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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 125

	    pay_batch_element_entry_api.update_batch_header (p_session_date               => sysdate,
					                     p_batch_id                   => l_valid_batch_id,
					                     p_object_version_number      => l_object_version_number,
					                     p_batch_name                 => l_valid_batch_name
							    ); /* For updating the batch_name of the newly created batch */
Line: 137

	       UPDATE hxt_batch_states
	       SET    status = 'VV'
	       WHERE  batch_id = l_valid_batch_id; /* For updating the status of the newly created batch */
Line: 169

	    pay_batch_element_entry_api.update_batch_header (p_session_date               => sysdate,
						             p_batch_id                   => l_warning_batch_id,
					                     p_object_version_number      => l_object_version_number,
				                             p_batch_name                 => l_warning_batch_name
							    ); /* For updating the batch_name of the newly created batch */
Line: 181

	       UPDATE hxt_batch_states
	       SET    status = 'VW'
	       WHERE  batch_id = l_warning_batch_id; /* For updating the status of the newly created batch */
Line: 214

	    pay_batch_element_entry_api.update_batch_header (p_session_date               => sysdate,
				                             p_batch_id                   => l_error_batch_id,
				                             p_object_version_number      => l_object_version_number,
				                             p_batch_name                 => l_error_batch_name
				                            ); /* For updating the batch_name of the newly created batch */
Line: 226

	       UPDATE hxt_batch_states
	       SET    status = 'VE'
	       WHERE  batch_id = l_error_batch_id; /* For updating the status of the newly created batch */
Line: 247

	 HXT_DML.UPDATE_HXT_TIMECARDS (p_rowid		       => p_merge_batches(l_loop_index1).tc_rowid,
	   			       p_id		       => p_merge_batches(l_loop_index1).tc_id,
				       p_for_person_id	       => p_merge_batches(l_loop_index1).for_person_id,
				       p_time_period_id	       => p_merge_batches(l_loop_index1).time_period_id,
				       p_auto_gen_flag	       => p_merge_batches(l_loop_index1).auto_gen_flag,
				       p_batch_id	       => l_temp_batch_upd_id,
				       p_approv_person_id      => p_merge_batches(l_loop_index1).approv_person_id,
				       p_approved_timestamp    => p_merge_batches(l_loop_index1).approved_timestamp,
				       p_created_by	       => p_merge_batches(l_loop_index1).created_by,
				       p_creation_date	       => p_merge_batches(l_loop_index1).creation_date,
				       p_last_updated_by       => p_merge_batches(l_loop_index1).last_updated_by,
				       p_last_update_date      => p_merge_batches(l_loop_index1).last_update_date,
				       p_last_update_login     => p_merge_batches(l_loop_index1).last_update_login,
				       p_payroll_id	       => p_merge_batches(l_loop_index1).payroll_id,
				       p_status		       => p_merge_batches(l_loop_index1).status,
				       p_effective_start_date  => p_merge_batches(l_loop_index1).effective_start_date,
				       p_effective_end_date    => p_merge_batches(l_loop_index1).effective_end_date,
				       p_object_version_number => l_ovn
Line: 268

	    UPDATE hxt_det_hours_worked_f
	    SET    retro_batch_id = l_temp_batch_upd_id,
	           object_version_number = object_version_number + 1
	    WHERE  retro_batch_id = p_merge_batches(l_loop_index1).batch_id
	    AND    tim_id = p_merge_batches(l_loop_index1).tc_id;
Line: 277

	       SELECT assignment_number
	       INTO   l_assignment_no
	       FROM   per_all_assignments_f
	       WHERE  person_id = (SELECT for_person_id
			  	   FROM   hxt_timecards_x
				   WHERE  id = p_merge_batches(l_loop_index1).tc_id
               AND    sysdate between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 286

               SELECT pbh.batch_name
	       INTO   l_parent_batch_name
	       FROM   pay_batch_headers pbh
	       WHERE  pbh.batch_id = (SELECT tc.batch_id
			              FROM   hxt_timecards_x tc
		    	              WHERE  tc.id = p_merge_batches(l_loop_index1).tc_id
Line: 315

   LOOP /* To loop through empty batches left behind and delete them */

      EXIT WHEN NOT p_del_empty_batches.exists(l_loop_index2);
Line: 323

      pay_batch_element_entry_api.delete_batch_header (p_batch_id              => p_del_empty_batches(l_loop_index2).batch_id,
						       p_object_version_number => p_del_empty_batches(l_loop_index2).batch_ovn
Line: 331

	 DELETE FROM hxt_batch_states
	 WHERE  batch_id = p_del_empty_batches(l_loop_index2).batch_id;
Line: 373

