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1 PACKAGE paywsdyg_pkg AS
2 -- $Header: pydygpkg.pkh 120.0 2005/05/29 04:25:40 appldev noship $
3 --
4 --
5 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
6 -- | Global Constants                                                          |
7 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
8   type t_varchar2_32k_tbl is table of varchar2(32767) index by binary_integer;
9 --
10 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
11 -- | NAME       : insert_parameters                                            |
12 -- | DESCRIPTION: Helper procedure to maintain parameters                      |
13 -- |            Inserts new rows if none exist, otherwise updates the          |
14 -- |            existing row if it's 'automatic' flag is 'not 'N' ('Y'or null) |
15 -- | PARAMETERS : p_usage_type     - Value for the usage_type column           |
16 -- |              p_usage_id       - Value for the usage_id column             |
17 -- |              p_parameter_type - Value for the parameter_type column       |
18 -- |              p_parameter_name - Value for the parameter_name column       |
19 -- |              p_value_name     - Value for the value_name column           |
20 -- |              p_automatic      - Value for the automatic column            |
21 -- | RETURNS    : The primary key of the new or existing row                   |
22 -- | RAISES     : None                                                         |
23 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
24   FUNCTION insert_parameters(
25     p_usage_type      IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
26     p_usage_id        IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
27     p_parameter_type  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
28     p_parameter_name  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
29     p_value_name      IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
30     p_automatic       IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
34 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
35 -- | NAME       : drop_trigger                                                 |
36 -- | DESCRIPTION: Drops the database trigger with the name specified. First    |
37 -- |              checks that the trigger specified exists, then uses the AOL  |
38 -- |              procedure ad_ddl.do_ddl to execute a DROP TRIGGER command.   |
39 -- |              This will drop any trigger (assuming that the executing user |
40 -- |              has the correct permissions) not just those created by the   |
41 -- |              Dynamic Trigger Generation system.                           |
42 -- | PARAMETERS : p_name - The name of the trigger to drop, case insensitive   |
43 -- | RETURNS    : None                                                         |
44 -- | RAISES     : None - The AOL routine traps and suppresses any exceptions   |
45 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
46   PROCEDURE drop_trigger(p_name IN VARCHAR2);
47 --
48 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
49 -- | NAME       : drop_trigger_indirect                                        |
50 -- | DESCRIPTION: Drops the database trigger based only on it's primary key.   |
51 -- | PARAMETERS : p_id - The primary key of the trigger to drop.               |
52 -- | RETURNS    : None                                                         |
53 -- | RAISES     : None - The AOL routine traps and suppresses any exceptions   |
54 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
55   PROCEDURE drop_trigger_indirect(p_id IN NUMBER);
56 --
57 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
58 -- | NAME       : create_trigger                                               |
59 -- | DESCRIPTION: Creates (or replaces) the trigger with the specified name    |
60 -- |              on the required table.                                       |
61 -- |              The trigger is always created as an 'After each row' type    |
62 -- |              trigger, the triggering action is specified via the          |
63 -- |              abbreviation I, U or D.                                      |
64 -- |              The trigger is created using the supplied PL/SQL block which |
65 -- |              must not contain the CREATE TRIGGER clause (or the CREATE    |
66 -- |              statement will raise an exception since this procedure adds  |
67 -- |              that code itself). The trigger name                          |
68 -- |              should have been obtained via a call to "get_trigger_name"   |
69 -- |              so that it is in the standard format for Dynamically         |
70 -- |              Generated triggers, but that isn't vaildated here.           |
71 -- | PARAMETERS : p_trigger - Name of the trigger to create                    |
72 -- |              p_table   - Table to add the trigger to                      |
73 -- |              p_action  - Triggering action, I U or D for Insert Update or |
74 -- |                          Delete respectively                              |
75 -- |              p_sql     - PL/SQL block to use for the trigger body         |
76 -- | RETURNS    : None                                                         |
77 -- | RAISES     : Standard - Any errors encountered by the trigger creation DDL|
78 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
79   PROCEDURE create_trigger(
80     p_trigger IN VARCHAR2,
81     p_table   IN VARCHAR2,
82     p_action  IN VARCHAR2,
83     p_sql     IN VARCHAR2
84   );
85 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
86 -- | NAME       : get_trigger_name                                             |
87 -- | DESCRIPTION: Generates the trigger name so that they're always created    |
88 -- |              in the same format                                           |
89 -- | PARAMETERS : p_id     - Primary key of the event that owns the trigger    |
90 -- |              p_table  - Table that the trigger will be created against    |
91 -- |              p_action - The triggering action I, U or D for Insert, Update|
92 -- |                         or Delete                                         |
93 -- | RETURNS    : The generated trigger name                                   |
94 -- | RAISES     : Nothing - n/a                                                |
95 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
96   FUNCTION get_trigger_name(
97     p_id IN NUMBER,
98     p_table IN VARCHAR2,
99     p_action IN VARCHAR2
101 --
102 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
103 -- | NAME       : enable_trigger                                               |
104 -- | DESCRIPTION: Enables or disables the specified trigger. Uses the standard |
105 -- |              DDL 'ALTER TRIGGER ... ENABLE/DISABLE' command (executed     |
106 -- |              using the AOL do_ddl procedure). Any trigger can be enabled  |
107 -- |              or disabled, if the user has correct permissions, not just   |
108 -- |              those generated dynamically.                                 |
