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1 package body msc_demantra_pkg as
2     /*  $Header: MSCHBDMB.pls 120.14.12010000.7 2008/09/03 14:40:01 wexia ship $ */
4     procedure populate_details(errbuf out nocopy varchar2, retcode out nocopy varchar2,
5         p_plan_id number, p_plan_run_id number)
6     is
7         l_api_name varchar2(100) := 'msc_demand_f_pkg.populate_details';
9         l_owning_currency_code varchar2(20) := 'XXX';
10     begin
11         retcode := 0;
12         errbuf := '';
14         -- save owning organization's functional currency
15         begin
16             select o.currency_code
17             into l_owning_currency_code
18             from msc_trading_partners o,
19                 msd_dem_app_instance_orgs daio,
20                 msd_dp_ascp_scenarios_v p
21             where o.partner_type=3
22             and o.sr_instance_id=decode(sign(p.sr_instance_id), -1, o.sr_instance_id, p.sr_instance_id)
23             and o.organization_code=daio.organization_code
24             and daio.organization_id=fnd_profile.value('MSD_DEM_MASTER_ORG')
25             and p.scenario_id=p_plan_id;
26         exception
27             when others then
28                 null;
29         end;
32         --dbms_output.put_line(l_api_name||'('||p_plan_id||', '||p_plan_run_id||')');
33         insert into msc_demantra_f (
34             ods_plan_id,
35             plan_id,
36             plan_run_id,
37             sr_instance_id,
38             organization_id,
39             customer_id,
40             customer_site_id,
41             region_id,
42             inventory_item_id,
43             demand_class,
44             owning_org_id,
45             owning_inst_id,
46             start_date,
47             aggr_type, category_set_id, sr_category_id,
48             consensus_fcst,
49             consensus_fcst_value,
50             consensus_fcst_value2,
51             consensus_fcst_cum,
52             priority,
53             created_by, creation_date,
54             last_update_date, last_updated_by, last_update_login,
55             program_id, program_login_id,
56             program_application_id, request_id)
57         select
58             to_number(-1) ods_plan_id,
59             t.scenario_id plan_id,
60             p_plan_run_id,
61             decode(t.organization_id, -1, -23453, t.sr_instance_id) sr_instance_id, --wei: sync sr_instance_id with organization_id
62             decode(t.organization_id, -1, -23453, t.organization_id) organization_id,
63             t.customer_id,
64             t.customer_site_id,
65             mpc.region_id,
66             t.inventory_item_id,
67             t.demand_class,
69             decode(t.organization_id,
70                 -1, msc_hub_calendar.get_item_org(-1, t.inventory_item_id, t.sr_instance_id),
71                 t.organization_id) owning_org_id,
73             t.sr_instance_id owning_inst_id,
75             t.start_date,
76             to_number(0) aggr_type,
77             to_number(-23453) category_set_id,
78             to_number(-23453) sr_category_id,
79             t.consensus_fcst,
80             t.consensus_fcst*t.price consensus_fcst_value,
81             t.consensus_fcst*t.price * decode(t.currency_code,
82                 fnd_profile.value('MSC_HUB_CUR_CODE_RPT'), 1, nvl(mcc.conv_rate,0))
83                 consensus_fcst_value2,
84             t.consensus_fcst_cum,
85             t.priority,
86             fnd_global.user_id, sysdate,
87             sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, fnd_global.login_id,
88             fnd_global.conc_program_id, fnd_global.conc_login_id,
89             fnd_global.prog_appl_id, fnd_global.conc_request_id
90         from (
91             select
92                 k.scenario_id,
93                 k.sr_instance_id,
94                 k.organization_id,
95                 k.customer_id,
96                 k.customer_site_id,
97                 k.zone_id,
98                 k.inventory_item_id,
99                 k.demand_class,
100                 k.start_date,
101                 nvl(f.currency_code, l_owning_currency_code) currency_code,
102                 f.price,
103                 f.consensus_fcst,
104                 sum(nvl(f.consensus_fcst, 0)) over(partition by
105                     k.scenario_id, k.sr_instance_id, k.organization_id,
106                     k.customer_id, k.customer_site_id, k.zone_id,
107                     k.inventory_item_id, k.demand_class
108                     order by k.start_date) consensus_fcst_cum,
109                 f.priority
110             from
111                 (select distinct
112                     k1.scenario_id,
113                     k1.sr_instance_id,
114                     k1.organization_id,
115                     k1.customer_id,
116                     k1.customer_site_id,
117                     k1.zone_id,
118                     k1.inventory_item_id,
119                     k1.demand_class,
120                     k2.start_date
121                 from msd_dem_scn_entries_v k1,
122                     (select distinct start_date
123                     from msd_dem_scn_entries_v
124                     where scenario_id=p_plan_id) k2
125                 where k1.scenario_id=p_plan_id) k,
126                 msd_dem_scn_entries_v f
127             where k.scenario_id = f.scenario_id(+)
128                 and k.sr_instance_id = f.sr_instance_id(+)
129                 and k.organization_id = f.organization_id(+)
130                 and k.customer_id = f.customer_id(+)
131                 and k.customer_site_id = f.customer_site_id(+)
132                 and k.zone_id = f.zone_id(+)
133                 and k.inventory_item_id = f.inventory_item_id(+)
134                 and k.demand_class = f.demand_class(+)
135                 and k.start_date = f.start_date(+)) t,
136             msc_currency_conv_mv mcc,
137             msc_phub_customers_mv mpc
