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Line 1499: p_office_type IN igs_lookups_view.lookup_code%TYPE,

1495: or 'E' for ERROR. The calling procedure should error out based on x_return_status. Also
1496: x_msg_data contains the proper error message if x_return_status is 'E'
1497: */
1498: PROCEDURE get_stu_fao_code (p_base_id IN igf_ap_fa_base_rec_all.base_id%TYPE,
1499: p_office_type IN igs_lookups_view.lookup_code%TYPE,
1500: x_office_cd OUT NOCOPY igs_or_org_alt_ids.org_alternate_id_type%TYPE,
1501: x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
1502: x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
1503: AS

Line 1517: p_office_type IN igs_lookups_view.lookup_code%TYPE) IS

1513: || (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
1514: */
1516: CURSOR c_get_fa_office( p_org_unit_cd IN hz_parties.party_number%TYPE,
1517: p_office_type IN igs_lookups_view.lookup_code%TYPE) IS
1518: SELECT org.org_alternate_id office_cd
1519: FROM igs_or_org_alt_ids org,
1520: igs_or_org_alt_idtyp idt
1521: WHERE org.org_structure_id = p_org_unit_cd

Line 1961: p_office_type IN igs_lookups_view.lookup_code%TYPE,

1957: END update_cl_chg_status;
1959: PROCEDURE get_stu_ant_fao_code
1960: (p_base_id IN igf_ap_fa_base_rec_all.base_id%TYPE,
1961: p_office_type IN igs_lookups_view.lookup_code%TYPE,
1962: x_office_cd OUT NOCOPY igs_or_org_alt_ids.org_alternate_id_type%TYPE,
1963: x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
1964: x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
1965: AS

Line 2042: p_office_type IN igs_lookups_view.lookup_code%TYPE) IS

2039: l_get_ant_org_unit_rec c_get_ant_org_unit%ROWTYPE;
2041: CURSOR c_get_fa_office( p_org_unit_cd IN hz_parties.party_number%TYPE,
2042: p_office_type IN igs_lookups_view.lookup_code%TYPE) IS
2043: SELECT org.org_alternate_id office_cd
2044: FROM igs_or_org_alt_ids org,
2045: igs_or_org_alt_idtyp idt
2046: WHERE org.org_structure_id = p_org_unit_cd