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Line 90: ,pay_run_types_f prt

86: -- Cursor to get the payroll_action_id
87: /* cursor csr_payroll_action_id (p_payroll_id pay_all_payrolls_f.PAYROLL_ID%type ,p_date_earned DATE ) is
88: select ppa.PAYROLL_ACTION_ID
89: from pay_payroll_actions ppa
90: ,pay_run_types_f prt
91: where ppa.PAYROLL_ID = p_payroll_id
92: and prt.LEGISLATION_CODE = 'NO'
93: and prt.RUN_TYPE_NAME <> 'Employer Contributions'
94: and prt.RUN_TYPE_ID = ppa.RUN_TYPE_ID

Line 104: ,pay_run_types_f prt

100: /*
101: cursor csr_payroll_action_id (p_date_earned DATE ) is
102: select ppa.PAYROLL_ACTION_ID
103: from pay_payroll_actions ppa
104: ,pay_run_types_f prt
105: where prt.LEGISLATION_CODE = 'NO'
106: and prt.RUN_TYPE_NAME <> 'Employer Contributions'
107: and prt.RUN_TYPE_ID = ppa.RUN_TYPE_ID
108: and p_date_earned between prt.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE and prt.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE

Line 118: ,pay_run_types_f prt

115: cursor csr_payroll_action_id (p_date_earned DATE ) is
116: select ppa.PAYROLL_ACTION_ID
117: from pay_payroll_actions ppa
118: ,pay_run_types_f prt
119: where ppa.RUN_TYPE_ID = prt.RUN_TYPE_ID
120: and prt.LEGISLATION_CODE = 'NO'
121: and prt.RUN_TYPE_NAME IN ('Main','Standard','Process Alone','Pay Separately')
122: and p_date_earned between prt.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE and prt.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE

Line 190: ,pay_run_types_f prt

186: ,p_date_earned DATE ) is
188: SELECT scl.segment2 loc_unit , assact.tax_unit_id leg_emp
189: FROM pay_assignment_actions assact
190: ,pay_run_types_f prt
191: ,per_all_assignments_f asg
192: ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex scl
193: WHERE assact.PAYROLL_ACTION_ID = p_payroll_action_id
194: and prt.LEGISLATION_CODE = 'NO'