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1 PACKAGE BODY hxt_td_util AS
2 /* $Header: hxttdutl.pkb 120.3.12000000.2 2007/07/18 11:12:08 asrajago noship $ */
3 g_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
4 -------------------------------------
5 --   PROCEDURE retro_restrict_edit --
6 -------------------------------------
7 -- The purpose of this procedure is to control the datetrack mode that can
8 -- be used to update a detail record.
9 --
10 -- Once data has been transferred to BEE, we should not allow DT Corrections
11 -- anymore. This correction would overwrite the record in the database and we
12 -- would not know anymore which data was transferred to BEE (and we do need to
13 -- know this as you will see later).  So only data that has not been transferred
14 -- yet to BEE can be DT CORRECTED.
15 --
16 -- Data that has been Transferred already can only be DT UPDATED. This will
17 -- retain the record that was transferred and create a new DT record with the
18 -- updated information.
19 --
20 -- The problem with datetrack however is that it does not allow DT UPDATES on
21 -- records that are created on the current session date.  E.g. a record that
22 -- was created on 01-JAN-2003 cannot be UPDATED on 01-JAN-2003 because the
23 -- datetrack granularity is on day level so we cannot have a DT record active
24 -- from 01-JAN-2003 00:01 till 01-JAN-2003 12:00 and another one from
25 -- 01-JAN-2003 12:01 till 31-DEC-4712. Because of this DT restriction, we cannot
26 -- allow ANY updates on detail records if they have been transferred already
27 -- and were updated today. The fact that it has already been transferred means
28 -- we need to do a DT UPDATE, but we can't because it was already update today.
29 -- This procedure will raise an error for such a situation.
30 --
31 -- The reason we need to keep records that already have been transferred to BEE
32 -- intact is because any update after that is send as a delta between the old
33 -- (already send record) and the update (new DT) record. A correction would wipe
34 -- out the old record and we would not be able to to a delta anymore.
36 -- Added for Bug 6067007
37 -- There was one corner scenario, when the timecard is transferred to BEE
38 -- and the next day a change is made to it. This time, the code allows only
39 -- an update. But once this is transferred to PUI, the status of the detail
40 -- records changes to R. ( for retro ). If you try to update again, the time
41 -- card will let you CORRECT the timecard ( even delete a day's entry and add
42 -- another entry.) Now when this data moves to BEE, it would create overpayment
43 -- because the day is already having an entry for a given attribute, and a newer
44 -- entry is brought in with retro ( this time a different attribute, so the
45 -- existing entry wont be reversed). This can be avoided only by switching to
46 -- UPDATE only allowed while doing a retro change. So after this change, any
47 -- timecard which has history of transfer to BEE can be updated only, no delete
48 -- is allowed.
50    PROCEDURE retro_restrict_edit (
51       p_tim_id          IN              hxt_det_hours_worked_f.tim_id%TYPE,
52       p_session_date    IN              DATE,
53       o_dt_update_mod   OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
54       o_error_message   OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
55       o_return_code     OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER,
56       p_parent_id       IN              hxt_det_hours_worked_f.parent_id%TYPE
57    )
58    IS
59       CURSOR csr_not_transferred (
60          v_tim_id      hxt_det_hours_worked_f.tim_id%TYPE,
61          v_parent_id   hxt_det_hours_worked_f.parent_id%TYPE
62       )
63       IS
64          SELECT 1
65            FROM hxt_det_hours_worked hdhw
66           WHERE hdhw.tim_id = v_tim_id
67             AND hdhw.pay_status =  'P'                      -- Bug 6067007
68             AND hdhw.pa_status  =  'P'                      -- Bug 6067007
69             AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1
70                                FROM hxt_det_hours_worked_f hdhw2
71                               WHERE hdhw.tim_id = hdhw2.tim_id
72                                 AND hdhw2.effective_start_date >
73                                                     hdhw.effective_start_date);
76 -- Bug 6067007
77       CURSOR csr_transferred_retro (
