58: l_transaction_amount NUMBER;
59: l_po_amount_ordered NUMBER;
60: l_po_amount_delivered NUMBER;
61: l_abs_rt_amount NUMBER;
62: l_rcv_txn_type RCV_Transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
63: l_parent_txn_id NUMBER;
64: l_par_rcv_txn_type RCV_Transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
66: /**********************************
60: l_po_amount_delivered NUMBER;
61: l_abs_rt_amount NUMBER;
62: l_rcv_txn_type RCV_Transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
63: l_parent_txn_id NUMBER;
64: l_par_rcv_txn_type RCV_Transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
66: /**********************************
67: * Standard start of API savepoint *
68: **********************************/
106: **************************************************************************************/
107: l_stmt_num := 10;
108: SELECT decode(RT.po_distribution_id, NULL, RT.amount * (POD.amount_ordered/POLL.amount),RT.amount)
109: INTO l_transaction_amount
110: FROM rcv_transactions RT,
111: po_distributions POD,
112: po_line_locations POLL
113: WHERE RT.transaction_id = p_rcv_accttxn.rcv_transaction_id
114: AND POD.po_distribution_id = p_rcv_accttxn.po_distribution_id
141: l_stmt_num := 40;
142: SELECT RT.transaction_type, RT.parent_transaction_id
143: INTO l_rcv_txn_type, l_parent_txn_id
144: FROM rcv_transactions RT
145: WHERE RT.transaction_id = p_rcv_accttxn.rcv_transaction_id;
147: l_stmt_num := 50;
148: SELECT PARENT.transaction_type
147: l_stmt_num := 50;
148: SELECT PARENT.transaction_type
149: INTO l_par_rcv_txn_type
150: FROM rcv_transactions PARENT
151: WHERE PARENT.transaction_id =l_parent_txn_id;
153: l_stmt_num := 60;
154: SELECT POD.amount_ordered, POD.amount_delivered
451: l_source_doc_quantity NUMBER;
452: l_po_quantity_ordered NUMBER;
453: l_po_quantity_delivered NUMBER;
454: l_abs_rt_quantity NUMBER;
455: l_rcv_txn_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
456: l_parent_txn_id NUMBER;
457: l_par_rcv_txn_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
458: BEGIN
459: /**********************************
453: l_po_quantity_delivered NUMBER;
454: l_abs_rt_quantity NUMBER;
455: l_rcv_txn_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
456: l_parent_txn_id NUMBER;
457: l_par_rcv_txn_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
458: BEGIN
459: /**********************************
460: * Standard start of API savepoint *
461: **********************************/
501: / poll.quantity,
502: rt.source_doc_quantity
503: )
504: INTO l_source_doc_quantity
505: FROM rcv_transactions rt,
506: po_line_locations poll,
507: po_distributions pod
508: WHERE rt.transaction_id = p_rcv_accttxn.rcv_transaction_id
509: AND poll.line_location_id = p_rcv_accttxn.po_line_location_id
535: / poll.quantity,
536: l_source_doc_quantity
537: )
538: INTO l_source_doc_quantity
539: FROM rcv_transactions rt,
540: po_line_locations poll,
541: po_distributions pod
542: WHERE rt.transaction_id = p_rcv_accttxn.rcv_transaction_id
543: AND poll.line_location_id = p_rcv_accttxn.po_line_location_id
554: l_stmt_num := 60;
556: SELECT rt.transaction_type, rt.parent_transaction_id
557: INTO l_rcv_txn_type, l_parent_txn_id
558: FROM rcv_transactions rt
559: WHERE rt.transaction_id = p_rcv_accttxn.rcv_transaction_id;
561: l_stmt_num := 70;
561: l_stmt_num := 70;
563: SELECT PARENT.transaction_type
564: INTO l_par_rcv_txn_type
565: FROM rcv_transactions PARENT
566: WHERE PARENT.transaction_id = l_parent_txn_id;
568: l_stmt_num := 80;
945: -- The l_ic_pricing_option can only be 2 for a source type of 'RECEIVING'.
