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1 PACKAGE BODY igs_fi_person_holds_pkg AS
2 /* $Header: IGSSIB2B.pls 115.14 2003/09/19 12:31:18 smadathi ship $ */
4   l_rowid VARCHAR2(25);
5   old_references igs_fi_person_holds%ROWTYPE;
6   new_references igs_fi_person_holds%ROWTYPE;
8   PROCEDURE set_column_values (
9     p_action                            IN     VARCHAR2,
10     x_rowid                             IN     VARCHAR2 ,
11     x_person_id                         IN     NUMBER   ,
12     x_hold_plan_name                    IN     VARCHAR2 ,
13     x_hold_type                         IN     VARCHAR2 ,
14     x_hold_start_dt                     IN     DATE     ,
15     x_process_start_dt                  IN     DATE     ,
16     x_process_end_dt                    IN     DATE     ,
17     x_offset_days                       IN     NUMBER   ,
18     x_past_due_amount                   IN     NUMBER   ,
19     x_fee_cal_type                      IN     VARCHAR2 ,
20     x_fee_ci_sequence_number            IN     NUMBER   ,
21     x_fee_type_invoice_amount           IN     NUMBER   ,
22     x_creation_date                     IN     DATE     ,
23     x_created_by                        IN     NUMBER   ,
24     x_last_update_date                  IN     DATE     ,
25     x_last_updated_by                   IN     NUMBER   ,
26     x_last_update_login                 IN     NUMBER   ,
27     x_release_credit_id                 IN     NUMBER   ,
28     x_student_plan_id                   IN     NUMBER   ,
29     x_last_instlmnt_due_date            IN     DATE
30   ) AS
31   /*
32   ||  Created By : [email protected]
33   ||  Created On : 29-NOV-2001
34   ||  Purpose : Initialises the Old and New references for the columns of the table.
35   ||  Known limitations, enhancements or remarks :
36   ||  Change History :
37   ||  Who             When            What
38   ||  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
39   */
41     CURSOR cur_old_ref_values IS
42       SELECT   *
43       FROM     igs_fi_person_holds
44       WHERE    rowid = x_rowid;
46   BEGIN
48     l_rowid := x_rowid;
50     -- Code for setting the Old and New Reference Values.
51     -- Populate Old Values.
52     OPEN cur_old_ref_values;
53     FETCH cur_old_ref_values INTO old_references;
54     IF ((cur_old_ref_values%NOTFOUND) AND (p_action NOT IN ('INSERT', 'VALIDATE_INSERT'))) THEN
55       CLOSE cur_old_ref_values;
56       fnd_message.set_name ('FND', 'FORM_RECORD_DELETED');
57       igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
58       app_exception.raise_exception;
59       RETURN;
60     END IF;
61     CLOSE cur_old_ref_values;
63     -- Populate New Values.
64     -- Removed balance_amount, Enh Bug: 2562745
65     new_references.person_id                         := x_person_id;
66     new_references.hold_plan_name                    := x_hold_plan_name;
67     new_references.hold_type                         := x_hold_type;
68     new_references.hold_start_dt                     := x_hold_start_dt;
69     new_references.process_start_dt                  := x_process_start_dt;
70     new_references.process_end_dt                    := x_process_end_dt;
71     new_references.offset_days                       := x_offset_days;
72     new_references.past_due_amount                   := x_past_due_amount;
73     new_references.fee_cal_type                      := x_fee_cal_type;
74     new_references.fee_ci_sequence_number            := x_fee_ci_sequence_number;
75     new_references.fee_type_invoice_amount           := x_fee_type_invoice_amount;
76     new_references.release_credit_id                 := x_release_credit_id;
77     new_references.student_plan_id                   := x_student_plan_id;
78     new_references.last_instlmnt_due_date            := x_last_instlmnt_due_date;
80     IF (p_action = 'UPDATE') THEN
81       new_references.creation_date                   := old_references.creation_date;
82       new_references.created_by                      := old_references.created_by;
83     ELSE
84       new_references.creation_date                   := x_creation_date;
85       new_references.created_by                      := x_created_by;
86     END IF;
88     new_references.last_update_date                  := x_last_update_date;
89     new_references.last_updated_by                   := x_last_updated_by;
90     new_references.last_update_login                 := x_last_update_login;
92   END set_column_values;
95   PROCEDURE check_parent_existance AS
96   /*
97   ||  Created By : [email protected]
98   ||  Created On : 29-NOV-2001
99   ||  Purpose : Checks for the existance of Parent records.