109 -- | PARAMETERS : p_trigger - Trigger name                                     |
110 -- |              p_enabled - TRUE to enable the trigger, FALSE to disable     |
111 -- | RETURNS    : None                                                         |
112 -- | RAISES     : Standard - Any errors encountered by the ALTER TRIGGER       |
113 -- |              statement DDL                                                |
114 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
115   PROCEDURE enable_trigger(p_trigger IN VARCHAR2,p_enabled IN BOOLEAN);
116 --
117 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
118 -- | NAME       : map_parameter_list                                           |
119 -- | DESCRIPTION: Describes the PL/SQL stored module (packaged procedure,      |
120 -- |              function or standalone module) and attempts to create        |
121 -- |              mappings between the module parameters and the trigger code. |
122 -- |              Also checks that the module is valid for the type of         |
123 -- |              operation it is being included in.                           |
124 -- |              Will not create the parameters if p_validate_only is TRUE,   |
125 -- |              only the validation operations are carried out.              |
126 -- |              This procedure could be used during seed data creation by;   |
127 -- |              creating an event record, creating a component child of this |
128 -- |              event, calling this routine passing the details of the new   |
129 -- |              component record. Default mappings for the parameters will   |
130 -- |              be created but this DOES NOT MEAN that the trigger can be    |
131 -- |              generated and compiled successfully. The AutoMapper may (in  |
132 -- |              it's current state) create mappings to local variables that  |
133 -- |              do not exist. It is the developer's responsibility (just as  |
134 -- |              it is the user's when using the Forms front end) to create   |
135 -- |              the necessary local declaration records before attempting to |
136 -- |              generate and enable the trigger.                             |
137 -- | PARAMETERS : p_id            - The primary key of the associated component|
138 -- |              p_module        - Name of module to be called                |
139 -- |              p_type          - Type of module F or P for Function or      |
140 -- |                                Procedure, C type usages can only be of    |
141 -- |                                type P, although this is not enforced here |
142 -- |              p_usage         - The way in which the module will be used,  |
143 -- |                                I for initialisation or C for component    |
144 -- |              p_validate_only - Set to TRUE to stop parameters being       |
145 -- |                                created but still raise any errors that    |
146 -- |                                occur, used during Forms validation.       |
147 -- |                                Defaulted to FALSE so that, by default the |
148 -- |                                parameter mappings will be created.        |
149 -- | RETURNS    : None                                                         |
150 -- | RAISES     : could_not_describe_module   - Usually because the module     |
151 -- |                                            does not exist                 |
152 -- |              module_is_overloaded        - The Dynamic Trigger Generator  |
153 -- |                                            cannot use overloaded modules  |
154 -- |              unsupported_parameter_type  - Only VARCHAR2, NUMBER and DATE |
155 -- |                                            type parameters can be used    |
156 -- |              incompatible_parameter_mode - The IN/OUT mode of one or more |
157 -- |                                            parameters is not compatible   |
158 -- |                                            with the way in which the      |
159 -- |                                            module is being used           |
160 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
161   PROCEDURE map_parameter_list(
162     p_id            IN NUMBER,
163     p_module        IN VARCHAR2,
164     p_type          IN VARCHAR2,
165     p_usage         IN VARCHAR2,
166     p_validate_only IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE
167   );
168 --
169 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
170 -- | NAME       : automap_parameters                                           |
171 -- | DESCRIPTION: Automatically map the parameters for the modules used        |
172 -- |              by the supplied event. An optional component (or             |
173 -- |              initialisation) ID can be specified so that only the         |
174 -- |              parameters of this module are mapped. Just a helper routine  |
175 -- |              really to wrap up the complexities of mapping the parameters |
176 -- |              for different types of initialisation or component. Can be   |
177 -- |              used instead of 'map_parameter_list' if you know the event   |
178 -- |              primary key and the component or initialisation primary key  |
179 -- |              and want to auto map the parameters but don't know (or can't |
180 -- |              be bothered to find out) it's name or type. Can also be used |
181 -- |              during dataload/seeding type operations to automap the       |
182 -- |              parameters for SQL select or assignment type initialisations.|
183 -- | PARAMETERS : p_id      - The primary key of the event to process          |
184 -- |              p_usage   - The type of usages to process, I for             |
185 -- |                          initialisations or C for components              |
186 -- |              p_comp_id - The specific component (or initialisation) to    |
187 -- |                          process, defaults to NULL for all components     |
188 -- | RETURNS    : None                                                         |
189 -- | RAISES     : Standard - Anything that is raised by modules it calls, e.g. |
190 -- |              custom errors raised by map_parameter_list.                  |
191 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
192   PROCEDURE automap_parameters(
193     p_id      IN NUMBER,
194     p_usage   IN VARCHAR2,
195     p_comp_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
196   );
197 --
198 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
199 -- | NAME       : replace_placeholders                                         |
200 -- | DESCRIPTION: Replace the placeholders (e.g. $NEW_PERSON_ID$) with the     |
201 -- |              correct variable name or bind variable as specified in the   |
202 -- |              parameter mappings table. Should never need to call this     |
203 -- |              directly but used by the Form (and internally) so needs to be|
204 -- |              declared public.
