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1 package body PKG_GMP_BUCKET_DATA as
2         /* $Header: GMPBCKTB.pls 120.1 2005/06/21 22:48:52 appldev ship $ */
4          FUNCTION mr_bucket_data (V_schedule NUMBER,
5                                   V_mrp_id  NUMBER,
6                                   V_item_id NUMBER,
7                                   V_whse_list VARCHAR2,    /* List with seperat  */
8                                   V_on_hand NUMBER,
9                                   V_total_ss NUMBER,
10                                   V_matl_rep_id NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS
11           TYPE trans_date_type IS TABLE OF mr_tran_tbl.trans_date%TYPE
12                INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
13           TYPE document_type IS TABLE OF sy_docs_mst.doc_type%TYPE
14                INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
15           TYPE trans_qty_type IS TABLE OF mr_tran_tbl.trans_qty%TYPE
16                INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
17           TYPE orgn_code_type IS TABLE OF sy_orgn_mst.orgn_code%TYPE
18                INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
19           TYPE period_start_date_type IS TABLE OF ps_matl_dtl.perd_end_date%TYPE
20                INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
21           TYPE period_end_date_type IS TABLE OF ps_matl_dtl.perd_end_date%TYPE
22                INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
23           TYPE period_name_type IS TABLE OF ps_matl_dtl.perd_name%TYPE
24                INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
25           trans_date_tab	TRANS_DATE_TYPE;
26           doc_type_tab          DOCUMENT_TYPE;
27           trans_qty_tab         TRANS_QTY_TYPE;
28           orgn_code_tab         ORGN_CODE_TYPE;
29           period_start_date_tab PERIOD_START_DATE_TYPE;
30           period_end_date_tab   PERIOD_END_DATE_TYPE;
31           period_name_tab       PERIOD_NAME_TYPE;
33           CURSOR Cur_trans_dtl IS
34             SELECT doc_type,trans_date,orgn_code,trans_qty
35             FROM   mr_tran_tbl
36             WHERE mrp_id =V_mrp_id
37                 AND item_id =V_item_id
38                 AND INSTR(V_whse_list, whse_code) <> 0
39             ORDER BY trans_date asc, trans_qty desc;
40           CURSOR Cur_schedule IS
41             SELECT no_days, no_weeks, no_4weeks, no_13weeks
42             FROM   ps_schd_hdr
43             WHERE  schedule_id = V_schedule
44                    AND delete_mark = 0;
45           CURSOR Cur_check_hdr IS
46             SELECT matl_rep_id
47             FROM   ps_matl_hdr
48             WHERE  matl_rep_id = V_matl_rep_id;
49           CURSOR Cur_matl_rep_id IS
50             SELECT gem5_matl_rep_id_s.NEXTVAL
51             FROM   dual;
52           X_rows	      	NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
53           prior_to_one 		NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
54           X_trans_date    	DATE;
55           X_qty	      		NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
56           X_whse_code     	VARCHAR2(4);
57           X_retvar	      	NUMBER(5);
58           X_workdate1     	DATE;
59           X_workdate2     	DATE;
60           X_period	      	VARCHAR2(40);
61           X_no_days       	NUMBER(5);
62           X_no_weeks      	NUMBER(5);
63           X_no_4weeks     	NUMBER(5);
64           X_no_13weeks    	NUMBER(5);
65           X_date1	      	DATE;
66           X_date2	      	DATE;
67           X_day1	      	VARCHAR2(30);
68           X_n	            	NUMBER(5);
69           X_i	            	NUMBER(5);
70           X_j	            	NUMBER(5);
71           X_dcount        	NUMBER;
72           X_wcount        	NUMBER;
73           X_mcount        	NUMBER;
74           X_qcount        	NUMBER;
75           X_matl_rep_id   	NUMBER;
76           X_tot_periods   	NUMBER(5);
77           X_sales_orders	NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
78           X_forecast		NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
79           X_dep_demand		NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
80           X_plnd_ingred		NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
81           X_po_receipts		NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
82           X_sched_prod		NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
83           X_plnd_prod		NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
84           X_total_demand	NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
85           X_total_supply	NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
86           X_net_ss_reqmt	NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
87           X_ending_bal		NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
88           X_prev_balance	NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
89         /* B1159495 Inventory Transfers  */
90           X_plnd_transfer_out   NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
91           X_plnd_transfer_in    NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
92         /* B1781498 */
93           X_sched_transfer_out   NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
94           X_sched_transfer_in    NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
95           X_planned_purch	 NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
96           X_preq_supply  	 NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
97           X_prcv_supply  	 NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
98           X_shmt_supply  	 NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
99           X_other_demand	NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
100           period_name            VARCHAR2(40); /*B3021669 -  Sowmya */
102           trans_rec			Cur_trans_dtl%ROWTYPE;
103         BEGIN
104           OPEN Cur_trans_dtl;
105           LOOP
106             FETCH Cur_trans_dtl INTO trans_rec;
107             EXIT WHEN Cur_trans_dtl%NOTFOUND;
108             X_rows := X_rows + 1;
109             doc_type_tab(X_rows)   := trans_rec.doc_type;
110             trans_date_tab(X_rows) := trans_rec.trans_date;
111             orgn_code_tab(X_rows)  := trans_rec.orgn_code;
112             trans_qty_tab(X_rows)  := trans_rec.trans_qty;
113           END LOOP;
114           CLOSE Cur_trans_dtl;
116           -- TKW B3034938 The changes made in bugs 2348778 and 2626977 were commented
117           -- since the date returned was null.  The min date was set as a constant
118           -- date in gma_global_grp.
119           /*
120           --BEGIN BUG#2348778 RajaSekhar
121           X_workdate1 := FND_DATE.string_to_date(GMA_CORE_PKG.get_date_constant('SY$MIN_DATE'), 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS');
122         -- Bug #2626977 (JKB) Removed reference to date profile above.
123           --END BUG#2348778
124           */
126           X_workdate1 := GMA_GLOBAL_GRP.SY$MIN_DATE;
128           X_workdate2 := TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'DD/MM/YYYY')||' 23:59:59','DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS');
130           X_period := FND_MESSAGE.GET;
131           IF (X_rows = 0) THEN
132             RETURN(X_rows);
133           END IF;
135           OPEN Cur_schedule;
136           FETCH Cur_schedule INTO X_no_days, X_no_weeks, X_no_4weeks, X_no_13weeks;
137           CLOSE Cur_schedule;
138           X_date1       := SYSDATE;
139           X_date2       := X_date1 - 1;
140           X_date1       := X_date2 + X_no_days;
141           X_day1        := INITCAP(TO_CHAR(X_date1,'DAY')); /* Day */
142           X_n	        := TO_CHAR(X_date1,'D');   /* Whay Day of a week */
143           X_no_days     := X_no_days + 7 - X_n + 1;
144           X_tot_periods := X_no_days + X_no_weeks + X_no_4weeks + X_no_13weeks;
145           period_start_date_tab(1) := X_workdate1;
146           period_end_date_tab(1)   := TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(X_date2,'DD/MM/YYYY')||' 23:59:59','DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS');    /* yesterday  */
148           period_name_tab(1) := FND_MESSAGE.GET;
150           -- TKW 12/26/2003 B3337215 - Port B3306526 to 11.5.10L.
151           -- Modified following condition for the case X_no_days = 1 to work
152           IF (X_no_days > 1) THEN
153           -- IF (X_no_days <> 0) THEN
154             FOR X_i IN 2..X_no_days
155             LOOP
156               X_j                        := X_i - 1;
157               X_dcount                   := X_i + 1;
158               X_date1                    := period_end_date_tab(X_j);
159               period_start_date_tab(X_i) := X_date1;
160               X_date2                    := period_start_date_tab(X_i) + 1;
161               period_end_date_tab(X_i)   := TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(X_date2,'DD/MM/YYYY')||' 23:59:59','DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS');
162               /*period_name_tab(X_i)       := INITCAP(TO_CHAR(X_date2,'DAY'));*/
164               /*B3732658 - Added a new parameter 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE=ENGLISH' to the period name below, so that whatever might be the
165               language to which the database is set to the period name is fetched in ENGLISH. This period name is used further for
166               fetching the days from the message dictionary*/
167               period_name                := trim(UPPER(TO_CHAR(X_date2,'DAY','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE=ENGLISH'))); /*B3732658*/
170               /* Based on the period name the day will be picked from the message dictionary.
