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Line 35: l_default_department_id wip_eam_parameters.default_department_id%type;

31: l_resp_string varchar2(30);
32: l_display_name varchar2(80);
33: l_incident_date date;
34: l_expected_resolution_date date;
35: l_default_department_id wip_eam_parameters.default_department_id%type;
36: l_return_status varchar2(240);
37: l_incident_status_id cs_incidents_all_b.incident_status_id%type;
38: l_incident_severity_id cs_incidents_all_b.incident_severity_id%type;
39: l_customer_id cs_incidents_all_b.customer_id%type;

Line 129: from wip_eam_parameters

125: if (l_owning_department_id is null) then
126: -- get default department id for organization
127: select default_department_id
128: into l_default_department_id
129: from wip_eam_parameters
130: where organization_id = l_maint_organization_id;
132: if (l_default_department_id is not null) then
133: -- update the service request owning department id

Line 308: l_default_department_id wip_eam_parameters.default_department_id%type;

304: l_resp_string varchar2(30);
305: l_display_name varchar2(80);
306: l_incident_date date;
307: l_expected_resolution_date date;
308: l_default_department_id wip_eam_parameters.default_department_id%type;
309: l_return_status varchar2(240);
310: l_incident_status_id cs_incidents_all_b.incident_status_id%type;
311: l_incident_severity_id cs_incidents_all_b.incident_severity_id%type;
312: l_customer_id cs_incidents_all_b.customer_id%type;

Line 378: from wip_eam_parameters

374: if (l_owning_department_id is null) then
375: -- get default department id for organization
376: select default_department_id
377: into l_default_department_id
378: from wip_eam_parameters
379: where organization_id = l_maint_organization_id;
381: if (l_default_department_id is not null) then
382: -- update the service request owning department id

Line 457: from wip_eam_parameters

453: if p_customer_product_id is null then
454: begin
455: select default_department_id
456: into l_default_department_id
457: from wip_eam_parameters
458: where organization_id = p_maintenance_org_id;
459: exception
460: when no_data_found then
461: null;

Line 482: from wip_eam_parameters

478: begin
480: select default_department_id
481: into l_default_department_id
482: from wip_eam_parameters
483: where organization_id = p_maintenance_org_id;
484: exception
485: when no_data_found then
486: null;