946: -- Get the UOM of the source_doc since unit price is desired in Document's UOM
947: SELECT muom.uom_code
948: INTO l_transaction_uom
949: FROM rcv_transactions rt, mtl_units_of_measure muom
950: WHERE rt.transaction_id = p_rcv_accttxn.rcv_transaction_id
951: AND muom.unit_of_measure = rt.source_doc_unit_of_measure;
953: -- While calling the transfer pricing API, the from organization id should be
1775: -- --
1776: -- Logic: --
1777: -- If supplier facing org, if match to po use POD.rate --
1778: -- else --
1779: -- rcv_transactions.curr_conv_rate--
1780: -- Else --
1781: -- Get the conversion type --
1782: -- Determine currency conversion rate --
1783: -- --
1906: SELECT rt.currency_conversion_rate, rt.currency_conversion_type,
1907: rt.currency_conversion_date
1908: INTO l_currency_conversion_rate, l_currency_conversion_type,
1909: l_currency_conversion_date
1910: FROM rcv_transactions rt
1911: WHERE rt.transaction_id = p_rcv_accttxn.rcv_transaction_id;
1912: END IF;
1913: ELSE
1914: l_currency_code := p_rcv_accttxn.currency_code;
2116: l_receiving_insp_acct_id NUMBER;
2117: l_clearing_acct_id NUMBER;
2118: l_retroprice_adj_acct_id NUMBER;
2119: l_overlaid_acct NUMBER;
2120: l_trx_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
2121: l_parent_trx_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
2122: l_parent_trx_id NUMBER;
2123: l_account_flag NUMBER := 0;
2124: BEGIN
2117: l_clearing_acct_id NUMBER;
2118: l_retroprice_adj_acct_id NUMBER;
2119: l_overlaid_acct NUMBER;
2120: l_trx_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
2121: l_parent_trx_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
2122: l_parent_trx_id NUMBER;
2123: l_account_flag NUMBER := 0;
2124: BEGIN
2125: -- Standard start of API savepoint
2238: l_stmt_num := 40;
2240: SELECT parent_trx.transaction_type
2241: INTO l_parent_trx_type
2242: FROM rcv_transactions trx, rcv_transactions parent_trx
2243: WHERE trx.transaction_id = p_rcv_accttxn.rcv_transaction_id
2244: AND trx.parent_transaction_id = parent_trx.transaction_id;
2245: END IF;
2589: l_stmt_num := 140;
2591: SELECT rt.transaction_type, rt.parent_transaction_id
2592: INTO l_trx_type, l_parent_trx_id
2593: FROM rcv_transactions rt
2594: WHERE rt.transaction_id = p_rcv_accttxn.rcv_transaction_id;
2596: IF (l_trx_type = 'DELIVER')
2597: THEN
2606: l_stmt_num := 150;
2608: SELECT parent_trx.transaction_type
2609: INTO l_parent_trx_type
2610: FROM rcv_transactions parent_trx
2611: WHERE parent_trx.transaction_id = l_parent_trx_id;
2613: IF (l_parent_trx_type = 'DELIVER')
2614: THEN
2842: l_stmt_num := 20;
2844: SELECT rsl.ussgl_transaction_code
2845: INTO l_ussgl_tc
2846: FROM rcv_transactions rt, rcv_shipment_lines rsl
2847: WHERE rt.transaction_id = p_rcv_accttxn.rcv_transaction_id
2848: AND rt.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id;
2849: END IF;
2850: END IF;
3361: l_inv_trx.intercompany_currency_code,
3362: l_inv_trx.distribution_account_id, l_inv_trx.costed_flag,
3363: l_inv_trx.subinventory_code, l_inv_trx.locator_id,
3364: l_inv_trx.parent_transaction_flag, l_inv_trx.trx_source_line_id
3365: FROM rcv_transactions rt,
3366: po_lines pol,
3367: po_line_locations poll,
3368: po_distributions pod,
3369: fnd_currencies fc
3594: l_inv_trx_tbl_ctr BINARY_INTEGER;
3595: l_correct_ind BOOLEAN := FALSE;
3596: -- indicator variable for whether these
3597: -- transactions are for a correction or not
3598: l_rcv_txn_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
3599: l_parent_txn_flag NUMBER := 1;
3600: l_intercompany_price NUMBER;
3601: -- may include nr tax depending on the pricing option
3602: l_intercompany_curr_code gmf_rcv_accounting_txns.currency_code%TYPE;