171               This change has been done to facilitate the translation of messages*/
172               IF ( period_name = 'SUNDAY') THEN
173                 FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('GMP','PS_SUNDAY');
174                 period_name_tab(X_i) := FND_MESSAGE.GET;
175               ELSIF ( period_name = 'MONDAY') THEN
176                 FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('GMP','PS_MONDAY');
177                 period_name_tab(X_i) := FND_MESSAGE.GET;
178               ELSIF ( period_name = 'TUESDAY') THEN
179                 FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('GMP','PS_TUESDAY');
180                 period_name_tab(X_i) := FND_MESSAGE.GET;
181               ELSIF ( period_name = 'WEDNESDAY') THEN
182                 FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('GMP','PS_WEDNESDAY');
183                 period_name_tab(X_i) := FND_MESSAGE.GET;
184               ELSIF ( period_name = 'THURSDAY') THEN
185                 FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('GMP','PS_THURSDAY');
186                 period_name_tab(X_i) := FND_MESSAGE.GET;
187               ELSIF ( period_name = 'FRIDAY') THEN
188                 FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('GMP','PS_FRIDAY');
189                 period_name_tab(X_i) := FND_MESSAGE.GET;
190               ELSIF ( period_name = 'SATURDAY') THEN
191                 FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('GMP','PS_SATURDAY');
192                 period_name_tab(X_i) := FND_MESSAGE.GET;
193               END IF;
195             END LOOP;
196           ELSE
197             X_dcount := 2;
198           END IF;
199           IF (X_no_weeks <> 0) THEN
200             FOR X_i IN X_dcount..(X_no_days + X_no_weeks)
201             LOOP
202               X_j                        := X_i - 1;
203               X_wcount                   := X_i + 1;
204               X_date1                    := period_end_date_tab(X_j);
205               period_start_date_tab(X_i) := X_date1;
206               X_date2                    := period_start_date_tab(X_i) + 7;
207               period_end_date_tab(X_i)   := TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(X_date2,'DD/MM/YYYY')||' 23:59:59','DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS');
208               FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('GMP','PS_WEEK');
209               period_name_tab(X_i) := FND_MESSAGE.GET||' '||TO_CHAR(X_date2,'WW');
210             END LOOP;
211           ELSE
212             IF (X_no_days = 0) THEN
213               X_wcount := 2;
214             ELSE
215               X_wcount := X_dcount;
216             END IF;
217           END IF;
219           IF (X_no_4weeks <> 0) THEN
220             FOR X_i IN X_wcount..(X_no_days + X_no_weeks + X_no_4weeks)
221             LOOP
222               X_j                        := X_i - 1;
223               X_mcount                   := X_i + 1;
224               X_date1                    := period_end_date_tab(X_j);
225               period_start_date_tab(X_i) := X_date1;
226               X_date2                    := period_start_date_tab(X_i) + 28;
227               period_end_date_tab(X_i)   := TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(X_date2,'DD/MM/YYYY')||' 23:59:59','DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS');
228               FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('GMP','PS_WEEK');
229               period_name_tab(X_i) := FND_MESSAGE.GET||' '||LPAD(TO_CHAR(TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(X_date1,'WW'))+1),2,'0')||'-'||TO_CHAR(X_date2,'WW');
230             END LOOP;
231           ELSE
232             IF (X_no_days = 0 AND X_no_weeks = 0) THEN
233               X_mcount := 2;
234             ELSIF (X_no_weeks = 0) THEN
235               X_mcount := X_dcount;
236             ELSE
237               X_mcount := X_wcount;
238             END IF;
239           END IF;
241           IF (X_no_13weeks <> 0) THEN
242             FOR X_i IN X_mcount..(X_no_days + X_no_weeks + X_no_4weeks + X_no_13weeks)
243             LOOP
244               X_j                        := X_i - 1;
245               X_qcount                   := X_i + 1;
246               X_date1                    := period_end_date_tab(X_j);
247               period_start_date_tab(X_i) := X_date1;
248               X_date2                    := period_start_date_tab(X_i) + 91;
249               period_end_date_tab(X_i)   := TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(X_date2,'DD/MM/YYYY')||' 23:59:59','DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS');
250               FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('GMP','PS_WEEK');
251               period_name_tab(X_i) := FND_MESSAGE.GET||' '||LPAD(TO_CHAR(TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(X_date1,'WW'))+1),2,'0')||'-'||TO_CHAR(X_date2,'WW');
252             END LOOP;
253           END IF;
255           OPEN Cur_check_hdr;
256           FETCH Cur_check_hdr INTO X_matl_rep_id;
257           IF (Cur_check_hdr%NOTFOUND) THEN
258             OPEN Cur_matl_rep_id;
259             FETCH Cur_matl_rep_id INTO X_matl_rep_id;
260             CLOSE Cur_matl_rep_id;
261             INSERT INTO ps_matl_hdr (matl_rep_id, item_id)
262             VALUES      (X_matl_rep_id, V_item_id);
263           ELSE
264             X_matl_rep_id := V_matl_rep_id;
265           END IF;
266           CLOSE Cur_check_hdr;
268           IF (V_matl_rep_id IS NOT NULL) THEN
269             DELETE
270             FROM  ps_matl_dtl
271             WHERE matl_rep_id = V_matl_rep_id
272                   AND item_id = V_item_id;
273           END IF;
275           IF (INSTR(V_whse_list,',') <> 0) THEN
276             X_whse_code := FND_PROFILE.VALUE('SY$ALL');
277           ELSE
278             X_whse_code := REPLACE(V_whse_list, '''', '');
279           END IF;
281           prior_to_one := 1 ;
282           FOR X_j IN 1..X_tot_periods
283           LOOP
284             X_sales_orders   := 0;
285             X_forecast       := 0;
286             X_dep_demand     := 0;
287             X_plnd_ingred    := 0;
288             X_total_demand   := 0;
289             X_total_supply   := 0;
290             X_po_receipts    := 0;
291             X_sched_prod     := 0;
292             X_plnd_prod      := 0;
293             X_planned_purch  := 0;
294             X_ending_bal     := 0;
295             X_net_ss_reqmt   := 0;
296             /* B1159495 Inventory Transfers  */
297             X_plnd_transfer_out   := 0;
298             X_plnd_transfer_in    := 0;
299             /* B1781498 */
300             X_sched_transfer_out   := 0;
301             X_sched_transfer_in    := 0;
302             X_planned_purch	 := 0;
303             X_preq_supply  	 := 0;
304             X_prcv_supply  	 := 0;
305             X_shmt_supply  	 := 0;
306             X_other_demand  	 := 0;
309         --    FOR X_i IN 1..X_rows   /* transaction table */
310             FOR X_i IN prior_to_one..X_rows   /* transaction table */
311             LOOP
312             /* 22-Jan-04 Namit Singhi B3340572.  Removed equality condition for period start date as
313                 Sales Orders appeared twice in MPS Bucketed Material Inquiry Screen*/
314                IF (trans_date_tab(X_i) > period_start_date_tab(X_j)) AND (trans_date_tab(X_i) <= period_end_date_tab(X_j)) THEN
315                   /* RDP 08/24/2000 Bug 1371700 addition of OMSO */
316                 IF (doc_type_tab(X_i) = 'OPSO' OR  doc_type_tab(X_i) = 'OMSO') THEN
317                   X_sales_orders := X_sales_orders + trans_qty_tab(X_i);
318                 ELSIF (doc_type_tab(X_i) = 'FCST') THEN
319                   X_forecast := X_forecast + trans_qty_tab(X_i);
320                 ELSIF (doc_type_tab(X_i) = 'PROD' OR doc_type_tab(X_i) = 'FPO') THEN
321                   IF (trans_qty_tab(X_i) < 0) THEN
322                     X_dep_demand := X_dep_demand + trans_qty_tab(X_i);
323                   ELSE
324                     X_sched_prod := X_sched_prod + trans_qty_tab(X_i);
325                   END IF;
326                 ELSIF (doc_type_tab(X_i) = 'PPRD') THEN
327                   IF (trans_qty_tab(X_i) < 0) THEN
328                     X_plnd_ingred := X_plnd_ingred + trans_qty_tab(X_i);
329                   ELSE
330                     X_plnd_prod := X_plnd_prod + trans_qty_tab(X_i);
331                   END IF;
332                     /* B1159495 Inventory Transfers  */
333                 ELSIF (doc_type_tab(X_i) = 'XFER') THEN
334                     IF (trans_qty_tab(X_i) < 0) THEN
335                       X_sched_transfer_out := X_sched_transfer_out + NVL(trans_qty_tab(X_i),0);
336                     ELSE
337                       X_sched_transfer_in  := X_sched_transfer_in + NVL(trans_qty_tab(X_i), 0);
338                     END IF;