78          v_tim_id      hxt_det_hours_worked_f.tim_id%TYPE,
79          v_parent_id   hxt_det_hours_worked_f.parent_id%TYPE
80       )
81       IS
82          SELECT 1
83            FROM hxt_det_hours_worked_f hdhw
84           WHERE hdhw.tim_id = v_tim_id
85             AND (   hdhw.pay_status = 'R'
86                  OR hdhw.pa_status = 'R'
87                 );
88 -- Bug 6067007
91       CURSOR csr_transferred (
92          v_tim_id      hxt_det_hours_worked_f.tim_id%TYPE,
93          v_parent_id   hxt_det_hours_worked_f.parent_id%TYPE
94       )
95       IS
96          SELECT 1
97            FROM hxt_det_hours_worked_f hdhw
98           WHERE hdhw.tim_id = v_tim_id
99             AND (   hdhw.pay_status = 'C'
100                  OR hdhw.pa_status = 'C'
101                 );
103       CURSOR csr_changed_today (
104          v_tim_id       hxt_det_hours_worked_f.tim_id%TYPE,
105          v_parent_id    hxt_det_hours_worked_f.parent_id%TYPE,
106          v_session_dt   DATE
107       )
108       IS
109          SELECT 1
110            FROM hxt_det_hours_worked_f hdhw
111           WHERE hdhw.tim_id = v_tim_id
112            AND trunc(hdhw.effective_start_date)
113 	         = trunc(v_session_dt);
116       l_transferred       csr_transferred%ROWTYPE       := NULL;
117       l_transfered_retro  csr_transferred_retro%ROWTYPE := NULL;   -- Bug 6067007
118       l_not_transferred   csr_not_transferred%ROWTYPE   := NULL;
119       l_changed_today     csr_changed_today%ROWTYPE     := NULL;
120       l_proc              VARCHAR2 (30) ;
122       FUNCTION details (p_tim_id IN hxt_det_hours_worked_f.tim_id%TYPE)
123          RETURN BOOLEAN
124       IS
125          CURSOR csr_debug (v_tim_id hxt_det_hours_worked_f.tim_id%TYPE)
126          IS
127             SELECT hdhw.id, hdhw.parent_id, hdhw.date_worked, hdhw.pay_status,
128                    hdhw.effective_start_date
129               FROM hxt_det_hours_worked hdhw
130              WHERE hdhw.tim_id = v_tim_id;
132          l_details   BOOLEAN := FALSE;
133       BEGIN
135          FOR rec_debug IN csr_debug (p_tim_id)
136          LOOP
137             l_details := TRUE;
138             if g_debug then
140 		    hr_utility.TRACE (
141 			  LPAD (rec_debug.id, 10)
142 		       || ' '
143 		       || LPAD (rec_debug.parent_id, 10)
144 		       || ' '
145 		       || LPAD (rec_debug.date_worked, 10)
146 		       || ' '
147 		       || LPAD (rec_debug.pay_status, 10)
148 		       || ' '
149 		       || LPAD (rec_debug.effective_start_date, 10)
150 		    );
151 	    end if;
152          END LOOP;
154          RETURN l_details;
155       END details;
156    BEGIN
157       g_debug :=hr_utility.debug_enabled;
158       o_return_code := 0; -- indicates all is OK
159       if g_debug then
160        	      l_proc := 'retro_restrict_edit';
161        	      hr_utility.set_location (   'Entering '
162                                        || l_proc, 10);
163               hr_utility.set_location ('Parameters In: ', 20);
164               hr_utility.set_location (   '   p_tim_id = '
165                                        || p_tim_id, 30);
166 	      hr_utility.set_location (
167 		    '   p_session_date = '
168 		 || p_session_date,
169 		 40
170 	      );
171               hr_utility.set_location (   '   p_parent_id = '
172                                        || p_parent_id, 50);
173       end if;
175       IF (details (p_tim_id))
176       THEN
177          -- First we check if the records have not been transferred yet
178          OPEN csr_not_transferred (p_tim_id, p_parent_id);
179          FETCH csr_not_transferred INTO l_not_transferred;
181          IF csr_not_transferred%FOUND
182          THEN -- we can do a correction
183             if g_debug then
184             	     hr_utility.set_location ('Do CORRECTION', 60);
185             end if;
187             o_dt_update_mod := 'CORRECTION';
188          ELSE -- look for records that have been transferred and undergoing RETRO
191               -- Bug 6067007 - Addition
192              OPEN csr_transferred_retro (p_tim_id, p_parent_id);
193 	     FETCH csr_transferred_retro INTO l_transfered_retro;
195 	     IF csr_transferred_retro%FOUND
196 	     THEN -- TC undergoing RETRO now, only UPDATE allowed.
198 	           if g_debug then
199 	         	  hr_utility.set_location ('Do UPDATE', 70);
200 	           end if;
201 	           o_dt_update_mod := 'UPDATE';
