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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 54

 PROCEDURE Update_Worksheet_Values
 ( p_return_status            OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
   p_position_id               in  NUMBER ,
   p_org_id                    in  NUMBER);
Line: 124

  SELECT organization_id,
         decode(completion_status,'C','REFRESH','CREATE') extract_method
    FROM psb_data_extract_orgs
   WHERE data_extract_id = p_data_extract_id
     AND (p_extract_by_org = 'N'
      OR (p_extract_by_org = 'Y' AND select_flag = 'Y'));
Line: 262

    SELECT effective_date
     WHERE session_id = USERENV('sessionid');
Line: 267

     SELECT grade_spine_id
	  FROM per_spinal_point_steps
	 WHERE step_id = p_entry_step_id;
Line: 272

    SELECT effective_start_date,
     WHERE business_group_id = p_business_group_id
       AND grade_rule_id     = p_entry_grade_rule_id;
Line: 287

    SELECT parent_spine_id
     WHERE spinal_point_id = l_grade_or_spinal_point_id
       AND business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 293

    SELECT pay_basis
     WHERE pay_basis_id = p_pay_basis_id;
Line: 298

     SELECT name
      WHERE parent_spine_id = l_rate_or_payscale_id
	AND business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 304

      SELECT name
       WHERE rate_id = l_rate_or_payscale_id;
Line: 309

	select grade_structure
	  from per_business_groups
	 where business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 314

     Select currency_code
       from gl_sets_of_books
      where set_of_books_id = p_set_of_books_id;
Line: 319

     SELECT grade_id,name
      WHERE grade_id = p_entry_grade_id
	AND business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 325

     Select ppe.pay_element_id ,ppe.salary_type,
       FROM psb_pay_elements ppe,
	    psb_pay_element_options ppo
      WHERE ppe.data_extract_id = p_data_extract_id
	AND ppe.salary_type     = 'STEP'
	AND ppe.name            = l_rate_or_payscale_name
	AND ppe.pay_element_id  = ppo.pay_element_id
	AND ppo.name            = l_grade_name
	AND ppo.grade_step      = l_grade_step
	AND ppo.sequence_number = l_sequence;
Line: 338

     Select ppe.pay_element_id ,ppe.salary_type,
       FROM psb_pay_elements ppe,
	    psb_pay_element_options ppo
      WHERE ppe.data_extract_id = p_data_extract_id
	AND ppe.salary_type     = 'RATE'
	AND ppe.name            = l_rate_or_payscale_name
	AND ppe.pay_element_id  = ppo.pay_element_id
	AND ppo.name            = l_grade_name;
Line: 349

     Select pay_element_rate_id,
       FROM psb_pay_element_rates
      WHERE pay_element_id        = l_pay_element_id
	AND pay_element_option_id = l_pay_element_option_id;
Line: 358

  l_last_update_date    DATE;
Line: 359

  l_last_updated_BY     number;
Line: 360

  l_last_update_login   number;
Line: 366

  l_last_update_date  := SYSDATE;
Line: 367

  l_last_updated_BY   := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
Line: 368

  l_last_update_login := FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID;
Line: 404

	 'SELECT pg.grade_id,pgv.concatenated_segments '||
	 ' WHERE pg.grade_id =  ' || p_entry_grade_id ||
	 '   AND pg.business_group_id = ' || p_business_group_id ||
	 '   AND pg.grade_definition_id = pgv.grade_definition_id ' ||
	 '   AND pgv.id_flex_num        = ' || l_grade_id_flex_num   ;
Line: 489

     Select psb_pay_elements_s.nextval INTO l_pay_element_id
     FROM   dual;
Line: 492

     ( p_api_version             =>  1.0,
       p_init_msg_lISt           => NULL,
       p_commit                  => NULL,
       p_validation_level        => NULL,
       p_return_status           => l_return_status,
       p_msg_count               => l_msg_count,
       p_msg_data                     => l_msg_data,
       p_row_id                  => l_rowid,
       p_pay_element_id          => l_pay_element_id,
       p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id,
       p_data_extract_id         => p_data_extract_id,
       p_name                    => l_rate_or_payscale_name,
       p_description             => NULL,
       p_element_value_type      => 'A',
       p_formula_id              => NULL,
       p_overwrite_flag          => 'Y',
       p_required_flag           => NULL,
       p_follow_salary           => NULL,
       p_pay_basis               => l_pay_basis,
       p_start_date              => p_date_effective,
       p_end_date                => NULL,
       p_processing_type         => 'R',
       p_period_type             => NULL,
       p_process_period_type     => NULL,
       p_max_element_value_type  => NULL,
       p_max_element_value       => NULL,
       p_salary_flag             => 'Y',
       p_salary_type             => l_salary_type,
       p_option_flag             => 'N',
       p_hr_element_type_id      => NULL,
       p_attribute_category      => NULL,
       p_attribute1              => NULL,
       p_attribute2              => NULL,
       p_attribute3              => NULL,
       p_attribute4              => NULL,
       p_attribute5              => NULL,
       p_attribute6              => NULL,
       p_attribute7              => NULL,
       p_attribute8              => NULL,
       p_attribute9              => NULL,
       p_attribute10             => NULL,
       p_last_update_date        => l_last_update_date,
       p_last_updated_by         => l_last_updated_by,
       p_last_update_login       => l_last_update_login,
       p_created_by              => l_created_by,
       p_creation_date           => l_creation_date
Line: 550

        /* l_last_update_date  := sysdate;
Line: 551

	   l_last_updated_BY   := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
Line: 552

	   l_last_update_login := FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID;
Line: 556

	  Select psb_pay_element_options_s.nextval
	     INTO l_pay_element_option_id
	     FROM dual;
Line: 560

	  ( p_api_version             =>  1.0,
	    p_init_msg_list           => NULL,
	    p_commit                  => NULL,
	    p_validation_level        => NULL,
	    p_return_status           => l_return_status,
	    p_msg_count               => l_msg_count,
	    p_msg_data                => l_msg_data,
	    p_pay_element_option_id   => l_pay_element_option_id,
	    p_pay_element_id          => l_pay_element_id,
	    p_name                    => l_grade_name,
	    p_grade_step              => l_grade_step,
	    p_sequence_number         => l_sequence,
	    p_last_update_date        => l_last_update_date,
	    p_last_updated_by         => l_last_updated_by,
	    p_last_update_login       => l_last_update_login,
	    p_created_by              => l_created_by,
	    p_creation_date           => l_creation_date
Line: 585

