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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 34

                                            elements selected by the user
                                            in query mode
                                            Modified the function get_bal
                                            to consider balance adjustments
                                            done after actual termination date.
                                            Modified the cursors
                                            'c_get_element_runs' ,
                                            to retrieve ROWID.
    06-Apr-2004 kvsankar   115.2   3541052  Modified the date passed for
                                            getting the value of the defined
    12-Apr-2004 kvsankar   115.3   3311781  Corrected GSCC warnings
    15-Apr-2004 kvsankar   115.4   3311781  Removed the cursor
                                            'c_element_assact_balances' since
                                            Balances for 'Balance
                                            Initialization' cannot be seen
                                            using assignment action mode. Also
                                            made changes to cursors
                                            'c_element_asg_balances' to
                                            include the changes for 'PER'
                                            level balances.
    19-Apr-2004 kvsankar   115.5   3369361  Added the condition
                                            pac.tax_unit_id := p_tax_unit_id
                                            in cursor c_action_type
    11-May-2004 kvsankar   115.6   3300433  Changed the select query written
                                            for Bug Fix 3300433 to return
                                            final process date instead of
                                            last standard process date
    17-Mar-2005 meshah     115.7   4039299  changed cursor
                                            csr_element_assact_runs and changed
                                            the exists clause.
    13-Jan-2006 rpasumar   115.8   4915420  Changed per_assignments_f to
                                            per_all_assignments_f to
                                            improve performance.
    23-Aug-2006 kvsankar   115.9   5460886  Added a new cursor
                                            csr_element_assact_info_dedn for
                                            the following classifications
                                              * Pre-Tax Deductions
                                              * Involuntary Deductions
                                              * Voluntary Deduction

 l_package  VARCHAR2(30);
Line: 125

   select pay.action_type
     from pay_assignment_actions pac
         ,pay_payroll_actions pay
    where pay.payroll_action_id = pac.payroll_action_id
      and pac.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
      and pac.action_status = 'C'
      and pac.tax_unit_id = p_tax_unit_id
      and exists (select 'x'
                  from   pay_run_results prr
                  where  prr.assignment_action_id = pac.assignment_action_id )
    order by decode(pay.action_type,'Q','1','R','1','I','2','3');
Line: 161

    select distinct pet.rowid
      from  pay_element_types_f pet
          , pay_element_types_f pet2
          , pay_element_entries_f ee
     WHERE   pet2.classification_id = p_classification_id
       AND   pet2.element_information10 is not null
       AND   ee.effective_end_date >=  p_pay_start_date
       AND   ee.effective_start_date <= nvl(p_action_date , p_session_date  )
       AND   ee.effective_start_date between pet2.effective_start_date and pet2.effective_end_date
       AND   pet2.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
       AND   PET.effective_start_date =  (select max(pet1.effective_start_date)
	        				   from pay_element_types_f pet1
		         			  where pet1.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
		      				    and pet1.effective_start_date <= p_session_date  )
       AND    pet.element_name not like  'VERTEX%'
       AND    ee.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
       AND    EXISTS
		    (select prr.element_type_id
		       from    pay_run_results  prr
		      where   prr.source_id  = ee.element_entry_id
		        and     prr.source_type in ( 'E' , 'I' )
		        and     prr.element_type_id + 0 = pet.element_type_id
     order by 2;
Line: 202

