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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 12

  || FUNCTION: update_object_version
  || DESCRIPTION: Update the object version number in the transaction step
  ||              to pass the invalid object api error for Save for Later.
  PROCEDURE update_object_version
  (p_transaction_step_id in     number
  ,p_login_person_id in number) IS

   l_proc constant varchar2(100) := g_package || ' update_object_version';
Line: 31

  END update_object_version;
Line: 80

  CURSOR  csr_update_access_check  IS
  SELECT  hao.organization_id
         ,fnd_date.canonical_to_date(cost_center.ORG_INFORMATION3) start_date
         ,fnd_date.canonical_to_date(cost_center.ORG_INFORMATION4) end_date
                (decode(decode(HR_SECURITY.VIEW_ALL ,'Y' , 'TRUE'
                        ) +
                              ,'Y', hao.business_group_id
                       ) +
                 decode(decode(HR_SECURITY.VIEW_ALL ,'Y' , 'TRUE'
                       ) +
              ) has_update_access
  FROM   hr_organization_information cost_center
        ,per_all_people_f pap, hr_all_organization_units hao
  WHERE  cost_center.ORG_INFORMATION2 = to_char(pap.person_id)
  AND cost_center.org_information_context = 'Organization Name Alias'
  AND pap.person_id = ln_person_id
  AND (pap.current_employee_flag = 'Y' or pap.current_npw_flag = 'Y')
  AND hao.organization_id = cost_center.organization_id
  AND trunc(sysdate) between hao.date_from and nvl(hao.date_to,trunc(sysdate))
  AND trunc(sysdate) between pap.effective_start_date and pap.effective_end_date
/* Excluding pending approvals */
  AND not exists (select 'e' from hr_api_transaction_steps s, hr_api_transactions t
                 where s.api_name = 'HR_CCMGR_SS.PROCESS_API'
                 --Bug 3034218: Exclude current process, include v5 pending status RO, ROS and YS
                 and s.transaction_id = t.transaction_id and status IN ('YS', 'Y','RO','ROS')
                 and t.item_key       <> itemKey
                 --BUG 3648732
                 and exists
                   SELECT NULL FROM hr_api_transaction_values v
                   WHERE s.transaction_step_id+0 = v.transaction_step_id
                   AND v.name = 'P_ORGANIZATION_ID'
                   AND v.number_value = hao.organization_id
                 and rownum < 2)
  AND exists (select 'e' from hr_organization_information class, hr_org_info_types_by_class ctype
	            where ctype.org_information_type = 'Organization Name Alias'
	            and ctype.org_classification = class.org_information1
	            and class.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
	            and class.org_information2 = 'Y'
	            and class.organization_id = cost_center.organization_id)
  AND (nvl(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(cost_center.ORG_INFORMATION4),ld_effective_date) >= ld_effective_date
       Or (fnd_date.canonical_to_date(cost_center.ORG_INFORMATION4) <= ld_effective_date
           and fnd_date.canonical_to_date(cost_center.ORG_INFORMATION3)
                           = (select max(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(oi.ORG_INFORMATION3))
                             from hr_organization_information oi
                             where oi.org_information_context = 'Organization Name Alias'
                             and oi.organization_id = cost_center.organization_id)));  -- 2476134
Line: 158

  SELECT paf.supervisor_id
  FROM   per_all_assignments_f   paf
        ,per_all_people_f ppf
  WHERE ppf.person_id = ln_creator_person_id
  and    paf.person_id = ppf.person_id
  and    ld_effective_date between ppf.effective_start_date
                               and ppf.effective_end_date
  and    ld_effective_date between paf.effective_start_date
                               and paf.effective_end_date
  and    (paf.assignment_type = 'E' and ppf.current_employee_flag = 'Y'
       or paf.assignment_type = 'C' and ppf.current_npw_flag = 'Y')
  and    paf.primary_flag = 'Y';
Line: 225

        FOR get_update_access in csr_update_access_check LOOP
           IF get_update_access.has_update_access = 'Y' THEN
              resultout := 'COMPLETE:'|| 'Y';
Line: 297

     p_selected_emp_name       IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
     p_single_supervisor_name  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,
     p_single_effective_date   IN DATE DEFAULT NULL,
     p_term_flag               IN VARCHAR2,
     p_selected_emp_id         IN NUMBER,
     p_rptg_grp_id             IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
     p_plan_id                 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
     p_effective_date_option   IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL )  IS
   --p_selected_emp_id is the new attribute added on jan 8th raj

  ln_transaction_id      NUMBER ;
Line: 408

        p_name => 'p_selected_emp_name' ,
        p_value =>p_selected_emp_name ) ;
Line: 439

        p_name => 'p_selected_emp_id' ,
        p_value => p_selected_emp_id) ;
Line: 457

  || PROCEDURE:  update_supervisor
  || DESCRIPTION: This changes the per_all_assignments_f.supervisor_id attribute
  ||              to the value of the passed in parm p_supervisor_id.