205 -- | PARAMETERS : p_sql   - The PL/SQL or SQL code to which contains the       |
206 -- |                        placeholders to be replaced                        |
207 -- |              p_id    - The ID of the initialisation which this SQL is     |
208 -- |                        associated with                                    |
209 -- |              p_extra - Any extra text to place before the replaced name,  |
210 -- |                        used by the SQL select statement verifier to       |
211 -- |                        "fool" the parser into correctly processing the    |
212 -- |                        statement by pretending that local (to the trigger)|
213 -- |                        variables are bind variables.                      |
214 -- | RETURNS    : The modified SQL statement via the IN/OUT parameter          |
215 -- | RAISES     : None - Should never :-) raise any exceptions                 |
216 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
217   PROCEDURE replace_placeholders(
218     p_sql IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
219     p_id IN NUMBER,
220     p_extra IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
221   );
222 --
223 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
224 -- | NAME       : lob_to_varchar2                                              |
225 -- | DESCRIPTION: Converts a character large object (CLOB) into a VARCHAR2 so  |
226 -- |              that it can be more easily processed.                        |
227 -- |              N.B. This means that the largest piece of code (which is     |
228 -- |              what is stored in these CLOBS) that can be handled by the    |
229 -- |              trigger generation module is 32Kb even though the CLOB itself|
230 -- |              can hold something like 2Gb.                                 |
231 -- | PARAMETERS : return - The CLOB converted to a VARCHAR2                    |
232 -- |              p_clob - The CLOB to be converted                            |
233 -- | RETURNS    : The CLOB converted to a VARCHAR2                             |
234 -- | RAISES     : Standard - May raise errors if the data in the CLOB will not |
235 -- |                         fit into the VARCHAR2. Should only happen if data |
236 -- |                         has been populated other than through the front   |
237 -- |                         end Form. The Form will prevent more than 32Kb    |
238 -- |                         being entered by the user.                        |
239 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
240   FUNCTION lob_to_varchar2(p_clob IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB) RETURN VARCHAR2;
241 --
242 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
243 -- | NAME       : get_reverted                                                 |
244 -- | DESCRIPTION: Retrieves the last saved version of a supporting package's   |
245 -- |              code, to provide a kind of primitive 'Undo' functionality.   |
246 -- |              In the support package maintenance portion of the Dynamic    |
247 -- |              Trigger generation form, when the user attempts to save the  |
248 -- |              record the Form tries to compile the code, if it fails and   |
249 -- |              the user Cancels the error message list box then the code    |
253 -- |              functionality.                                               |
250 -- |              will not be saved. They could then press the Revert button to|
251 -- |              retrieve the last saved version of the code which is (or     |
252 -- |              should be) valid. It is this procedure that supports that    |
254 -- | PARAMETERS : p_id   - Primary key of the supporting package to retrieve   |
255 -- |              p_head - Populated with the last saved package header        |
256 -- |              p_body - Populated with the last saved package body code     |
257 -- | RETURNS    : Package header and body source code via the OUT parameters   |
258 -- | RAISES     : None - n/a                                                   |
259 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
260   PROCEDURE get_reverted(
261     p_id    IN     NUMBER,
262     p_head     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
263     p_body     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
264   );
265 --
266 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
267 -- | NAME       : compile_package                                              |
268 -- | DESCRIPTION: Compile the supporting package for the specified event using |
269 -- |              the AOL create_package procedure to ensure that it is created|
270 -- |              in the 'proper' way. The package is named according to the   |
271 -- |              standard format <TABLE_NAME>_<ID>_DYG where; <TABLE_NAME> is |
272 -- |              the name of the table that the owning event's trigger will be|
273 -- |              created against, with underscores removed and truncated so   |
274 -- |              that the package name does not exceed 30 characters and <ID> |
275 -- |              is the primary key of the owning event.                      |
276 -- | PARAMETERS : p_event   - The primary key of the event that the supporting |
277 -- |                          package belongs to                               |
278 -- |              p_table   - The table that the event's trigger will be       |
279 -- |                          created on                                       |
280 -- |              p_header  - The package header code without the CREATE clause|
281 -- |                          or the final END statement                       |
282 -- |              p_body    - The package body code without the CREATE clause  |
283 -- |                          or the final END statement                       |
284 -- |              p_name    - Populated with the generated package name, any   |
285 -- |                          value that is present in this variable on input  |
286 -- |                          is ignored.                                      |
287 -- |              p_head_ok - Populated with a flag to indicate whether or not |
288 -- |                          the package header was compiled without errors   |
289 -- |              p_body_ok - Populated with a flag indicating whether the     |
290 -- |                          package body was successfully compiled or not    |
291 -- | RETURNS    : The package name and compilation success flags via IN/OUT    |
292 -- |              parameters.                                                  |
