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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 88

	SELECT cs_wf_process_id_s.nextval
	  FROM dual;
Line: 92

      SELECT inc.incident_id,
      FROM cs_incidents_all_b inc,
           cs_incident_types type,
           cs_incident_statuses status
      WHERE inc.incident_number = p_request_number
        AND type.incident_type_id = inc.incident_type_id
        AND status.incident_status_id = inc.incident_status_id;
Line: 105

       SELECT item_type
       FROM wf_activities
       WHERE name = l_workflow_proc
       AND  trunc(NVL(begin_date,sysdate)) <= trunc(sysdate)
       AND trunc(NVL(end_date,sysdate)) >= trunc(sysdate);
Line: 117

      SELECT incident_id, workflow_process_id,object_version_number
 	FROM cs_incidents_all_b
       WHERE incident_number = p_request_number;
Line: 188

	SELECT 'x' INTO l_dummy
	 WHERE name = l_administrator;
Line: 249

    SELECT type.workflow
      INTO l_workflow_proc
	 FROM cs_incident_types type, cs_incidents_all_vl inc
     WHERE inc.incident_number = p_request_number
	  AND inc.incident_type_id = type.incident_type_id;
Line: 269

    SELECT status.close_flag INTO l_close_flag
      FROM cs_incident_statuses status, cs_incidents_all_vl inc
     WHERE inc.incident_number = p_request_number
       AND inc.incident_status_id = status.incident_status_id;
Line: 422

 We will no longer directly update the cs_incidents_all_b table.
 We will be calling the Service request Update API to do the update.
 This API will call the create audit API so we do not have to call this either

    -- Update the workflow process ID of the request

    IF (l_nowait = TRUE) THEN

         SET workflow_process_id = l_wf_process_id
       WHERE CURRENT OF l_ServeReq_NW_csr;
Line: 437

         SET workflow_process_id = l_wf_process_id
       WHERE incident_number = p_request_number;
Line: 472

   /**** No longer needed since we are going to explicitly update ****/
   /**** the service request's workflow process id. This therefore ****/
   /**** will not create an audit record for this update. Also,    ****/
   /**** the update API does not handle the p_called_by_workflow   ****/
   /**** anymore. rmanabat  032403				   ****/
    -- CS_ServiceRequest_PVT.initialize_rec(l_service_request_rec);
Line: 498

    /**** No longer needed since we are going to explicitly update ****/
    /**** the service request's workflow process id. This therefore ****/
    /**** will not create an audit record for this update. Also,    ****/
    /**** the update API does not handle the p_called_by_workflow   ****/
    /**** anymore. rmanabat  032403				   ****/

     ( p_api_version		    => 3.0, -- Changed from 2.0 for 11.5.9
       p_init_msg_list		    => fnd_api.g_false,
       p_commit			    => fnd_api.g_false,
       p_validation_level    => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full,
    x_return_status		    => l_return_status,
    x_msg_count		    => l_msg_count,
    x_msg_data			    => l_msg_data,
    p_request_id		    => l_request_id,
    p_object_version_number  => l_object_version_number,
    p_last_updated_by	    => p_initiator_user_id,
    p_last_update_date	    => sysdate,
    p_service_request_rec    => l_service_request_rec,
    p_notes                  => l_notes,
    p_contacts               => l_contacts,
    p_called_by_workflow	    => FND_API.G_TRUE,
    p_workflow_process_id    => l_wf_process_id,
    x_interaction_id	    => l_interaction_id,
    x_workflow_process_id    => out_wf_process_id
Line: 537

    /**** Replaced Update API above with explicit update ****/
    /**** rmanabat . 032403 			         ****/

    SET workflow_process_id = l_wf_process_id
    WHERE incident_id = l_request_id;
Line: 732

      Select item_type
      from cs_incidents_all_b inc, cs_incident_types types, wf_activities wf
      where inc.incident_number= p_request_number
      and types.incident_type_id=inc.incident_type_id
      and wf.name=types.workflow;
Line: 777

    SELECT fnd.user_name, emp.full_name
      INTO l_user_name, l_emp_name
      FROM fnd_user fnd, per_people_x emp
     WHERE fnd.user_id = p_user_id
       AND fnd.employee_id = emp.person_id (+);
Line: 1174

