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Line 6103: IF oe_mass_change_pvt.Lines_Remaining = 'Y' THEN

6099: End If; -- changed_line no, no book button, no price_adj delayed request
6101: If G_PASS_ALL_LINES in ('Y', 'R') Then
6102: --bug4529937 if the call is from mass change api, and there are more lines remaining to be processed after the current set, we would just pass the changed lines to pricing engine
6103: IF oe_mass_change_pvt.Lines_Remaining = 'Y' THEN
6104: IF l_debug_level > 0 THEN
6105: oe_debug_pub.add(' Query only changed line');
6106: END IF;
6107: Query_Changed_Lines(p_header_id => p_header_id,

Line 6305: IF ((p_line_id IS NOT NULL and p_control_rec.p_write_to_db) OR oe_mass_change_pvt.Lines_Remaining = 'Y') THEN

6301: End If;
6303: IF OE_CODE_CONTROL.Get_Code_Release_Level >= '110509' THEN
6304: oe_debug_pub.add('calling get_prg_lines 5647210 added mass change');
6305: IF ((p_line_id IS NOT NULL and p_control_rec.p_write_to_db) OR oe_mass_change_pvt.Lines_Remaining = 'Y') THEN
6306: Get_PRG_Lines(l_line_tbl(line_tbl_index).line_id, l_line_tbl, line_tbl_index);
6307: -- 3529369 In the case overriding the list price of servicable line the service lines will be
6308: -- repriced if they are in the same order and service line has an service_reference_type of order
6309: IF (l_line_tbl(line_tbl_index).item_type_code <> 'SERVICE' AND