100   ||  Known limitations, enhancements or remarks :
101   ||  Change History :
102   ||  Who             When            What
103   ||  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
104   ||  pathipat        11-Aug-2003     Enh 3076768 - Auto Release of Holds
105   ||                                  Added check for release_credit_id
106   */
107   BEGIN
109     IF (((old_references.person_id = new_references.person_id)) OR
110         ((new_references.person_id IS NULL))) THEN
111       NULL;
112    ELSIF NOT igs_pe_person_pkg.get_pk_for_validation (
113                 new_references.person_id
114               ) THEN
115       fnd_message.set_name ('FND', 'FORM_RECORD_DELETED');
116       igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
117       app_exception.raise_exception;
118     END IF;
120     IF (((old_references.hold_plan_name = new_references.hold_plan_name)) OR
121         ((new_references.hold_plan_name IS NULL))) THEN
122       NULL;
123     ELSIF NOT igs_fi_hold_plan_pkg.get_pk_for_validation (
124                 new_references.hold_plan_name
125               ) THEN
126       fnd_message.set_name ('FND', 'FORM_RECORD_DELETED');
127       igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
128       app_exception.raise_exception;
129     END IF;
131     IF (((old_references.hold_type = new_references.hold_type)) OR
132         ((new_references.hold_type IS NULL))) THEN
133       NULL;
134     ELSIF NOT igs_fi_encmb_type_pkg.get_pk_for_validation (
135                 new_references.hold_type
136               ) THEN
137       fnd_message.set_name ('FND', 'FORM_RECORD_DELETED');
138       igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
139       app_exception.raise_exception;
140     END IF;
142     IF (((old_references.fee_cal_type = new_references.fee_cal_type) AND
143          (old_references.fee_ci_sequence_number = new_references.fee_ci_sequence_number)) OR
144         ((new_references.fee_cal_type IS NULL) OR
145          (new_references.fee_ci_sequence_number IS NULL))) THEN
146       NULL;
147     ELSIF NOT igs_ca_inst_pkg.get_pk_for_validation (
148                 new_references.fee_cal_type,
149                 new_references.fee_ci_sequence_number
150               ) THEN
151       fnd_message.set_name ('FND', 'FORM_RECORD_DELETED');
152       igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
153       app_exception.raise_exception;
154     END IF;
156     IF (((old_references.release_credit_id = new_references.release_credit_id)) OR
157         ((new_references.release_credit_id IS NULL))) THEN
158       NULL;
159     ELSIF NOT igs_fi_credits_pkg.get_pk_for_validation (
160                   new_references.release_credit_id
161           ) THEN
162       fnd_message.set_name ('FND','FORM_RECORD_DELETED');
163       igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
164       app_exception.raise_exception;
165     END IF;
167   END check_parent_existance;
170   FUNCTION get_pk_for_validation (
171     x_person_id                         IN     NUMBER,
172     x_hold_type                         IN     VARCHAR2,
173     x_hold_start_dt                     IN     DATE
175   /*
176   ||  Created By : [email protected]
177   ||  Created On : 29-NOV-2001
178   ||  Purpose : Validates the Primary Key of the table.
179   ||  Known limitations, enhancements or remarks :
180   ||  Change History :
181   ||  Who             When            What
182   ||  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
183   */
184     CURSOR cur_rowid IS
185       SELECT   rowid
186       FROM     igs_fi_person_holds
187       WHERE    person_id = x_person_id
188       AND      hold_type = x_hold_type
189       AND      hold_start_dt = x_hold_start_dt
192     lv_rowid cur_rowid%RowType;
194   BEGIN
196     OPEN cur_rowid;
197     FETCH cur_rowid INTO lv_rowid;
198     IF (cur_rowid%FOUND) THEN
199       CLOSE cur_rowid;
200       RETURN(TRUE);
201     ELSE
202       CLOSE cur_rowid;
203       RETURN(FALSE);
204     END IF;
206   END get_pk_for_validation;
208   PROCEDURE get_fk_igs_fi_hold_plan (
209     x_hold_plan_name                    IN     VARCHAR2
210   ) AS
211   /*
212   ||  Created By : [email protected]
213   ||  Created On : 29-NOV-2001
214   ||  Purpose : Validates the Foreign Keys for the table.
