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1 package hr_pump_meta_mapper as
2 /* $Header: hrpumpmm.pkh 120.2.12010000.1 2008/07/28 03:43:22 appldev ship $ */
3 --
4 -- ------------------- get_parameter_info ---------------------------------
5 -- Description:
6 -- Get information about a parameter to an API for use in the Pump Station
7 -- user interface. Caches the information about the whole API so that
8 -- subsequent calls to the same API are efficient. Returns 1 in the
9 -- p_success parameter if the fetch was succesful, i.e. if the p_index
10 -- passed was not out of the range of parameters available for this API.
11 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 procedure get_parameter_info
13 (
14   p_api_id               in  number,
15   p_index                in  number,
16   p_batch_lines_seqno    out nocopy number,
17   p_batch_lines_column   out nocopy varchar2,
18   p_parameter_name       out nocopy varchar2,
19   p_success              out nocopy number
20 );
21 -- -------------------------- purge ---------------------------------------
22 -- Description:
23 -- Purges all data created by a generate call for the API.
24 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
25 procedure purge
26 (
27   p_module_package in varchar2,
28   p_module_name    in varchar2
29 );
30 -- ---------------------------- purgeall ----------------------------------
31 -- Description:
32 -- Calls purge on all supported APIs.
33 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 procedure purgeall;
35 -- -------------------------- generate ------------------------------------
36 -- Description:
37 -- Generates a package containing the following:
38 -- - A wrapper procedure to call the API.
39 -- - A procedure to insert data for this API in HR_PUMP_BATCH_LINES.
40 -- Generates a view on HR_PUMP_BATCH_LINES to allow a user an alternative
41 -- mechanism to insert or update data.
42 -- Passing p_standard_generate = false, generates data pump wrappers to
43 -- a basic API call (no user keys, mapping functions, lookup meanings).
44 -- The generated code assumes that create_ APIs have NULL defaults and
45 -- other APIs have HR_API defaults. This is useful for the case where
46 -- data pump API support has not been seeded.
47 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
48 procedure generate
49 (
50   p_module_package in varchar2,
51   p_module_name    in varchar2
52  ,p_standard_generate in boolean default true
53 );
54 -- ------------------------- generateall ----------------------------------
55 -- Description:
56 -- Calls generate on all supported APIs.
57 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
58 procedure generateall;
59 -- ---------------------------- help --------------------------------------
60 -- Description:
61 -- Displays the following help text for the API specified by p_module_name
62 -- and p_module_package:
63 -- - The generated package and view name.
64 -- - Batch lines parameter information.
65 -- - p_standard_generate = false, generates help text for wrappers generated
66 --   with p_standard_generate = false.
67 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
68 procedure help
69 (
70   p_module_package in varchar2,
71   p_module_name    in varchar2
72  ,p_standard_generate in boolean default true
73 );
74 --
75 end hr_pump_meta_mapper;