	   Select psb_pay_element_rates_s.nextval
	     INTO l_pay_element_rate_id
	     FROM dual;
Line: 594

	  ( p_api_version             =>  1.0,
	    p_init_msg_list           => NULL,
	    p_commit                  => NULL,
	    p_validation_level        => NULL,
	    p_return_status           => l_return_status,
	    p_msg_count               => l_msg_count,
	    p_msg_data                => l_msg_data,
	    p_pay_element_rate_id     => l_pay_element_rate_id,
	    p_pay_element_option_id   => l_pay_element_option_id,
	    p_pay_element_id          => l_pay_element_id,
	    p_effective_start_date    => p_date_effective,
	    p_effective_END_DATE      => p_date_end,
	    p_worksheet_id            => NULL,
	    p_element_value_type      => 'A',
	    p_element_value           =>
	    p_pay_basIS               => l_pay_basis,
	    p_FORmula_id              => NULL,
	    p_maximum_value           =>
	    p_mid_value               =>
	    p_minimum_value           =>
	    p_currency_code           => l_currency_code,
	    p_last_update_date        => l_last_update_date,
	    p_last_updated_by         => l_last_updated_by,
	    p_last_update_login       => l_last_update_login,
	    p_created_by              => l_created_by,
	    p_creation_date           => l_creation_date
	   ) ;
Line: 649

      hr_utility.set_location('  ::: > before ASSinsert  ' ,336);
Line: 651

     p_api_version             => 1,
     p_init_msg_list           => NULL,
     p_commit                  => NULL,
     p_validation_level        => NULL,
     p_return_status           => l_return_status,
     p_msg_count               => l_msg_count,
     p_msg_data                => l_msg_data,
     p_rowid                   => l_rowid,
     p_position_assignment_id  => l_position_assignment_id,
     p_data_extract_id         => p_data_extract_id,
     p_worksheet_id            => NULL,
     p_position_id             => p_position_id,
     p_assignment_type         => 'ELEMENT',
     p_attribute_id            => NULL,
     p_attribute_value_id      => NULL,
     p_attribute_value         => NULL,
     p_pay_element_id          => l_pay_element_id,
     p_pay_element_option_id   => l_pay_element_option_id,
     p_effective_start_date    => p_date_effective,
     p_effective_END_DATE      => p_date_end,
     p_element_value_type      => 'A',
     p_element_value           => l_value,
     p_currency_code           => l_currency_code,
     p_pay_basIS               => l_pay_basis,
     p_employee_id             => NULL,
     p_primary_employee_flag   => NULL,
     p_global_default_flag     => NULL,
     p_assignment_default_rule_id => NULL,
     p_modify_flag             => NULL,
     p_mode                    => 'R'
Line: 686

	 hr_utility.set_location('fail insert assignments - stat is ' ||
Line: 766

  l_select_tab              varchar2(30);
Line: 767

  l_select_key              varchar2(30);
Line: 798

  l_last_update_date    DATE;
Line: 799

  l_last_updated_BY     number;
Line: 800

  l_last_update_login   number;
Line: 806

   Select  attribute_id,name,definition_type,definition_structure,
	   definition_table, definition_column,system_attribute_type,
	   nvl(value_table_flag,'N') value_table_flag
    from psb_attributes_vl
   where business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     -- Added for Bug#2820825
     and (system_attribute_type is null OR system_attribute_type <> 'HIREDATE');
Line: 816

    Select name, select_table,
           /*For Bug No : 2820825 Start*/
	   substr(select_table,1,instr(select_table,' ',1)-1) select_tab,
           /*For Bug No : 2820825 End*/
	   link_type,link_type l_alias2,
      From Psb_attribute_types
    Where  attribute_type = l_definition_type
      and  attribute_type_id = l_attribute_type_id;
Line: 830

    Select job_structure
      from per_business_groups
     where business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 835

    Select name
      from per_jobs
     where job_id = p_job_id;
Line: 840

    Select name
      from hr_all_organization_units
     where organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 845

    Select attribute_value_id
      FROM psb_attribute_values
     WHERE attribute_id = l_attribute_id
       AND decode(l_definition_type, 'DFF',hr_value_id,
		  attribute_value) = lp_attribute_value
       AND data_extract_id  = p_data_extract_id;
Line: 853

       Select application_id,id_flex_code,
	from  fnd_id_flexs
       where id_flex_name = l_definition_structure;
Line: 860

    SELECT fseg.application_column_name
	    FROM fnd_id_flex_structures_vl fstr,fnd_id_flex_segments_vl fseg
     WHERE fstr.application_id = l_application_id
	     AND fstr.id_flex_code   = l_id_flex_code
	     AND fstr.id_flex_structure_name = l_definition_table
	     AND fstr.id_flex_code   = fseg.id_flex_code
	     AND fstr.id_flex_num    = fseg.id_flex_num
	     AND fseg.segment_name   = l_definition_column
	     AND fstr.application_id = fseg.application_id;  -- bug #4924031
Line: 871

     Select application_id,application_table_name,
       from fnd_descriptive_flexs_vl
      where descriptive_flexfield_name = l_definition_structure;
Line: 877

    Select fcol.application_column_name
     from  fnd_descr_flex_contexts_vl fcon,fnd_descr_flex_column_usages fcol
     where fcon.application_id = fcol.application_id
       and fcon.descriptive_flexfield_name = l_definition_structure
       and fcon.descriptive_flex_context_code = l_definition_table
       and fcon.descriptive_flexfield_name = fcol.descriptive_flexfield_name
    and fcon.descriptive_flex_context_code = fcol.descriptive_flex_context_code
    and fcol.end_user_column_name = l_definition_column;
Line: 887