215   ||  Known limitations, enhancements or remarks :
216   ||  Change History :
217   ||  Who             When            What
218   ||  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
219   */
220     CURSOR cur_rowid IS
221       SELECT   rowid
222       FROM     igs_fi_person_holds
223       WHERE   ((hold_plan_name = x_hold_plan_name));
225     lv_rowid cur_rowid%RowType;
227   BEGIN
229     OPEN cur_rowid;
230     FETCH cur_rowid INTO lv_rowid;
231     IF (cur_rowid%FOUND) THEN
232       CLOSE cur_rowid;
233       fnd_message.set_name ('IGS', 'IGS_FI_FPHL_FIHP_FK');
234       igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
235       app_exception.raise_exception;
236       RETURN;
237     END IF;
238     CLOSE cur_rowid;
240   END get_fk_igs_fi_hold_plan;
243   PROCEDURE get_fk_igs_fi_encmb_type (
244     x_encumbrance_type                  IN     VARCHAR2
245   ) AS
246   /*
247   ||  Created By : [email protected]
248   ||  Created On : 29-NOV-2001
249   ||  Purpose : Validates the Foreign Keys for the table.
250   ||  Known limitations, enhancements or remarks :
251   ||  Change History :
252   ||  Who             When            What
253   ||  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
254   */
255     CURSOR cur_rowid IS
256       SELECT   rowid
257       FROM     igs_fi_person_holds
258       WHERE   ((hold_type = x_encumbrance_type));
260     lv_rowid cur_rowid%RowType;
262   BEGIN
264     OPEN cur_rowid;
265     FETCH cur_rowid INTO lv_rowid;
266     IF (cur_rowid%FOUND) THEN
267       CLOSE cur_rowid;
268       fnd_message.set_name ('IGS', 'IGS_FI_FPHL_ET_FK');
269       igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
270       app_exception.raise_exception;
271       RETURN;
272     END IF;
273     CLOSE cur_rowid;
275   END get_fk_igs_fi_encmb_type;
278   PROCEDURE get_fk_igs_fi_credits_all (
279      x_release_credit_id                 IN     NUMBER
280   ) AS
281   /*
282   ||  Created By : Priya Athipatla
283   ||  Created On : 11-Aug-2003
284   ||  Purpose : Validates the Foreign Keys for the table.
285   ||  Known limitations, enhancements or remarks :
286   ||  Change History :
287   ||  Who             When            What
288   ||  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
289   */
290     CURSOR cur_rowid IS
291       SELECT   rowid
292       FROM     igs_fi_credits_all
293       WHERE    credit_id = x_release_credit_id;
295     lv_rowid   cur_rowid%ROWTYPE;
297   BEGIN
299     OPEN cur_rowid;
300     FETCH cur_rowid INTO lv_rowid;
301     IF (cur_rowid%FOUND) THEN
302       CLOSE cur_rowid;
303       fnd_message.set_name ('IGS', 'IGS_FI_FPHL_CRDT_FK');
304       igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
305       app_exception.raise_exception;
306       RETURN;
307     END IF;
308     CLOSE cur_rowid;
310   END get_fk_igs_fi_credits_all;
313   PROCEDURE get_fk_igs_ca_inst (
314     x_cal_type                          IN     VARCHAR2,
315     x_sequence_number                   IN     NUMBER
316   ) AS
317   /*
318   ||  Created By : [email protected]
319   ||  Created On : 29-NOV-2001
320   ||  Purpose : Validates the Foreign Keys for the table.