   select /*+ index (pet  pay_element_types_f_fk1) */ distinct pet.rowid
           ,decode (p_balance_level,
	            'ASG',(PAY_US_TAXBAL_VIEW_PKG.US_NAMED_BALANCE_VM (UPPER(pbT.balance_name) ,
	                  'ASG_GRE_PTD' ,
	                   p_assignment_action_id ,
	                   p_business_group_id ,
		     'PER',NULL) PTD_VAL
  	     l_dim_month ,
  	     p_assignment_action_id ,
  	     NULL ,
  	     p_business_group_id ,
             NULL) MONTH_VAL
	     l_dim_qtd ,
	     p_assignment_action_id ,
	     NULL ,
	     p_business_group_id ,
             NULL) QTD_VAL
	     l_dim_ytd ,
	     p_assignment_action_id ,--global.assignment_action_id
	     NULL ,
	     p_business_group_id ,--ctlglobals.bg_id
             NULL) YTD_VAL
      from  pay_element_types_f pet
          , pay_element_classifications pec
	  , pay_defined_balances pdb
	  , pay_bal_attribute_definitions pbad
	  , pay_balance_attributes pba
	  , pay_balance_types pbt
          , pay_assignment_actions paa
          , pay_payroll_actions ppa
     WHERE   pbad.attribute_name = l_attribute_name
       AND   pbad.business_group_id is null
       AND   pbad.legislation_code = 'US'
       AND   pba.attribute_id = pbad.attribute_id
       AND   pdb.defined_balance_id = pba.defined_balance_id
       AND   pdb.balance_type_id =pbt.balance_type_id
       AND   pec.classification_id = p_classification_id
       AND   pec.classification_id = pet.classification_id
       and   pec.legislation_code = 'US'
       AND   pet.element_information10 is not null
       AND   nvl(ppa.date_earned,ppa.effective_date) between pet.effective_start_date
		                                         and pet.effective_end_date
       AND   paa.assignment_action_id =p_assignment_action_id
       AND   paa.payroll_action_id =ppa.payroll_action_id
       AND   pet.element_name not like  'VERTEX%'
       and   pet.element_information10= pDB.balance_type_id
       AND   EXISTS  (select prb.balance_value
			 from  pay_run_balances prb,
		               pay_defined_balances pdb
		        where prb.defined_balance_id = pdb.defined_balance_id
			  and prb.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
			  and pdb.balance_type_id = pet.element_information10
	                  and rownum < 2)
     order by 2;
Line: 288

   select /*+ index (pet  pay_element_types_f_fk1) */ distinct pet.rowid
           ,decode (p_balance_level,
	            'ASG',(PAY_US_TAXBAL_VIEW_PKG.US_NAMED_BALANCE_VM (UPPER(pbT.balance_name) ,
	                  'ASG_GRE_PTD' ,
	                   p_assignment_action_id ,
	                   p_business_group_id ,
		     'PER',NULL) PTD_VAL
  	     l_dim_month ,
  	     p_assignment_action_id ,
  	     NULL ,
  	     p_business_group_id ,
             NULL) MONTH_VAL
	     l_dim_qtd ,
	     p_assignment_action_id ,
	     NULL ,
	     p_business_group_id ,
             NULL) QTD_VAL
	     l_dim_ytd ,
	     p_assignment_action_id ,--global.assignment_action_id
	     NULL ,
	     p_business_group_id ,--ctlglobals.bg_id
             NULL) YTD_VAL
      from  pay_element_types_f pet
          , pay_element_classifications pec
	  , pay_defined_balances pdb
	  , pay_bal_attribute_definitions pbad
	  , pay_balance_attributes pba
	  , pay_balance_types pbt
          , pay_assignment_actions paa
          , pay_payroll_actions ppa
     WHERE   pbad.attribute_name = l_attribute_name
       AND   pbad.business_group_id is null
       AND   pbad.legislation_code = 'US'
       AND   pba.attribute_id = pbad.attribute_id
       AND   pdb.defined_balance_id = pba.defined_balance_id
       AND   pdb.balance_type_id =pbt.balance_type_id
       AND   pec.classification_id = p_classification_id
       AND   pec.classification_id = pet.classification_id
       and   pec.legislation_code = 'US'
       AND   pet.element_information10 is not null
       AND   nvl(ppa.date_earned,ppa.effective_date) between pet.effective_start_date
                                                         and pet.effective_end_date
       AND   paa.assignment_action_id =p_assignment_action_id
       AND   paa.payroll_action_id =ppa.payroll_action_id
       AND   pet.element_name not like  'VERTEX%'
       and   pet.element_information10= pDB.balance_type_id
       AND   EXISTS  (select prb.balance_value
                        from  pay_run_balances prb,
                              pay_defined_balances pdb
                        where prb.defined_balance_id = pdb.defined_balance_id
                          and prb.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
                          and pdb.balance_type_id in (pet.element_information10
                          and rownum < 2)
     order by 2;
Line: 374