293 -- | RAISES     : None - All errors are trapped, the caller should examine the |
294 -- |              p_head_ok and p_body_ok flags to determine whether or not the|
295 -- |              package compiled successfully.                               |
296 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
297   PROCEDURE compile_package(
298     p_event   IN     NUMBER,
299     p_table   IN     VARCHAR2,
300     p_header  IN     VARCHAR2,
301     p_body    IN     VARCHAR2,
302     p_name    IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
303     p_head_ok IN OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN,
304     p_body_ok IN OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN
305   );
306 --
307 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
308 -- | NAME       : compile_package_indirect                                     |
309 -- | DESCRIPTION: Silently compiles the specified supporting package. Only the |
310 -- |              primary key of the supporting package is required. Calls the |
311 -- |              compile_package procedure but wraps it in a simpler interface|
312 -- |              so that the developer does not need to determine the         |
313 -- |              information required themselves. All errors are trapped so   |
314 -- |              the developer is responsible for determining whether or not  |
315 -- |              the package compiled, if this is required.                   |
316 -- | PARAMETERS : p_id - The primary key of the supporting package to compile  |
317 -- | RETURNS    : None                                                         |
318 -- | RAISES     : None - All exceptions are trapped and a diagnostic message is|
319 -- |                     written to the hr_utility trace pipe before returning |
320 -- |                     to the caller normally.                               |
321 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
322   PROCEDURE compile_package_indirect(p_id IN NUMBER);
323 --
324 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
325 -- | NAME       : create_defaults                                              |
326 -- | DESCRIPTION: Create the default declarations and initialisations that are |
327 -- |              required in triggers created against tables with business    |
328 -- |              group or payroll IDs. This procedure is used by the front end|
329 -- |              Form when a new event record is created to populate some     |
330 -- |              defaults into the child tables.\nAny dataload/seeding process|
331 -- |              could utilise this in the same way, i.e. create a record in  |
332 -- |              the pay_trigger_events table, then call this routine passing |
336 -- |              will be created for local variables l_business_group_id and  |
333 -- |              the primary key of the record you just created.\nIf the table|
334 -- |              on which the event's trigger will be created contains a      |
335 -- |              mandatory business_group_id column then declaration records  |
337 -- |              l_legislation_code. Initialisations will be created to       |
338 -- |              populate l_business_group_id from the old or new table record|
339 -- |              (an assignment type initialisation) and to populate the      |
340 -- |              legislation code by selecting it's value from the business   |
341 -- |              groups table.\nIf the table contains a mandatory payroll_id  |
342 -- |              column then a declaration record is created or the local     |
343 -- |              variable l_payroll_id and an initialisation record is created|
344 -- |              (assignment type) to populate this variable from the old or  |
345 -- |              new table row record.\n                                      |
346 -- |              These defaults are created so that components can be created |
347 -- |              which are only executed in specific circumstances, i.e. if   |
348 -- |              the payroll_id, legislation_code or business_group of the    |
349 -- |              record causing the trigger to fire matches the criteria      |
350 -- |              defined against the component.                               |
351 -- | PARAMETERS : p_id - The primary key of the event                          |
352 -- | RETURNS    : None                                                         |
353 -- | RAISES     : None - All error trapping and handling is done by the various|
354 -- |                     modules that this procedure calls.                    |
355 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
356   PROCEDURE create_defaults(p_id IN NUMBER);
357 --
358 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
359 -- | NAME       : generate_trigger                                             |
360 -- | DESCRIPTION: Generates the database trigger for the specified event. The  |
361 -- |              event definition record, it's declarations, initialisations  |
362 -- |              components and all relevant parameter mappings must be       |
363 -- |              defined. One call to this procedure with the correct event   |
364 -- |              primary key ID will generate the code for the trigger, create|
365 -- |              the trigger based on the trigger definition and the generated|
366 -- |              code, and enable the trigger if required by the event        |
367 -- |              definition. The name of the generated trigger and a flag to  |
368 -- |              indicate success or failure are returned via out parameters. |
369 -- |              The generated trigger code is passed to the 'create_trigger' |
370 -- |              procedure which uses the AOL routines to 'properly' create   |
371 -- |              the required database trigger.                               |
372 -- | PARAMETERS : p_id   - The primary key of the event                        |
373 -- |              p_name - Populated with the name of the generated trigger    |
374 -- |              p_ok   - Populated with a flag to indicated whether or not   |
375 -- |                       the trigger was compiled successfully               |
376 -- | RETURNS    : The trigger name and success flag via the OUT parameters     |
377 -- | RAISES     : None - All errors are trapped, the p_ok flag should be       |
378 -- |              examined when the procedure returns in order to determine    |
379 -- |              whether or not the trigger was created successfully.         |
380 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
381   PROCEDURE generate_trigger(
382     p_id   IN     NUMBER,