   PROCEDURE update_supervisor (
     p_effective_date DATE ,
     p_attribute_update_mode VARCHAR2,
     p_assignment_id          NUMBER,
     p_supervisor_id          NUMBER,
     --Assignment Security
     p_supervisor_assignment_id   NUMBER,

     p_validate               BOOLEAN )

   -- Bug 2130066 Fix Begins: 01/11/2002
   -- Changed from per_assignments_f to per_all_assignments_f.  This is
   -- necessary because when a Supervisor Security profile restrict to 1 level,
   -- we cannot get data for 2 levels down or beyond.  This will happen when
   -- the 1st level employee is terminated, we need to change all his direct
   -- reports to another employee.  In this case, the direct reports of the
   -- terminating employee will not be returned because the Supervisor Security
   -- profile is restricted to 1 level.
   CURSOR lc_object_version_no IS
   SELECT object_version_number,
   FROM   per_all_assignments_f           -- Bug 2130066 fix
   WHERE assignment_id = p_assignment_id
   AND   (p_effective_date BETWEEN
            NVL ( effective_start_date , p_effective_date)
            AND NVL ( effective_end_date , p_effective_date )) ;
Line: 503

   l_proc constant varchar2(100) := g_package || ' update_supervisor';
Line: 527

      p_effective_date=>p_effective_date  ,
      p_attribute_update_mode=>p_attribute_update_mode ,
      p_assignment_id=>p_assignment_id ,
      p_assignment_type => ln_assignment_type,
      p_object_version_number =>ln_object_version_no ,
      p_supervisor_id => p_supervisor_id ,
      -- Assignment Security
      p_supervisor_assignment_id => l_supervisor_assignment_id ,

      p_comment_id => ln_comment_id ,
      p_other_manager_warning=>lb_other_manager_warning ) ;
Line: 558

   END update_supervisor ;
Line: 570

     p_selected_emp_id  NUMBER ,
     p_selected_person_sup_id  NUMBER ,
     p_selected_person_old_sup_id  NUMBER ,

     -- Assignment Security
     p_selected_person_sup_asg_id  NUMBER ,
     p_sel_person_old_sup_asg_id  NUMBER ,

     p_passed_effective_date DATE ,
     p_passed_assignment_id NUMBER ,
     p_direct_reports       ltt_direct_reports ,
     p_validate             BOOLEAN ,
     p_from_term            BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE ,
     p_emp_asg_id           hr_util_misc_web.g_varchar2_tab_type,
     p_emp_effective_date   hr_util_misc_web.g_varchar2_tab_type,
     -- Assignment Security
     p_emp_sup_asg_id           hr_util_misc_web.g_varchar2_tab_type,

     p_term_flag        VARCHAR2)

     lv_message_number   VARCHAR2(80);
Line: 598

   SAVEPOINT update_supervisor ;
Line: 615

        ( p_selected_person_sup_id IS NOT NULL AND
          p_selected_person_old_sup_id IS NULL ) OR
        ( p_selected_person_sup_id IS NULL AND
          p_selected_person_old_sup_id IS NOT NULL) OR
        (p_selected_person_sup_id <> p_selected_person_old_sup_id) OR
        ( hr_general2.supervisor_assignments_in_use = 'TRUE'
          AND (p_selected_person_sup_asg_id is not NULL and
                  p_sel_person_old_sup_asg_id is NULL)
         ) OR
        ( hr_general2.supervisor_assignments_in_use = 'TRUE'
          AND (p_selected_person_sup_asg_id is NULL and
                  p_sel_person_old_sup_asg_id is not NULL)
        ) OR
        ( hr_general2.supervisor_assignments_in_use = 'TRUE'
          AND p_selected_person_sup_asg_id <> p_sel_person_old_sup_asg_id)

         p_passed_effective_date ,
         p_passed_assignment_id ,
         -- Assignment Security

         p_validate) ;
Line: 664

     IF ((p_direct_reports(i).supervisor_id <> p_selected_emp_id) or
         (p_direct_reports(i).supervisor_id is Null) or
         (hr_general2.supervisor_assignments_in_use = 'TRUE' AND
            p_direct_reports(i).supervisor_assignment_id <>
        or (hr_general2.supervisor_assignments_in_use = 'TRUE' AND
            p_direct_reports(i).supervisor_assignment_id is NULL)
         p_direct_reports(i).effective_date ,
         p_direct_reports(i).assignment_id ,
         p_direct_reports(i).supervisor_id ,
         -- Assignment Security
         p_direct_reports(i).supervisor_assignment_id ,