202 	      -- Bug 6067007
205 	     ELSE -- look for records that have been transferred
207                    OPEN csr_transferred (p_tim_id, p_parent_id);
208                    FETCH csr_transferred INTO l_transferred;
210                    IF csr_transferred%FOUND
211                    THEN -- Was it already updated today?
212                          OPEN csr_changed_today (p_tim_id, p_parent_id, p_session_date);
213                          FETCH csr_changed_today INTO l_changed_today;
215                          IF csr_changed_today%FOUND
216                          THEN -- DT will not allow an update so error
217                              o_return_code := 1; -- this means that an error should be raised
218                              o_dt_update_mod := NULL;
219                          ELSE -- We can allow an DT UPDATE because that will keep the history
220                              if g_debug then
221                      	     hr_utility.set_location ('Do UPDATE', 70);
222                              end if;
223                              o_dt_update_mod := 'UPDATE';
224                          END IF; -- IF csr_changed_today%FOUND
226                          CLOSE csr_changed_today;
227                    ELSE -- We can allow an DT UPDATE because that will keep the history
228                          if g_debug then
229                               hr_utility.set_location ('Do UPDATE', 80);
230                          end if;
231                          o_dt_update_mod := 'UPDATE';
232                    END IF; -- IF csr_transferred%FOUND
233                    CLOSE csr_transferred;
235              END IF; -- IF  csr_transferred_retro%FOUND
236              CLOSE csr_transferred_retro;
238          END IF; -- IF csr_not_transferred%FOUND
239          CLOSE csr_not_transferred;
241       ELSE -- if details
242          if g_debug then
243          	 hr_utility.set_location ('Do CORRECTION', 90);
244          end if;
245          o_dt_update_mod := 'CORRECTION';
246       END IF;
248       RETURN;
250       WHEN OTHERS
251       THEN
252          o_return_code := 4;
253          o_error_message :=    'Error('
254                             || SQLERRM
255                             || ') occured in Retro_restrict_edit procedure';
256          RETURN;
257    END retro_restrict_edit;
259    FUNCTION get_weekly_total (
260       a_location               IN   VARCHAR2,
261       a_date_worked            IN   DATE,
262       a_start_day_of_week      IN   VARCHAR2,
263       a_tim_id                 IN   NUMBER,
264       a_base_element_type_id   IN   NUMBER,
265       a_ep_id                  IN   NUMBER,
267 -- Added the following parameter for
268 -- OTLR Recurring Period Preference Support.
269       a_for_person_id          IN   NUMBER
270    )
272    IS
273       l_weekly_total   NUMBER;
276 -- MHANDA changed this cursor to get total weekly hours between
277 -- start_day_of_week and (g_date_worked - 1) to support 3tier weekly rules for
278 -- SPECIAL Earning Policy.
280       CURSOR weekly_total
281       IS
282          SELECT NVL (SUM (hrw.hours), 0)
283            FROM hxt_det_hours_worked hrw, --C421
284                 hxt_timecards tim,
285                 hxt_earn_groups erg,
286                 hxt_earn_group_types egt,
287                 hxt_earning_policies erp
288           -- WHERE  tim.id = a_tim_id
289           -- AND    hrw.tim_id = a_tim_id
291           -- Changed  the above where clause as follows for supporting the
292           -- OTLR Recurring Period Preference.
293           WHERE tim.for_person_id = a_for_person_id
294             AND hrw.tim_id = tim.id
296 -- This has been changed back to get total weekly hours between
297 -- start_day_of_week and (g_date_worked) as it was not calculating the totals
298 -- correctly when entering hours on more than one summary row for the same day
299 --  AND hrw.date_worked between NEXT_DAY(a_date_worked-7,a_start_day_of_week)
300 --                          and (a_date_worked - 1)
302             AND hrw.date_worked BETWEEN NEXT_DAY (
303                                              a_date_worked
304                                            - 7,
305                                            a_start_day_of_week
306                                         )
307                                     AND a_date_worked
309 -- only include earnings to be counted toward
310 -- hours to be worked before being eligible for overtime.