383     p_name IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
384     p_ok      OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN
385   );
386 --
387 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
388 -- | NAME       : generate_code                                                |
389 -- | DESCRIPTION: Creates the PL/SQL code that will be used to generate the    |
390 -- |              trigger, without the CREATE TRIGGER clause.                  |
391 -- |              Used internally (by generate_trigger) and by the client-side |
392 -- |              Form (so that the user can view the source of the trigger)   |
393 -- |              this procedure uses the definitions stored in the            |
394 -- |              declarations, initialisations, components and parameters     |
395 -- |              tables to build PL/SQL code.\n                               |
396 -- |              First the declarations are added                             |
397 -- |              to define local variables, then the initialisations which    |
398 -- |              populate these variables are added.\n                        |
399 -- |              Within the initialisations block (immediately after the      |
400 -- |              automatic initialisations for business group, payroll and    |
401 -- |              legislation code and before any user-defined initialisations)|
402 -- |              a call is made to paywsfat_pkg.i_am_disabled to determine    |
403 -- |              whether or not the trigger should be executing for the       |
404 -- |              triggering row's context.\n                                  |
405 -- |              Global components are                                        |
406 -- |              added, procedures which are always executed, whenever the    |
407 -- |              trigger fires. These are followed by legislation, business   |
408 -- |              group, and finally payroll specific components. These are    |
409 -- |              placed in IF...THEN conditions, components with the same     |
413 -- |              specific components).\nComments and an exception handler are |
410 -- |              criteria are all placed in one IF statement (so, for example |
411 -- |              there won't be lots of IF l_legislation_code = 'GB' THEN     |
412 -- |              statements, there will be only one containing all the UK     |
414 -- |              also added to make the code more readable and robust.        |
415 -- | PARAMETERS : p_id  - The primary key of the event                         |
416 -- |              p_sql - Will be populated with the trigger source code       |
417 -- | RETURNS    : The generated code via the IN OUT parameter                  |
418 -- | RAISES     : None - Shouldn't really raise errors, it will just create    |
419 -- |              invalid code, i.e. code that won't compile.                  |
420 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
421   PROCEDURE generate_code(p_id IN NUMBER,p_sql IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
422 --
423 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
424 -- | NAME       : delete_event_children                                        |
425 -- | DESCRIPTION: Deletes the children (e.g. support package, declarations)    |
426 -- |              of the specified event and drops any associated database     |
427 -- |              objects like packages and triggers. Doesn't delete the       |
428 -- |              actual event definition                                      |
429 -- | PARAMETERS : p_id - The primary key of the event                          |
430 -- | RETURNS    : None                                                         |
431 -- | RAISES     : Standard - Any Database (e.g. constraint) errors raised by   |
432 -- |              the RDBMS.                                                   |
433 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
434   PROCEDURE delete_event_children(p_id IN NUMBER);
435 --
436 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
437 -- | NAME       : delete_initialisation_children                               |
438 -- | DESCRIPTION: Deletes the children of the specified initialisation (i.e.   |
439 -- |              the parameter mappings that the initialisation uses)         |
440 -- | PARAMETERS : p_id - The initialisation primary key                        |
441 -- | RETURNS    : None                                                         |
442 -- | RAISES     : Standard - Any Database (e.g. constraint) errors raised by   |
443 -- |              the RDBMS.                                                   |
444 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
445   PROCEDURE delete_initialisation_children(p_id IN NUMBER);
446 --
447 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
448 -- | NAME       : delete_component_children                                    |
449 -- | DESCRIPTION: Deletes the children of the specified component (i.e. the    |
450 -- |              parameter mappings that the component uses)                  |
451 -- | PARAMETERS : p_id - The component primary key                             |
452 -- | RETURNS    : None                                                         |
453 -- | RAISES     : Standard - Any Database (e.g. constraint) errors raised by   |
454 -- |              the RDBMS.                                                   |
455 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
456   PROCEDURE delete_component_children(p_id IN NUMBER);
458 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
459 -- | NAME       : delete_parameters_directly                                   |
460 -- | DESCRIPTION: Deletes an individual parameter given its ID.                |
461 -- |              used by table event updates form where user delets individual|
465 -- |              the RDBMS.                                                   |
462 -- | PARAMETERS : p_id - The component primary key                             |
463 -- | RETURNS    : None                                                         |
464 -- | RAISES     : Standard - Any Database (e.g. constraint) errors raised by   |
466 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
467   PROCEDURE delete_parameters_directly(p_param_id IN NUMBER);
469 --
470 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
471 -- | NAME       : table_has_business_group                                     |
472 -- | DESCRIPTION: Checks to see if the specified table has a mandatory         |
473 -- |              business_group_id column                                     |
474 -- | PARAMETERS : return  - TRUE if table has manadatory business group ID     |