321   ||  Known limitations, enhancements or remarks :
322   ||  Change History :
323   ||  Who             When            What
324   ||  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
325   */
326     CURSOR cur_rowid IS
327       SELECT   rowid
328       FROM     igs_fi_person_holds
329       WHERE   ((fee_cal_type = x_cal_type) AND
330                (fee_ci_sequence_number = x_sequence_number));
332     lv_rowid cur_rowid%RowType;
334   BEGIN
336     OPEN cur_rowid;
337     FETCH cur_rowid INTO lv_rowid;
338     IF (cur_rowid%FOUND) THEN
339       CLOSE cur_rowid;
340       fnd_message.set_name ('IGS', 'IGS_FI_FPHL_CI_FK');
341       igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
342       app_exception.raise_exception;
343       RETURN;
344     END IF;
345     CLOSE cur_rowid;
347   END get_fk_igs_ca_inst;
349  PROCEDURE BeforeInsertUpdate(p_inserting BOOLEAN , p_updating BOOLEAN) AS
350   p_message_name VARCHAR2(30);
351   BEGIN
352    IF ( p_inserting = TRUE OR (p_updating = TRUE AND new_references.hold_type <> old_references.hold_type) ) THEN
353      IF  NOT igs_en_val_etde.enrp_val_et_closed(new_references.hold_type,p_message_name) THEN
354         Fnd_Message.Set_Name('IGS', p_message_name);
356         App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
357      END IF;
358    END IF;
359   END BeforeInsertUpdate;
361   PROCEDURE before_dml (
362     p_action                            IN     VARCHAR2,
363     x_rowid                             IN     VARCHAR2,
364     x_person_id                         IN     NUMBER  ,
365     x_hold_plan_name                    IN     VARCHAR2,
366     x_hold_type                         IN     VARCHAR2,
367     x_hold_start_dt                     IN     DATE    ,
368     x_process_start_dt                  IN     DATE    ,
369     x_process_end_dt                    IN     DATE    ,
370     x_offset_days                       IN     NUMBER  ,
371     x_past_due_amount                   IN     NUMBER  ,
372     x_fee_cal_type                      IN     VARCHAR2,
373     x_fee_ci_sequence_number            IN     NUMBER  ,
374     x_fee_type_invoice_amount           IN     NUMBER  ,
375     x_creation_date                     IN     DATE    ,
376     x_created_by                        IN     NUMBER  ,
377     x_last_update_date                  IN     DATE    ,
378     x_last_updated_by                   IN     NUMBER  ,
379     x_last_update_login                 IN     NUMBER  ,
380     x_release_credit_id                 IN     NUMBER  ,
381     x_student_plan_id                   IN     NUMBER   ,
382     x_last_instlmnt_due_date            IN     DATE
383   ) AS
384   /*
385   ||  Created By : [email protected]
386   ||  Created On : 29-NOV-2001
387   ||  Purpose : Initialises the columns, Checks Constraints, Calls the
388   ||            Trigger Handlers for the table, before any DML operation.
389   ||  Known limitations, enhancements or remarks :
390   ||  Change History :
391   ||  Who             When            What
392   ||  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
393   ||  vvutukur      17-May-2002     Removed calls to check_constraints procedure
394   ||                                as this procedure is removed from body and
395   ||                                spec.also. BUG#2344826.
396   */
397   BEGIN
399     set_column_values (
400       p_action,
401       x_rowid,
402       x_person_id,
403       x_hold_plan_name,
404       x_hold_type,
405       x_hold_start_dt,
406       x_process_start_dt,
407       x_process_end_dt,
408       x_offset_days,
409       x_past_due_amount,
410       x_fee_cal_type,
411       x_fee_ci_sequence_number,
412       x_fee_type_invoice_amount,
413       x_creation_date,
414       x_created_by,
415       x_last_update_date,
416       x_last_updated_by,
417       x_last_update_login,
418       x_release_credit_id,
419       x_student_plan_id,
420       x_last_instlmnt_due_date
421     );
423     IF (p_action = 'INSERT') THEN
424        BeforeInsertUpdate(TRUE,FALSE);
425       -- Call all the procedures related to Before Insert.
426       IF ( get_pk_for_validation(
427              new_references.person_id,
428              new_references.hold_type,
429              new_references.hold_start_dt
430            )
431          ) THEN
432         fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_GE_RECORD_ALREADY_EXISTS');
433         igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
434         app_exception.raise_exception;
435       END IF;
436       check_parent_existance;
437     ELSIF (p_action = 'UPDATE') THEN
438        BeforeInsertUpdate(FALSE,TRUE);
439       -- Call all the procedures related to Before Update.
440       check_parent_existance;
441     ELSIF (p_action = 'VALIDATE_INSERT') THEN
442       -- Call all the procedures related to Before Insert.
443       IF ( get_pk_for_validation (
444              new_references.person_id,
445              new_references.hold_type,
446              new_references.hold_start_dt
447            )
448          ) THEN
449         fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_GE_RECORD_ALREADY_EXISTS');
450         igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
451         app_exception.raise_exception;
452       END IF;
453     END IF;
455   END before_dml;
458   PROCEDURE insert_row (
459     x_rowid                             IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
460     x_person_id                         IN     NUMBER,
461     x_hold_plan_name                    IN     VARCHAR2,
462     x_hold_type                         IN     VARCHAR2,
463     x_hold_start_dt                     IN     DATE,
464     x_process_start_dt                  IN     DATE,
465     x_process_end_dt                    IN     DATE,
466     x_offset_days                       IN     NUMBER,
467     x_past_due_amount                   IN     NUMBER,
468     x_fee_cal_type                      IN     VARCHAR2,
469     x_fee_ci_sequence_number            IN     NUMBER,
470     x_fee_type_invoice_amount           IN     NUMBER,
471     x_mode                              IN     VARCHAR2,
472     x_release_credit_id                 IN     NUMBER,
473     x_student_plan_id                   IN     NUMBER,
474     x_last_instlmnt_due_date            IN     DATE
475   ) AS
476   /*
477   ||  Created By : [email protected]
478   ||  Created On : 29-NOV-2001
479   ||  Purpose : Handles the INSERT DML logic for the table.
