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Line 433: /* fa information from fa_books and fa_deprn summary from the historic books! */

429: igi_iac_debug_pkg.debug_other_string(g_state_level,l_path,'error getting information from revaluation rates table'||sqlerrm);
430: return false;
431: end;
433: /* fa information from fa_books and fa_deprn summary from the historic books! */
434: igi_iac_debug_pkg.debug_other_string(g_state_level,l_path,'+populate the fa_asset_info record');
435: declare
436: cursor c_fa_books is
437: select fb.cost

Line 457: , fa_deprn_summary fds

453: , fds.deprn_amount
454: , fadd.asset_category_id
455: from fa_books fb
456: , fa_book_controls fbc
457: , fa_deprn_summary fds
458: , fa_additions fadd
459: where fb.book_type_code = fbc.book_type_code
460: and fb.book_type_code = fp_book_type_code
461: -- and fbc.last_period_counter = fp_period_counter

Line 468: from fa_deprn_summary

464: and fb.transaction_header_id_out is null
465: and fds.book_type_code = fp_book_type_code
466: and fds.asset_id = fp_asset_id
467: and fds.period_counter = ( select max(period_counter)
468: from fa_deprn_summary
469: where asset_id = fp_asset_id
470: and book_type_code = fp_book_type_code
471: and period_counter <= fp_period_counter
472: )

Line 738: /* fa information from fa_books and fa_deprn summary from the historic books! */

734: l_reval_params.reval_prev_rate_info.last_update_date := g_who_date;
735: l_reval_params.reval_prev_rate_info.last_updated_by := g_who_user_id;
738: /* fa information from fa_books and fa_deprn summary from the historic books! */
739: declare
740: cursor c_fa_books is
741: select fb.cost
742: , fb.adjusted_cost

Line 761: , fa_deprn_summary fds

757: , fds.deprn_amount
758: , fadd.asset_category_id
759: from fa_books fb
760: , fa_book_controls fbc
761: , fa_deprn_summary fds
762: , fa_additions fadd
763: where fb.book_type_code = fbc.book_type_code
764: and fb.book_type_code = fp_book_type_code
765: and fadd.asset_id = fp_asset_id

Line 771: from fa_deprn_summary

767: and fb.transaction_header_id_out is null
768: and fds.book_type_code = fp_book_type_code
769: and fds.asset_id = fp_asset_id
770: and fds.period_counter = ( select max(period_counter)
771: from fa_deprn_summary
772: where asset_id = fp_asset_id
773: and book_type_code = fp_book_type_code
774: and period_counter <= fp_period_counter
775: )