     Select lookup_type
       from per_common_lookup_types_v
      where lookup_type_meaning = l_definition_table;
Line: 969

     l_select_tab := NULL;
Line: 970

     l_select_key := NULL;
Line: 995

	    l_sql_stmt := 'Select '||l_application_column_name||
			 ' From  Per_jobs,per_job_definitions '||
			 ' Where per_jobs.job_id = '||p_job_id||
			 '   and per_jobs.job_definition_id = '||
			 ' per_job_definitions.job_definition_id';
Line: 1005

	     l_select_tab := 'PQH_POSITION_TRANSACTIONS';
Line: 1006

	     l_select_key := 'POSITION_TRANSACTION_ID';
Line: 1009

	     l_select_tab := 'HR_ALL_POSITIONS';
Line: 1010

	     l_select_key := 'POSITION_ID';
Line: 1016

	 l_sql_stmt := 'Select '||l_application_column_name||
		  ' From '||l_select_tab||','||'per_position_definitions '||
		  ' Where '||l_select_tab||'.'||l_select_key||' = '||
		    ' :v_param_value and '||
		    l_select_tab||'.'||'position_definition_id = '||
		    ' per_position_definitions.position_definition_id';
Line: 1029

	 l_sql_stmt := 'Select '||l_application_column_name||
	       ' From  Per_grades,per_grade_definitions '||
	       ' Where per_grades.grade_id = '||p_entry_grade_id||
	       '   and per_grades.grade_definition_id = '||
		    ' per_grade_definitions.grade_definition_id';
Line: 1054

	       and (Attr_Type_Rec.select_tab = 'HR_ALL_POSITIONS')) then

	       l_valid_attribute := 'Y' ;
Line: 1059

		 l_select_tab := 'PQH_POSITION_TRANSACTIONS';
Line: 1060

		 l_select_key := 'POSITION_TRANSACTION_ID';
Line: 1063

		 l_select_tab := 'HR_ALL_POSITIONS';
Line: 1064

		 l_select_key := 'POSITION_ID';
Line: 1084

		Select ltrim(rtrim(substr(Attr_type_rec.select_table,
		       instr(Attr_type_rec.select_table,' ',1),
		       - instr(Attr_type_rec.select_table,' ',1) + 1)))
		  into l_alias1
		  from dual;
Line: 1093

	      d_sql_stmt := 'Select '||l_alias1||'.'
		   '  From '||l_select_tab||' '||
			    l_alias1||' , '||
		   ' Where '||l_alias1||'.'||
		     l_select_key||' = :v_param_value';
Line: 1100

	      if (Attr_type_rec.select_where is not null) then
		 d_sql_stmt := d_sql_stmt||' and '||Attr_type_rec.select_where;
Line: 1131

	       (Attr_Type_Rec.select_tab = 'HR_ALL_POSITIONS')) then

	      l_valid_attribute := 'Y' ;
Line: 1135

		 l_select_tab := 'PQH_POSITION_TRANSACTIONS';
Line: 1136

		 l_select_key := 'POSITION_TRANSACTION_ID';
Line: 1139

		 l_select_tab := 'HR_ALL_POSITIONS';
Line: 1140

		 l_select_key := 'POSITION_ID';
Line: 1151

	     Select ltrim(rtrim(substr(Attr_type_rec.select_table,
		    instr(Attr_type_rec.select_table,' ',1),
		    - instr(Attr_type_rec.select_table,' ',1) + 1)))
	      into l_alias1
	      from dual;
Line: 1162

	   q_sql_stmt := 'Select a.meaning '||
			 '  From Fnd_Common_lookups a , '||
			      l_select_tab||' '||l_alias1||
		   ' Where a.lookup_type = '||''''||
		   ' and a.lookup_code = '||
		   ' and '||l_alias1||'.'||l_select_key||
		   ' = :v_param_value';
Line: 1172

	   if (Attr_type_rec.select_where is not null) then
	      q_sql_stmt := q_sql_stmt||' and '||Attr_type_rec.select_where;
Line: 1202

	   and (Attr_Type_Rec.select_tab = 'HR_ALL_POSITIONS')) then

	    l_valid_attribute := 'Y' ;
Line: 1206

	       l_select_tab := 'PQH_POSITION_TRANSACTIONS';
Line: 1207

	       l_select_key := 'POSITION_TRANSACTION_ID';
Line: 1210

	       l_select_tab := 'HR_ALL_POSITIONS';
Line: 1211

	       l_select_key := 'POSITION_ID';
Line: 1221

	     Select ltrim(rtrim(substr(Attr_type_rec.select_table,
		    instr(Attr_type_rec.select_table,' ',1),
	     - instr(Attr_type_rec.select_table,' ',1) + 1))) into l_alias1
	      from dual;
Line: 1229

	   o_sql_stmt := 'Select '||
		   '  From '||l_select_tab||' '||l_alias1||
		   '  Where '||l_alias1||'.'||l_select_key||
		   ' = :v_param_value';
Line: 1235

	  if (Attr_type_rec.select_where is not null) then
	      o_sql_stmt := o_sql_stmt||' and '||Attr_type_rec.select_where;
Line: 1329

	    l_last_update_date  := sysdate;
Line: 1330

	    l_last_updated_BY   := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
Line: 1331

	    l_last_update_login := FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID;
Line: 1335

	  -- Insert the new value in PSB_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES
	  select psb_attribute_values_s.nextval into
	     l_attribute_value_id from dual;
Line: 1339

	  ( p_api_version             =>  1.0,
	    p_init_msg_lISt           => NULL,
	    p_commit                  => NULL,
	    p_validation_level        => NULL,
	    p_return_status           => l_return_status,
	    p_msg_count               => l_msg_count,
	    p_msg_data                => l_msg_data,
	    p_rowid                   => l_rowid,
	    p_attribute_value_id      => l_attribute_value_id,
	    p_attribute_id            => l_attribute_id,
	    p_attribute_value         => lp_attribute_value,
	    p_hr_value_id             => NULL,
	    p_description             => NULL,
	    p_data_extract_id         => p_data_extract_id,
	    p_context                 => NULL,
	    p_attribute1              => NULL,
	    p_attribute2              => NULL,
	    p_attribute3              => NULL,
	    p_attribute4              => NULL,
	    p_attribute5              => NULL,
	    p_attribute6              => NULL,
	    p_attribute7              => NULL,
	    p_attribute8              => NULL,
	    p_attribute9              => NULL,
	    p_attribute10             => NULL,
	    p_attribute11             => NULL,
	    p_attribute12             => NULL,
	    p_attribute13             => NULL,
	    p_attribute14             => NULL,
	    p_attribute15             => NULL,
	    p_attribute16             => NULL,
	    p_attribute17             => NULL,
	    p_attribute18             => NULL,
	    p_attribute19             => NULL,
	    p_attribute20             => NULL,
	    p_attribute21             => NULL,
	    p_attribute22             => NULL,
	    p_attribute23             => NULL,
	    p_attribute24             => NULL,
	    p_attribute25             => NULL,
	    p_attribute26             => NULL,
	    p_attribute27             => NULL,
	    p_attribute28             => NULL,
	    p_attribute29             => NULL,
	    p_attribute30             => NULL,
	    p_last_upDATE_DATE        => l_last_update_date,
	    p_last_upDATEd_BY         => l_last_updated_BY,
	    p_last_upDATE_login       => l_last_update_login,
	    p_created_BY              => l_created_by,
	    p_creation_DATE           => l_creation_date
	   ) ;
Line: 1411