339                 ELSIF (doc_type_tab(X_i) = 'PTRN') THEN
340                     IF (trans_qty_tab(X_i) < 0) THEN
341                       X_plnd_transfer_out := X_plnd_transfer_out + NVL(trans_qty_tab(X_i),0);
342                     ELSE
343                       X_plnd_transfer_in := X_plnd_transfer_in + NVL(trans_qty_tab(X_i), 0);
344                     END IF;
346                    /* B1553919, RDP */
347                    /* 28-Aug-01 RDP B1781498  For PREQ,PROD,PORD,PRCV,SHMT    */
348                 ELSIF (doc_type_tab(X_i) = 'PORD' OR doc_type_tab(X_i) = 'PBPO') THEN
349                   X_po_receipts := X_po_receipts + trans_qty_tab(X_i);
350                 ELSIF (doc_type_tab(X_i) = 'PRCV' ) THEN
351                   X_prcv_supply   := X_prcv_supply   + trans_qty_tab(X_i);
352                 ELSIF (doc_type_tab(X_i) = 'SHMT' ) THEN
353                   X_shmt_supply   := X_shmt_supply   + trans_qty_tab(X_i);
354                 ELSIF (doc_type_tab(X_i) = 'PREQ') THEN
355                   X_preq_supply   := X_preq_supply   + trans_qty_tab(X_i);
356                 ELSIF (doc_type_tab(X_i) = 'PPUR' OR doc_type_tab(X_i) = 'PBPR') THEN
357                   X_planned_purch := X_planned_purch + trans_qty_tab(X_i);
358                 ELSIF (doc_type_tab(X_i) = 'LEXP') THEN
359                   X_other_demand := X_other_demand + trans_qty_tab(X_i);
360                 END IF;
364          /* if trans_date > period_end_date then break ; */
361               END IF;
362                        prior_to_one := X_i ;
363                        EXIT WHEN trans_date_tab(X_i) > period_end_date_tab(X_j) ;
365             END LOOP;
366             X_sales_orders    := ROUND((-1) * X_sales_orders,9);
367             X_forecast        := ROUND((-1) * X_forecast,9);
368             X_dep_demand      := ROUND((-1) * X_dep_demand,9);
369             X_plnd_ingred     := ROUND((-1) * X_plnd_ingred,9);
370             X_other_demand    := ROUND((-1) * X_other_demand,9);
372             X_po_receipts     := ROUND(X_po_receipts,9);
373             X_preq_supply     := ROUND(X_preq_supply,9);
374             X_prcv_supply     := ROUND(X_prcv_supply,9);
375             X_shmt_supply     := ROUND(X_shmt_supply,9);
376             X_sched_prod      := ROUND(X_sched_prod,9);
377             X_planned_purch   := ROUND(X_planned_purch,9);
378             X_plnd_prod       := ROUND(X_plnd_prod,9);
380            /* B1159495 Inventory Transfers  */
381             X_sched_transfer_in   := ROUND(X_sched_transfer_in,9);
382             X_sched_transfer_out  := ROUND((-1) * X_sched_transfer_out,9);
384            /* B1159495 Inventory Transfers  */
385             X_plnd_transfer_in   := ROUND(X_plnd_transfer_in,9);
386             X_plnd_transfer_out  := ROUND((-1) * X_plnd_transfer_out,9);
388             X_total_demand    := ROUND(X_sales_orders + X_dep_demand + X_plnd_ingred
389                               + X_forecast + X_sched_transfer_out + X_plnd_transfer_out
390                                 +X_other_demand,9);
392             X_total_supply    := ROUND(X_po_receipts + X_preq_supply
393                               + X_prcv_supply + X_shmt_supply
394                               + X_sched_prod + X_planned_purch + X_plnd_prod
395                               + X_sched_transfer_in + X_plnd_transfer_in,9);
397             IF (X_j = 1) THEN
398               X_ending_bal := ROUND(V_on_hand - X_total_demand + X_total_supply,9);
399             ELSE
400               X_ending_bal := ROUND(X_prev_balance - X_total_demand + X_total_supply,9);
401             END IF;
402             IF (X_ending_bal <= NVL(V_total_ss,0)) THEN
403               X_net_ss_reqmt := ROUND(NVL(V_total_ss,0) - X_ending_bal,9);
404             END IF;
405             X_prev_balance := X_ending_bal;
407             INSERT INTO ps_matl_dtl
408             (MATL_REP_ID,
409             ITEM_ID,
410             WHSE_CODE,
411             QTY_ON_HAND,
412             PERD_NAME,
413             PERD_END_DATE,
414             SALES_ORDERS,
415             FORE_CAST,
416             PLND_INGRED,
417             OTHER_DEMAND,
418             TOTAL_DEMAND,
419             PO_RECEIPTS,
420             PREQ_SUPPLY,
421             PRCV_SUPPLY,
422             SHMT_SUPPLY,
423             SCHED_PROD,
424             SCHED_INGRED,
425             PLND_PURCHASE,
426             PLND_PROD,
427             ENDING_BAL,
428             NET_SS_REQMT,
429             SCHED_TRANSFER_OUT,
430             SCHED_TRANSFER_IN,
431             PLND_TRANSFER_OUT,
432             PLND_TRANSFER_IN)
433             VALUES
434             (X_matl_rep_id,
435             V_item_id,
436             X_whse_code,
437             V_on_hand,
438             period_name_tab(X_j),
439             period_end_date_tab(X_j),
440             X_sales_orders,
441             X_forecast,
442             X_plnd_ingred,
443             X_other_demand,
444             X_total_demand,
445             X_po_receipts,
446             X_preq_supply  ,
447             X_prcv_supply  ,
448             X_shmt_supply  ,
449             X_sched_prod,
450             X_dep_demand,
451             X_planned_purch,
452             X_plnd_prod,
453             X_ending_bal,
454             X_net_ss_reqmt,
455             X_sched_transfer_out,
456             X_sched_transfer_in,
457             X_plnd_transfer_out,
458             X_plnd_transfer_in);
460           END LOOP;
461           RETURN(X_matl_rep_id);
463         END MR_BUCKET_DATA;
465         /* =========== PS_BUCKET_DATA ==================== */
467          FUNCTION ps_bucket_data (V_schedule NUMBER,
468                                     V_item_id NUMBER,
469                                     V_org_list VARCHAR2, -- akaruppa previously V_whse_list VARCHAR2
470 --                                    V_fcst_list VARCHAR2,
471                                     V_on_hand NUMBER,
472                                     V_total_ss NUMBER,
473                                     V_uom VARCHAR2,
474 --                                    V_um_ind NUMBER,
475                                     V_matl_rep_id NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS
476           TYPE trans_date_type IS TABLE OF ic_tran_pnd.trans_date%TYPE
477                INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
478           TYPE document_type IS TABLE OF sy_docs_mst.doc_type%TYPE
479                INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
480           TYPE trans_qty_type IS TABLE OF ic_tran_pnd.trans_qty%TYPE
481                INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
482           TYPE trans_qty2_type IS TABLE OF ic_tran_pnd.trans_qty2%TYPE
483                INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
484           TYPE whse_code_type IS TABLE OF ic_whse_mst.whse_code%TYPE
485                INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
489                INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
486           TYPE organization_id_type IS TABLE OF hr_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE -- akaruppa added **
487                INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
488 	  TYPE period_start_date_type IS TABLE OF ps_matl_dtl.perd_end_date%TYPE
490           TYPE period_end_date_type IS TABLE OF ps_matl_dtl.perd_end_date%TYPE
491                INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
492           TYPE period_name_type IS TABLE OF ps_matl_dtl.perd_name%TYPE
493                INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
494           trans_date_tab	      TRANS_DATE_TYPE;
495           doc_type_tab          DOCUMENT_TYPE;
496           trans_qty_tab         TRANS_QTY_TYPE;
497           trans_qty2_tab        TRANS_QTY2_TYPE;
498           whse_code_tab         WHSE_CODE_TYPE;
499           organization_id_tab   ORGANIZATION_ID_TYPE; -- akaruppa added **
500           period_start_date_tab PERIOD_START_DATE_TYPE;
501           period_end_date_tab   PERIOD_END_DATE_TYPE;
502           period_name_tab       PERIOD_NAME_TYPE;
503           period_name            VARCHAR2(40);   /*B3021669 -  Sowmya */
505            /* 29-Jan-04 - B3394924 - Sowmya - Record definition for the transaction information */
506            TYPE trans_typ IS RECORD(
507                 trans_date		DATE,
508                 doc_type		VARCHAR2(4),
509                 trans_qty		NUMBER,
510 --                trans_qty2		NUMBER,
511                 whse_code		VARCHAR2(4)
512                 );
514           trans_rec   trans_typ;
516           /* 29-Jan-04 - B3394924 - Sowmya - The cursor for fetching the details of all the document types has been made dynamic*/
517           TYPE gmp_fet_cursor_typ IS REF CURSOR;
518           Cur_trans_dtl  gmp_fet_cursor_typ;
521           CURSOR Get_ord_ind_cur IS