Line: 692

       p_emp_effective_date(i) ,
        p_emp_asg_id(i) ,

        p_emp_sup_asg_id(i) ,

Line: 705

     ROLLBACK to update_supervisor ;
Line: 752

     SELECT distinct paf.assignment_id
     FROM   per_all_assignments_f paf,     -- Bug 2130066 fix
            per_all_people_f ppf
     WHERE  ppf.person_id = p_person_id
     AND    p_effective_date BETWEEN
            ppf.effective_start_date AND ppf.effective_end_date
     AND    paf.person_id = ppf.person_id
     AND    paf.primary_flag = 'Y'
     AND    p_effective_date BETWEEN
            paf.effective_start_date AND paf.effective_end_date
     AND    ((paf.assignment_type = 'E' and ppf.current_employee_flag = 'Y')
          OR (paf.assignment_type = 'C' and ppf.current_npw_flag = 'Y'));
Line: 816

     p_selected_emp_id IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER ,
     p_passed_assignment_id IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER ,
     p_sup_id          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
     p_old_sup_id      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER ,
-- Assignment Security
     p_sup_asg_id          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
     p_old_sup_asg_id      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER ,

     p_sup_name        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ,
     p_old_sup_name    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
     p_passed_effective_date OUT NOCOPY DATE ,
     p_direct_reports   IN OUT NOCOPY ltt_direct_reports,
     p_emp_name           IN OUT NOCOPY  hr_util_misc_web.g_varchar2_tab_type,
     p_emp_id           IN OUT NOCOPY  hr_util_misc_web.g_varchar2_tab_type,
     p_emp_asg_id       IN OUT NOCOPY  hr_util_misc_web.g_varchar2_tab_type,
     p_emp_date           IN OUT NOCOPY  hr_util_misc_web.g_varchar2_tab_type ,
     p_emp_sup_asg_id       IN OUT NOCOPY  hr_util_misc_web.g_varchar2_tab_type,
     p_single_supervisor_name IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
     p_single_effective_date  IN OUT NOCOPY DATE,
     p_term_flag              IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)


    ln_transaction_step_id NUMBER;
Line: 846

    ln_selected_person_id  NUMBER ;
Line: 847

    ln_selected_emp_id       NUMBER ;
Line: 849

    lv_selected_emp_name     VARCHAR2(250);
Line: 851

    lv_selected_emp        BOOLEAN;
Line: 892

          lv_selected_emp :=
          (p_transaction_step_id => ln_transaction_step_id,
          p_name =>'p_selected_emp');
Line: 899

	    lv_selected_emp := false;
Line: 932

          p_selected_emp_id :=
                           (p_transaction_step_id => ln_transaction_step_id,
                            p_name =>'p_selected_emp_id');
Line: 953

          if  lv_selected_emp then
             hr_utility.trace('In (if lv_selected_emp) '|| l_proc);
Line: 963

                            p_name =>'p_selected_person_sup_id');
Line: 969

                            p_name =>'p_selected_person_old_sup_id');
Line: 975

                            p_name =>'p_selected_person_sup_asg_id');
Line: 984

           lv_selected_emp_name :=
                           (p_transaction_step_id => ln_transaction_step_id,
                            p_name =>'p_selected_emp_name');
Line: 992

                            p_name =>'p_selected_person_sup_name');
Line: 998

                            p_name =>'p_selected_person_old_sup_name');
Line: 1004

          end if; -- end selected emp
Line: 1140

     ln_selected_emp_id        NUMBER ;
Line: 1163

      p_selected_emp_id=>ln_selected_emp_id ,
      p_sup_id=>ln_sup_id ,
      p_old_sup_id=>ln_old_sup_id ,

      -- Assignment Security
      p_sup_asg_id=>ln_sup_asg_id ,
      p_old_sup_asg_id=>ln_old_sup_asg_id ,

      p_sup_name=>lv_sup_name ,
      p_old_sup_name=>lv_old_sup_name ,
      p_emp_name=>ltt_emp_name ,
      p_emp_id=>ltt_emp_id ,
      p_emp_asg_id=>ltt_emp_asg_id ,
      p_emp_date=>ltt_emp_date ,
      -- Assignment Security
      p_emp_sup_asg_id =>ltt_emp_sup_asg_id ,
      p_term_flag=>ld_term_flag) ;
Line: 1222