3646: -- Determine if this group of transactions are for a CORRECT txn type
3647: SELECT transaction_type
3648: INTO l_rcv_txn_type
3649: FROM rcv_transactions
3650: WHERE transaction_id = p_rcv_accttxn_tbl (l_ctr).rcv_transaction_id;
3652: IF (l_rcv_txn_type = 'CORRECT')
3653: THEN
4431: l_rcv_accttxn.transaction_date, l_rcv_accttxn.item_id,
4432: l_dest_org_id, l_rcv_accttxn.transaction_uom,
4433: l_rcv_accttxn.source_doc_uom, l_rcv_accttxn.currency_code,
4434: l_rcv_accttxn.destination_type_code
4435: FROM rcv_transactions rt,
4436: po_lines pol,
4437: po_line_locations poll,
4438: po_headers poh,
4439: po_distributions pod
5488: l_project_id, l_accrual_flag
5489: FROM po_headers poh,
5490: po_line_locations poll,
5491: po_lines pol,
5492: rcv_transactions rt
5493: WHERE rt.transaction_id = p_rcv_transaction_id
5494: AND poh.po_header_id = rt.po_header_id
5495: AND poll.line_location_id = rt.po_line_location_id
5496: AND pol.po_line_id = rt.po_line_id;
5994: l_stmt_num := 130;
5996: SELECT DECODE (rt.transaction_type, 'CORRECT', correct, receive)
5997: INTO l_event_type_id
5998: FROM rcv_transactions rt
5999: WHERE transaction_id = p_rcv_transaction_id;
6001: IF g_debug = 'Y'
6002: AND fnd_log.level_event >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level
6288: FROM po_headers poh,
6289: po_line_locations poll,
6290: po_lines pol,
6291: po_distributions pod,
6292: rcv_transactions rt
6293: WHERE rt.transaction_id = p_rcv_transaction_id
6294: AND poh.po_header_id = rt.po_header_id
6295: AND poll.line_location_id = rt.po_line_location_id
6296: AND pol.po_line_id = rt.po_line_id
6464: l_stmt_num := 50;
6466: SELECT DECODE (rt.transaction_type, 'CORRECT', correct, deliver)
6467: INTO l_event_type_id
6468: FROM rcv_transactions rt
6469: WHERE transaction_id = p_rcv_transaction_id;
6471: l_stmt_num := 60;
6825: FROM po_headers poh,
6826: po_line_locations poll,
6827: po_lines pol,
6828: po_distributions pod,
6829: rcv_transactions rt
6830: WHERE rt.transaction_id = p_rcv_transaction_id
6831: AND poh.po_header_id = rt.po_header_id
6832: AND poll.line_location_id = rt.po_line_location_id
6833: AND pol.po_line_id = rt.po_line_id
7022: 'CORRECT', correct,
7023: return_to_receiving
7024: )
7025: INTO l_event_type_id
7026: FROM rcv_transactions rt
7027: WHERE transaction_id = p_rcv_transaction_id;
7029: l_stmt_num := 60;
7452: l_project_id, l_accrual_flag
7453: FROM po_headers poh,
7454: po_line_locations poll,
7455: po_lines pol,
7456: rcv_transactions rt
7457: WHERE rt.transaction_id = p_rcv_transaction_id
7458: AND poh.po_header_id = rt.po_header_id
7459: AND poll.line_location_id = rt.po_line_location_id
7460: AND pol.po_line_id = rt.po_line_id;
7876: 'CORRECT', correct,
7877: return_to_vendor
7878: )
7879: INTO l_event_type_id
7880: FROM rcv_transactions rt
7881: WHERE transaction_id = p_rcv_transaction_id;
7883: IF g_debug = 'Y'
7884: AND fnd_log.level_event >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level
8096: IS
8097: c_log_module CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (80)
8098: := module || '.create_accounting_txns';
8099: l_stmt_num NUMBER (10) := 0;
8100: l_consigned_flag rcv_transactions.consigned_flag%TYPE;
8101: l_source_doc_code rcv_transactions.source_document_code%TYPE;
8102: l_transaction_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
8103: l_parent_trx_id rcv_transactions.transaction_id%TYPE;
8104: l_parent_trx_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
8097: c_log_module CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (80)
8098: := module || '.create_accounting_txns';
8099: l_stmt_num NUMBER (10) := 0;
8100: l_consigned_flag rcv_transactions.consigned_flag%TYPE;