480   ||  Known limitations, enhancements or remarks :
481   ||  Change History :
482   ||  Who             When            What
483   ||  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
484   */
485     CURSOR c IS
486       SELECT   rowid
487       FROM     igs_fi_person_holds
488       WHERE    person_id                         = x_person_id
489       AND      hold_type                         = x_hold_type
490       AND      hold_start_dt                     = x_hold_start_dt;
492     x_last_update_date           DATE;
493     x_last_updated_by            NUMBER;
494     x_last_update_login          NUMBER;
495     x_request_id                 NUMBER;
496     x_program_id                 NUMBER;
497     x_program_application_id     NUMBER;
498     x_program_update_date        DATE;
500   BEGIN
502     x_last_update_date := SYSDATE;
503     IF (x_mode = 'I') THEN
504       x_last_updated_by := 1;
505       x_last_update_login := 0;
506     ELSIF (x_mode = 'R') THEN
507       x_last_updated_by := fnd_global.user_id;
508       IF (x_last_updated_by IS NULL) THEN
509         x_last_updated_by := -1;
510       END IF;
511       x_last_update_login := fnd_global.login_id;
512       IF (x_last_update_login IS NULL) THEN
513         x_last_update_login := -1;
514       END IF;
515       x_request_id             := fnd_global.conc_request_id;
516       x_program_id             := fnd_global.conc_program_id;
517       x_program_application_id := fnd_global.prog_appl_id;
519       IF (x_request_id = -1) THEN
520         x_request_id             := NULL;
521         x_program_id             := NULL;
522         x_program_application_id := NULL;
523         x_program_update_date    := NULL;
524       ELSE
525         x_program_update_date    := SYSDATE;
526       END IF;
527     ELSE
528       fnd_message.set_name ('FND', 'SYSTEM-INVALID ARGS');
529       igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
530       app_exception.raise_exception;
531     END IF;
533     before_dml(
534       p_action                            => 'INSERT',
535       x_rowid                             => x_rowid,
536       x_person_id                         => x_person_id,
537       x_hold_plan_name                    => x_hold_plan_name,
538       x_hold_type                         => x_hold_type,
539       x_hold_start_dt                     => x_hold_start_dt,
540       x_process_start_dt                  => x_process_start_dt,
541       x_process_end_dt                    => x_process_end_dt,
542       x_offset_days                       => x_offset_days,
543       x_past_due_amount                   => x_past_due_amount,
544       x_fee_cal_type                      => x_fee_cal_type,
545       x_fee_ci_sequence_number            => x_fee_ci_sequence_number,
546       x_fee_type_invoice_amount           => x_fee_type_invoice_amount,
547       x_creation_date                     => x_last_update_date,
548       x_created_by                        => x_last_updated_by,
549       x_last_update_date                  => x_last_update_date,
550       x_last_updated_by                   => x_last_updated_by,
551       x_last_update_login                 => x_last_update_login,
552       x_release_credit_id                 => x_release_credit_id,
553       x_student_plan_id                   => x_student_plan_id,
554       x_last_instlmnt_due_date            => x_last_instlmnt_due_date
555     );
557     INSERT INTO igs_fi_person_holds (
558       person_id,
559       hold_plan_name,
560       hold_type,
561       hold_start_dt,
562       process_start_dt,
563       process_end_dt,
564       offset_days,
565       past_due_amount,
566       fee_cal_type,
567       fee_ci_sequence_number,
568       fee_type_invoice_amount,
569       creation_date,
570       created_by,
571       last_update_date,
572       last_updated_by,
573       last_update_login,
574       request_id,
575       program_id,
576       program_application_id,
577       program_update_date,
578       release_credit_id,
579       student_plan_id        ,
580       last_instlmnt_due_date
581     ) VALUES (
582       new_references.person_id,
583       new_references.hold_plan_name,
584       new_references.hold_type,
585       new_references.hold_start_dt,
586       new_references.process_start_dt,
587       new_references.process_end_dt,
588       new_references.offset_days,
589       new_references.past_due_amount,
590       new_references.fee_cal_type,
591       new_references.fee_ci_sequence_number,
592       new_references.fee_type_invoice_amount,
593       x_last_update_date,
594       x_last_updated_by,
595       x_last_update_date,
596       x_last_updated_by,
597       x_last_update_login ,
598       x_request_id,
599       x_program_id,
600       x_program_application_id,
601       x_program_update_date,
602       new_references.release_credit_id,
603       new_references.student_plan_id   ,