	 p_api_version             => 1,
	 p_init_msg_list           => NULL,
	 p_commit                  => NULL,
	 p_validation_level        => NULL,
	 p_return_status           => l_return_status,
	 p_msg_count               => l_msg_count,
	 p_msg_data                => l_msg_data,
	 p_rowid                   => l_rowid,
	 p_position_assignment_id  => l_position_assignment_id,
	 p_data_extract_id         => p_data_extract_id,
	 p_worksheet_id            => NULL,
	 p_position_id             => p_new_position_id,
	 p_assignment_type         => 'ATTRIBUTE',
	 p_attribute_id            => l_attribute_id,
	 p_attribute_value_id      => l_attribute_value_id,
	 p_attribute_value         => l_attribute_value,
	 p_pay_element_id          => NULL,
	 p_pay_element_option_id   => NULL,
	 p_effective_start_date    => p_date_effective,
	 p_effective_end_date      => p_date_end,
	 p_element_value_type      => NULL,
	 p_element_value           => NULL,
	 p_currency_code           => NULL,
	 p_pay_basis               => NULL,
	 p_employee_id             => NULL,
	 p_primary_employee_flag   => NULL,
	 p_global_default_flag     => NULL,
	 p_assignment_default_rule_id => NULL,
	 p_modify_flag             => NULL,
	 p_mode                    => 'R'
      ) ;
Line: 1461

 |                       PROCEDURE Insert_Position_Txn_Info                  |
PROCEDURE Insert_Position_Txn_Info
 p_position_transaction_id        in number ,
 p_action_date                    in date ,
 p_position_id                    in number ,
 p_availability_status_id         in number ,
 p_business_group_id              in number ,
 p_entry_step_id                  in number ,
 p_entry_grade_rule_id            in number ,
 p_job_id                         in number ,
 p_location_id                    in number ,
 p_organization_id                in number ,
 p_pay_freq_payroll_id            in number ,
 p_position_definition_id         in number ,
 p_prior_position_id              in number ,
 p_relief_position_id             in number ,
 p_entry_grade_id                 in number ,
 p_successor_position_id          in number ,
 p_supervisor_position_id         in number ,
 p_amendment_date                 in date ,
 p_amendment_recommendation       in varchar2 ,
 p_amendment_ref_number           in varchar2 ,
 p_avail_status_prop_end_date     in date ,
 p_bargaining_unit_cd             in varchar2 ,
 p_comments                       in long ,
 p_country1                       in varchar2 ,
 p_country2                       in varchar2 ,
 p_country3                       in varchar2 ,
 p_current_job_prop_end_date      in date ,
 p_current_org_prop_end_date      in date ,
 p_date_effective                 in date ,
 p_date_end                       in date ,
 p_earliest_hire_date             in date ,
 p_fill_by_date                   in date ,
 p_frequency                      in varchar2 ,
 p_fte                            in number ,
 p_location1                      in varchar2 ,
 p_location2                      in varchar2 ,
 p_location3                      in varchar2 ,
 p_max_persons                    in number ,
 p_name                           in varchar2 ,
 p_other_requirements             in varchar2 ,
 p_overlap_period                 in number ,
 p_overlap_unit_cd                in varchar2 ,
 p_passport_required              in varchar2 ,
 p_pay_term_end_day_cd            in varchar2 ,
 p_pay_term_end_month_cd          in varchar2 ,
 p_permanent_temporary_flag       in varchar2 ,
 p_permit_recruitment_flag        in varchar2 ,
 p_position_type                  in varchar2 ,
 p_posting_description            in varchar2 ,
 p_probation_period               in number ,
 p_probation_period_unit_cd       in varchar2 ,
 p_relocate_domestically          in varchar2 ,
 p_relocate_internationally       in varchar2 ,
 p_replacement_required_flag      in varchar2 ,
 p_review_flag                    in varchar2 ,
 p_seasonal_flag                  in varchar2 ,
 p_security_requirements          in varchar2 ,
 p_service_minimum                in varchar2 ,
 p_term_start_day_cd              in varchar2 ,
 p_term_start_month_cd            in varchar2 ,
 p_time_normal_finish             in varchar2 ,
 p_time_normal_start              in varchar2 ,
 p_transaction_status             in varchar2 ,
 p_travel_required                in varchar2 ,
 p_working_hours                  in number ,
 p_works_council_approval_flag    in varchar2 ,
 p_work_any_country               in varchar2 ,
 p_work_any_location              in varchar2 ,
 p_work_period_type_cd            in varchar2 ,
 p_work_schedule                  in varchar2 ,
 p_work_term_end_day_cd           in varchar2 ,
 p_work_term_end_month_cd         in varchar2 ,
 p_proposed_fte_for_layoff        in  number,
 p_proposed_date_for_layoff       in  date,
 p_information1                   in varchar2 ,
 p_information2                   in varchar2 ,
 p_information3                   in varchar2 ,
 p_information4                   in varchar2 ,
 p_information5                   in varchar2 ,
 p_information6                   in varchar2 ,
 p_information7                   in varchar2 ,
 p_information8                   in varchar2 ,
 p_information9                   in varchar2 ,
 p_information10                  in varchar2 ,
 p_information11                  in varchar2 ,
 p_information12                  in varchar2 ,
 p_information13                  in varchar2 ,
 p_information14                  in varchar2 ,
 p_information15                  in varchar2 ,
 p_information16                  in varchar2 ,
 p_information17                  in varchar2 ,
 p_information18                  in varchar2 ,
 p_information19                  in varchar2 ,
 p_information20                  in varchar2 ,
 p_information21                  in varchar2 ,
 p_information22                  in varchar2 ,
 p_information23                  in varchar2 ,
 p_information24                  in varchar2 ,
 p_information25                  in varchar2 ,
 p_information26                  in varchar2 ,
 p_information27                  in varchar2 ,
 p_information28                  in varchar2 ,
 p_information29                  in varchar2 ,
 p_information30                  in varchar2 ,
 p_information_category           in varchar2 ,
 p_attribute1                     in varchar2 ,
 p_attribute2                     in varchar2 ,
 p_attribute3                     in varchar2 ,
 p_attribute4                     in varchar2 ,
 p_attribute5                     in varchar2 ,
 p_attribute6                     in varchar2 ,
 p_attribute7                     in varchar2 ,
 p_attribute8                     in varchar2 ,
 p_attribute9                     in varchar2 ,
 p_attribute10                    in varchar2 ,
 p_attribute11                    in varchar2 ,
 p_attribute12                    in varchar2 ,
 p_attribute13                    in varchar2 ,
 p_attribute14                    in varchar2 ,
 p_attribute15                    in varchar2 ,
 p_attribute16                    in varchar2 ,
 p_attribute17                    in varchar2 ,
 p_attribute18                    in varchar2 ,
 p_attribute19                    in varchar2 ,
 p_attribute20                    in varchar2 ,
 p_attribute21                    in varchar2 ,
 p_attribute22                    in varchar2 ,
 p_attribute23                    in varchar2 ,
 p_attribute24                    in varchar2 ,
 p_attribute25                    in varchar2 ,
 p_attribute26                    in varchar2 ,
 p_attribute27                    in varchar2 ,
 p_attribute28                    in varchar2 ,
 p_attribute29                    in varchar2 ,
 p_attribute30                    in varchar2 ,
 p_attribute_category             in varchar2 ,
 p_object_version_number          in number ,
 p_effective_date                 in date ,
 p_pay_basis_id                   in number ,
 p_supervisor_id                  in number
  l_api_name         CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30)  := 'Insert_Position_Txn_Info';
Line: 1643