475 -- |              p_table - The name of the table to check                     |
476 -- | RETURNS    : A boolean value indicating if the table has a business group |
477 -- | RAISES     : None - No errors should be raised.                           |
478 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
480   FUNCTION table_has_business_group(p_table IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN;
481 --
482 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
483 -- | NAME       : table_has_payroll                                            |
484 -- | DESCRIPTION: Checks to see if the specified table has a mandatory         |
485 -- |              payroll_id column                                            |
486 -- | PARAMETERS : return  - TRUE if table has manadatory payroll ID            |
487 -- |              p_table - The name of the table to check                     |
488 -- | RETURNS    : A boolean value indicating if the table has a payroll        |
489 -- | RAISES     : None - No errors should be raised.                           |
490 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
491   FUNCTION table_has_payroll(p_table IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN;
492 --
493 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
494 -- | NAME       : validate_select                                              |
495 -- | DESCRIPTION: Checks that the SQL select statement is valid for the way    |
496 -- |              in which it is being used. This should only really be used   |
497 -- |              internally by the front-end Form to validate user input.     |
498 -- |              Any seed data or dataload information should be correct and  |
499 -- |              hence should not need validating.                            |
500 -- | PARAMETERS : p_id   - The primary key of the event which owns the code    |
501 -- |              p_code - The SQL select statement to validate                |
502 -- |              p_type - The type of usage, should always be 'S'             |
503 -- | RETURNS    : None                                                         |
504 -- | RAISES     : could_not_analyse_query - If the select statement could not  |
505 -- |                                        be 'described'                     |
506 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
507   PROCEDURE validate_select(
508     p_id      IN NUMBER,
509     p_code    IN VARCHAR2,
510     p_type    IN VARCHAR2
511   );
512 --
513   FUNCTION no_business_context(p_table IN VARCHAR2,p_id IN NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN;
514   FUNCTION no_legislation_context(p_table IN VARCHAR2,p_id IN NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN;
515   FUNCTION no_payroll_context(p_table IN VARCHAR2,p_id IN NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN;
516 --
517 --
518 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
519 -- | NAME       : g_param_rec_type                                             |
520 -- | DESCRIPTION: Useful to store the entire set of parameters associated with |
521 -- |              a table in a standard format, so future code generation can  |
522 -- |              simply loop through this table.                              |
523 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
524 TYPE g_param_rec_type is RECORD
525           (local_form    pay_trigger_parameters.parameter_name%type,
526            usage_type    pay_trigger_parameters.usage_type%type,
527            param_form    pay_trigger_parameters.parameter_name%type,
528            value_name    pay_trigger_parameters.value_name%type,
529            data_type     all_tab_columns.data_type%type);
530 --
531 TYPE g_params_tab_type is TABLE of g_param_rec_type
532          index by binary_integer;
534 --
535 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
536 -- | NAME       : gen_dyt_pkg_full_code                                        |
537 -- | DESCRIPTION: This is the main entry point for generating the dynamic code |
538 -- |      that represents ALL of the dynamic triggers on a table INTO PACKAGE  |
539 -- |      format.   This dynamic trigger package (dyt_pkg) contains a procedure|
540 -- |      representing each dyt, and also three standard interfaces for the API|
541 -- |      strategy, (namely after_update, after_insert, after_delete) which    |
542 -- |      call the former types as required.                                   |
543 -- |                                                                           |
544 -- |      For each dated table, the users preference of dyt storage type is    |
545 -- |      noted, T =  dbms triggers and therefore this procedure should never  |
546 -- |      be called.  P= package, so dyt's should reside in a pkg, built by    |
550 -- |      triggers are not the same as those created by the existing methods as|
547 -- |      this pkg.  B = Both, this means the pkg will be created and dbms     |
548 -- |      triggers will also be created calling this pkg code.  This procedure |
549 -- |      will create pkg and dbms triggers if required.  (These latter dbms   |
551 -- |      mentioned when preference = T.)                                      |
552 -- | PARAMETERS : p_tab_id - Primary key of the table on which the dyt's exist |
553 -- |              p_ok     - Boolean indicating overall success of generation  |
554 -- | RETURNS    : p_ok     - The resulting value                               |
555 -- | RAISES     : Standard sql errors.                                         |
556 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
557 PROCEDURE gen_dyt_pkg_full_code(p_tab_id IN NUMBER,p_ok IN OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN);
558 --
559 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
560 -- | NAME       : gen_dyt_pkg_proc                                             |
561 -- | SCOPE      : PUBLIC                                                       |
562 -- | DESCRIPTION: This procedure creates the single procedure representing a   |
563 -- |      single dyt.                                                          |
564 -- | PARAMETERS : p_dyt_id    - Primary key of the dynamic trigger             |
565 -- |              p_dyt_name  - Dynamic Trigger Name                           |
566 -- |              p_tab_name  - Table on which dyt exists                      |
567 -- |              p_dyt_act   - Triggering action of dyt, I U or D             |
568 -- |              p_dyt_desc  - Description of dyt                             |
569 -- |              p_dyt_info  - Full version of trig act, eg INSERT            |