604       new_references.last_instlmnt_due_date
605     );
607     OPEN c;
608     FETCH c INTO x_rowid;
609     IF (c%NOTFOUND) THEN
610       CLOSE c;
612     END IF;
613     CLOSE c;
615   END insert_row;
618   PROCEDURE lock_row (
619     x_rowid                             IN     VARCHAR2,
620     x_person_id                         IN     NUMBER,
621     x_hold_plan_name                    IN     VARCHAR2,
622     x_hold_type                         IN     VARCHAR2,
623     x_hold_start_dt                     IN     DATE,
624     x_process_start_dt                  IN     DATE,
625     x_process_end_dt                    IN     DATE,
626     x_offset_days                       IN     NUMBER,
627     x_past_due_amount                   IN     NUMBER,
628     x_fee_cal_type                      IN     VARCHAR2,
629     x_fee_ci_sequence_number            IN     NUMBER,
630     x_fee_type_invoice_amount           IN     NUMBER,
631     x_release_credit_id                 IN     NUMBER,
632     x_student_plan_id                   IN     NUMBER,
633     x_last_instlmnt_due_date            IN     DATE
634   ) AS
635   /*
636   ||  Created By : [email protected]
637   ||  Created On : 29-NOV-2001
638   ||  Purpose : Handles the LOCK mechanism for the table.
639   ||  Known limitations, enhancements or remarks :
640   ||  Change History :
641   ||  Who             When            What
642   ||  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
643   */
644     CURSOR c1 IS
645       SELECT
646         hold_plan_name,
647         process_start_dt,
648         process_end_dt,
649         offset_days,
650         past_due_amount,
651         fee_cal_type,
652         fee_ci_sequence_number,
653         fee_type_invoice_amount,
654         release_credit_id,
655         student_plan_id        ,
656         last_instlmnt_due_date
657       FROM  igs_fi_person_holds
658       WHERE rowid = x_rowid
661     tlinfo c1%ROWTYPE;
663   BEGIN
665     OPEN c1;
666     FETCH c1 INTO tlinfo;
667     IF (c1%notfound) THEN
668       fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'FORM_RECORD_DELETED');
669       igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
670       CLOSE c1;
671       app_exception.raise_exception;
672       RETURN;
673     END IF;
674     CLOSE c1;
676     IF (
677         (tlinfo.hold_plan_name = x_hold_plan_name)
678         AND (tlinfo.process_start_dt = x_process_start_dt)
679         AND (tlinfo.process_end_dt = x_process_end_dt)
680         AND ((tlinfo.offset_days = x_offset_days) OR ((tlinfo.offset_days IS NULL) AND (X_offset_days IS NULL)))
681         AND (tlinfo.past_due_amount = x_past_due_amount)
682         AND ((tlinfo.fee_cal_type = x_fee_cal_type) OR ((tlinfo.fee_cal_type IS NULL) AND (X_fee_cal_type IS NULL)))
683         AND ((tlinfo.fee_ci_sequence_number = x_fee_ci_sequence_number) OR ((tlinfo.fee_ci_sequence_number IS NULL) AND (X_fee_ci_sequence_number IS NULL)))
684         AND ((tlinfo.fee_type_invoice_amount = x_fee_type_invoice_amount) OR ((tlinfo.fee_type_invoice_amount IS NULL) AND (X_fee_type_invoice_amount IS NULL)))
685         AND ((tlinfo.release_credit_id = x_release_credit_id) OR ((tlinfo.release_credit_id IS NULL) AND (x_release_credit_id IS NULL)))
686         AND ((tlinfo.student_plan_id = x_student_plan_id) OR ((tlinfo.student_plan_id IS NULL) AND (x_student_plan_id IS NULL)))
687         AND ((tlinfo.last_instlmnt_due_date = x_last_instlmnt_due_date) OR ((tlinfo.last_instlmnt_due_date IS NULL) AND (x_last_instlmnt_due_date IS NULL)))
688        ) THEN
689       NULL;
690     ELSE
691       fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'FORM_RECORD_CHANGED');
692       igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
693       app_exception.raise_exception;
694     END IF;
696     RETURN;
698   END lock_row;
701   PROCEDURE update_row (
702     x_rowid                             IN     VARCHAR2,
703     x_person_id                         IN     NUMBER,
704     x_hold_plan_name                    IN     VARCHAR2,
705     x_hold_type                         IN     VARCHAR2,
706     x_hold_start_dt                     IN     DATE,
707     x_process_start_dt                  IN     DATE,
708     x_process_end_dt                    IN     DATE,
709     x_offset_days                       IN     NUMBER,
710     x_past_due_amount                   IN     NUMBER,
711     x_fee_cal_type                      IN     VARCHAR2,
712     x_fee_ci_sequence_number            IN     NUMBER,
713     x_fee_type_invoice_amount           IN     NUMBER,
714     x_mode                              IN     VARCHAR2,
715     x_release_credit_id                 IN     NUMBER,
716     x_student_plan_id                   IN     NUMBER,
717     x_last_instlmnt_due_date            IN     DATE
718   ) AS
719   /*
720   ||  Created By : [email protected]
721   ||  Created On : 29-NOV-2001
722   ||  Purpose : Handles the UPDATE DML logic for the table.