           SELECT pbh.batch_id,
                  hbs.status batch_status,             --SIR020
                  pbh.batch_reference  ,
             FROM pay_batch_headers pbh,               --GLOBAL
                  hxt_batch_states hbs                 --SIR020
            WHERE pbh.business_group_id = p_bus_group_id --GLOBAL
              AND hbs.batch_id = pbh.batch_id          --SIR020
              AND pbh.batch_id BETWEEN nvl(c_batch_num,0)
		          AND nvl(c_batch_num,999999999999)
              AND (pbh.batch_reference LIKE nvl(c_reference_num , '%')
                   OR (pbh.batch_reference IS NULL
					AND c_reference_num IS NULL))
              AND exists (SELECT 'x'
                            FROM hxt_timecards_x tim       --SIR017
                           WHERE tim.batch_id = pbh.batch_id
                                               )                                  --bug 5748118
              AND  pbh.batch_status = 'U' ;                     --bug 2709527
Line: 475

     HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('A range has been selected by the user');-- debug only --HXT115
Line: 587

		l_merge_batches(l_count).last_updated_by       := p_merge_batches(l_loop_index).last_updated_by;
Line: 588

		l_merge_batches(l_count).last_update_date      := p_merge_batches(l_loop_index).last_update_date;
Line: 589

		l_merge_batches(l_count).last_update_login     := p_merge_batches(l_loop_index).last_update_login;
Line: 618

            Insert_Pay_Batch_Errors( batch_rec.batch_id,
                                  '',                                   -- HXT11
Line: 627

            Insert_Pay_Batch_Errors( batch_rec.batch_id,
                                 'VE',                                  --SIR020
                                 '',                                    --HXT11
Line: 642

           Insert_Pay_Batch_Errors( batch_rec.batch_id,
                                   'VE',                                --SIR020
                                   '',                                  -- HXT11
Line: 650

           Insert_Pay_Batch_Errors( batch_rec.batch_id,
                                    'VE',                               --SIR020
                                    '',                                 -- HXT11
Line: 680

           Insert_Pay_Batch_Errors( batch_rec.batch_id,
                                   'VE',                                --SIR020
                                   '',                                  -- HXT11
Line: 687

      END IF; -- end process selections
Line: 720

          Insert_Pay_Batch_Errors( l_batch_id,
Line: 811

    HXT_BATCH_PROCESS.Insert_Pay_Batch_Errors( l_batch_id,
                 'VE', -- RETROPAY
Line: 828

         Insert_Pay_Batch_Errors( l_batch_id,
Line: 844

    SELECT fcl.meaning
      FROM hr_lookups fcl
     WHERE fcl.lookup_code = p_code
       AND fcl.lookup_type = p_type
       AND fcl.enabled_flag = 'Y'
       AND p_date BETWEEN nvl(fcl.start_date_active, p_date)
                      AND nvl(fcl.end_date_active, p_date);
Line: 899

    SELECT lookup_code
      FROM fnd_lookup_values
     WHERE meaning = p_meaning
       AND lookup_type = 'NAME_TRANSLATIONS'
       AND enabled_flag = 'Y'
       AND p_date_active BETWEEN nvl(start_date_active, p_date_active)
                      AND nvl(end_date_active, p_date_active);
Line: 992

   SELECT distinct PIV.name -- PIV.display_sequence
   FROM --pay_element_types_f PET
          pay_input_values_f  PIV
         ,pay_accrual_plans PAP
         ,pay_net_calculation_rules PNCR
   WHERE--PET.element_type_id      = cp_element_type_id
 --AND    PET.element_type_id      = PIV.element_type_id
          PIV.element_type_id      = cp_element_type_id
   AND    cp_effective_date between PIV.effective_start_date
                                and PIV.effective_end_date
   AND    PNCR.date_input_value_id = PIV.input_value_id
   AND    PNCR.input_value_id     <> PAP.pto_input_value_id
   AND    PNCR.input_value_id     <> PAP.co_input_value_id
   AND    PNCR.accrual_plan_id     = PAP.accrual_plan_id
   AND    PAP.accrual_plan_id IN
                (SELECT PAPL.accrual_plan_id
                 FROM   pay_accrual_plans PAPL
                       ,pay_element_links_f PEL
                       ,pay_element_entries_f PEE
                 WHERE  PEL.element_type_id  = PAPL.accrual_plan_element_type_id
                 AND    cp_effective_date between PEL.effective_start_date
                                              and PEL.effective_end_date
                 AND    PEE.element_link_id  = PEL.element_link_id
                 AND    PEE.assignment_id    = cp_assignment_id
                 AND    cp_effective_date between PEE.effective_start_date
                                              and PEE.effective_end_date
Line: 1358

HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('Successful INSERT INTO pay_batch_lines'); --HXT115
Line: 1361

      set PBL_LINE_ID = l_batch_line_id
    WHERE rowid = p_values_rec.hrw_rowid;
Line: 1365

HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('Successful UPDATE hxt_det_hours_worked_f'); --HXT115
Line: 1376