	SELECT  ppf.person_id
    	  FROM  per_assignments_f paf,
	   	per_people_f      ppf
	 WHERE  paf.person_id	      = l_in_person_id
	   AND  paf.primary_flag      = 'Y'
	   AND  l_effective_date BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
    				     AND paf.effective_end_date
	   AND  ppf.person_id	      = paf.supervisor_id
	   AND  ppf.current_employee_flag = 'Y'
	   AND  l_effective_date BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date
				     AND ppf.effective_end_date;
Line: 1301

	SELECT user_id
	  FROM fnd_user
	 WHERE employee_id = l_employee_id;
Line: 1423

    SELECT incident_action_id, incident_id, workflow_process_id
    FROM   cs_incident_actions
    WHERE  incident_id = p_request_id
    AND    action_num = p_action_number
    FOR UPDATE OF workflow_process_id NOWAIT;
Line: 1430

    SELECT incident_action_id, incident_id, workflow_process_id
    FROM   cs_incident_actions
    WHERE  incident_id = p_request_id
    AND    action_num = p_action_number
    FOR UPDATE OF workflow_process_id;
Line: 1437

    SELECT cs_action_wf_proc_id_s.nextval
    FROM   dual;
Line: 1479

      SELECT 'x' INTO l_dummy
      WHERE  name = l_administrator;
Line: 1513

  SELECT type.workflow INTO l_workflow_proc
  FROM   cs_incident_actions action, cs_incident_types type
  WHERE  action.incident_id = p_request_id
  AND    action.action_num = p_action_number
  AND    action.action_type_id = type.incident_type_id;
Line: 1600

    UPDATE cs_incident_actions
    SET    workflow_process_id = l_wf_process_id
    WHERE CURRENT OF l_action_nw_csr;
Line: 1606

    UPDATE cs_incident_actions
    SET	   workflow_process_id = l_wf_process_id
    WHERE CURRENT OF l_action_csr;
Line: 1614

  SELECT cs_incident_action_audit_s.NEXTVAL INTO l_action_audit_id FROM dual;
Line: 1616

  INSERT INTO cs_incident_action_audit
    ( incident_action_audit_id,
    ( l_action_audit_id,	-- INCIDENT_ACTION_AUDIT_ID
      p_initiator_user_id,	-- LAST_UPDATED_BY
      p_initiator_user_id,	-- CREATED_BY
      l_request_action_id,	-- INCIDENT_ACTION_ID
      l_request_id,		-- INCIDENT_ID
      'Y',		--	 NEW_WORKFLOW_FLAG
      l_workflow_proc,	--	 WORKFLOW_PROCESS_NAME
      l_itemkey	--		 WORKFLOW_PROCESS_ITEMKEY
Line: 1805

    SELECT 'x'
    FROM   wf_roles
    WHERE  name = l_dispatch_role;
Line: 1851

  SELECT fnd.user_name, emp.full_name
  INTO   l_user_name, l_emp_name
  FROM   fnd_user fnd, per_people_x emp
  WHERE  fnd.user_id = p_abort_user_id
  AND    fnd.employee_id = emp.person_id (+);
Line: 2148

	  SELECT person_id INTO p_employee_id_out
	    FROM per_people_x
	   WHERE first_name = p_emp_first_name
	     AND employee_number IS NOT NULL;
Line: 2155

	  SELECT person_id INTO p_employee_id_out
	    FROM per_people_x
	   WHERE last_name = p_emp_last_name
	     AND employee_number IS NOT NULL;
Line: 2162

	  SELECT person_id INTO p_employee_id_out
	    FROM per_people_x
	   WHERE last_name = p_emp_last_name
	     AND first_name = p_emp_first_name
	     AND employee_number IS NOT NULL;
Line: 2182

	SELECT 'x' INTO l_dummy
	  FROM per_people_x
	 WHERE person_id = p_employee_id;
Line: 2260

   SELECT employee_id INTO l_employee_id
     FROM fnd_user
     WHERE user_id = p_fnd_user_id;