    SELECT system_type_cd
 /*For Bug No : 1527423 End*/
      FROM per_shared_types
       AND shared_type_id = p_availability_status_id;
Line: 1650

    SELECT business_group_id,
      FROM psb_data_extracts
     WHERE data_extract_id = l_data_extract_id;
Line: 1659

	select position_structure
	  from per_business_groups
	 where business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 1664

    select application_column_name
      from fnd_id_flex_segments_vl
     where id_flex_code = 'POS'
       and id_flex_num = l_pos_id_flex_num
       and enabled_flag = 'Y'
    order by segment_num;
Line: 1674

  hr_utility.set_location('>> insert position trans',777);
Line: 1857

        Select application_column_name
        FROM   fnd_id_flex_segments_vl
        WHERE  id_flex_code = 'BPS'
        AND    id_flex_num  = l_position_id_flex_num
        AND    enabled_flag = 'Y'
        ORDER  BY segment_num
	l_pos_index := l_pos_index + 1;
Line: 1995

      SELECT psb_positions_s.nextval INTO l_position_id
      FROM   dual;
Line: 1998

        p_api_version            => 1.0,
        p_init_msg_list          => NULL,
        p_commit                 => NULL,
        p_validation_level       => NULL,
        p_return_status          => l_return_status,
        p_msg_count              => l_msg_count,
        p_msg_data               => l_msg_data,
        p_rowid                  => l_rowid,
        p_position_id            => l_position_id,
        -- de by org
        p_organization_id        => p_organization_id,
        p_data_extract_id        => l_data_extract_id,
        p_position_definition_id => l_ccid,
        p_hr_position_id         => p_position_id,
        p_hr_employee_id         => NULL,
        p_business_group_id      => p_business_group_id,
        p_effective_start_date   => p_date_effective,
        p_effective_end_date     => l_date_end,
        p_set_of_books_id        => l_set_of_books_id,
        p_vacant_position_flag   => 'Y',
        p_availability_status    => l_availability_status,
        p_transaction_id         => p_position_transaction_id,
        p_transaction_status     => p_transaction_status,
        p_new_position_flag      => 'Y',
        p_attribute1             => NULL,
        p_attribute2             => NULL,
        p_attribute3             => NULL,
        p_attribute4             => NULL,
        p_attribute5             => NULL,
        p_attribute6             => NULL,
        p_attribute7             => NULL,
        p_attribute8             => NULL,
        p_attribute9             => NULL,
        p_attribute10            => NULL,
        p_attribute11            => NULL,
        p_attribute12            => NULL,
        p_attribute13            => NULL,
        p_attribute14            => NULL,
        p_attribute15            => NULL,
        p_attribute16            => NULL,
        p_attribute17            => NULL,
        p_attribute18            => NULL,
        p_attribute19            => NULL,
        p_attribute20            => NULL,
        p_attribute_category     => NULL,
        p_name                   => l_concat_pos_name,
        p_mode                   => 'R'
Line: 2049

Line: 2111

      Update_Worksheet_Values ( p_return_status => l_return_status,
                                p_position_id   => l_position_id,
                                p_org_id        => p_organization_id
                              ) ;
Line: 2116

        hr_utility.set_location(' fail to update ws value ',888);
Line: 2121

      hr_utility.set_location('>> END insert position trans',777);
Line: 2135

END Insert_Position_Txn_Info;
Line: 2140

 |                      PROCEDURE Update_Position_Txn_Info                   |
PROCEDURE Update_Position_Txn_Info
(p_position_transaction_id     in NUMBER,
 p_action_date                 in DATE ,
 p_position_id                 in NUMBER,
 p_availability_status_id      in NUMBER,
 p_business_group_id           in NUMBER,
 p_entry_step_id               in NUMBER,
 p_entry_grade_rule_id         in NUMBER,
 p_job_id                      in NUMBER,
 p_location_id                 in NUMBER,
 p_organization_id             in NUMBER,
 p_pay_freq_payroll_id         in NUMBER,
 p_position_definition_id      in NUMBER,
 p_entry_grade_id              in NUMBER,
 p_bargaining_unit_cd          in VARCHAR2,
 p_date_effective              in DATE,
 p_date_end                    in DATE,
 p_earliest_hire_date          in DATE,
 p_frequency                   in VARCHAR2,
 p_fte                         in NUMBER,
 p_name                        in VARCHAR2,
 p_position_type               in VARCHAR2,
 p_transaction_status          in VARCHAR2,
 p_working_hours               in NUMBER,
 p_pay_basis_id_o              in NUMBER,
 p_object_version_number       in NUMBER,
 p_effective_date              in DATE
  l_api_name         CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30)  := 'Update_Position_Txn_Info' ;
Line: 2186

     Select 'Position Transaction Exists in PSB'
       from dual
      where exists
    (Select 1
       from psb_positions
      where transaction_id = p_position_transaction_id);
Line: 2194

     Select *
       from psb_positions
      where transaction_id = p_position_transaction_id;
Line: 2201

    select system_type_cd
 /*For Bug No : 1527423 End*/
      from per_shared_types
     where lookup_type = 'POSITION_AVAILABILITY_STATUS'
       and shared_type_id = p_availability_status_id;
Line: 2208