8101: l_source_doc_code rcv_transactions.source_document_code%TYPE;
8102: l_transaction_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
8103: l_parent_trx_id rcv_transactions.transaction_id%TYPE;
8104: l_parent_trx_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
8105: l_grparent_trx_id rcv_transactions.transaction_id%TYPE;
8098: := module || '.create_accounting_txns';
8099: l_stmt_num NUMBER (10) := 0;
8100: l_consigned_flag rcv_transactions.consigned_flag%TYPE;
8101: l_source_doc_code rcv_transactions.source_document_code%TYPE;
8102: l_transaction_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
8103: l_parent_trx_id rcv_transactions.transaction_id%TYPE;
8104: l_parent_trx_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
8105: l_grparent_trx_id rcv_transactions.transaction_id%TYPE;
8106: l_grparent_trx_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
8099: l_stmt_num NUMBER (10) := 0;
8100: l_consigned_flag rcv_transactions.consigned_flag%TYPE;
8101: l_source_doc_code rcv_transactions.source_document_code%TYPE;
8102: l_transaction_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
8103: l_parent_trx_id rcv_transactions.transaction_id%TYPE;
8104: l_parent_trx_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
8105: l_grparent_trx_id rcv_transactions.transaction_id%TYPE;
8106: l_grparent_trx_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
8107: l_po_header_id po_headers_all.po_header_id%TYPE;
8100: l_consigned_flag rcv_transactions.consigned_flag%TYPE;
8101: l_source_doc_code rcv_transactions.source_document_code%TYPE;
8102: l_transaction_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
8103: l_parent_trx_id rcv_transactions.transaction_id%TYPE;
8104: l_parent_trx_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
8105: l_grparent_trx_id rcv_transactions.transaction_id%TYPE;
8106: l_grparent_trx_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
8107: l_po_header_id po_headers_all.po_header_id%TYPE;
8108: l_po_line_location_id po_line_locations_all.line_location_id%TYPE;
8101: l_source_doc_code rcv_transactions.source_document_code%TYPE;
8102: l_transaction_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
8103: l_parent_trx_id rcv_transactions.transaction_id%TYPE;
8104: l_parent_trx_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
8105: l_grparent_trx_id rcv_transactions.transaction_id%TYPE;
8106: l_grparent_trx_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
8107: l_po_header_id po_headers_all.po_header_id%TYPE;
8108: l_po_line_location_id po_line_locations_all.line_location_id%TYPE;
8109: l_shipment_type po_line_locations_all.shipment_type%TYPE;
8102: l_transaction_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
8103: l_parent_trx_id rcv_transactions.transaction_id%TYPE;
8104: l_parent_trx_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
8105: l_grparent_trx_id rcv_transactions.transaction_id%TYPE;
8106: l_grparent_trx_type rcv_transactions.transaction_type%TYPE;
8107: l_po_header_id po_headers_all.po_header_id%TYPE;
8108: l_po_line_location_id po_line_locations_all.line_location_id%TYPE;
8109: l_shipment_type po_line_locations_all.shipment_type%TYPE;
8110: l_rcv_accttxn_tbl gmf_rcv_accounting_pkg.rcv_accttxn_tbl_type;
8149: rt.po_line_location_id --12i Complex Work Procurement
8150: INTO l_consigned_flag, l_source_doc_code, l_transaction_type,
8151: l_parent_trx_id, l_po_header_id,
8152: l_po_line_location_id --12i Complex Work Procurement
8153: FROM rcv_transactions rt
8154: WHERE transaction_id = p_rcv_transaction_id;
8156: -- If receiving transaction is for a REQ, or an RMA, we do not
8157: -- do not do any accounting.