311             AND erp.id = a_ep_id
312             AND egt.id = erp.egt_id
313             AND erg.egt_id = egt.id
314             AND erg.element_type_id = hrw.element_type_id
315             AND hrw.date_worked BETWEEN erp.effective_start_date
316                                     AND erp.effective_end_date;
318       l_proc           VARCHAR2 (200) ;
319    BEGIN
320       g_debug :=hr_utility.debug_enabled;
321       if g_debug then
322 	      l_proc := 'hxt_td_util.GET_WEEKLY_TOTAL';
323 	      hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 10);
324 	      hr_utility.TRACE (
325 		    'a_date_worked :'
326 		 || TO_CHAR (a_date_worked, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
327 	      );
328 	      hr_utility.TRACE (   'a_start_day_of_week    :'
329 				|| a_start_day_of_week);
330 	      hr_utility.TRACE (   'a_tim_id               :'
331 				|| a_tim_id);
332 	      hr_utility.TRACE (
333 		    'a_base_element_type_id :'
334 		 || a_base_element_type_id
335 	      );
336 	      hr_utility.TRACE (   'a_ep_id                :'
337 				|| a_ep_id);
338 	      hr_utility.TRACE (   'a_for_person_id        :'
339 				|| a_for_person_id);
340       end if;
341       OPEN weekly_total;
342       FETCH weekly_total INTO l_weekly_total;
343       if g_debug then
344 	      hr_utility.TRACE (   'l_weekly_total :'
345 				|| l_weekly_total);
346       end if;
347       CLOSE weekly_total;
348       if g_debug then
349       	      hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 20);
350       end if;
351       RETURN l_weekly_total;
352    END;
354    FUNCTION get_weekly_total_prev_days (
355       a_location               IN   VARCHAR2,
356       a_date_worked            IN   DATE,
357       a_start_day_of_week      IN   VARCHAR2,
358       a_tim_id                 IN   NUMBER,
359       a_base_element_type_id   IN   NUMBER,
360       a_ep_id                  IN   NUMBER,
362 -- Added the following parameter for
363 -- OTLR Recurring Period Preference Support.
364       a_for_person_id          IN   NUMBER
365    )
367    IS
368       l_weekly_total   NUMBER;
371 -- MHANDA changed this cursor to get total weekly hours between
372 -- start_day_of_week and (g_date_worked - 1) to support 3tier weekly rules for
373 -- SPECIAL Earning Policy.
375       CURSOR weekly_total
376       IS
377          SELECT NVL (SUM (hrw.hours), 0)
378            FROM hxt_det_hours_worked hrw, --C421
379                 hxt_timecards tim,
380                 hxt_earn_groups erg,
381                 hxt_earn_group_types egt,
382                 hxt_earning_policies erp
383           -- WHERE  tim.id = a_tim_id
384           -- AND    hrw.tim_id = a_tim_id
386           -- Changed  the above where clause as follows for supporting the
387           -- OTLR Recurring Period Preference.
388           WHERE tim.for_person_id = a_for_person_id
389             AND hrw.tim_id = tim.id
391 -- This has been changed back to get total weekly hours between
392 -- start_day_of_week and (g_date_worked) as it was not calculating the totals
393 -- correctly when entering hours on more than one summary row for the same day
394 --  AND hrw.date_worked between NEXT_DAY(a_date_worked-7,a_start_day_of_week)
395 --                          and (a_date_worked - 1)
397             AND hrw.date_worked BETWEEN NEXT_DAY (
398                                              a_date_worked
399                                            - 7,
400                                            a_start_day_of_week
401                                         )
402                                     AND   a_date_worked
403                                         - 1
405 -- only include earnings to be counted toward
406 -- hours to be worked before being eligible for overtime.
407             AND erp.id = a_ep_id
408             AND egt.id = erp.egt_id
409             AND erg.egt_id = egt.id
410             AND erg.element_type_id = hrw.element_type_id
411             AND hrw.date_worked BETWEEN erp.effective_start_date
412                                     AND erp.effective_end_date;
414       l_proc           VARCHAR2 (200) ;
415    BEGIN
416       g_debug :=hr_utility.debug_enabled;
417       if g_debug then
418 	      l_proc := 'hxt_td_util.GET_WEEKLY_TOTAL';
419 	      hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 10);
420 	      hr_utility.TRACE (
421 		    'a_date_worked :'
422 		 || TO_CHAR (a_date_worked, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
423 	      );
424 	      hr_utility.TRACE (   'a_start_day_of_week    :'
425 				|| a_start_day_of_week);
426 	      hr_utility.TRACE (   'a_tim_id               :'
427 				|| a_tim_id);
428 	      hr_utility.TRACE (
429 		    'a_base_element_type_id :'
430 		 || a_base_element_type_id
431 	      );
432 	      hr_utility.TRACE (   'a_ep_id                :'
433 				|| a_ep_id);
434 	      hr_utility.TRACE (   'a_for_person_id        :'
435 				|| a_for_person_id);
436       end if;
437       OPEN weekly_total;
438       FETCH weekly_total INTO l_weekly_total;
439       if g_debug then
440 	      hr_utility.TRACE (   'l_weekly_total :'
441 				|| l_weekly_total);
442       end if;
443       CLOSE weekly_total;
444       if g_debug then
445       	      hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 20);
446       end if;
447       RETURN l_weekly_total;
448    END get_weekly_total_prev_days;
451 --
452 ----------------- Include For ot Cap ---------------------------------
453    FUNCTION include_for_ot_cap (
454       a_earn_group     IN   NUMBER,