    SELECT req_data_as_of_date,
      FROM psb_data_extracts
     WHERE data_extract_id = l_data_extract_id;
Line: 2236

    select wpl.position_line_id, wlp.worksheet_id
      from psb_ws_position_lines  wpl,
           psb_ws_lines_positions wlp,
           psb_worksheets         ws
     where wpl.position_id = l_psb_position_id
       and wlp.position_line_id = wpl.position_line_id
       and ws.worksheet_id = wlp.worksheet_id
       and ws.global_worksheet_flag = 'Y';
Line: 2246

    Select brp.budget_revision_pos_line_id, brpl.budget_revision_id
      from psb_budget_revision_positions brp, psb_budget_revision_pos_lines brpl
     where brp.position_id = l_psb_position_id
       and brpl.budget_revision_pos_line_id = brp.budget_revision_pos_line_id;
Line: 2253

	select position_structure
	  from per_business_groups
	 where business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 2258

    select application_column_name
      from fnd_id_flex_segments_vl
     where id_flex_code = 'POS'
       and id_flex_num = l_pos_id_flex_num
       and enabled_flag = 'Y'
    order by segment_num;
Line: 2269

  hr_utility.set_location('>> update position trans',777);
Line: 2483

	Select application_column_name
	FROM   fnd_id_flex_segments_vl
	WHERE  id_flex_code = 'BPS'
	AND    id_flex_num  = l_position_id_flex_num
	AND    enabled_flag = 'Y'
	ORDER  BY segment_num
	l_pos_index := l_pos_index + 1;
Line: 2616

	    p_api_version            => 1.0,
	    p_init_msg_lISt          => FND_API.G_FALSE,
	    p_commit                 => FND_API.G_FALSE,
	    p_validation_level       => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
	    p_return_status          => l_return_status,
	    p_msg_count              => l_msg_count,
	    p_msg_data               => l_msg_data,
	    p_position_id            => l_psb_position_id,
            -- de by org
            p_organization_id        => l_organization_id,
	    p_data_extract_id        => c_pos_trx_rec.data_extract_id,
	    p_position_definition_id => l_ccid,
	    p_hr_position_id         => p_position_id,
	    p_hr_employee_id         => c_pos_trx_rec.hr_employee_id,
	    p_business_group_id      => p_business_group_id,
	    p_effective_start_DATE   => p_effective_date,
	    p_effective_END_DATE     => p_date_end,
	    p_set_of_books_id        => c_pos_trx_rec.set_of_books_id,
	    p_vacant_position_flag   => c_pos_trx_rec.vacant_position_flag,
	    p_availability_status    => l_availability_status,
	    p_transaction_id         => p_position_transaction_id,
	    p_transaction_status     => p_transaction_status,
	    p_new_position_flag      => c_pos_trx_rec.new_position_flag ,
	    p_attribute1             => NULL,
	    p_attribute2             => NULL,
	    p_attribute3             => NULL,
	    p_attribute4             => NULL,
	    p_attribute5             => NULL,
	    p_attribute6             => NULL,
	    p_attribute7             => NULL,
	    p_attribute8             => NULL,
	    p_attribute9             => NULL,
	    p_attribute10            => NULL,
	    p_attribute11            => NULL,
	    p_attribute12            => NULL,
	    p_attribute13            => NULL,
	    p_attribute14            => NULL,
	    p_attribute15            => NULL,
	    p_attribute16            => NULL,
	    p_attribute17            => NULL,
	    p_attribute18            => NULL,
	    p_attribute19            => NULL,
	    p_attribute20            => NULL,
	    p_attribute_category     => NULL,
	    p_name                   => l_concat_pos_name,
	    p_mode                   => 'R'
Line: 2670

Line: 2678

   Delete psb_position_assignments
    where position_id = l_psb_position_id;
Line: 2748

	 (p_api_version => 1.0,
	  p_return_status => l_return_status,
	  p_worksheet_id => c_ws_positions_rec.worksheet_id,
	  p_position_line_id => c_ws_positions_rec.position_line_id);
Line: 2758

	 (p_api_version => 1.0,
	  p_return_status => l_return_status,
	  p_msg_count => l_msg_count,
	  p_msg_data => l_msg_data,
	  p_budget_revision_id => c_br_positions_rec.budget_revision_id,
	  p_budget_revision_pos_line_id => c_br_positions_rec.budget_revision_pos_line_id);
Line: 2768

    delete from psb_position_assignments
    where position_id = l_psb_position_id;
Line: 2775

     p_api_version            => 1.0,
     p_init_msg_liSt          => FND_API.G_FALSE,
     p_commit                 => FND_API.G_FALSE,
     p_validation_level       => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
     p_return_status          => l_return_status,
     p_msg_count              => l_msg_count,
     p_msg_data               => l_msg_data,
     p_position_id            => l_psb_position_id);
Line: 2787

       hr_utility.set_location('>> pos delete row Error ' ,1777);
Line: 2801

END Update_Position_Txn_Info;
Line: 2806

 |                      PROCEDURE Insert_Position_Info                       |
PROCEDURE Insert_Position_Info
(p_position_id                in NUMBER ,
 p_effective_start_date       in DATE   ,
 p_effective_end_date         in DATE   ,
 p_availability_status_id     in NUMBER ,
 p_business_group_id          in NUMBER ,
 p_entry_step_id              in NUMBER ,
 p_entry_grade_rule_id        in NUMBER ,
 p_job_id                     in NUMBER ,
 p_location_id                in NUMBER ,
 p_organization_id            in NUMBER ,
 p_position_definition_id     in NUMBER ,
 p_position_transaction_id    in NUMBER ,
 p_entry_grade_id             in NUMBER ,
 p_bargaining_unit_cd         in VARCHAR2 ,
 p_date_effective             in DATE   ,
 p_date_end                   in DATE   ,
 p_earliest_hire_date         in DATE   ,
 p_fill_by_date               in DATE   ,
 p_frequency                  in VARCHAR2  ,
 p_working_hours              in NUMBER ,
 p_fte                        in NUMBER    ,
 p_name                       in VARCHAR2  ,
 p_position_type              in VARCHAR2  ,
 p_pay_basis_id               in NUMBER    ,
 p_object_version_number      in NUMBER
  l_api_name            CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30)   := 'Insert_Position_Info';
Line: 2872