    ln_selected_emp_id := hr_process_person_ss.g_person_id;
Line: 1242

      p_selected_emp_id=>ln_selected_emp_id ,
      p_selected_person_old_sup_id=>ln_old_sup_id ,
      -- Assignment Security
      p_sel_person_old_sup_asg_id=>ln_old_sup_asg_id ,

      p_passed_effective_date=>ld_passed_effective_date ,
      p_validate=>p_validate ,
      p_emp_asg_id=>ltt_emp_asg_id ,
      -- Assignment Security
      p_emp_sup_asg_id=>ltt_emp_sup_asg_id ,

      p_term_flag=>ld_term_flag )  ;
Line: 1312

        p_name => 'p_selected_emp' ,
        p_value => TRUE ) ;
Line: 1322

        p_name => 'p_selected_emp_id' ,
        p_value =>p_emp_id ) ;
Line: 1329

        p_name => 'p_selected_emp_name' ,
        p_value =>p_emp_name ) ;
Line: 1336

        p_name => 'p_selected_person_sup_name' ,
        p_value =>p_new_sup_name ) ;
Line: 1342

        p_name => 'p_selected_person_old_sup_name' ,
        p_value =>p_old_sup_name ) ;
Line: 1349

        p_name => 'p_selected_person_old_sup_id' ,
        p_value =>p_old_sup_id ) ;
Line: 1364

        p_name => 'p_selected_person_sup_id' ,
        p_value =>p_new_sup_id ) ;
Line: 1373

        p_name => 'p_selected_person_sup_asg_id' ,
        p_value =>p_new_sup_asg_id ) ;
Line: 1527

  || PROCEDURE: update_asg
  PROCEDURE update_asg
  (p_validate                     in     number default 0
  ,p_attribute_update_mode        in     varchar2
  ,p_manager_details_tab          in out nocopy SSHR_MANAGER_DETAILS_TAB_TYP
  ,p_item_type                    in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_item_key                     in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_actid                        in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_rptg_grp_id                  in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_plan_id                      in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_effective_date_option	  in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_num_of_direct_reports        in     number default 0
  ,p_num_of_new_direct_reports    in     number default 0
  ,p_selected_person_id           in     number
  ,p_selected_person_name         in     varchar2
  ,p_term_sup_flag                in     varchar2
  ,p_login_person_id              in     number
  ,p_save_for_later               in     varchar2 default 'SAVE'
  ,p_transaction_step_id          in out nocopy number

  l_transaction_id      number ;
Line: 1561

  l_proc constant varchar2(100) := g_package || 'update_asg';
Line: 1577

        update_asg(p_validate => p_validate,
                   p_attribute_update_mode => p_attribute_update_mode,
                   p_item_type => p_item_type,
    		   p_item_key => p_item_key,
  		   p_actid => p_actid,
		   p_assignment_id => p_manager_details_tab(I).assignment_id,
		   p_object_version_number => p_manager_details_tab(I).object_ver_number,
		   p_supervisor_id => p_manager_details_tab(I).supervisor_id,
		   p_supervisor_assignment_id => l_supervisor_assignment_id,
		   p_effective_date => p_manager_details_tab(I).effective_date,
		   p_comment_id => p_manager_details_tab(I).comment_id,
		   p_effective_start_date => p_manager_details_tab(I).effective_start_date,
                   p_effective_end_date => p_manager_details_tab(I).effective_end_date,
                   p_no_managers_warning => p_manager_details_tab(I).no_managers_warning,
		   p_other_manager_warning => p_manager_details_tab(I).other_manager_warning,
		   p_error_message_appl => p_manager_details_tab(I).error_message_appl,
		   p_error_message_name => p_manager_details_tab(I).error_message_name,
		   p_error_message => p_manager_details_tab(I).error_message);
Line: 1600

    hr_utility.trace('end of checking in update_asg');
Line: 1616

			  p_selected_emp_id => p_selected_person_id,
                          p_selected_emp_name => p_selected_person_name,
                          p_no_of_direct_reports => p_num_of_direct_reports,
                          p_no_of_emps => p_num_of_new_direct_reports,
                          p_term_flag => p_term_sup_flag,
			  p_rptg_grp_id => p_rptg_grp_id,
			  p_plan_id => p_plan_id,
			  p_effective_date_option => p_effective_date_option);
Line: 1624