455       a_element_type   IN   NUMBER,
456       a_base_element   IN   NUMBER,
457       a_date_worked    IN   DATE
458    )
460    IS
462 --  returns true if a particular earning is counted toward the weekly overtime cap
463       returned_element   NUMBER;
464    BEGIN
465       IF a_element_type = a_base_element
466       THEN
467          RETURN TRUE;
468       END IF;
470       SELECT 1
471         INTO returned_element
472         FROM hxt_earn_group_types egt
473        WHERE egt.fcl_eg_type = 'INCLUDE'
474          AND a_date_worked BETWEEN egt.effective_start_date
475                                AND egt.effective_end_date
476          AND egt.id = a_earn_group
477          AND EXISTS ( SELECT 'x'
478                         FROM hxt_earn_groups egr
479                        WHERE egr.egt_id = egt.id
480                          AND egr.element_type_id = a_element_type);
482       IF returned_element = 1
483       THEN
484          RETURN TRUE;
485       ELSE
486          RETURN FALSE;
487       END IF;
490       THEN
491          RETURN FALSE;
492    END;
495 --
496 ------------------ Load Changed Status -------------------------------
497    FUNCTION load_changed_status (a_hrw_id IN NUMBER)
499    IS
500       v_status   CHAR (1) := ''; --HXT11i1 Return null instead of space
502       CURSOR changed_cur
503       IS
504          SELECT 'C'
505            FROM hxt_sum_hours_worked hrwp
506           WHERE hrwp.id = a_hrw_id
507             AND (   creation_date <> last_update_date
508                  OR EXISTS ( SELECT '1'
509                                FROM hxt_sum_hours_worked_f hrw
510                               WHERE hrw.id = a_hrw_id
511                                 AND hrw.effective_start_date <>
512                                                     hrwp.effective_start_date)
513                 );
514    BEGIN
515       OPEN changed_cur;
516       FETCH changed_cur INTO v_status;
517       CLOSE changed_cur;
518       RETURN v_status;
523    END;
520       WHEN OTHERS
521       THEN
522          RETURN 'X';
526 --
527 ------------------- Load Error Status -------------------------------
528 --BEGIN HXT11i1
529 /***************************************************************************
530 ** Modify Load_Error_Status to select the Value stored in ERR_TYPE from   **
531 ** HXT_ERRORS rather then selecting a hard coded 'E' if the record exists. **
532 ***************************************************************************/
533    FUNCTION load_error_status (a_hrw_id IN NUMBER)
535    IS
536       returned_status   VARCHAR2 (03) := '';
538       CURSOR error_status
539       IS
540          SELECT err_type
541            FROM hxt_errors err
542           WHERE err.hrw_id = a_hrw_id;
543    BEGIN
544       OPEN error_status;
545       FETCH error_status INTO returned_status;
546       CLOSE error_status;
547       RETURN returned_status;
548    END load_error_status;
551 ---------------------- Determine Fixed Premium ------------------------
552 /* Begin OHM104 RJT; put into TA35 May27,97  RTF  */
553 /* ******************************************************************
554    *  FUNCTION determine_fixed_premium                              *
555    *                                                                *
556    *  Purpose                                                       *
557    *    To determine if a element is fixed premium and the of the   *
558    *    fixed premium.  The amount of the fixed premium is place in *
559    *    amount field on the time card.                              *
560    *     rate                                                       *
561    *                                                                *
562    *  Returns                                                       *
563    *    p_return_code - 0 - no errors  2 - errors occured.          *
564    *    p_amount      - Null if the element is not a fixed premium  *
565    *                  - The amount of the fixed premium             *
566    *                                                                *
567    *  Arguments                                                     *
568    *    p_element_type_id - The hours type.                         *
569    *                                                                *
570    *****************************************************************/
571    FUNCTION determine_fixed_premium (
572       p_tim_id                              NUMBER,
573       p_id                                  NUMBER,
574       p_hours                               NUMBER,
575       p_element_type_id                     NUMBER,
576       p_effective_start_date                DATE,
577       p_effective_end_date                  DATE,
578       p_return_code            OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER
579    )
581    IS
582       CURSOR fixed_amount_cur (c_element_type_id NUMBER)
583       IS
584          SELECT petv.hxt_premium_amount
585            FROM hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v petv
586           WHERE petv.hxt_earning_category = 'OTH'
587             AND petv.hxt_premium_type = 'FIXED'
588             AND petv.element_type_id = c_element_type_id
589             AND petv.effective_start_date <= p_effective_start_date
590             AND petv.effective_end_date >= p_effective_end_date;
592       v_amount   hxt_det_hours_worked_f.amount%TYPE;
593    BEGIN
595 -- Determine if the element is a fixed amount and what the fixed amount is.