    select distinct pet.rowid
	   ,decode (p_balance_level,
	            'ASG',(PAY_US_TAXBAL_VIEW_PKG.US_NAMED_BALANCE_VM (UPPER(pbT.balance_name) ,
	                  'ASG_GRE_PTD' ,
	                  p_assignment_action_id ,
	                  p_business_group_id ,
                    'PER', NULL) PTD_VAL
  	     l_dim_month ,
  	     p_assignment_action_id ,
  	     NULL ,
  	     p_business_group_id ,
             NULL) MONTH_VAL
	     p_assignment_action_id ,
	     NULL ,
	     p_business_group_id ,
             NULL) QTD_VAL
	    p_assignment_action_id ,--global.assignment_action_id
	    NULL ,
	    p_business_group_id ,--ctlglobals.bg_id
            NULL) YTD_VAL
      from  pay_element_types_f pet
          , pay_payroll_actions ppa
          , pay_assignment_actions paa
          , pay_balance_types pbt
     WHERE  pet.classification_id = p_classification_id
       AND  pet.element_information10 is not null
       AND  PAA.ASSIGNMENT_ACTION_ID =p_assignment_action_id
       and  paa.payroll_action_id =ppa.payroll_action_id
       AND  nvl(ppa.date_earned,ppa.effective_date) between pet.effective_start_date
                                                 and pet.effective_end_date
       AND  pet.element_name not like  'VERTEX%'
       AND  paa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
       AND  pet.element_information10 =pbt.balance_type_id
       AND  EXISTS (SELECT 'x'
                    FROM pay_payroll_actions pact,
		         pay_assignment_actions asg,
		         pay_run_results rr
    		    where rr.element_type_id + 0 = pet.element_type_id
		      and rr.assignment_action_id = asg.assignment_action_id
		      and asg.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
		      and asg.tax_unit_id = paa.tax_unit_id
		      and asg.payroll_action_id = pact.payroll_action_id
		      and pact.effective_date between trunc(ppa.effective_date,'YEAR')
                                                  and ppa.effective_date
                      and rr.source_type in ( 'E' , 'I' )
    order by 2;
Line: 444

       AND  EXISTS (select prr.element_type_id
                      from pay_run_results  prr
                     where prr.assignment_action_id  = paa.assignment_action_id
                       and prr.source_type in ( 'E' , 'I' )
                       and prr.element_type_id + 0 = pet.element_type_id

 * Cursor to get element information in case balance uploads are completed and
 * mode is assignment  mode for ASG/PER level balances
     CURSOR c_element_asg_balances
           select distinct pet2.rowid
                  ,pet2. element_name
                  ,decode (p_balance_level,
		           'ASG', (PAY_US_TAXBAL_VIEW_PKG.US_NAMED_BALANCE_VM (UPPER(pbT.balance_name) ,
    	                          'ASG_GRE_PTD' ,
    	                          p_business_group_id ,
                             'PER', NULL) PTD_VAL
                  ,PAY_US_TAXBAL_VIEW_PKG.US_NAMED_BALANCE_VM (UPPER(pBT.balance_name) ,
    	                 NULL  ,
    	                 l_date ,
    	                 p_business_group_id ,
    	                 NULL) MONTH_VAL
                  ,PAY_US_TAXBAL_VIEW_PKG.US_NAMED_BALANCE_VM (UPPER(pBT.balance_name) ,
    	                 NULL  ,
    	                 nvl(l_qtd_date,l_date ),
    	                 p_business_group_id ,
    	                 NULL) QTD_VAL
                  ,PAY_US_TAXBAL_VIEW_PKG.US_NAMED_BALANCE_VM (UPPER(pBT.balance_name) ,
    	                 NULL  ,--global.assignment_action_id
    	                 nvl(l_ytd_date,l_date) ,
    	                 p_business_group_id ,--ctlglobals.bg_id
                	 NULL) YTD_VAL
    		from pay_element_classifications ec
    		    ,pay_element_types_f et
    		    ,pay_element_links_f el
    		    ,pay_element_entries_f ee
    		    ,pay_element_entry_values_f eev
    		    ,pay_balance_feeds_f pbf
    		    ,pay_element_types_f pet2
    		    ,pay_element_classifications pec
    		    ,pay_input_values_f piv
    	            ,pay_balance_types pbt
               where  ec.classification_name =  'Balance Initialization'
    		 and  ec.legislation_code is null
    		 and  ee.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
    		 and  ee.element_link_id = el.element_link_id
    		 and  el.element_type_id = et.element_type_id
    		 and  et.classification_id = ec.classification_id
    		 and  ee.element_entry_id =  eev.element_entry_id
    		 and  eev.input_value_id  = pbf.input_value_id
    		 and  piv.input_value_id  = pbf.input_value_id
    		 and  et.element_type_id  = piv.element_type_id
    		 and  nvl(p_action_date ,p_session_date) between pbf.effective_start_date
                                                             and pbf.effective_end_date
    		 and  pbf.balance_type_id = pet2.element_information10
    		 and  pbt.balance_type_id = pet2.element_information10
                 and  pet2.element_information10 is not null
    		 and  pet2.classification_id = pec.classification_id
    		 and  pec.classification_name = p_classification_name
    		 and  pec.legislation_code = 'US'
    		 and  nvl(p_action_date, p_session_date ) between pet2.effective_start_date
                                                              and pet2.effective_end_date
		 and  eev.screen_entry_value is not null
               order by 2;
Line: 554

