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Line 33: l_ext_fwk_agent := FND_PROFILE.value('PON_EXT_APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT');

30: --
31: -- Access the Sourcing external APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT
32: --
33: l_ext_fwk_agent := FND_PROFILE.value('PON_EXT_APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT');
34: --
35: -- If the profile is not set, then try the default responsibility approach
36: --
37: IF (l_ext_fwk_agent IS NULL) THEN

Line 39: l_ext_fwk_agent := FND_PROFILE.value('APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT');

35: -- If the profile is not set, then try the default responsibility approach
36: --
37: IF (l_ext_fwk_agent IS NULL) THEN
38: --
39: l_ext_fwk_agent := FND_PROFILE.value('APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT');
40: END IF;
41: --
42: -- add OA_HTML/OA.jsp to the profile value
43: --

Line 89: l_base_url := FND_PROFILE.value('APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT');

85: END IF;
86: END IF;
88: if (l_base_url is null) then
89: l_base_url := FND_PROFILE.value('APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT');
90: IF (g_fnd_debug = 'Y') THEN
91: IF (FND_LOG.level_statement >= FND_LOG.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
92: FND_LOG.string(log_level => FND_LOG.level_statement,
93: module => g_module_prefix || l_api_name,

Line 94: message => 'get_site_level_profile return NULL. After calling FND_PROFILE.value(); l_base_url='

90: IF (g_fnd_debug = 'Y') THEN
91: IF (FND_LOG.level_statement >= FND_LOG.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
92: FND_LOG.string(log_level => FND_LOG.level_statement,
93: module => g_module_prefix || l_api_name,
94: message => 'get_site_level_profile return NULL. After calling FND_PROFILE.value(); l_base_url='
95: || l_base_url);
96: END IF;
97: END IF;

Line 516: l_ext_fwk_agent := FND_PROFILE.value('PON_EXT_APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT');

513: --
514: -- Access the Sourcing external APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT
515: --
516: l_ext_fwk_agent := FND_PROFILE.value('PON_EXT_APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT');
517: --
518: -- If the profile is not set, then try the default responsibility approach
519: --
520: IF (l_ext_fwk_agent IS NULL) THEN

Line 522: l_ext_fwk_agent := FND_PROFILE.value('APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT');

518: -- If the profile is not set, then try the default responsibility approach
519: --
520: IF (l_ext_fwk_agent IS NULL) THEN
521: --
522: l_ext_fwk_agent := FND_PROFILE.value('APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT');
523: END IF;
525: IF ( substr(l_ext_fwk_agent, -1, 1) <> '/' ) THEN
526: l_ext_fwk_agent := l_ext_fwk_agent||'/';

Line 929: l_ext_fwk_agent := FND_PROFILE.value('PON_EXT_APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT');

925: BEGIN
926: --
927: -- Access the Sourcing external APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT
928: --
929: l_ext_fwk_agent := FND_PROFILE.value('PON_EXT_APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT');
930: --
931: -- If the profile is not set, then try the default responsibility approach
932: --
933: IF (l_ext_fwk_agent IS NULL) THEN

Line 935: l_def_ext_user_resp := FND_PROFILE.value('PON_DEFAULT_EXT_USER_RESP');

931: -- If the profile is not set, then try the default responsibility approach
932: --
933: IF (l_ext_fwk_agent IS NULL) THEN
934: --
935: l_def_ext_user_resp := FND_PROFILE.value('PON_DEFAULT_EXT_USER_RESP');
936: --
937: IF (l_def_ext_user_resp IS NOT NULL) THEN
938: --
939: -- get the value of 'APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT' profile at this responsibility level

Line 948: l_ext_fwk_agent := FND_PROFILE.value_specific(

944: FROM fnd_responsibility
945: WHERE responsibility_key = l_def_ext_user_resp
946: AND (end_date IS NULL OR end_date > sysdate);
947: --
948: l_ext_fwk_agent := FND_PROFILE.value_specific(
949: name => 'APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT',
950: responsibility_id => l_responsibility_id,
951: application_id => l_application_id );
952: --

Line 963: l_ext_fwk_agent := FND_PROFILE.value('APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT');

959: --
960: -- If still NULL, fall back to APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT
961: --
962: IF (l_ext_fwk_agent IS NULL) THEN
963: l_ext_fwk_agent := FND_PROFILE.value('APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT');
964: END IF;
966: RETURN l_ext_fwk_agent;

Line 982: from fnd_profile_options fpo,

979: -- this cursor fetches profile option values
980: cursor profile_value(p_name varchar2, a_id number, l_id number, l_val number) is
981: select fpov.profile_option_value
982: from fnd_profile_options fpo,
983: fnd_profile_option_values fpov
984: where fpo.profile_option_name = p_name
985: and fpo.start_date_active <= sysdate
986: and nvl(fpo.end_date_active, sysdate) >= sysdate

Line 983: fnd_profile_option_values fpov

979: -- this cursor fetches profile option values
980: cursor profile_value(p_name varchar2, a_id number, l_id number, l_val number) is
981: select fpov.profile_option_value
982: from fnd_profile_options fpo,
983: fnd_profile_option_values fpov
984: where fpo.profile_option_name = p_name
985: and fpo.start_date_active <= sysdate
986: and nvl(fpo.end_date_active, sysdate) >= sysdate
987: and fpo.profile_option_id=fpov.profile_option_id

Line 1036: l_base_url := FND_PROFILE.value('APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT');

1032: END IF;
1033: END IF;
1035: IF (l_base_url is null) then
1036: l_base_url := FND_PROFILE.value('APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT');
1037: IF (g_fnd_debug = 'Y') THEN
1038: IF (FND_LOG.level_statement >= FND_LOG.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
1039: FND_LOG.string(log_level => FND_LOG.level_statement,
1040: module => g_module_prefix || l_api_name,

Line 1041: message => 'get_site_level_profile return NULL. After calling FND_PROFILE.value(); l_base_url='

1037: IF (g_fnd_debug = 'Y') THEN
1038: IF (FND_LOG.level_statement >= FND_LOG.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
1039: FND_LOG.string(log_level => FND_LOG.level_statement,
1040: module => g_module_prefix || l_api_name,
1041: message => 'get_site_level_profile return NULL. After calling FND_PROFILE.value(); l_base_url='
1042: || l_base_url);
1043: END IF;
1044: END IF;