138         where mcc.to_currency(+) = fnd_profile.value('MSC_HUB_CUR_CODE_RPT')
139             and mcc.from_currency(+) = t.currency_code
140             and mcc.calendar_date(+) = t.start_date
141             and mpc.customer_id = t.customer_id
142             and mpc.customer_site_id = t.customer_site_id
143             and mpc.region_id = decode(t.customer_id, -23453, t.zone_id, mpc.region_id);
145         commit;
146         --dbms_output.put_line('rowcount='||SQL%ROWCOUNT);
148         populate_summary(errbuf, retcode, p_plan_id, p_plan_run_id);
150     exception
151         when dup_val_on_index then
152             --dbms_output.put_line(to_char(SQLCODE) || ':' || SQLERRM);
153             errbuf := msc_phub_util.get_planning_hub_message('MSC_HUB_DUPLICATE_DATA')||
154                 SQLCODE||' -ERROR- '||SQLERRM;
155             retcode := 2;
157             if (fnd_log.level_unexpected >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then
158                 fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_unexpected, l_api_name, to_char(SQLCODE)||':'||SQLERRM);
159             end if;
162         when others then
163             --dbms_output.put_line(to_char(SQLCODE) || ':' || SQLERRM);
164             errbuf := msc_phub_util.get_planning_hub_message('MSC_HUB_POPULATE_ERROR')||
165                 SQLCODE||' -ERROR- '||SQLERRM;
166             retcode := 2;
168             if (fnd_log.level_unexpected >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then
169                 fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_unexpected, l_api_name, to_char(SQLCODE)||':'||SQLERRM);
170             end if;
172     end populate_details;
175     procedure populate_summary(errbuf out nocopy varchar2, retcode out nocopy varchar2,
176         p_plan_id number, p_plan_run_id number)
177     is
178         l_category_set_id1 number := fnd_profile.value('MSC_HUB_CAT_SET_ID_1');
179     begin
180         -- level 1
181         insert into msc_demantra_f (
182             ods_plan_id, plan_id, plan_run_id,
183             sr_instance_id, organization_id, owning_org_id, owning_inst_id,
184             inventory_item_id,
185             customer_id, customer_site_id, region_id,
186             demand_class, start_date,
187             aggr_type, category_set_id, sr_category_id,
188             consensus_fcst,
189             consensus_fcst_value,
190             consensus_fcst_value2,
191             consensus_fcst_cum,
192             priority,
193             created_by, creation_date,
194             last_update_date, last_updated_by, last_update_login,
195             program_id, program_login_id,
196             program_application_id, request_id)
197         -- category (42, 43, 44)
198         select
199             f.ods_plan_id, f.plan_id, f.plan_run_id,
200             f.sr_instance_id, f.organization_id, f.owning_org_id, f.owning_inst_id,
201             to_number(-23453) inventory_item_id,
202             f.customer_id, f.customer_site_id, f.region_id,
203             f.demand_class, f.start_date,
204             to_number(42) aggr_type,
205             l_category_set_id1 category_set_id,
206             nvl(q.sr_category_id, -23453),
207             sum(f.consensus_fcst),
208             sum(f.consensus_fcst_value),
209             sum(f.consensus_fcst_value2),
210             sum(f.consensus_fcst_cum),
211             avg(f.priority),
212             fnd_global.user_id, sysdate,
213             sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, fnd_global.login_id,
214             fnd_global.conc_program_id, fnd_global.conc_login_id,
215             fnd_global.prog_appl_id, fnd_global.conc_request_id
216         from
217             msc_demantra_f f,
218             msc_phub_item_categories_mv q
219         where f.plan_id = p_plan_id and f.plan_run_id = p_plan_run_id
220             and f.aggr_type=0
221             and f.owning_inst_id=q.sr_instance_id(+)
222             and f.owning_org_id=q.organization_id(+)
223             and f.inventory_item_id=q.inventory_item_id(+)
224             and q.category_set_id(+)=l_category_set_id1
225         group by
226             f.ods_plan_id, f.plan_id, f.plan_run_id,
227             f.sr_instance_id, f.organization_id, f.owning_org_id, f.owning_inst_id,
228             f.customer_id, f.customer_site_id, f.region_id,
229             f.demand_class, f.start_date,
230             nvl(q.sr_category_id, -23453);
232         commit;
234     exception
235         when dup_val_on_index then
236             errbuf := msc_phub_util.get_planning_hub_message('MSC_HUB_DUPLICATE_DATA')||
237                 SQLCODE||' -ERROR- '||SQLERRM;
238             retcode := 2;
239             dbms_output.put_line(errbuf);
240         when others then
241             errbuf := msc_phub_util.get_planning_hub_message('MSC_HUB_POPULATE_ERROR')||
242                 SQLCODE||' -ERROR- '||SQLERRM;
243             retcode := 2;
244             dbms_output.put_line(errbuf);
246     end populate_summary;
248     procedure purge_details(errbuf out nocopy varchar2, retcode out nocopy varchar2,
249         p_plan_id number, p_plan_run_id number)
250     is
251         l_api_name varchar2(100) := 'msc_demand_f_pkg.purge_details';
252     begin
253         retcode := 0;
254         errbuf := '';
256         delete from msc_demantra_f
257         where plan_id = p_plan_id
258         and plan_run_id = nvl(p_plan_run_id, plan_run_id);
260         commit;
262     exception
263         when others then
264             errbuf := msc_phub_util.get_planning_hub_message('MSC_HUB_POPULATE_ERROR')||
265                 SQLCODE||' -ERROR- '||SQLERRM;
266             retcode := 2;
268             if (fnd_log.level_unexpected >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then
269                 fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_unexpected, l_api_name, to_char(SQLCODE)||':'||SQLERRM);
270             end if;
272     end purge_details;
274 end msc_demantra_pkg;