723   ||  Known limitations, enhancements or remarks :
724   ||  Change History :
725   ||  Who             When            What
726   ||  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
727   */
728     x_last_update_date           DATE ;
729     x_last_updated_by            NUMBER;
730     x_last_update_login          NUMBER;
731     x_request_id                 NUMBER;
732     x_program_id                 NUMBER;
733     x_program_application_id     NUMBER;
734     x_program_update_date        DATE;
736   BEGIN
738     x_last_update_date := SYSDATE;
739     IF (X_MODE = 'I') THEN
740       x_last_updated_by := 1;
741       x_last_update_login := 0;
742     ELSIF (x_mode = 'R') THEN
743       x_last_updated_by := fnd_global.user_id;
744       IF x_last_updated_by IS NULL THEN
745         x_last_updated_by := -1;
746       END IF;
747       x_last_update_login := fnd_global.login_id;
748       IF (x_last_update_login IS NULL) THEN
749         x_last_update_login := -1;
750       END IF;
751     ELSE
752       fnd_message.set_name( 'FND', 'SYSTEM-INVALID ARGS');
753       igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
754       app_exception.raise_exception;
755     END IF;
757     before_dml(
758       p_action                            => 'UPDATE',
759       x_rowid                             => x_rowid,
760       x_person_id                         => x_person_id,
761       x_hold_plan_name                    => x_hold_plan_name,
762       x_hold_type                         => x_hold_type,
763       x_hold_start_dt                     => x_hold_start_dt,
764       x_process_start_dt                  => x_process_start_dt,
765       x_process_end_dt                    => x_process_end_dt,
766       x_offset_days                       => x_offset_days,
767       x_past_due_amount                   => x_past_due_amount,
768       x_fee_cal_type                      => x_fee_cal_type,
769       x_fee_ci_sequence_number            => x_fee_ci_sequence_number,
770       x_fee_type_invoice_amount           => x_fee_type_invoice_amount,
771       x_creation_date                     => x_last_update_date,
772       x_created_by                        => x_last_updated_by,
773       x_last_update_date                  => x_last_update_date,
774       x_last_updated_by                   => x_last_updated_by,
775       x_last_update_login                 => x_last_update_login,
776       x_release_credit_id                 => x_release_credit_id,
777       x_student_plan_id                   => x_student_plan_id,
778       x_last_instlmnt_due_date            => x_last_instlmnt_due_date
779     );
781     IF (x_mode = 'R') THEN
782       x_request_id := fnd_global.conc_request_id;
783       x_program_id := fnd_global.conc_program_id;
784       x_program_application_id := fnd_global.prog_appl_id;
785       IF (x_request_id =  -1) THEN
786         x_request_id := old_references.request_id;
787         x_program_id := old_references.program_id;
788         x_program_application_id := old_references.program_application_id;
789         x_program_update_date := old_references.program_update_date;
790       ELSE
791         x_program_update_date := SYSDATE;
792       END IF;
793     END IF;
795     UPDATE igs_fi_person_holds
796       SET
797         hold_plan_name                    = new_references.hold_plan_name,
798         process_start_dt                  = new_references.process_start_dt,
799         process_end_dt                    = new_references.process_end_dt,
800         offset_days                       = new_references.offset_days,
801         past_due_amount                   = new_references.past_due_amount,
802         fee_cal_type                      = new_references.fee_cal_type,
803         fee_ci_sequence_number            = new_references.fee_ci_sequence_number,
804         fee_type_invoice_amount           = new_references.fee_type_invoice_amount,
805         last_update_date                  = x_last_update_date,
806         last_updated_by                   = x_last_updated_by,
807         last_update_login                 = x_last_update_login ,