522             SELECT order_ind
523             FROM ps_schd_hdr
524             WHERE schedule_id = V_schedule;
525 /*  akaruppa changed the cursor to obtain the UOM from MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS
526 	  CURSOR Cur_item_um IS
527             SELECT item_um, item_um2
528             FROM   ic_item_mst
529             WHERE  item_id = V_item_id; */
531 	  CURSOR Cur_item_um IS
532 	    SELECT DISTINCT primary_uom_code,secondary_uom_code
533 	      FROM mtl_system_items
534 	     WHERE inventory_item_id = V_item_id;
536           CURSOR Cur_schedule IS
537             SELECT no_days, no_weeks, no_4weeks, no_13weeks
538             FROM   ps_schd_hdr
539             WHERE  schedule_id = V_schedule
540                    AND delete_mark = 0;
541           CURSOR Cur_check_hdr IS
542             SELECT matl_rep_id
543             FROM   ps_matl_hdr
544             WHERE  matl_rep_id = V_matl_rep_id;
545           CURSOR Cur_matl_rep_id IS
546             SELECT gem5_matl_rep_id_s.NEXTVAL
547             FROM   dual;
548           X_rows	      	NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
549           X_trans_date    	DATE;
550           X_qty	      		NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
551           X_qty2	      	NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
552 --          X_whse_code     	VARCHAR2(10);
553           X_organization_id     NUMBER;
554           X_item_uom	      	VARCHAR2(3); -- akaruppa previously X_item_um
555           X_item_uom2      	VARCHAR2(3); -- akaruppa previously X_item_um2
556           X_trans_qty2    	NUMBER;
557           X_retvar	      	NUMBER(5);
558           X_workdate1     	DATE;
559           X_workdate2     	DATE;
560           X_period	      	VARCHAR2(40);
561           X_no_days       	NUMBER(5);
562           X_no_weeks      	NUMBER(5);
563           X_no_4weeks     	NUMBER(5);
564           X_no_13weeks    	NUMBER(5);
565           X_date1	      	DATE;
566           X_date2	      	DATE;
567           X_day1	      	VARCHAR2(30);
568           X_n	            	NUMBER(5);
569           X_i	            	NUMBER(5);
570           X_j	            	NUMBER(5);
571           X_k	            	NUMBER(5);
572           X_l	            	NUMBER(5);
573           X_m			NUMBER(5);
574           X_dcount        	NUMBER;
575           X_wcount        	NUMBER;
576           X_mcount        	NUMBER;
577           X_qcount        	NUMBER;
578           X_matl_rep_id   	NUMBER;
579           X_tot_periods   	NUMBER(5);
580           X_sales_orders	NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
581           X_forecast		NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
582           X_sched_ingred	NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
583           X_firm_ingred		NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
584           X_po_receipts		NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
585           X_sched_prod		NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
586           X_firm_prod		NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
587           X_total_demand	NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
588           X_total_supply	NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
589           X_net_ss_reqmt	NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
590           X_ending_bal		NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
591           X_prev_balance	NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
592         /* B1159495 Inventory Transfers  */
593           X_plnd_transfer_out   NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
594           X_plnd_transfer_in    NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
595         /* B1781498 */
596 --          X_sched_transfer_out   NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
597 --          X_sched_transfer_in    NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
598           X_planned_purch	 NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
599           X_preq_supply  	 NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
600           X_prcv_supply  	 NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
601           X_shmt_supply  	 NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
602           l_order_ind            NUMBER := 1 ;/* B3394924 sowmya */
603           x_select               VARCHAR2(32600);/* B3394924 sowmya */
608            FETCH Get_ord_ind_cur INTO l_order_ind ;
605         BEGIN
606            -- Retrive the order_ind   /* B3394924 sowmya */
607            OPEN Get_ord_ind_cur ;
609            CLOSE Get_ord_ind_cur;
611            /*B3394924 - sowmya - The cursor for fetching the document type made dynamic */
612            /*   28-Aug-01    Rajesh Patangya  B1781498  For PREQ,PORD,PRCV,SHMT    */
613 -- akaruppa changed query to fetch data from gme_material_details for production data
614 	   x_select := 	' SELECT  gmd.material_requirement_date trans_date, '||
615 			'	  DECODE(gbh.batch_type, 10,''FPO'',''PROD'') doc_type, '||
616 			'	  DECODE(gmd.line_type, -1,-1,1) * DECODE(gmd.dtl_um, '||
617 			'            :p1, '||
618 			'            NVL((NVL(gmd.wip_plan_qty, gmd.plan_qty) - gmd.actual_qty), 0), '||
619 			'            inv_convert.inv_um_convert(gmd.inventory_item_id, '||
620 			'            NULL, '||
621 			'            gmd.organization_id, '||
622 			'            NULL, '||
623 			'            NVL((NVL(gmd.wip_plan_qty, gmd.plan_qty) - gmd.actual_qty), 0), '||
624 			'            gmd.dtl_um, '||
625 			'            :p2, '||
626 			'            NULL, '||
627 			'            NULL '||
628 			'            ) '||
629 			'         ) trans_qty, '||
630 /*			'	  DECODE(msi.dual_uom_control,0,0, '||
631 			'	     DECODE(gmd.line_type, -1,-1,1) *  DECODE(gmd.dtl_um, '||
632 			'            msi.secondary_uom_code, '||
633 			'            (gmd.wip_plan_qty - gmd.actual_qty), '||
634 			'            inv_convert.inv_um_convert(gmd.inventory_item_id, '||
635 			'               NULL, '||
636 			'               gmd.organization_id, '||
637 			'               38, '||
638 			'               (gmd.wip_plan_qty-gmd.actual_qty), '||
639 			'               gmd.dtl_um, '||
640 			'               msi.secondary_uom_code, '||
641 			'               NULL, '||
642 			'               NULL '||
643 			'               ) '||
644 			'         ) '||
645 			'         ) trans_qty2, '||
646 */
647 			'	  mp.organization_code '||
648 			' FROM '||
649 			'	gme_batch_header gbh, '||
650 			'	gme_material_details gmd, '||
651 			'	mtl_parameters mp, '||
652 			'	mtl_system_items msi '||
653 			' WHERE '||
654 			'	Gbh.batch_id = gmd.batch_id '||
655 			'	AND msi.inventory_item_id = gmd.inventory_item_id '||
656 			'	AND msi.organization_id = gmd.organization_id '||
657 			'	AND gmd.organization_id = mp.organization_id '||
658 			'	AND mp.process_enabled_flag =  '|| '''Y''' ||
659 			'	AND gbh.batch_status IN (1,2) '||
660 			'	AND gmd.actual_qty < NVL(gmd.wip_plan_qty, gmd.plan_qty) '||
661 	                '	AND msi.inventory_item_id = :p3 '||
662 		        '	AND INSTR(:p4, TO_CHAR(gbh.organization_id)) <> 0' ;
664            IF l_order_ind = 1 THEN  /* B3394924 - Fetch sales order data only when included in the schedule*/
665                 x_select := x_select ||' UNION ALL ' ||
666 			' SELECT '||
667                         ' mtl.requirement_date, '||
668                         ' '''||'OMSO'||''''||', '||
669 --                        ' mtl.primary_uom_quantity * (-1) , '||
670 			' DECODE(items.primary_uom_code,:p5,mtl.primary_uom_quantity * (-1), '|| -- akaruppa added
671 			'    (-1) * inv_convert.inv_um_convert(mtl.inventory_item_id, '||
672 			'       NULL, '||
673 			'       org.organization_id, '||
674 			'       NULL, '||
675 			'       mtl.primary_uom_quantity , '||
676 			'       items.primary_uom_code, '||
677 			'       :p6, '||
678 			'       NULL, '||
679 			'       NULL '||
680 			'       ) '||
681 			'    ) trans_qty, '||
682                         ' org.organization_code '|| -- akaruppa previously iwm.whse_code
683                 ' FROM '||
684                         ' mtl_demand_omoe mtl,'||
685                         ' mtl_system_items items,'||
686                         ' oe_order_headers_all hdr, '||
687                         ' oe_order_lines_all dtl, '||
688                         ' mtl_parameters org '||
689                  ' WHERE '||
690                  ' mtl.inventory_item_id = :p7 '|| -- akaruppa previously im.item_id
691                  ' AND INSTR(:p8, TO_CHAR(mtl.organization_id)) <> 0'|| -- akaruppa previously iwm.whse_code
692                  ' and items.organization_id   = mtl.organization_id '||
693                  ' and items.inventory_item_id = mtl.inventory_item_id '||
694                  ' and NVL(mtl.completed_quantity,0) = 0 '||
