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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 110

      select count(object_name)
      into l_table_exists
      from all_objects
      where object_name = p_base_table_name
       and object_type in ('TABLE','VIEW');
Line: 138

      select nvl(custom, 'N')
      into l_custom_flag
      from asg_pub
      where pub_id = ( select pub_name from asg_pub_item
                       where item_id = p_pub_item_name);
Line: 169

  select base_object_name ,primary_key_column, access_name, parent_table
  into l_piv_name, l_pk_columns, l_acc_table_name,l_parent_table
  from asg_pub_item
  where item_id = p_pub_item_name;
Line: 189

   l_cmd := 'select count(*) from '||l_acc_table_name;
Line: 211

  l_new_query := ' select acc.access_id ';
Line: 219

  select count(*) into l_cols_count
  from all_tab_columns
  where table_name = l_piv_name
    and owner=APPS_SCHEMA_NAME;
Line: 244

    select data_type into c_type
    from all_tab_columns
    where table_name = l_piv_name
    and column_name = 'ATTRIBUTE'||to_char(l_cols_count-1)
    and rownum = 1 and owner=APPS_SCHEMA_NAME;
Line: 296

   log('update the asg_pub_item table.');
Line: 297

   update asg_pub_item
   set parent_table  = p_base_table_name,
       last_update_date = sysdate
   where item_id = P_pub_item_name;
Line: 403

 select data_type into l_type
 from all_tab_columns
 where table_name = B_TAB_NAME
  and column_name = col
  and rownum = 1 and owner=APPS_SCHEMA_NAME;