597       OPEN fixed_amount_cur (p_element_type_id);
598       FETCH fixed_amount_cur INTO v_amount;
600       IF fixed_amount_cur%NOTFOUND
601       THEN
602          CLOSE fixed_amount_cur;
603          RETURN NULL;
604       END IF;
606       CLOSE fixed_amount_cur;
609 -- Ensure that the hours field is null.
611       IF p_hours > 0
612       THEN
613          p_return_code := 2;
614          fnd_message.set_name ('HXT', 'HXT_39467_NO_HRS_4_FIX_PREM');
615          hxt_util.gen_error (
616             p_tim_id,
617             p_id,
618             NULL,
619             NULL,
620             '',
621             'tdutilbd.determine_fixed_premium ',
622             NULL,
623             p_effective_start_date,
624             p_effective_end_date,
625             'ERR'
626          );
627          RETURN NULL;
628       END IF;
630       p_return_code := 0;
631       RETURN v_amount;
633       WHEN OTHERS
634       THEN
635          p_return_code := 2;
636          fnd_message.set_name ('HXT', 'HXT_39468_OR_ERR_SEL_PREM_AMT');
637          hxt_util.gen_error (
638             p_tim_id,
639             p_id,
640             NULL,
641             NULL,
642             '',
643             'tdutilbd.fixed_amount. ',
644             SQLERRM,
645             p_effective_start_date,
646             p_effective_end_date,
647             'ERR'
648          );
649          RETURN NULL;
650    END determine_fixed_premium;
653 --
654 --------------------- Get Hourly Rate ------------------------
655 -- begin CERTPAY
656    FUNCTION get_hourly_rate (
660       p_hourly_rate     OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER
657       p_eff_date                     DATE,
658       p_ptp_id                       NUMBER,
659       p_assignment_id                NUMBER,
661    )
663    IS
664       CURSOR sal_cur
665       IS
666          SELECT pro.proposed_salary, ppb.pay_basis
667            FROM per_pay_proposals pro,
668                 per_pay_bases ppb,
669                 per_assignments_f asg
670           WHERE pro.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
671             AND ppb.pay_basis_id = asg.pay_basis_id
672             AND asg.assignment_id = pro.assignment_id
673             AND p_eff_date BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date
674                                AND asg.effective_end_date
675             AND pro.approved = 'Y'
676             AND pro.change_date = (SELECT MAX (pro2.change_date)
677                                      FROM per_pay_proposals pro2
678                                     WHERE pro2.assignment_id =
679                                                               p_assignment_id
680                                       AND pro2.approved = 'Y'
681                                       AND p_eff_date >= pro2.change_date);
683       CURSOR num_periods_cur
684       IS
685          SELECT ptpt.number_per_fiscal_year
686            FROM per_time_periods ptp, per_time_period_types ptpt
687           WHERE p_ptp_id = ptp.time_period_id
688             AND ptp.period_type = ptpt.period_type;
690       v_proposed_salary      per_pay_proposals_v.proposed_salary%TYPE;
691       v_pay_basis            per_pay_proposals_v.pay_basis%TYPE;
692       l_hours_per_year       NUMBER (22, 5)
693                       := TO_NUMBER (fnd_profile.VALUE ('HXT_HOURS_PER_YEAR'));
694       v_annual_pay_periods   per_time_period_types.number_per_fiscal_year%TYPE;