    SELECT balance_name INTO value
      FROM pay_balance_types
     WHERE balance_type_id =l_balance_type_id;
Line: 577

    SELECT   defined_balance_id
      INTO   v_defbal_id
      FROM   pay_defined_balances
     WHERE   balance_type_id = p_bal_id
       AND   balance_dimension_id = p_dim_id
       AND   nvl(business_group_id,p_business_group_id) = p_business_group_id
       AND   nvl(legislation_code,p_legislation_code) = p_legislation_code;
Line: 626

            select paf.assignment_id
              into  l_temp_assignment_id
              from  per_assignments_f paf,
                    hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsk
             where  paf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
               and  paf.soft_coding_keyflex_id = hsk.soft_coding_keyflex_id
               and  p_session_date between paf.effective_start_date
                                       and paf.effective_end_date
               and  hsk.segment1 = to_char(p_tax_unit_id);
Line: 648

               select paf2.assignment_id
                 into l_temp_assignment_id
                 from per_assignments_f paf1,
                      per_assignments_f paf2,
                      hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsk
                where paf1.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
                  and paf2.person_id = paf1.person_id
                  and paf2.soft_coding_keyflex_id = hsk.soft_coding_keyflex_id
                  and p_session_date between paf2.effective_start_date
                                         and paf2.effective_end_date
                  and hsk.segment1 = to_char(p_tax_unit_id)
                  and rownum=1;
Line: 672

		    select paf2.assignment_id
                    into l_temp_assignment_id
                    from per_all_assignments_f paf1,
                         per_all_assignments_f paf2,
                         hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsk
                   where paf1.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
                     and paf2.person_id = paf1.person_id
                     and paf2.soft_coding_keyflex_id = hsk.soft_coding_keyflex_id
                     and hsk.segment1 = to_char(p_tax_unit_id)
                     and paf2.effective_end_date < p_session_date
                     and paf2.effective_end_date >= trunc(p_session_date,'YYYY')
                     and paf2.effective_end_date =
                                (select MAX(paf3.effective_end_date)
                                   from per_all_assignments_f paf3
                                  where paf3.person_id = paf1.person_id
                                    and paf3.effective_end_date  < p_session_date
                     and rownum=1;
Line: 691

		 /* select paf2.assignment_id
                    into l_temp_assignment_id
                    from per_assignments_f paf1,
                         per_assignments_f paf2,
                         hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsk
                   where paf1.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
                     and paf2.person_id = paf1.person_id
                     and paf2.soft_coding_keyflex_id = hsk.soft_coding_keyflex_id
                     and hsk.segment1 = to_char(p_tax_unit_id)
                     and paf2.effective_end_date < p_session_date
                     and paf2.effective_end_date >= trunc(p_session_date,'YYYY')
                     and paf2.effective_end_date =
                                (select MAX(paf3.effective_end_date)
                                   from per_assignments_f paf3
                                  where paf3.person_id = paf1.person_id
                                    and paf3.effective_end_date  < p_session_date
                     and rownum=1; */
Line: 737