    Insert_Pay_Batch_Errors( p_values_rec.batch_id, 'VE', '', l_return);
Line: 1385

    FROM hxt_batch_values_v
   WHERE batch_id = p_batch_id ;
Line: 1389

    FROM hxt_batch_sum_hours_rollup_v
   WHERE batch_id = p_batch_id;
Line: 1393

    FROM hxt_batch_sum_amounts_v
   WHERE batch_id = p_batch_id;
Line: 1496

    HXT_UTIL.DEBUG('Error attempting to insert paymix information');
Line: 1499

    Insert_Pay_Batch_Errors( p_batch_id, 'VE', '', l_return);
Line: 1500

    HXT_UTIL.DEBUG(' back from calling insert_pay_batch_errors');
Line: 1509

    Insert_Pay_Batch_Errors( p_batch_id, 'VE', '', l_return);
Line: 1520

          SELECT fnd_date.date_to_chardate(end_date) end_date --SIR149 --FORMS60
          FROM per_time_periods
          WHERE time_period_id = g_time_period_id;
Line: 1550

  select 'PIPE' || userenv('sessionid')
    into   g_pipe_session
    from   dual;
Line: 1562

Line: 1596

        UPDATE hxt_batch_states
        SET    date_earned = p_date_earned
        WHERE  batch_id = p_batch_id;
Line: 1600

     UPDATE hxt_batch_states
     SET    status = p_status
     WHERE  batch_id = p_batch_id;
Line: 1611

          SELECT status
          INTO l_batch_status
          FROM hxt_batch_states
          WHERE batch_id = p_batch_id;
Line: 1651

SELECT line.assignment_number, line.effective_date, line.batch_line_id,line.OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER
  FROM pay_batch_lines line
 WHERE line.batch_id = p_batch_id;
Line: 1655

select batch_line_id,object_version_number
 from pay_batch_lines
where batch_id = p_batch_id;
Line: 1659

  SELECT distinct(hrw.retro_batch_id) retro_batch_id,pbh.object_version_number
    FROM hxt_det_hours_worked_f hrw,
         hxt_timecards_f tim,
         pay_batch_headers pbh
   WHERE hrw.tim_id = tim.id
     AND tim.batch_id = pbh.batch_id
     AND tim.batch_id = p_batch_id
     AND hrw.retro_batch_id IS NOT NULL;
Line: 1668

select object_version_number
from pay_batch_headers
where batch_id = p_batch_id;
Line: 1680

	  (p_batch_line_id            => l_rec.batch_line_id
	  ,p_object_version_number    => l_rec.object_version_number
Line: 1689

        UPDATE hxt_batch_states
           SET status = 'H'
         WHERE batch_id = p_batch_id;
Line: 1697

			  (p_batch_line_id            => l_line_rec.batch_line_id
			  ,p_object_version_number    => l_line_rec.object_version_number
Line: 1703

	  (p_batch_id               => l_rec.retro_batch_id
	  ,p_object_version_number  => l_rec.object_version_number
Line: 1720

        UPDATE hxt_det_hours_worked_f
           SET retro_batch_id = NULL,
               pay_status     = 'P',
			   pbl_line_id = NULL
         WHERE rowid in (
           SELECT hrw.rowid
             FROM hxt_det_hours_worked_f hrw,
                  hxt_timecards_f tim
            WHERE hrw.tim_id = tim.id
              AND tim.batch_id=p_batch_id);
Line: 1731

         UPDATE hxt_batch_states
            SET date_earned = NULL
          WHERE batch_id = p_batch_id;
Line: 1754

			SELECT business_group_id, batch_name, batch_reference
			  INTO l_business_group_id, l_batch_name, l_batch_reference
			  FROM pay_batch_headers
			 WHERE batch_id = p_batch_id;
Line: 1777

                SELECT DISTINCT(hrw.tim_id)
                INTO l_tim_id
                FROM hxt_det_hours_worked hrw, per_assignments_f asm --C421
                WHERE asm.assignment_number = batch_line_rec.assignment_number
                AND hrw.assignment_id = asm.assignment_id;
Line: 1785

                UPDATE hxt_timecards tim
                SET tim.batch_id = l_new_batch
                 WHERE tim.batch_id = p_batch_id
                   AND tim.id = l_tim_id;
Line: 1790

		  (p_batch_line_id            => batch_line_rec.batch_line_id
		  ,p_object_version_number    => batch_line_rec.object_version_number
Line: 1804

   pay_batch_element_entry_api.delete_batch_header (
      p_batch_id                   => p_batch_id,
      p_object_version_number      => l_batch_ovn
Line: 1818

        Insert_Pay_Batch_Errors( p_batch_id,
Line: 1825

PROCEDURE Insert_Pay_Batch_Errors( p_batch_id IN NUMBER,
                                   p_error_level IN VARCHAR2,
                                   p_exception_details IN VARCHAR2,
                                   p_return_code OUT NOCOPY NUMBER)IS
 l_error_msg     VARCHAR2(240);
Line: 1847

END Insert_Pay_Batch_Errors;
Line: 1860

 SELECT  effective_start_date,
 WHERE   id = p_tim_id;