695    BEGIN
696       OPEN sal_cur;
697       FETCH sal_cur INTO v_proposed_salary, v_pay_basis;
699       IF sal_cur%NOTFOUND
700       THEN
701          RETURN 1; -- 'No salary information for the employee'
702       END IF;
704       OPEN num_periods_cur;
705       FETCH num_periods_cur INTO v_annual_pay_periods;
707       IF num_periods_cur%NOTFOUND
708       THEN
709          RETURN 2; -- 'Unable to determine number of pay periods.'
710       END IF;
713 -- Calculate an hourly rate for the salary basis
714       IF v_pay_basis = 'ANNUAL'
715       THEN
716          p_hourly_rate := v_proposed_salary / l_hours_per_year;
717       ELSIF v_pay_basis = 'MONTHLY'
718       THEN
719          p_hourly_rate :=   (v_proposed_salary * 12)
720                           / l_hours_per_year;
721       ELSIF v_pay_basis = 'PERIOD'
722       THEN
723          p_hourly_rate :=
724                  (v_proposed_salary * v_annual_pay_periods)
725                / l_hours_per_year;
726       ELSE -- 'HOURLY'
727          p_hourly_rate := v_proposed_salary;
728       END IF;
730       RETURN 0;
731    END;
734 -- end CERTPAY
735 --BEGIN HXT11i1
736 /*****************************************************************
737 *  FUNCTION Load_Tim_Error_Status     -- ER177  SDM 09-03-98     *
738 *                                                                *
739 *  Purpose                                                       *
740 *    Select and return the value ERR_TYPE from the Table         *
741 *    HXT_ERRORS where the tim_id passed in = HXT_ERRORS.TIM_ID.  *
742 *                                                                *
743 *  Returns                                                       *
744 *    returned_status - Value of ERR_TYPE where tim_id passed in  *
745 *    equals HXT_ERRORS.TIM_ID.0                                  *
746 *                                                                *
747 *  Arguments                                                     *
748 *    p_tim_id      - Time Card ID                                *
749 *                                                                *
750 *****************************************************************/
751    FUNCTION load_tim_error_status (p_tim_id IN NUMBER)
753    IS
754       returned_status   VARCHAR2 (3) := '';
756       CURSOR error_status
757       IS
758          SELECT   err_type
759              FROM hxt_errors err
760             WHERE err.tim_id = p_tim_id
761          ORDER BY err_type; -- So that 'ERR' has precedence over 'WRN'
762    BEGIN
763       OPEN error_status;
764       FETCH error_status INTO returned_status;
765       CLOSE error_status;
766       RETURN returned_status;
767    END load_tim_error_status;
770 /*****************************************************************
771 *  FUNCTION Load_HRW_Error_Change_Status -- ER177  SDM 09-03-98  *
772 *                                                                *
773 *  Purpose                                                       *
774 *    Retrieve Error Type and Change Type for HRW row and retrun  *
775 *    Concatenated value.                                         *
776 *                                                                *
777 *  Returns                                                       *
778 *    returned_status - Value of Concatenated value of Error type *
782 *    p_hrw_id      - ID of summary Row                           *
779 *                      and changed type                          *
780 *                                                                *
781 *  Arguments                                                     *
783 *    p_tim_status  - Error type of the time card record          *
784 *                                                                *
785 *****************************************************************/
786    FUNCTION load_hrw_error_change_status (
787       p_hrw_id       IN   NUMBER,
788       p_tim_status   IN   VARCHAR2
789    )
791    IS
792       hrw_status      VARCHAR2 (01);
793       change_status   VARCHAR2 (01);
794    BEGIN
796 -- Bug Fix : 2538832
797 -- Added return statement to ensure that the function returns
798 -- only the error status, if timecard status is Error.
799 -- i.e. ignore Change status.
801       IF p_tim_status = 'E'
802       THEN
803          hrw_status := SUBSTR (load_error_status (p_hrw_id), 1, 1);
804          RETURN hrw_status;
805       END IF;
807       change_status := load_changed_status (p_hrw_id);
808       RETURN    hrw_status
809              || change_status;
810    END load_hrw_error_change_status;
813 /*****************************************************************
814 *  FUNCTION Get_Sum_Hours_Worked         -- ER183  SDM 09-03-98  *
815 *                                                                *
816 *  Purpose                                                       *
817 *    Get the sum of the hours from hxt_sum_hours_worked based on *
818 *    parameters passed in.  Return this value to the calling     *
819 *    module                                                      *
820 *                                                                *
821 *  Returns                                                       *
822 *    total_hrs - Total hrs employee worked based on the date     *
823 *                passed in                                       *
824 *                                                                *
825 *  Arguments                                                     *
826 *    p_tim_id      - ID of Timecard Row                          *
827 *    p_hrw_id      - ID of summary Row                           *
828 *    p_date_worked - Date the hours are to be summed upon        *
829 *                                                                *
830 *****************************************************************/
831    FUNCTION get_sum_hours_worked (
832       p_tim_id        IN   NUMBER, -- p_hrw_group_id IN NUMBER,
833       p_date_worked   IN   DATE
834    )
836    IS
837       CURSOR edit24_cur
838       IS
839          SELECT SUM (hours)
840            FROM hxt_sum_hours_worked
841           WHERE tim_id = p_tim_id -- AND GROUP_ID <> NVL(p_hrw_group_id, 0)
842                                   AND date_worked = p_date_worked;
844       l_total_hours   NUMBER;
845    BEGIN
846       OPEN edit24_cur;
847       FETCH edit24_cur INTO l_total_hours;
849       IF edit24_cur%NOTFOUND
850       THEN
851          l_total_hours := 0;
852       END IF;
854       CLOSE edit24_cur;
855       RETURN l_total_hours;
856    END get_sum_hours_worked;
859 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
860 -- This procedure cannot be used for OVT calculation.  That's because
861 -- it doesn't check the Include for OT group in the case of Absences.