    hr_utility.trace('bdefore writing Txn in update_asg');
Line: 1671

  END update_asg;
Line: 1676

  || PROCEDURE: update_asg

  procedure update_asg
  (p_validate                     in     NUMBER default 0
  ,p_effective_date               in     date
  ,p_attribute_update_mode        in     varchar2
  ,p_assignment_id                in     number
  ,p_object_version_number        in out nocopy number
  ,p_supervisor_id                in     number   default null
  ,p_supervisor_assignment_id     in     number   default null
  ,p_assignment_number            in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_change_reason                in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_comments                     in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_date_probation_end           in     date     default null
  ,p_default_code_comb_id         in     number   default null
  ,p_frequency                    in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_internal_address_line        in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_manager_flag                 in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_normal_hours                 in     number   default null
  ,p_perf_review_period           in     number   default null
  ,p_perf_review_period_frequency in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_probation_period             in     number   default null
  ,p_probation_unit               in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_sal_review_period            in     number   default null
  ,p_sal_review_period_frequency  in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_set_of_books_id              in     number   default null
  ,p_source_type                  in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_time_normal_finish           in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_time_normal_start            in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_ass_attribute_category       in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_title                        in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_comment_id                      out nocopy number
  ,p_effective_start_date            out nocopy date
  ,p_effective_end_date              out nocopy date
  ,p_no_managers_warning             out nocopy Number
  ,p_other_manager_warning           out nocopy NUMBER
  ,p_item_type                    in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_item_key                     in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_actid                        in     varchar2 default null
  ,p_error_message_appl              out nocopy varchar2
  ,p_error_message_name              out nocopy varchar2
  ,p_error_message                out nocopy    long

  ln_supervisor_id number ;
Line: 1741

   SELECT object_version_number, assignment_type
   FROM   per_all_assignments_f        -- Bug 2130066 fix
   WHERE assignment_id = l_assignment_id
   AND   (p_effective_date BETWEEN
            NVL ( effective_start_date , p_effective_date)
            AND NVL ( effective_end_date , p_effective_date )) ;
Line: 1764

l_attribute_update_mode varchar2(50);
Line: 1771

select object_version_number
from per_all_people_f
where person_id = p_appl_person_id
and p_appl_effective_date between effective_start_date
and effective_end_date;
Line: 1782

select object_version_number,
from per_all_assignments_f
where assignment_id = p_appl_assign_id
and p_appl_effective_date between effective_start_date
and effective_end_date;
Line: 1795

select object_version_number,
from per_all_assignments_f
where person_id = p_appl_person_id
and p_appl_effective_date between effective_start_date
and effective_end_date;
Line: 1804

select assignment_id
from per_all_assignments_f
where assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
Line: 1810

select person_id
from per_all_people_f
where person_id = p_supervisor_id;
Line: 1818

  SELECT   per.current_applicant_flag,
  FROM     per_all_people_f   per
  WHERE  per.person_id = p_person_id
  AND    p_eff_date BETWEEN per.effective_start_date and per.effective_end_date;
Line: 1837

l_proc constant varchar2(100) := g_package || ' update_asg';
Line: 1840

    SAVEPOINT sup_update_asg;
Line: 1841

    l_attribute_update_mode := p_attribute_update_mode;
Line: 1887

     Check the mode we are entering to update

     case 1: update the current employee assignment record with applicant person id
           Create a  employee record with applicant person id
     case 2: update the applicant assignment record with existing employee person id.
           Create a  employee record with applicant assignment record details.
     case 3: update the current employee assignment record with existing employee person id
            No need to create a dummy employee record.


    -- Checking  case 1:
    open lc_get_current_applicant_flag(p_supervisor_id, p_effective_date);
Line: 1986

                hr_new_user_reg_ss.process_selected_transaction(p_item_type => p_item_type,
                                                   p_item_key => p_item_key
                         ,p_api_name => 'HR_PROCESS_PERSON_SS.PROCESS_API');
Line: 2004

                        p_validate              =>lb_validate,
                        p_effective_date        =>p_effective_date  ,
                        p_attribute_update_mode =>p_attribute_update_mode ,
                        p_assignment_id         =>l_assignment_id ,
                        p_assignment_type       =>l_assignment_type,
                        p_object_version_number =>ln_object_version_no ,
                        p_supervisor_id         => l_supervisor_id ,
                        -- Assignment Security
                        p_supervisor_assignment_id =>l_supervisor_assignment_id,
                        p_comment_id            => p_comment_id ,
                        p_effective_start_date  =>p_effective_start_date,
                        p_effective_end_date    =>p_effective_end_date,
                        p_no_managers_warning   =>lb_no_managers_warn,
                        p_other_manager_warning =>lb_other_manager_warn ) ;
Line: 2026

    ROLLBACK TO sup_update_asg;
Line: 2035

        ROLLBACK TO sup_update_asg;
Line: 2056

        ROLLBACK TO sup_update_asg;
Line: 2059

END update_asg;