695                  ' and mtl.open_flag =  ' || '''Y''' ||
696                  ' and mtl.available_to_mrp = 1 '||
697                  ' and mtl.parent_demand_id is NULL '||
698                  ' and mtl.demand_source_type IN (2,8) '||
699                  ' and mtl.demand_id = dtl.line_id '||
700                  ' and dtl.header_id = hdr.header_id '||
701                  ' and dtl.ship_from_org_id = org.organization_id '||
702                  ' and org.process_enabled_flag =  '|| '''Y''' ||
704 		 '	 and nvl(dtl.source_document_type_id, 0) <> 10 ' ||
705 		 '       ) ' ||
707 		 '     ) ' ||
708 */
709                  ' and NOT EXISTS '||
710                      ' (SELECT 1 '||
711                         ' FROM so_lines_all sl, '||
712                         ' so_lines_all slp, '||
713                         ' mtl_demand_omoe dem '||
714                       ' WHERE '||
718                         ' and sl.end_item_unit_number IS NULL '||
715                    ' slp.line_id(+) = nvl(sl.parent_line_id,sl.line_id) '||
716                         ' and to_number(dem.demand_source_line) = sl.line_id(+) '||
717                         ' and dem.demand_source_type in (2,8) '||
719                         ' and slp.end_item_unit_number IS NULL '||
720                         ' and dem.demand_id = mtl.demand_id '||
721                  ' and items.effectivity_control = 2) ' ;
722          END IF;
723          x_select := x_select ||' UNION ALL ' ||
724 -- akaruppa changed query to obtain forecast data from Oracle Forecast
725 		' SELECT '||
726 		' 	dtl.forecast_date,  '||
727 		' 	'''||'FCST'||''''||',  '||
728 --		' 	dtl.current_forecast_quantity trans_qty,  '||
729 		' 	DECODE(msi.primary_uom_code,:p9, (-1) * dtl.current_forecast_quantity,  '||
730 		' 	   (-1) * inv_convert.inv_um_convert(dtl.inventory_item_id,  '||
731 		'             NULL,  '||
732 		'             dtl.organization_id,  '||
733 		'             NULL,  '||
734 		'             dtl.current_forecast_quantity,  '||
735 		'             msi.primary_uom_code,  '||
736 		'             :p10,  '||
737 		'             NULL,  '||
738 		'             NULL  '||
739 		'             )  '||
740 		'       ) trans_qty,  '||
741 		' 	mp.organization_code  '||
742 		' FROM  '||
743 		' 	ps_schd_for psf,  '||
744 		' 	mrp_forecast_designators mff,  '||
745 		' 	mrp_forecast_dates dtl,  '||
746 		' 	mtl_system_items msi,  '||
747 		' 	mtl_parameters mp  '||
748 		' WHERE dtl.inventory_item_id = :p11  '||
749 		' 	AND psf.schedule_id = :p12  '||
750 		'	AND INSTR(:p13, TO_CHAR(psf.organization_id)) <> 0 '||
751 		' 	AND psf.organization_id = mp.organization_id  '||
752 		'	AND mp.process_enabled_flag = '|| '''Y''' ||
753 		' 	AND psf.organization_id = msi.organization_id  '||
754 		'       AND dtl.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id  '||
755 		' 	AND psf.organization_id = mff.organization_id  '||
756 		' 	AND psf.forecast_designator = mff.forecast_set  '||
757 		' 	AND mff.forecast_designator = dtl.forecast_designator  '||
758 		' 	AND mff.organization_id = dtl.organization_id  '||
759 		' 	AND dtl.forecast_date >= fnd_date.canonical_to_date(fnd_date.date_to_canonical(sysdate)) '||
760                 ' UNION ALL ' ||
761                 ' SELECT  po.expected_delivery_date, '||
762                         ' '''||'PORD'||''''||', '||
763 --                        ' po.to_org_primary_quantity, '||
764 			' DECODE(mitem.primary_uom_code,:p14,po.to_org_primary_quantity, '|| -- akaruppa added
765 			'    inv_convert.inv_um_convert(mitem.inventory_item_id, '||
766 			'       NULL, '||
767 			'       mitem.organization_id, '||
768 			'       NULL, '||
769 			'       po.to_org_primary_quantity, '||
770 			'       mitem.primary_uom_code, '||
771 		        '       :p15, '||
772 			'       NULL, '||
773 			'       NULL '||
774 			'       ) '||
775 			'    ) trans_qty, '||
776                         ' mtl.organization_code '|| -- akaruppa previously iwm.whse_code
777                 ' FROM  MTL_PARAMETERS mtl, '||
778                         ' PO_PO_SUPPLY_VIEW po, '||
779                         ' MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS mitem '||
780                 ' WHERE po.item_id = :p16 '|| -- akaruppa previously ic.item_id
781                 ' AND po.item_id = mitem.inventory_item_id '||
782                 ' AND po.to_organization_id = mitem.organization_id '||
783                     ' AND mtl.organization_id = po.to_organization_id '||
784                     ' AND mtl.process_enabled_flag = '|| '''Y''' ||
785                     ' AND NOT EXISTS '||
786                         ' ( SELECT  1  FROM  oe_drop_ship_sources odss '||
787                         ' WHERE po.po_header_id = odss.po_header_id '||
788                         ' AND po.po_line_id = odss.po_line_id ) '||
789                     ' AND INSTR(:p17, TO_CHAR(po.to_organization_id)) <> 0 '|| -- akaruppa previously iwm.whse_code
790                 ' UNION ALL ' ||
791                 ' SELECT  po.expected_delivery_date, '||
792                         ' '''||'PREQ'||''''||', '||
793 --                        ' po.to_org_primary_quantity,'||
794 			' DECODE(mitem.primary_uom_code,:p18,po.to_org_primary_quantity, '|| -- akaruppa added
795 			'    inv_convert.inv_um_convert(mitem.inventory_item_id, '||
796 			'       NULL, '||
797 			'       mitem.organization_id, '||
798 			'       NULL, '||
799 			'       po.to_org_primary_quantity, '||
800 			'       mitem.primary_uom_code, '||
801 		        '       :p19, '||
802 			'       NULL, '||
803 			'       NULL '||
804 			'       ) '||
805 			'    ) trans_qty, '||
806                         ' mtl.organization_code '|| -- akaruppa previously iwm.whse_code
807                 ' FROM  MTL_PARAMETERS mtl,'||
808                   ' PO_REQ_SUPPLY_VIEW po,'||
809                   ' MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS mitem '||
810                 ' WHERE po.item_id = :p20'|| -- akaruppa previously ic.item_id
811                 ' AND po.item_id = mitem.inventory_item_id '||
812                 ' AND po.to_organization_id = mitem.organization_id '||
813                 ' AND mtl.organization_id = po.to_organization_id '||
814                 ' AND mtl.process_enabled_flag = '|| '''Y''' ||
815                 ' AND NOT EXISTS '||
816                          ' ( SELECT  1  FROM  oe_drop_ship_sources odss '||
817                          ' WHERE po.requisition_header_id = odss.requisition_header_id '||
818                          ' AND po.req_line_id = odss.requisition_line_id ) '||
822             ' SELECT  po.expected_delivery_date,'||
819                 ' AND INSTR(:p21, TO_CHAR(po.to_organization_id)) <> 0 ' ; -- akaruppa previously iwm.whse_code
821              x_select := x_select || ' UNION ALL '||
823                     ' '''||'PRCV'||''''||', '||
824 --                    ' po.to_org_primary_quantity,'||
825    		    ' DECODE(mitem.primary_uom_code,:p22,po.to_org_primary_quantity, '|| -- akaruppa added
826 		    '    inv_convert.inv_um_convert(mitem.inventory_item_id, '||
827 		    '       NULL, '||
828 	    	    '       mitem.organization_id, '||
829 		    '       NULL, '||
830 		    '       po.to_org_primary_quantity, '||
831 		    '       mitem.primary_uom_code, '||
832 		    '       :p23, '||
833 		    '       NULL, '||
834 		    '       NULL '||
835 		    '       ) '||
836 		    '    ) trans_qty, '||
837                     ' mtl.organization_code '|| -- akaruppa previously iwm.whse_code
838             ' FROM  MTL_PARAMETERS mtl,'||
839                   ' PO_RCV_SUPPLY_VIEW po,'||
840                   ' MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS mitem '||
841             ' WHERE po.item_id = :p24'|| -- akaruppa previously ic.item_id
842             ' AND po.item_id = mitem.inventory_item_id '||
843             ' AND po.to_organization_id = mitem.organization_id '||
844             ' AND mtl.organization_id = po.to_organization_id '||
845             ' AND mtl.process_enabled_flag = ' || '''Y''' || --||''''||'Y'||''' '||
846             ' AND NOT EXISTS '||
847                          ' ( SELECT  1  FROM  oe_drop_ship_sources odss '||
848                          ' WHERE po.po_header_id = odss.po_header_id '||
849                          ' AND po.po_line_id = odss.po_line_id ) '||
850             ' AND INSTR(:p25, TO_CHAR(po.to_organization_id)) <> 0' || -- akaruppa previously iwm.whse_code
851             ' UNION ALL '||
852             ' SELECT  po.expected_delivery_date,'||
853                     ' '''||'PRCV'||''''||', '||
854 --                    ' po.to_org_primary_quantity,'||
855    		    ' DECODE(mitem.primary_uom_code,:p26,po.to_org_primary_quantity, '|| -- akaruppa added
856 		    '    inv_convert.inv_um_convert(mitem.inventory_item_id, '||
857 		    '       NULL, '||
858 	    	    '       mitem.organization_id, '||
859 		    '       NULL, '||