         SELECT pps.final_process_date
           INTO l_last_process_date
           FROM per_periods_of_service pps
          WHERE date_start <= p_session_date
            AND pps.period_of_service_id = (
                                 SELECT DISTINCT(period_of_service_id)
                                   FROM per_all_assignments_f
                                  WHERE assignment_id = l_temp_assignment_id
                                    AND assignment_type = 'E'
Line: 750

            SELECT trunc(add_months(l_date,12),'Y')-1
              INTO l_last_process_date
              FROM dual;
Line: 879

             select paf.assignment_id
               into l_temp_assignment_id
               from per_assignments_f paf,
                    hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsk
              where paf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
                and paf.soft_coding_keyflex_id = hsk.soft_coding_keyflex_id
                and p_session_date between paf.effective_start_date
                                       and paf.effective_end_date
                and hsk.segment1 = to_char(p_tax_unit_id);
Line: 900

                select paf2.assignment_id
                  into l_temp_assignment_id
                  from per_assignments_f paf1,
                       per_assignments_f paf2,
                       hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsk
                 where paf1.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
                   and paf2.person_id = paf1.person_id
                   and paf2.soft_coding_keyflex_id = hsk.soft_coding_keyflex_id
                   and p_session_date between paf2.effective_start_date
                                          and paf2.effective_end_date
                   and hsk.segment1 = to_char(p_tax_unit_id)
                   and rownum=1;
Line: 923

		   select paf2.assignment_id
                     into l_temp_assignment_id
                     from per_all_assignments_f paf1,
                          per_all_assignments_f paf2,
                          hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsk
                    where paf1.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
                      and paf2.person_id = paf1.person_id
                      and paf2.soft_coding_keyflex_id = hsk.soft_coding_keyflex_id
                      and hsk.segment1 = to_char(p_tax_unit_id)
                      and paf2.effective_end_date < p_session_date
                      and paf2.effective_end_date >= trunc(p_session_date,'YYYY')
                      and paf2.effective_end_date =
                                     (select MAX(paf3.effective_end_date)
                                        from per_all_assignments_f paf3
                                       where paf3.person_id = paf1.person_id
                                         and paf3.effective_end_date  < p_session_date
                      and rownum=1;
Line: 942

		  /* select paf2.assignment_id
                     into l_temp_assignment_id
                     from per_assignments_f paf1,
                          per_assignments_f paf2,
                          hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsk
                    where paf1.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
                      and paf2.person_id = paf1.person_id
                      and paf2.soft_coding_keyflex_id = hsk.soft_coding_keyflex_id
                      and hsk.segment1 = to_char(p_tax_unit_id)
                      and paf2.effective_end_date < p_session_date
                      and paf2.effective_end_date >= trunc(p_session_date,'YYYY')
                      and paf2.effective_end_date =
                                     (select MAX(paf3.effective_end_date)
                                        from per_assignments_f paf3
                                       where paf3.person_id = paf1.person_id
                                         and paf3.effective_end_date  < p_session_date
                      and rownum=1;  */
Line: 983

          SELECT pps.final_process_date
            into l_last_process_date
            FROM per_periods_of_service pps
           WHERE date_start <= p_session_date
             AND pps.period_of_service_id =
                                  ( SELECT DISTINCT(period_of_service_id)
                                      FROM per_all_assignments_f
                                     WHERE assignment_id = l_temp_assignment_id
                                       AND assignment_type = 'E');
Line: 995

             SELECT trunc(add_months(l_date,12),'Y')-1
               INTO l_last_process_date
               FROM dual;
Line: 1145

             hr_utility.set_location('Balances Invalid ASG/PER level balances', 60); -- delete
Line: 1171

Line: 1211

Line: 1354

Line: 1486

Line: 1523