808         request_id                        = x_request_id,
809         program_id                        = x_program_id,
810         program_application_id            = x_program_application_id,
811         program_update_date               = x_program_update_date,
812         release_credit_id                 = new_references.release_credit_id,
813         student_plan_id                   = new_references.student_plan_id,
814         last_instlmnt_due_date            = new_references.last_instlmnt_due_date
815       WHERE rowid = x_rowid;
819     END IF;
821   END update_row;
824   PROCEDURE add_row (
825     x_rowid                             IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
826     x_person_id                         IN     NUMBER,
827     x_hold_plan_name                    IN     VARCHAR2,
828     x_hold_type                         IN     VARCHAR2,
829     x_hold_start_dt                     IN     DATE,
830     x_process_start_dt                  IN     DATE,
831     x_process_end_dt                    IN     DATE,
832     x_offset_days                       IN     NUMBER,
833     x_past_due_amount                   IN     NUMBER,
834     x_fee_cal_type                      IN     VARCHAR2,
835     x_fee_ci_sequence_number            IN     NUMBER,
836     x_fee_type_invoice_amount           IN     NUMBER,
837     x_mode                              IN     VARCHAR2,
838     x_release_credit_id                 IN     NUMBER,
839     x_student_plan_id                   IN     NUMBER,
840     x_last_instlmnt_due_date            IN     DATE
841   ) AS
842   /*
843   ||  Created By : [email protected]
844   ||  Created On : 29-NOV-2001
845   ||  Purpose : Adds a row if there is no existing row, otherwise updates existing row in the table.
846   ||  Known limitations, enhancements or remarks :
847   ||  Change History :
848   ||  Who             When            What
849   ||  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
850   */
851     CURSOR c1 IS
852       SELECT   rowid
853       FROM     igs_fi_person_holds
854       WHERE    person_id                         = x_person_id
855       AND      hold_type                         = x_hold_type
856       AND      hold_start_dt                     = x_hold_start_dt;
858   BEGIN
860     OPEN c1;
861     FETCH c1 INTO x_rowid;
862     IF (c1%NOTFOUND) THEN
863       CLOSE c1;
865       insert_row (
866         x_rowid,
867         x_person_id,
868         x_hold_plan_name,
869         x_hold_type,
870         x_hold_start_dt,
871         x_process_start_dt,
872         x_process_end_dt,
873         x_offset_days,
874         x_past_due_amount,
875         x_fee_cal_type,
876         x_fee_ci_sequence_number,
877         x_fee_type_invoice_amount,
878         x_mode,
879         x_release_credit_id,
880         x_student_plan_id        ,
881         x_last_instlmnt_due_date
882       );
883       RETURN;
884     END IF;
885     CLOSE c1;
887     update_row (
888       x_rowid,
889       x_person_id,
890       x_hold_plan_name,
891       x_hold_type,
892       x_hold_start_dt,
893       x_process_start_dt,
894       x_process_end_dt,
895       x_offset_days,
896       x_past_due_amount,
897       x_fee_cal_type,
898       x_fee_ci_sequence_number,
899       x_fee_type_invoice_amount,
900       x_mode,
901       x_release_credit_id,
902       x_student_plan_id        ,
903       x_last_instlmnt_due_date
904     );
906   END add_row;
909   PROCEDURE delete_row (
910     x_rowid IN VARCHAR2
911   ) AS
912   /*
913   ||  Created By : [email protected]
914   ||  Created On : 29-NOV-2001
915   ||  Purpose : Handles the DELETE DML logic for the table.
916   ||  Known limitations, enhancements or remarks :
917   ||  Change History :
918   ||  Who             When            What
919   ||  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
920   */
921   BEGIN
923     before_dml (
924       p_action => 'DELETE',
925       x_rowid => x_rowid
926     );
928     DELETE FROM igs_fi_person_holds
929     WHERE rowid = x_rowid;
933     END IF;
935   END delete_row;
938 END igs_fi_person_holds_pkg;