862 -- See package TIMDETBD.PLS  get_contig_hours for an example of how
863 -- to do that.
864 -- This procedure is intended to be used for shift differential calculations.
865 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
866    PROCEDURE get_contig_hrs_and_start (
867       p_date_worked       IN              DATE,
868       p_person_id         IN              NUMBER,
869       p_current_time_in   IN              DATE,
870       p_egt_id            IN              NUMBER,
871       p_tim_id            IN              NUMBER,
872       o_first_time_in     OUT NOCOPY      DATE,
873       o_contig_hrs        OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
874    )
875    IS
877 -- We do not want to get records where the time_out is the exact time and day
878 -- as the time_in of a previous record.  This is an error condition that should
879 -- never happen, but did due to an autogen error.  This code prevents endless
880 -- looping. SIR282
881       CURSOR contig_hrs (
882          c_date_worked       DATE,
883          c_current_time_in   DATE,
884          c_tim_id            NUMBER
885       )
886       IS
887          SELECT hrw.time_in, hrw.time_out, hrw.hours, hrw.element_type_id,
888                 hrw.date_worked, eltv.hxt_earning_category
889            FROM hxt_det_hours_worked hrw,
890                 hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v eltv,
891                 pay_element_types_f elt
892           WHERE elt.element_type_id = hrw.element_type_id
893             AND eltv.hxt_earning_category IN ('REG', 'OVT', 'ABS')
894             AND hrw.date_worked BETWEEN elt.effective_start_date
895                                     AND elt.effective_end_date
896             AND eltv.element_type_id = elt.element_type_id
897             AND hrw.date_worked BETWEEN eltv.effective_start_date
898                                     AND eltv.effective_end_date
899             AND hrw.tim_id = c_tim_id
900             AND hrw.time_out = c_current_time_in
901             AND hrw.time_in <> hrw.time_out; --FIX endless loop PWM 01/28/99 SIR282
903       l_rec               contig_hrs%ROWTYPE;
904       l_contig_hrs        NUMBER (7, 3)        := 0;
905       l_continue          BOOLEAN              := TRUE;
906       l_current_time_in   DATE                 := p_current_time_in;
907       l_date_worked       DATE                 := p_date_worked;
908       loop_counter        NUMBER               := 0; --  counts loop iterations for checking     SIR282
909       error_code          NUMBER               := 0; -- PWM Fix for endless loop 01/28/99           SIR282
910    BEGIN
911       hxt_util.DEBUG (
912             'Top of get_contig_hrs. time_in = '
913          || TO_CHAR (l_current_time_in, 'HH24:MI')
914       );
916       WHILE l_continue = TRUE
917       LOOP
918          OPEN contig_hrs (l_date_worked, l_current_time_in, p_tim_id);
919          FETCH contig_hrs INTO l_rec;
921          IF contig_hrs%FOUND
922          THEN
923             hxt_util.DEBUG (
924                   ' previous summary found. time_in = '
925                || TO_CHAR (l_rec.time_in, 'HH24:MI')
926             );
927             l_contig_hrs :=   l_contig_hrs
928                             + l_rec.hours;
929             l_current_time_in := l_rec.time_in;
930             l_date_worked := l_rec.date_worked;
931             CLOSE contig_hrs;
932          ELSE
933             CLOSE contig_hrs;
934             l_continue := FALSE;
935          END IF;
937          loop_counter :=   loop_counter
938                          + 1; --PWM 01/28/99 Fix for endless loop SIR282
940          IF loop_counter > 50
941          THEN
942             l_continue := FALSE;
943             fnd_message.set_name ('HXT', 'HXT_39506_LOOP_COUNT_EXCEEDED');
944             hxt_util.gen_error (
945                p_tim_id,
946                NULL,
947                NULL,
948                '',
949                'hxttdutl.get_contig_hrs_and_start ',
950                SQLERRM,
951                p_date_worked,
952                p_date_worked,
953                'ERR'
954             );
955          END IF;
956       END LOOP;
958       hxt_util.DEBUG ('');
959       hxt_util.DEBUG (   'Done. hours = '
960                       || TO_CHAR (l_contig_hrs));
961       o_contig_hrs := l_contig_hrs;
962       o_first_time_in := l_current_time_in;
963    END;
964 --END HXT11i1
965 END;