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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 30

  PROCEDURE select_row( recinfo IN OUT NOCOPY gl_tax_option_accounts%ROWTYPE )  IS
    SELECT  *
    INTO    recinfo
    FROM    gl_tax_option_accounts
    WHERE   account_segment_value = recinfo.account_segment_value
    AND     ledger_id = recinfo.ledger_id
    AND     org_id = recinfo.org_id;
Line: 44

Line: 46

  END select_row;
Line: 79

    SELECT count(*)
    INTO x_total
    FROM gl_tax_option_accounts
    WHERE ledger_id = x_ledger_id
    AND   org_id = x_org_id
    AND   account_segment_value = x_account
    AND   tax_type_code = x_tax_type
    AND ( x_rowid is null OR rowid <> x_rowid );
Line: 97

  PROCEDURE select_columns(
	      x_ledger_id				NUMBER,
	      x_org_id					NUMBER,
	      x_account_value				VARCHAR2,
	      x_tax_type_code			IN OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
	      x_tax_code			IN OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2,
	      x_allow_override			IN OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
 	      x_amount_includes_tax		IN OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2) IS

    recinfo gl_tax_option_accounts%ROWTYPE;
Line: 112

    select_row( recinfo );
Line: 124

Line: 126

  END select_columns;