
	     and rr.role_resource_id = mem.group_member_id
	     and rr.role_resource_type = 'RS_GROUP_MEMBER'
	     and nvl(rr.delete_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'
	    and exists (select 1 from cn_comp_plans where status_code = 'COMPLETE' AND comp_plan_id = spa.comp_plan_id)
             and rr.start_date_active <= p_date
             and nvl(rr.end_date_active, p_date) >= p_date
             and rr.start_date_active <= nvl(spa.end_date, p_date)
             and nvl(rr.end_date_active, nvl(spa.end_date, p_date)) >= spa.start_date
             and sqa.srp_plan_assign_id = spa.srp_plan_assign_id
             and q.quota_id = sqa.quota_id
             and q.start_date <= p_date
             and nvl(q.end_date, p_date) >= p_date
             and qr.quota_id = sqa.quota_id
             and dh.header_dim_hierarchy_id = cr.rev_class_hierarchy_id
             and dh.start_date <= least(nvl(spa.end_date, p_date), nvl(q.end_date, p_date))
             and nvl(dh.end_date, p_date) >= greatest(spa.start_date, q.start_date)
             and exists (select 1 from cn_dim_explosion de
                                 where de.dim_hierarchy_id = dh.dim_hierarchy_id
                                   and de.ancestor_external_id = qr.revenue_class_id
                                   and de.value_external_id = p_revenueclass_id)
             AND    cit.interval_type_id = q.interval_type_id
             AND    cci.credit_type_id = q.credit_type_id
             order by greatest(dh.start_date, spa.start_date, q.start_date, rr.start_date_active, p_date),
             	    least(nvl(dh.end_date, p_date),
                	nvl(spa.end_date, p_date),
             		nvl(q.end_date, p_date),
		            nvl(rr.end_date_active, p_date), p_date);
Line: 190

    SELECT nvl(cspq.input_achieved_itd,0) input_achieved_itd
    ,      nvl(cspq.itd_TARGET,0)         target_itd
    ,      nvl(cspq.target_amount,0)      target_amount
    FROM   cn_srp_period_quotas cspq
    WHERE  cspq.srp_plan_assign_id = p_srp_plan_assign_id
    AND    cspq.salesrep_id        = p_salesrep_id
    AND    cspq.quota_id           = p_quota_id
    AND    cspq.period_id          = p_period_id;
Line: 333

    UPDATE  cn_proj_compensation_gtt
    SET     PE_NAME       =   l_quotadetails.quota_name,
            PROJ_COMP     =   l_tot_proj_comm_amt,
            PE_QUOTA      =   l_tot_target_amt,
            PE_ACHIEVED   =   l_quota_achievement,
            PE_CREDIT     =   l_tot_inp_ach_itd+l_tot_proj_comm_amt,
            PE_INTERVAL   =   l_quotadetails.interval_type_id,
            CALC_STATUS   =   l_return_status
    WHERE   LINE_ID       =   p_proj_comp_rec.line_id;
Line: 402

     SELECT cpt.period_type period_type
     ,      cr.set_of_books_id set_of_books_id
     ,      cr.period_set_id   period_set_id
     ,      cr.period_type_id  period_type_id
     ,      cr.income_planner_disclaimer income_planner_disclaimer
     FROM cn_period_types cpt,cn_repositories cr
     WHERE cpt.period_type_id = cr.period_type_id
     AND   cpt.org_id = cr.org_id
     AND   cr.org_id = p_org_id;
Line: 413

     SELECT *
     WHERE  salesrep_id IS NOT NULL
     AND    period_id   IS NOT NULL
     AND    ruleset_id  IS NOT NULL;
Line: 421

     SELECT line_id
     FROM   cn_proj_compensation_gtt
     WHERE  salesrep_id IS NULL;
Line: 426

     SELECT line_id
     FROM   cn_proj_compensation_gtt
     WHERE  period_id IS NULL;
Line: 431

     SELECT line_id
     FROM   cn_proj_compensation_gtt
     WHERE  ruleset_id IS NULL;
Line: 480

    UPDATE cn_proj_compensation_gtt cpcg
    SET line_id = cn_proj_compensation_gtt_s.NEXTVAL
    , cpcg.period_id =
     SELECT cps.period_id period_id
     FROM   cn_period_statuses cps
     WHERE  cps.period_set_id  = l_repositories.period_set_id
     AND    cps.period_type_id = l_repositories.period_type_id
     AND    cpcg.calc_date between cps.start_date and cps.end_Date
     AND    cps.period_status = 'O'
     AND    cps.org_id = g_cached_org_id
    , cpcg.salesrep_id = (
                          SELECT salesrep_id
                          FROM cn_salesreps cs
                          WHERE cs.resource_id = cpcg.resource_id
                          AND cs.org_id = g_cached_org_id
    , cpcg.ruleset_id =  (
                          SELECT ruleset_id
                          FROM cn_rulesets cr
                          WHERE  cpcg.calc_date BETWEEN cr.start_date AND nvl(cr.end_date,cpcg.calc_date)
                          AND    cr.module_type = 'PECLS'
                          and    cr.org_id = g_cached_org_id
    , cpcg.pe_name       =   FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR
    , cpcg.proj_comp     =   0
    , cpcg.pe_quota      =   0
    , cpcg.pe_achieved   =   0
    , cpcg.pe_credit     =   0
    , cpcg.pe_interval   =   FND_API.G_MISS_NUM
    , cpcg.calc_status   =   FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;