860 		    '       po.to_org_primary_quantity, '||
861 		    '       mitem.primary_uom_code, '||
862 		    '       :p27, '||
863 		    '       NULL, '||
864 		    '       NULL '||
865 		    '       ) '||
866 		    '    ) trans_qty, '||
867                     ' mtl.organization_code '|| -- akaruppa previously iwm.whse_code
868             ' FROM  MTL_PARAMETERS mtl,'||
869                   ' PO_SHIP_RCV_SUPPLY_VIEW po, '||
870                   ' MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS mitem '||
871             ' WHERE po.item_id = :p28'|| -- akaruppa previously ic.item_id
872             ' AND po.item_id = mitem.inventory_item_id '||
873             ' AND po.to_organization_id = mitem.organization_id '||
874             ' AND mtl.organization_id = po.to_organization_id '||
875             ' AND mtl.process_enabled_flag = '|| '''Y''' ||
876             ' AND INSTR(:p29, TO_CHAR(po.to_organization_id)) <> 0'; -- akaruppa previously iwm.whse_code
878              /* BUG#3404056 - Port Bug 3264766 to 11.5.10L
879              D. Sailaja  - Added ordered clause and commented the
880               existing order of the FROM clause to incorporate the new order */
882            x_select := x_select || ' UNION ALL '||
883             ' SELECT  '|| /* + ordered */
884                     ' po.expected_delivery_date, '||
885                     ' '''||'SHMT'||''''||', '||
886 --                    ' po.to_org_primary_quantity,'||
887    		    ' DECODE(mitem.primary_uom_code,:p30,po.to_org_primary_quantity, '|| -- akaruppa added
888 		    '    inv_convert.inv_um_convert(mitem.inventory_item_id, '||
889 		    '       NULL, '||
890 	    	    '       mitem.organization_id, '||
891 		    '       NULL, '||
892 		    '       po.to_org_primary_quantity, '||
893 		    '       mitem.primary_uom_code, '||
894 		    '       :p31, '||
895 		    '       NULL, '||
896 		    '       NULL '||
897 		    '       ) '||
898 		    '    ) trans_qty, '||
899                     ' mtl.organization_code '|| -- akaruppa previously iwm.whse_code
900               ' FROM  MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS mitem,'||
901                   ' PO_SHIP_SUPPLY_VIEW po,'||
902                   ' MTL_PARAMETERS mtl '||
903             ' WHERE po.item_id = :p32'|| -- akaruppa previously ic.item_id
904             ' AND po.item_id = mitem.inventory_item_id '||
905             ' AND po.to_organization_id = mitem.organization_id '||
906             ' AND mtl.organization_id = po.to_organization_id '||
907             ' AND mtl.process_enabled_flag = '|| '''Y''' ||
908             ' AND INSTR(:p33, TO_CHAR(mtl.organization_id)) <> 0 ' || -- akaruppa previously iwm.whse_code
909             ' ORDER BY 1 asc, 3 desc ';
911         /*Open the cursor and pass the item_id , warehouse_id and the forecast list*/
913         /* B3394924 - Sowmya - Added to handle the bind variables passed to the cursor when
914         sales order are included and excluded from the schedule*/
915 -- akaruppa changed the bind variables based on the query
916        IF l_order_ind = 1 THEN
918                 OPEN Cur_trans_dtl FOR x_select USING
919                                 V_uom, V_uom, V_item_id,V_org_list,
920                                 V_uom, V_uom, V_item_id,V_org_list,
924                                 V_uom, V_uom, V_item_id,V_org_list,
921                                 V_uom, V_uom, V_item_id, V_schedule,V_org_list,
922                                 V_uom, V_uom, V_item_id,V_org_list,
923                                 V_uom, V_uom, V_item_id,V_org_list,
925                                 V_uom, V_uom, V_item_id,V_org_list,
926                                 V_uom, V_uom, V_item_id,V_org_list;
929         ELSE
930                 OPEN Cur_trans_dtl FOR x_select USING
931                                 V_uom, V_uom, V_item_id,V_org_list,
932                                 V_uom, V_uom, V_item_id,V_schedule,V_org_list,
933                                 V_uom, V_uom, V_item_id,V_org_list,
934                                 V_uom, V_uom, V_item_id,V_org_list,
935                                 V_uom, V_uom, V_item_id,V_org_list,
936                                 V_uom, V_uom, V_item_id,V_org_list,
937                                 V_uom, V_uom, V_item_id,V_org_list;
938         END IF;
941          LOOP
942             FETCH Cur_trans_dtl INTO trans_rec;
943             EXIT WHEN Cur_trans_dtl%NOTFOUND;
944             X_rows := X_rows + 1;
946 /* nsinghi MPSCONV Start */
947 /* Following code was written mainly for forecast transactions that did not have
948 the secondary UOM qty. Now the secondary qty for all txns are being retrieved in the
949 query itself. So commented following code. */
950 /*
951             OPEN Cur_item_um;
952             FETCH Cur_item_um INTO X_item_uom, X_item_uom2;
953             CLOSE Cur_item_um;
954             X_trans_qty2 := trans_rec.trans_qty2;
955             IF (X_item_uom2 IS NOT NULL) THEN
956               IF (NVL(trans_rec.trans_qty2,0) = 0) AND (trans_rec.trans_qty <> 0) THEN
957                 gmicuom.icuomcv(V_item_id,0,trans_rec.trans_qty,X_item_uom,X_item_uom2,X_trans_qty2); -- akaruppa TO DO Change GMICUOM to Inv_Convert
958               END IF;
959             END IF;
960 */
961 /* nsinghi MPSCONV End */
963             trans_date_tab(X_rows) := trans_rec.trans_date;
964             doc_type_tab(X_rows)   := trans_rec.doc_type;
965             trans_qty_tab(X_rows)  := NVL(trans_rec.trans_qty,0);
966 --            trans_qty2_tab(X_rows) := NVL(X_trans_qty2,0);
967             whse_code_tab(X_rows)  := trans_rec.whse_code;
968           END LOOP;
969           CLOSE Cur_trans_dtl;
971 /* nsinghi MPSCONV Start */
972 /* Following code was written mainly for forecast consumption.
973 Now the consumption will be done in Discrete forcasting module.
974 So commented following code. */
975 /*
977           FOR X_k IN 1..X_rows LOOP
978             IF (doc_type_tab(X_k) = 'FCST') THEN
979               X_l := X_k + 1;
980               FOR X_m IN X_l..X_rows LOOP
982                   IF (doc_type_tab(X_m) = 'OPSO' OR
983                       doc_type_tab(X_m) = 'OMSO') THEN
984                   IF (whse_code_tab(X_m) = whse_code_tab(X_k)) THEN
985                         trans_qty_tab(X_k)  := trans_qty_tab(X_k)  - trans_qty_tab(X_m);
986                         trans_qty2_tab(X_k) := trans_qty2_tab(X_k) - trans_qty2_tab(X_m);
987                     IF (trans_qty_tab(X_k) > 0) THEN
988                           trans_qty_tab(X_k) := 0;
989                     END IF;
990                     IF (trans_qty2_tab(X_k) > 0) THEN
991                           trans_qty2_tab(X_k) := 0;
992                     END IF;
993                   END IF;
994                   ELSIF (doc_type_tab(X_m) = 'FCST') THEN
995                   EXIT;
996                 END IF;
997               END LOOP;
998             END IF;
999           END LOOP;
1000 */
1001 /* nsinghi MPSCONV End */
1003           -- TKW B3034938 The changes made in bugs 2348778 and 2626977 were commented
1004           -- since the date returned was null.  The min date was set as a constant
1005           -- date in gma_global_grp.
1006           /*
1007           --BEGIN BUG#2348778 RajaSekhar
1008           X_workdate1 := FND_DATE.string_to_date(GMA_CORE_PKG.get_date_constant('SY$MIN_DATE'), 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS');
1009         -- Bug #2626977 (JKB) Removed reference to date profile above.
1010           --END BUG#2348778
1011           */
1013           X_workdate1 := GMA_GLOBAL_GRP.SY$MIN_DATE;
1015           X_workdate2 := TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'DD/MM/YYYY')||' 23:59:59','DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS');
1017           X_period := FND_MESSAGE.GET;
1018           IF (X_rows = 0) THEN
1019             RETURN(X_rows);
1020           END IF;
1022           OPEN Cur_schedule;
1023           FETCH Cur_schedule INTO X_no_days, X_no_weeks, X_no_4weeks, X_no_13weeks;
1024           CLOSE Cur_schedule;
1026           X_date1       := SYSDATE;
1027           X_date2       := X_date1 - 1;
1028           X_date1       := X_date2 + X_no_days;
1029           X_day1        := INITCAP(TO_CHAR(X_date1,'DAY'));
1030           X_n	          := TO_CHAR(X_date1,'D');
1031           X_no_days     := X_no_days + 7 - X_n + 1;
1032           X_tot_periods := X_no_days + X_no_weeks + X_no_4weeks + X_no_13weeks;
1033           period_start_date_tab(1) := X_workdate1;
1034           period_end_date_tab(1)   := TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(X_date2,'DD/MM/YYYY')||' 23:59:59','DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS');
1036           period_name_tab(1) := FND_MESSAGE.GET;
1041           -- IF (X_no_days <> 0) THEN
1038           -- TKW 12/26/2003 B3337215 - Port B3306526 to 11.5.10L.