8194: -- Get Parent Transaction Type
8195: SELECT transaction_type, parent_transaction_id
8196: INTO l_parent_trx_type, l_grparent_trx_id
8197: FROM rcv_transactions
8198: WHERE transaction_id = l_parent_trx_id;
8200: IF (l_grparent_trx_id NOT IN (0, -1))
8201: THEN
8204: -- Get Grand Parent Transaction Type
8205: SELECT transaction_type
8206: INTO l_grparent_trx_type
8207: FROM rcv_transactions
8208: WHERE transaction_id = l_grparent_trx_id;
8209: END IF;
8210: END IF;
8482: -- for a given po_header or po_release
8483: CURSOR c_parent_receive_txns_csr
8484: IS
8485: SELECT a.transaction_id, a.organization_id
8486: FROM rcv_transactions a, mtl_parameters b
8487: WHERE (
8488: (a.transaction_type = 'RECEIVE' AND a.parent_transaction_id = -1)
8489: OR
8490: a.transaction_type = 'MATCH'
8500: -- a parent receive transaction.
8501: CURSOR c_deliver_txns_csr (l_par_txn IN NUMBER)
8502: IS
8503: SELECT a.transaction_id, a.po_distribution_id
8504: FROM rcv_transactions a, mtl_parameters b
8505: WHERE a.transaction_type = 'DELIVER'
8506: AND a.organization_id = b.organization_id
8507: AND NVL(b.process_enabled_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
8508: AND a.parent_transaction_id = l_par_txn;
8514: IS
8515: SELECT pod.po_distribution_id
8516: FROM po_distributions pod,
8517: po_line_locations poll,
8518: rcv_transactions rt
8519: WHERE pod.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id
8520: AND poll.line_location_id = rt.po_line_location_id
8521: AND rt.transaction_id = l_rcv_txn;
8522: BEGIN
8669: IF l_rae_count > 0
8670: THEN
8671: -- Rownum check is there since there might be multiple events in
8672: -- GRAT for a particular Receive transaction in RCV_TRANSACTIONS
8673: l_stmt_num := 60;
8675: SELECT grat.organization_id, grat.trx_flow_header_id,
8676: NVL (rt.dropship_type_code, 3)
8675: SELECT grat.organization_id, grat.trx_flow_header_id,
8676: NVL (rt.dropship_type_code, 3)
8677: INTO l_organization_id, l_trx_flow_header_id,
8678: l_drop_ship_flag
8679: FROM gmf_rcv_accounting_txns grat, rcv_transactions rt
8680: WHERE grat.rcv_transaction_id = c_par_txn.transaction_id
8681: AND rt.transaction_id = grat.rcv_transaction_id
8682: AND grat.procurement_org_flag = 'Y'
8683: AND ROWNUM = 1;
8685: l_organization_id := c_par_txn.organization_id;
8686: END IF;
8688: -- One event is seeded per PO distribution
8689: -- If RCV_TRANSACTIONS has the po_distribution_id populated, we
8690: -- use that. Otherwise, we use cursor c_po_dists_csr to seed as many events
8691: -- as the number of distributions for the line_location
8692: l_stmt_num := 70;
8692: l_stmt_num := 70;
8694: SELECT NVL (po_distribution_id, -1)
8695: INTO l_po_distribution_id
8696: FROM rcv_transactions
8697: WHERE transaction_id = c_par_txn.transaction_id;
8699: IF l_po_distribution_id <> -1
8700: THEN