    SELECT system_type_cd
   /*For Bug No : 1527423 End*/
      FROM per_shared_types
       AND shared_type_id = p_availability_status_id;
Line: 2879

    SELECT business_group_id,
      FROM psb_data_extracts
     WHERE data_extract_id = l_data_extract_id;
Line: 2888

	select position_structure
	  from per_business_groups
	 where business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 2893

    select application_column_name
      from fnd_id_flex_segments_vl
     where id_flex_code = 'POS'
       and id_flex_num = l_pos_id_flex_num
       and enabled_flag = 'Y'
    order by segment_num;
Line: 2907

   hr_utility.set_location(' Start Insert Position',777);
Line: 3121

	Select application_column_name
	FROM   fnd_id_flex_segments_vl
	WHERE  id_flex_code = 'BPS'
	AND    id_flex_num  = l_position_id_flex_num
	AND    enabled_flag = 'Y'
	ORDER  BY segment_num
	l_pos_index := l_pos_index + 1;
Line: 3264

      select psb_positions_s.nextval INTO l_position_id
	from dual;
Line: 3281

	  p_api_version            => 1.0,
	  p_init_msg_lISt          => NULL,
	  p_commit                 => NULL,
	  p_validation_level       => NULL,
	  p_return_status          => l_return_status,
	  p_msg_count              => l_msg_count,
	  p_msg_data               => l_msg_data,
	  p_rowid                  => l_rowid,
	  p_position_id            => l_position_id,
          -- de by org
          p_organization_id        => p_organization_id,
	  p_data_extract_id        => l_data_extract_id,
	  p_position_definition_id => l_ccid,
	  p_hr_position_id         => p_position_id,
	  p_hr_employee_id         => NULL,
	  p_business_group_id      => p_business_group_id,
	  p_effective_start_DATE   => p_date_effective,
	  p_effective_END_DATE     => l_date_end,
	  p_set_of_books_id        => l_set_of_books_id,
	  p_vacant_position_flag   => 'Y',
	  p_availability_status    => l_availability_status,
	  p_transaction_id         => null,
	  p_transaction_status     => 'SUCCESS',
	  p_new_position_flag      => 'Y',
	  p_attribute1             => NULL,
	  p_attribute2             => NULL,
	  p_attribute3             => NULL,
	  p_attribute4             => NULL,
	  p_attribute5             => NULL,
	  p_attribute6             => NULL,
	  p_attribute7             => NULL,
	  p_attribute8             => NULL,
	  p_attribute9             => NULL,
	  p_attribute10            => NULL,
	  p_attribute11            => NULL,
	  p_attribute12            => NULL,
	  p_attribute13            => NULL,
	  p_attribute14            => NULL,
	  p_attribute15            => NULL,
	  p_attribute16            => NULL,
	  p_attribute17            => NULL,
	  p_attribute18            => NULL,
	  p_attribute19            => NULL,
	  p_attribute20            => NULL,
	  p_attribute_category     => NULL,
	  p_name                   => l_concat_pos_name,
	  p_mode                   => 'R'
Line: 3333

      hr_utility.set_location('error in insert position',9877);
Line: 3334

Line: 3402

    Update_Worksheet_Values ( p_return_status  => l_return_status,
			      p_position_id    => l_position_id,
			      p_org_id         => p_organization_id);
Line: 3407

      hr_utility.set_location(' fail to update ws value ',888);
Line: 3413

   hr_utility.set_location(' Insert Position Info Success',555);
Line: 3427

END Insert_Position_Info;
Line: 3432

 |                       PROCEDURE Update_Position_Info                      |
PROCEDURE Update_Position_Info
(p_position_id                in NUMBER ,
 p_effective_start_date       in DATE   ,
 p_effective_end_date         in DATE   ,
 p_availability_status_id     in NUMBER ,
 p_business_group_id_o        in NUMBER ,
 p_entry_step_id              in NUMBER ,
 p_entry_grade_rule_id        in NUMBER ,
 p_job_id_o                   in NUMBER ,
 p_location_id                in NUMBER ,
 p_organization_id_o          in NUMBER ,
 p_position_definition_id     in NUMBER ,
 p_position_transaction_id    in NUMBER ,
 p_entry_grade_id             in NUMBER ,
 p_bargaining_unit_cd         in VARCHAR2 ,
 p_date_effective             in DATE   ,
 p_date_end                   in DATE   ,
 p_earliest_hire_date         in DATE   ,
 p_fill_by_date               in DATE   ,
 p_frequency                  in VARCHAR2  ,
 p_working_hours              in NUMBER,
 p_fte                        in NUMBER    ,
 p_name                       in VARCHAR2  ,
 p_position_type              in VARCHAR2  ,
 p_pay_basis_id               in NUMBER    ,
 p_object_version_number      in NUMBER    ,
 p_effective_date             in DATE
  l_api_name            CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30)   := 'Update_Position_Info' ;
Line: 3485

     Select *
       from psb_positions
      where hr_position_id  = p_position_id
	and data_extract_id = l_data_extract_id;
Line: 3493

    select system_type_cd
   /*For Bug No : 1527423 End*/
      from per_shared_types
     where lookup_type = 'POSITION_AVAILABILITY_STATUS'
       and shared_type_id = p_availability_status_id;
Line: 3501

    SELECT business_group_id,
      FROM psb_data_extracts
     WHERE data_extract_id = l_data_extract_id;
Line: 3510

	select position_structure
	  from per_business_groups
	 where business_group_id = p_business_group_id_o;
Line: 3515

    select application_column_name
      from fnd_id_flex_segments_vl
     where id_flex_code = 'POS'
       and id_flex_num = l_pos_id_flex_num
       and enabled_flag = 'Y'
    order by segment_num;
Line: 3566

   hr_utility.set_location(' ****  in update position info',777);
Line: 3755

	Select application_column_name
	FROM   fnd_id_flex_segments_vl
	WHERE  id_flex_code = 'BPS'
	AND    id_flex_num  = l_position_id_flex_num
	AND    enabled_flag = 'Y'
	ORDER  BY segment_num
	l_pos_index := l_pos_index + 1;
Line: 3888