570 -- |              p_dyn_pkg_params     - Tbl containing all parameter details  |
571 -- |              p_hs     - Placeholder for header code                       |
572 -- |              p_bs     - Placeholder for body code, passed in and returned |
573 -- | RETURNS    : p_hs     - The resulting header code                         |
574 -- |              p_bs     - The resulting body code                           |
575 -- | RAISES     : Standard sql errors.                                         |
576 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
577 PROCEDURE gen_dyt_pkg_proc(p_dyt_id IN NUMBER,p_dyt_name IN VARCHAR2
578                           ,p_tab_name IN VARCHAR2, p_dyt_act IN VARCHAR2
579                           ,p_dyt_desc IN VARCHAR2,p_dyt_info IN VARCHAR2
580                           ,p_dyn_pkg_params IN g_params_tab_type
581                           ,p_hs IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
582                           ,p_bs IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
583 --
584 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
585 -- | NAME       : gen_dyt_pkg_rhi_proc                                         |
586 -- | SCOPE      : PUBLIC                                                       |
587 -- | DESCRIPTION: This procedure creates a single procedure representing either|
588 -- |      after_insert,after_update or ater_delete as decided by the p_dyt_act |
589 -- |      parameter.  This generated code contains calls to all dyt procedures |
590 -- |      of the same action type.                                             |
591 -- | PARAMETERS : p_tab_name  - Table on which dyt exists                      |
592 -- |              p_dyt_act   - Triggering action of dyt, I U or D             |
593 -- |              p_dyt_info  - Full version of trig act, eg INSERT            |
594 -- |              p_hok_params   - Tbl containing all hook parameter details   |
595 -- |              p_hs     - Placeholder for header code                       |
596 -- |              p_bs     - Placeholder for body code, passed in and returned |
597 -- |              p_dyt_params  - Tbl containing all dyt    parameter details  |
598 -- |              p_datetracked_table  - Y or N is the table dated             |
599 -- | RETURNS    : p_hs     - The resulting header code                         |
600 -- |              p_bs     - The resulting body code                           |
601 -- |              p_dyt_pkg_head_tbl - Table 32k header code                   |
602 -- |              p_dyt_pkg_body_tbl - Table 32k body code                     |
603 -- | RAISES     : Standard sql errors.                                         |
604 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
605 PROCEDURE gen_dyt_pkg_rhi_proc(p_tab_name IN VARCHAR2
606                               ,p_dyt_act IN VARCHAR2 ,p_dyt_info IN VARCHAR2
607                               ,p_hok_params IN g_params_tab_type
608                               ,p_hs IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
609                               ,p_bs IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
610                               ,p_dyt_params IN g_params_tab_type
611                               ,p_dyt_pkg_head_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY t_varchar2_32k_tbl
612                               ,p_dyt_pkg_body_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY t_varchar2_32k_tbl
613                               ,p_datetracked_table in VARCHAR2);
614 --
615 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
616 -- | NAME       : gen_dyt_db_trig                                              |
617 -- | SCOPE      : PUBLIC                                                       |
618 -- | DESCRIPTION: This procedure generates the dbms triggers that accompany the|
619 -- |      dyt package.  Code for a single dyt is created and the db trigger is |
620 -- |      created on the database.  The trigger contains calls to the newly    |
621 -- |      created procedures representing dyt within the dyt pkg.              |
622 -- | PARAMETERS : p_dyt_id    - Primary key of the dynamic trigger             |
623 -- |              p_dyt_name  - Dynamic Trigger Name                           |
627 -- |              p_dyt_info  - Full version of trig act, eg INSERT            |
624 -- |              p_tab_name  - Table on which dyt exists                      |
625 -- |              p_dyt_act   - Triggering action of dyt, I U or D             |
626 -- |              p_dyt_desc  - Description of dyt                             |
628 -- |              p_dyn_pkg_params    - Tbl containing all parameter details   |
629 -- |              p_tab_dyt_pkg_name  - Name of the dyt pkg                    |
630 -- | RETURNS    : none                                                         |
631 -- | RAISES     : Standard sql errors.                                         |
632 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
633 PROCEDURE gen_dyt_db_trig(p_dyt_id IN NUMBER,p_dyt_name IN VARCHAR2
634                          ,p_tab_name IN VARCHAR2, p_dyt_act IN VARCHAR2
635                          ,p_dyt_desc IN VARCHAR2,p_dyt_info IN VARCHAR2
636                          ,p_dyn_pkg_params IN g_params_tab_type
637                          ,p_tab_dyt_pkg_name IN VARCHAR2);
638 --
639 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
640 -- | NAME       : trigger_enabled                                              |
641 -- | SCOPE      : PUBLIC                                                       |
642 -- | DESCRIPTION: Simply returns boolean to see if dyn trigger is enabled.     |
643 -- |              Called by dynamically created rhi proc in dynamic package    |
644 -- | PARAMETERS : p_dyt      - The dynamic trigger name                        |
645 -- | RETURNS    : TRUE if trigger is enabled, FALSE otherwise                  |
646 -- | RAISES     : None                                                         |
647 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
648 FUNCTION trigger_enabled(p_dyt varchar2) return BOOLEAN;
649 --
650 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
651 -- | name       : convert_tab_style                                            |
652 -- | scope      : public                                                       |
653 -- | description: there are times when the seeded behaviour needs to be altered|
654 -- |  usually as a result of release issues.  this procedure provides a quick  |
655 -- |  wrapper utility to change a dated table from dbms_dyt to dyt_pkg and vice|
656 -- |  versa.
