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Line 21: ,ci_id pa_control_items.ci_id%TYPE

17: --impl_cost_flag and impl_rev_flag will be either Y or N indicating whether the ci id can be implemented in
18: --the budget version id or not
19: TYPE budget_ci_map_rec IS RECORD
20: (budget_version_id pa_budget_versions.budget_version_id%TYPE
21: ,ci_id pa_control_items.ci_id%TYPE
22: ,impact_type_code VARCHAR2(10)
23: ,impl_cost_flag VARCHAR2(1)
24: ,impl_rev_flag VARCHAR2(1));

Line 77: p_ci_id IN pa_control_items.ci_id%TYPE,

73: p_inclusion_method IN VARCHAR2,
74: p_included_by IN NUMBER,
75: --Added for bug 3550073
76: p_version_type IN pa_budget_versions.version_type%TYPE,
77: p_ci_id IN pa_control_items.ci_id%TYPE,
78: p_cost_ppl_qty IN pa_fp_merged_ctrl_items.impl_quantity%TYPE,
79: p_rev_ppl_qty IN pa_fp_merged_ctrl_items.impl_quantity%TYPE,
80: p_cost_equip_qty IN pa_fp_merged_ctrl_items.impl_equipment_quantity%TYPE,
81: p_rev_equip_qty IN pa_fp_merged_ctrl_items.impl_equipment_quantity%TYPE,

Line 2651: pa_control_items pci

2647: targetver.version_type)
2648: AND (sourcever.fin_plan_type_id=targetver.fin_plan_type_id OR
2650: FROM pa_pt_co_impl_statuses ptco,
2651: pa_control_items pci
2652: WHERE ptco.fin_plan_type_id=targetver.fin_plan_type_id
2653: AND pci.ci_id=pmc.ci_id
2654: AND ptco.ci_type_id=pci.ci_type_id
2655: AND ptco.version_type=pmc.version_type

Line 2781: pa_control_items pci

2777: targetver.version_type)
2778: AND (sourcever.fin_plan_type_id=targetver.fin_plan_type_id OR
2780: FROM pa_pt_co_impl_statuses ptco,
2781: pa_control_items pci
2782: WHERE ptco.fin_plan_type_id=targetver.fin_plan_type_id
2783: AND pci.ci_id=pmc.ci_id
2784: AND ptco.ci_type_id=pci.ci_type_id
2785: AND ptco.version_type=pmc.version_type

Line 2876: l_s_ci_id pa_control_items.ci_id%TYPE;

2873: l_update_impact_allowed varchar2(1);
2875: l_debug_mode varchar2(1);
2876: l_s_ci_id pa_control_items.ci_id%TYPE;
2877: l_impl_version_type pa_fp_merged_ctrl_items.version_type%TYPE;
2879: --This cursor is introduced for bug 3550073. In manual merge a link will be created which
2880: --indicates that the amounts are copied from the source to the target version. The user has to

Line 3427: ,P_ci_id IN Pa_control_items.ci_id%TYPE -- The Id of the chg doc that needs to be implemented

3423: -- called as part of budget/forecast generation
3425: PROCEDURE implement_ci_into_single_ver(p_context IN VARCHAR2
3426: ,p_calling_context IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL -- bug 3934574
3427: ,P_ci_id IN Pa_control_items.ci_id%TYPE -- The Id of the chg doc that needs to be implemented
3428: ,P_ci_cost_version_id IN Pa_budget_versions.budget_version_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL -- The cost budget version id corresponding to the p_ci_id passed. This will be derived internally if not passed
3429: ,P_ci_rev_version_id IN Pa_budget_versions.budget_version_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL -- The rev budget version id corresponding to the p_ci_id passed. This will be derived internally if not passed
3430: ,P_ci_all_version_id IN Pa_budget_versions.budget_version_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL -- The all budget_version_id corresponding to the p_ci_id passed. This will be derived internally if not passed
3431: ,P_budget_version_id IN Pa_budget_versions.budget_version_id%TYPE -- The Id of the budget version into which the CO needs to be implemented

Line 11018: l_ci_number pa_control_items.ci_number%TYPE;

11014: l_all_ci_ver_index NUMBER;
11015: l_index NUMBER:=0;
11016: l_implementable_impact VARCHAR2(10);
11017: l_dummy VARCHAR2(1);
11018: l_ci_number pa_control_items.ci_number%TYPE;
11020: l_cost_impl_flag VARCHAR2(1);
11021: l_rev_impl_flag VARCHAR2(1);
11022: l_cost_impact_impl_flag VARCHAR2(1);

Line 11359: FROM pa_control_items pci,

11355: SELECT pci.ci_number,
11356: pct.ci_type_class_code
11357: INTO l_ci_number,
11358: l_ci_type_class_code
11359: FROM pa_control_items pci,
11360: pa_ci_types_b pct
11361: WHERE pci.ci_id = p_ci_id_tbl(i)
11362: AND pci.ci_type_id=pct.ci_type_id;

Line 11999: FROM pa_control_items pci, pa_ci_types_tl cit

11995: (p_app_short_name => 'PA',
11996: p_msg_name => 'PA_FP_ALL_CO_REQ_FOR_VER');
11998: /*SELECT cit.name INTO l_ci_name
11999: FROM pa_control_items pci, pa_ci_types_tl cit
12000: WHERE pci.ci_id= x_ci_id_tbl(i)
12001: AND pci.ci_type_id=cit.ci_type_id
12002: AND cit.language=userenv('LANG');

Line 12243: PROCEDURE impl_ci_into_autobaseline_proj( p_ci_id IN Pa_control_items.ci_id%TYPE -- The Id of the chg doc that needs to be implemented

12239: * inclusion_method_code, which would be 'COPIED' for the current working version and 'AUTOMATIC' for the baselined version.
12240: * iv. Call is made to pa_fp_ci_merge.FP_CI_UPDATE_IMPACT.
12241: *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
12243: PROCEDURE impl_ci_into_autobaseline_proj( p_ci_id IN Pa_control_items.ci_id%TYPE -- The Id of the chg doc that needs to be implemented
12244: ,p_ci_rev_version_id IN Pa_budget_versions.budget_version_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL -- The rev budget version id corresponding to the p_ci_id passed. This will be derived internally if not passed
12245: ,p_budget_version_id IN Pa_budget_versions.budget_version_id%TYPE -- The Id of the budget version into which the CO needs to be implemented
12246: ,p_fin_plan_type_id IN pa_fin_plan_types_b.fin_plan_type_id%TYPE
12247: ,p_partial_impl_rev_amt IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL -- The revenue amount that should be implemented into the target. This will be passed only in the case of partial implementation