1039           -- Modified following condition for the case X_no_days = 1 to work
1040           IF (X_no_days > 1) THEN
1042             FOR X_i IN 2..X_no_days
1043             LOOP
1044               X_j                        := X_i - 1;
1045               X_dcount                   := X_i + 1;
1046               X_date1                    := period_end_date_tab(X_j);
1047               period_start_date_tab(X_i) := X_date1;
1048               X_date2                    := period_start_date_tab(X_i) + 1;
1049               period_end_date_tab(X_i)   := TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(X_date2,'DD/MM/YYYY')||' 23:59:59','DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS');
1050               /*period_name_tab(X_i)       := INITCAP(TO_CHAR(X_date2,'DAY'));*/
1052               /*B3732658 - Added a new parameter 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE=ENGLISH' to the period name below, so that whatever might be the
1053                 language to which the database is set to the period name is fetched in ENGLISH. This period name is used further for
1054                 fetching the days from the message dictionary*/
1055               period_name                := trim(UPPER(TO_CHAR(X_date2,'DAY','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE=ENGLISH'))); /*B3732658*/
1058               /* Based on the period name the day will be picked from the message dictionary.
1059               This change has been done to facilitate the translation of messages*/
1061               IF ( period_name = 'SUNDAY') THEN
1062                 FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('GMP','PS_SUNDAY');
1063                 period_name_tab(X_i) := FND_MESSAGE.GET;
1064               ELSIF ( period_name = 'MONDAY') THEN
1065                 FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('GMP','PS_MONDAY');
1066                 period_name_tab(X_i) := FND_MESSAGE.GET;
1067               ELSIF ( period_name = 'TUESDAY') THEN
1068                 FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('GMP','PS_TUESDAY');
1069                 period_name_tab(X_i) := FND_MESSAGE.GET;
1070               ELSIF ( period_name = 'WEDNESDAY') THEN
1071                 FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('GMP','PS_WEDNESDAY');
1072                 period_name_tab(X_i) := FND_MESSAGE.GET;
1073               ELSIF ( period_name = 'THURSDAY') THEN
1074                 FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('GMP','PS_THURSDAY');
1075                 period_name_tab(X_i) := FND_MESSAGE.GET;
1076               ELSIF ( period_name = 'FRIDAY') THEN
1077                 FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('GMP','PS_FRIDAY');
1078                 period_name_tab(X_i) := FND_MESSAGE.GET;
1079               ELSIF ( period_name = 'SATURDAY') THEN
1080                 FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('GMP','PS_SATURDAY');
1081                 period_name_tab(X_i) := FND_MESSAGE.GET;
1082               END IF;
1084             END LOOP;
1085           ELSE
1086             X_dcount := 2;
1087           END IF;
1088           IF (X_no_weeks <> 0) THEN
1089             FOR X_i IN X_dcount..(X_no_days + X_no_weeks)
1090             LOOP
1091               X_j                        := X_i - 1;
1092               X_wcount                   := X_i + 1;
1093               X_date1                    := period_end_date_tab(X_j);
1094               period_start_date_tab(X_i) := X_date1;
1095               X_date2                    := period_start_date_tab(X_i) + 7;
1096               period_end_date_tab(X_i)   := TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(X_date2,'DD/MM/YYYY')||' 23:59:59','DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS');
1097               FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('GMP','PS_WEEK');
1098               period_name_tab(X_i) := FND_MESSAGE.GET||' '||TO_CHAR(X_date2,'WW');
1099             END LOOP;
1100           ELSE
1101             IF (X_no_days = 0) THEN
1102               X_wcount := 2;
1103             ELSE
1104               X_wcount := X_dcount;
1105             END IF;
1106           END IF;
1108           IF (X_no_4weeks <> 0) THEN
1109             FOR X_i IN X_wcount..(X_no_days + X_no_weeks + X_no_4weeks)
1110             LOOP
1111               X_j                        := X_i - 1;
1112               X_mcount                   := X_i + 1;
1113               X_date1                    := period_end_date_tab(X_j);
1114               period_start_date_tab(X_i) := X_date1;
1115               X_date2                    := period_start_date_tab(X_i) + 28;
1116               period_end_date_tab(X_i)   := TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(X_date2,'DD/MM/YYYY')||' 23:59:59','DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS');
1117               FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('GMP','PS_WEEK');
1118               period_name_tab(X_i) := FND_MESSAGE.GET||' '||LPAD(TO_CHAR(TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(X_date1,'WW'))+1),2,'0')||'-'||TO_CHAR(X_date2,'WW');
1119             END LOOP;
1120           ELSE
1121             IF (X_no_days = 0 AND X_no_weeks = 0) THEN
1122               X_mcount := 2;
1123             ELSIF (X_no_weeks = 0) THEN
1124               X_mcount := X_dcount;
1125             ELSE
1126               X_mcount := X_wcount;
1127             END IF;
1128           END IF;
1130           IF (X_no_13weeks <> 0) THEN
1131             FOR X_i IN X_mcount..(X_no_days + X_no_weeks + X_no_4weeks + X_no_13weeks)
1132             LOOP
1133               X_j                        := X_i - 1;
1134               X_qcount                   := X_i + 1;
1135               X_date1                    := period_end_date_tab(X_j);
1136               period_start_date_tab(X_i) := X_date1;
1137               X_date2                    := period_start_date_tab(X_i) + 91;
1138               period_end_date_tab(X_i)   := TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(X_date2,'DD/MM/YYYY')||' 23:59:59','DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS');
1142           END IF;
1139               FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('GMP','PS_WEEK');
1140               period_name_tab(X_i) := FND_MESSAGE.GET||' '||LPAD(TO_CHAR(TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(X_date1,'WW'))+1),2,'0')||'-'||TO_CHAR(X_date2,'WW');
1141             END LOOP;
1144           OPEN Cur_check_hdr;
1145           FETCH Cur_check_hdr INTO X_matl_rep_id;
1146           IF (Cur_check_hdr%NOTFOUND) THEN
1147             OPEN Cur_matl_rep_id;
1148             FETCH Cur_matl_rep_id INTO X_matl_rep_id;
1149             CLOSE Cur_matl_rep_id;
1151 /* nsinghi MPSCONV Start */
1152 /* ToDo : Need to ensure if we need to insert organization_id too?
1153 V_matl_rep_id will be null when call to this procedure is made from
1154 Bucketed Material Form and NOT Report. I think this part of code
1155 will require to be removed. */
1156 /* nsinghi MPSCONV End */
1157 /*
1158             INSERT INTO ps_matl_hdr (matl_rep_id, inventory_item_id)
1159             VALUES      (X_matl_rep_id, V_item_id);
1160 */
1161           ELSE
1162             X_matl_rep_id := V_matl_rep_id;
1163           END IF;
1164           CLOSE Cur_check_hdr;
1166           IF (V_matl_rep_id IS NOT NULL) THEN
1167             DELETE
1168             FROM  ps_matl_dtl
1169             WHERE matl_rep_id = V_matl_rep_id
1170                   AND item_id = V_item_id;
1171           END IF;
1172           IF (INSTR(V_org_list,',') <> 0) THEN
1173 --            X_whse_code := FND_PROFILE.VALUE('SY$ALL');
1174             X_organization_id := NULL;
1175           ELSE /* For reports the V_org_list will be single org */
1176             X_organization_id := TO_NUMBER(V_org_list);
1177 --            X_whse_code := REPLACE(V_org_list, '''', '');
1178           END IF;
1179           FOR X_j IN 1..X_tot_periods
1180           LOOP
1181             X_sales_orders := 0;
1182             X_forecast     := 0;
1183             X_sched_ingred := 0;
1184             X_firm_ingred  := 0;
1185             X_total_demand := 0;
1186             X_total_supply := 0;
1187             X_po_receipts  := 0;
1188             X_sched_prod   := 0;
1189             X_firm_prod    := 0;
1190             X_ending_bal   := 0;
1191             X_net_ss_reqmt := 0;
1192             /* B1159495 Inventory Transfers  */
1193             X_plnd_transfer_out   := 0;
1194             X_plnd_transfer_in    := 0;
1195             /* B1781498 */
1196 --            X_sched_transfer_out   := 0;
1197 --            X_sched_transfer_in    := 0;
1198             X_preq_supply  	 := 0;