657 -- | parameters : p_table_name  - the dated table name                         |
658 -- |            : p_dyt_type    - eg t<dbms trigger> p<ackage> b<oth>          |
659 -- | returns    : none
660 -- | raises     : none                                                         |
661 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
662 PROCEDURE convert_tab_style(p_table_name in varchar2,p_dyt_type in varchar2);
663 --
664 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
665 -- | name       : confirm_dyt_data                                            |
666 -- | scope      : public                                                       |
667 -- | description: there are times when the seeded behaviour needs to be altered|
668 -- |  usually as a result of release issues.  this procedure checks the data
669 -- | for a given table and depending on the main switch (hook calls to DYT_PKG)
670 -- | rebuilds the data for DYT_PKG behaviour (if calls existed) or DBMS dynamic
671 -- | triggers (if no calls existed)
672 -- | parameters : p_table_name  - the dated table name                         |
673 -- | returns    : none
674 -- | raises     : none                                                         |
675 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
676 PROCEDURE confirm_dyt_data(p_table_name in varchar2);
677 --
681 -- |              this is to emulate the API row handler behaviour, even though|
678 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
679 -- | NAME       : ins, upd, del, lck                                           |
680 -- | DESCRIPTION: Insert, Update, Delete and Lock rows in pay_trigger_events,  |
682 -- |              there isn't actually a proper API for this table.            |
683 -- | PARAMETERS : Same as the columns in the table for Insert and Update. Just |
684 -- |              the primary key for Delete and Lock.                         |
685 -- | RETURNS    : None                                                         |
686 -- | RAISES     : HR_7220_INVALID_PRIMARY_KEY                                  |
690         p_event_id           IN NUMBER,
687 -- |              HR_7165_OBJECT_LOCKED                                        |
688 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
689 PROCEDURE ins(
691         p_table_name         IN VARCHAR2,
692         p_short_name         IN VARCHAR2,
693         p_description        IN VARCHAR2,
694         p_generated_flag     IN VARCHAR2,
695         p_enabled_flag       IN VARCHAR2,
696         p_protected_flag     IN VARCHAR2,
697         p_triggering_action  IN VARCHAR2,
698         p_last_update_date   IN DATE,
699         p_last_updated_by    IN NUMBER,
700         p_last_update_login  IN NUMBER,
701         p_created_by         IN NUMBER,
702         p_creation_date      IN DATE
703 );
704 --
705 PROCEDURE upd(
706         p_event_id           IN NUMBER,
707         p_table_name         IN VARCHAR2,
708         p_short_name         IN VARCHAR2,
709         p_description        IN VARCHAR2,
710         p_generated_flag     IN VARCHAR2,
711         p_enabled_flag       IN VARCHAR2,
712         p_protected_flag     IN VARCHAR2,
713         p_triggering_action  IN VARCHAR2,
714         p_last_update_date   IN DATE,
718         p_creation_date      IN DATE
715         p_last_updated_by    IN NUMBER,
716         p_last_update_login  IN NUMBER,
717         p_created_by         IN NUMBER,
719 );
720 --
721 PROCEDURE del(
722         p_event_id           IN NUMBER
723 );
724 --
725 PROCEDURE lck(
726         p_event_id           IN NUMBER
727 );
728 --
729 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
730 -- | NAME       : is_table_valid                                               |
731 -- |              is_table_column_valid                                        |
732 -- |              is_table_owner_valid                                         |
733 -- |              get_table_owner                                              |
734 -- | DESCRIPTION: Helper functions to extend the use of the dynamic triggers   |
735 -- |              so that they can be used on tables which aren't in the PAY   |
736 -- |              schema.                                                      |
737 -- | PARAMETERS : The table name, column name, table owner, variously.         |
738 -- | RETURNS    : 'Y', 'N', or the name of the owner of a table.               |
739 -- | RAISES     : None.                                                        |
740 -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
741 FUNCTION is_table_valid(p_table IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2;
742 FUNCTION is_table_column_valid(p_table IN VARCHAR2
743                               ,p_column IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2;
744 FUNCTION is_table_owner_valid(p_table IN VARCHAR2
745                              ,p_owner IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2;
746 --
747 FUNCTION get_table_owner(p_table IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2;
748 --
749 END paywsdyg_pkg;