1199             X_prcv_supply  	 := 0;
1200             X_shmt_supply  	 := 0;
1202             FOR X_i IN 1..X_rows
1203             LOOP
1204             /* 22-Jan-04 Namit Singhi B3340572.  Removed equality condition for period start date as
1205                 Sales Orders appeared twice in MPS Bucketed Material Inquiry Screen*/
1206               IF (trans_date_tab(X_i) > period_start_date_tab(X_j)) AND (trans_date_tab(X_i) <= period_end_date_tab(X_j)) THEN
1207 --                IF (V_um_ind = 1) THEN
1208                   /* RDP 08/24/2000 Bug 1371700 addition of OMSO */
1209                   IF (doc_type_tab(X_i) = 'OPSO' OR doc_type_tab(X_i) = 'SHIP' OR
1210                       doc_type_tab(X_i) = 'OMSO' ) THEN
1211                     X_sales_orders := X_sales_orders + NVL(trans_qty_tab(X_i),0);
1212                   ELSIF (doc_type_tab(X_i) = 'PROD') THEN
1213                     IF (trans_qty_tab(X_i) < 0) THEN
1214                       X_sched_ingred := X_sched_ingred + NVL(trans_qty_tab(X_i),0);
1215                     ELSE
1216                       X_sched_prod := X_sched_prod + NVL(trans_qty_tab(X_i),0);
1217                     END IF;
1218                   ELSIF (doc_type_tab(X_i) = 'FPO') THEN
1219                     IF (trans_qty_tab(X_i) < 0) THEN
1220                       X_firm_ingred := X_firm_ingred + NVL(trans_qty_tab(X_i),0);
1221                     ELSE
1222                       X_firm_prod := X_firm_prod + NVL(trans_qty_tab(X_i),0);
1223                     END IF;
1225                     /* B1159495 Inventory Transfers  */
1226 /* nsinghi MPSCONV Start */
1227 /* ToDo: This code will be commented as we cannot have schedule transfers. */
1228 /*                  ELSIF (doc_type_tab(X_i) = 'XFER') THEN
1229                     IF (trans_qty_tab(X_i) < 0) THEN
1230                       X_sched_transfer_out := X_sched_transfer_out + NVL(trans_qty_tab(X_i),0);
1231                     ELSE
1232                       X_sched_transfer_in := X_sched_transfer_in + NVL(trans_qty_tab(X_i), 0);
1233                     END IF;
1234 */
1235 /* nsinghi MPSCONV Start */
1237                   ELSIF (doc_type_tab(X_i) = 'PORD') THEN
1238                     X_po_receipts := X_po_receipts + NVL(trans_qty_tab(X_i),0);
1242                   ELSIF (doc_type_tab(X_i) = 'PRCV') THEN
1239            /*   28-Aug-01    Rajesh Patangya  B1781498  For PREQ,PORD,PRCV,SHMT    */
1240                   ELSIF (doc_type_tab(X_i) = 'PREQ') THEN
1241                     X_preq_supply   := X_preq_supply + NVL(trans_qty_tab(X_i),0);
1243                     X_prcv_supply   := X_prcv_supply + NVL(trans_qty_tab(X_i),0);
1244                   ELSIF (doc_type_tab(X_i) = 'SHMT') THEN
1245                     X_shmt_supply   := X_shmt_supply + NVL(trans_qty_tab(X_i),0);
1246                   ELSIF (doc_type_tab(X_i) = 'FCST') THEN
1247                     X_forecast := X_forecast + NVL(trans_qty_tab(X_i),0);
1248                   END IF;
1249 --                ELSIF (V_um_ind = 2) THEN
1250 /*                  IF (doc_type_tab(X_i) = 'OPSO' OR doc_type_tab(X_i) = 'SHIP' OR
1251                       doc_type_tab(X_i) = 'OMSO' ) THEN
1252                     X_sales_orders := X_sales_orders + NVL(trans_qty2_tab(X_i),0);
1253                   ELSIF (doc_type_tab(X_i) = 'PROD') THEN
1254                     IF (trans_qty2_tab(X_i) < 0) THEN
1255                       X_sched_ingred := X_sched_ingred + NVL(trans_qty2_tab(X_i),0);
1256                     ELSE
1257                       X_sched_prod := X_sched_prod + NVL(trans_qty2_tab(X_i),0);
1258                     END IF;
1259                   ELSIF (doc_type_tab(X_i) = 'FPO') THEN
1260                     IF (trans_qty2_tab(X_i) < 0) THEN
1261                       X_firm_ingred := X_firm_ingred + NVL(trans_qty2_tab(X_i),0);
1262                     ELSE
1263                       X_firm_prod := X_firm_prod + NVL(trans_qty2_tab(X_i),0);
1264                     END IF;
1265                   ELSIF (doc_type_tab(X_i) = 'PORD') THEN
1266                     X_po_receipts := X_po_receipts + NVL(trans_qty2_tab(X_i),0);
1267                   ELSIF (doc_type_tab(X_i) = 'PREQ') THEN
1268                     X_preq_supply   := X_preq_supply + NVL(trans_qty2_tab(X_i),0);
1269                   ELSIF (doc_type_tab(X_i) = 'PRCV') THEN
1270                     X_prcv_supply   := X_prcv_supply + NVL(trans_qty2_tab(X_i),0);
1271                   ELSIF (doc_type_tab(X_i) = 'SHMT') THEN
1272                     X_shmt_supply   := X_shmt_supply + NVL(trans_qty2_tab(X_i),0);
1273                   ELSIF (doc_type_tab(X_i) = 'FCST') THEN
1274                     X_forecast := X_forecast + NVL(trans_qty2_tab(X_i),0);
1275                   END IF;
1276                 END IF;
1277 */
1278               END IF;
1279             END LOOP;
1280             X_sales_orders := ROUND((-1) * X_sales_orders,9);
1281             X_forecast     := ROUND((-1) * X_forecast,9);
1282             X_sched_ingred := ROUND((-1) * X_sched_ingred,9);
1283             X_firm_ingred  := ROUND((-1) * X_firm_ingred,9);
1285 /* nsinghi MPSCONV Start */
1286 /* ToDo: This code will be commented as we cannot have schedule transfers. */
1287 /*            X_sched_transfer_out  := ROUND((-1) * X_sched_transfer_out,9);
1289             X_total_demand := ROUND(X_sales_orders + X_sched_ingred + X_firm_ingred +
1290                                     X_forecast+X_sched_transfer_out,9);
1292             X_total_supply := ROUND(X_po_receipts + X_preq_supply + X_shmt_supply +
1293                                     X_prcv_supply + X_sched_prod +
1294                                     X_firm_prod + X_sched_transfer_in,9);
1295 */
1296 /* nsinghi MPSCONV End */
1298             X_total_demand := ROUND(X_sales_orders + X_sched_ingred + X_firm_ingred +
1299                                     X_forecast,9);
1301             X_total_supply := ROUND(X_po_receipts + X_preq_supply + X_shmt_supply +
1302                                     X_prcv_supply + X_sched_prod +
1303                                     X_firm_prod ,9);
1305             X_po_receipts  := ROUND(X_po_receipts,9);
1306             X_sched_prod   := ROUND(X_sched_prod,9);
1307             X_firm_prod    := ROUND(X_firm_prod,9);
1309             X_preq_supply  := ROUND(X_preq_supply,9);
1310             X_prcv_supply  := ROUND(X_prcv_supply,9);
1311             X_shmt_supply  := ROUND(X_shmt_supply,9);
1313 --            X_sched_transfer_in    := ROUND(X_sched_transfer_in,9);
1315             IF (X_j = 1) THEN
1316               X_ending_bal := ROUND(V_on_hand - X_total_demand + X_total_supply,9);
1317             ELSE
1318               X_ending_bal := ROUND(X_prev_balance - X_total_demand + X_total_supply,9);
1319             END IF;
1320             IF (X_ending_bal <= NVL(V_total_ss,0)) THEN
1321               X_net_ss_reqmt := ROUND(NVL(V_total_ss,0) - X_ending_bal,9);
1322             END IF;
1323             X_prev_balance := X_ending_bal;
1325             INSERT INTO ps_matl_dtl
1326             (MATL_REP_ID,
1327 /* nsinghi MPSCONV Start */
1328 --            ITEM_ID,
1329             INVENTORY_ITEM_ID,
1330 --            WHSE_CODE,
1331             ORGANIZATION_ID,
1332 /* nsinghi MPSCONV End */
1333             QTY_ON_HAND,
1334             PERD_NAME,
1335             PERD_END_DATE,
1339             FIRM_INGRED,
1336             SALES_ORDERS,
1337             FORE_CAST,
1338             SCHED_INGRED,
1340             TOTAL_DEMAND,
1341             PO_RECEIPTS,
1342             PREQ_SUPPLY,
1343             PRCV_SUPPLY,
1344             SHMT_SUPPLY,
1345             SCHED_PROD,
1346             FIRM_PROD,
1347             ENDING_BAL,
1348             NET_SS_REQMT)
1349 /*            SCHED_TRANSFER_OUT,
1350             SCHED_TRANSFER_IN ) */
1351             VALUES
1352             (X_matl_rep_id,
1353             V_item_id,
1354 /* nsinghi MPSCONV Start */
1355 --            X_whse_code,
1356             X_organization_id,
1357 /* nsinghi MPSCONV End */
1358             V_on_hand,
1359             period_name_tab(X_j),
1360             period_end_date_tab(X_j),
1361             X_sales_orders,
1362             X_forecast,
1363             X_sched_ingred,
1364             X_firm_ingred,
1365             X_total_demand,
1366             X_po_receipts,
1367             X_preq_supply  ,
1368             X_prcv_supply  ,
1369             X_shmt_supply  ,
1370             X_sched_prod,
1371             X_firm_prod,
1372             X_ending_bal,
1373             X_net_ss_reqmt);
1374 /*            X_sched_transfer_out,
1375             X_sched_transfer_in  ); */
1377           END LOOP;
1378           RETURN(X_matl_rep_id);
1380         END PS_BUCKET_DATA ;