   hr_utility.set_location(' before insert ' ,881);
Line: 3909

   hr_utility.set_location(' before update position', 1887);
Line: 3912

	 p_api_version            => 1.0,
	 p_init_msg_lISt          => FND_API.G_FALSE,
	 p_commit                 => FND_API.G_FALSE,
	 p_validation_level       => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
	 p_return_status          => l_return_status,
	 p_msg_count              => l_msg_count,
	 p_msg_data               => l_msg_data,
	 p_position_id            => l_psb_position_id,
         -- de by org
         p_organization_id        => p_organization_id_o,
	 p_data_extract_id        => l_data_extract_id,
	 p_position_definition_id => l_ccid,
	 p_hr_position_id         => p_position_id,
	 p_hr_employee_id         => c_pos_trx_rec.hr_employee_id,
	 p_business_group_id      => p_business_group_id_o,
	 p_effective_start_DATE   => p_effective_date,
	 p_effective_END_DATE     => p_date_end,
	 p_set_of_books_id        => c_pos_trx_rec.set_of_books_id,
	 p_vacant_position_flag   => c_pos_trx_rec.vacant_position_flag,
	 p_availability_status    => l_availability_status,
	 p_transaction_id         => c_pos_trx_rec.transaction_id,
	 p_transaction_status     => c_pos_trx_rec.transaction_status,
	 p_new_position_flag      => c_pos_trx_rec.new_position_flag ,
	 p_attribute1             => NULL,
	 p_attribute2             => NULL,
	 p_attribute3             => NULL,
	 p_attribute4             => NULL,
	 p_attribute5             => NULL,
	 p_attribute6             => NULL,
	 p_attribute7             => NULL,
	 p_attribute8             => NULL,
	 p_attribute9             => NULL,
	 p_attribute10            => NULL,
	 p_attribute11            => NULL,
	 p_attribute12            => NULL,
	 p_attribute13            => NULL,
	 p_attribute14            => NULL,
	 p_attribute15            => NULL,
	 p_attribute16            => NULL,
	 p_attribute17            => NULL,
	 p_attribute18            => NULL,
	 p_attribute19            => NULL,
	 p_attribute20            => NULL,
	 p_attribute_category     => NULL,
	 p_name                   => l_concat_pos_name,
	 p_mode                   => 'R'
Line: 3962

   hr_utility.set_location(' after update position', 1887);
Line: 3965

      hr_utility.set_location(' posb fail after update position', 1887);
Line: 3966

Line: 3971

   Delete psb_position_assignments
    where position_id = l_psb_position_id;
Line: 4017

   Update_Worksheet_Values ( p_return_status   => l_return_status,
			      p_position_id    => l_psb_position_id,
			      p_org_id         => p_organization_id_o);
Line: 4022

      hr_utility.set_location(' fail to update ws value ',888);
Line: 4041

END Update_Position_Info;
Line: 4047

PROCEDURE Update_Worksheet_Values
 ( p_return_status            OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
   p_position_id               in  NUMBER ,
   p_org_id                    in  NUMBER)
  l_position_line_id number;
Line: 4069

     select budget_group_id
     from psb_budget_groups
     where (organization_id = l_in_org_id or
	    business_group_id = l_in_org_id   )
     start with budget_group_id = l_in_bg_id
     connect by prior budget_group_id = parent_budget_group_id;
Line: 4085

   hr_utility.set_location(' Inside update ws values',333);
Line: 4109

	    p_api_version                =>    1.0,
	    p_init_msg_list              =>    FND_API.G_TRUE,
	    p_commit                     =>    FND_API.G_FALSE,
	    p_validation_level           =>    FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
	    p_return_status              =>    l_return_status,
	    p_msg_count                  =>    l_msg_count,
	    p_msg_data                   =>    l_msg_data,
	    p_worksheet_id               =>    PSB_HR_POPULATE_DATA_PVT.get_global('G_PSB_WORKSHEET_ID'),
	    p_position_id                =>    p_position_id,
	    p_budget_group_id            =>    l_org_budget_group_id,
	    p_position_line_id           =>    l_position_line_id);
Line: 4126

	   hr_utility.set_location(' fail to insert row ',888);
Line: 4128

Line: 4154

Line: 4163

            SELECT a.budget_group_id, b.root_budget_group
  	      FROM psb_budget_revisions a,
                   psb_budget_groups b
  	     WHERE a.budget_revision_id = l_budget_revision_id
               AND a.budget_group_id = b.budget_group_id) lOOP

	  l_budget_group_id   := l_bud_group_csr.budget_group_id;
Line: 4175

	  UPDATE psb_positions
	     SET budget_group_id = l_org_budget_group_id
	   WHERE position_id = p_position_id;
Line: 4179

	  UPDATE psb_positions
	     SET budget_group_id = l_budget_group_id
	   WHERE position_id = p_position_id;
Line: 4205

END Update_Worksheet_Values;
Line: 4230

  SELECT PP.position_id,
         -- de by org
  WHERE  PP.data_extract_id = p_data_extract_id
  AND    PP.data_extract_id = PPI.data_extract_id
  AND    PP.position_id     > p_restart_position_id
  AND    PP.hr_position_id = PPI.hr_position_id
  AND    PP.hr_employee_id = PPI.hr_employee_id
  AND    ( PP.vacant_position_flag IS NULL OR PP.vacant_position_flag = 'N' )
  ORDER BY position_id;
Line: 4284

    ( p_api_version              => 1.0  ,
      p_return_status            => l_return_status,
      p_msg_count                => l_msg_count,
      p_msg_data                 => l_msg_data,
      p_data_extract_id          => p_data_extract_id,
      p_extract_method           => p_extract_method,
      p_process                  => 'PSB Costing',
      p_restart_id               => c_Positions_Rec.position_id
Line: 4307

  ( p_api_version              => 1.0  ,
    p_return_status            => l_return_status,
    p_msg_count                => l_msg_count,
    p_msg_data                 => l_msg_data,
    p_data_extract_id          => p_data_extract_id,
    p_extract_method           => p_extract_method,
    p_process                  => 'PSB Costing',
    p_restart_id               => l_fin_position_id
Line: 4494

  SELECT a.costing_level,
         a.segment1,  a.segment2,  a.segment3,  a.segment4,  a.segment5,
         a.segment6,  a.segment7,  a.segment8,  a.segment9,  a.segment10,
         a.segment11, a.segment12, a.segment13, a.segment14, a.segment15,
         a.segment16, a.segment17, a.segment18, a.segment19, a.segment20,
         a.segment21, a.segment22, a.segment23, a.segment24, a.segment25,
         a.segment26, a.segment27, a.segment28, a.segment29, a.segment30,
  FROM   psb_cost_distributions_i a,
         psb_employees_i          b,
         psb_employees            be,
         psb_positions            c,
         psb_position_assignments d
  WHERE  a.assignment_id         = b.assignment_id
  AND    a.data_extract_id       = p_data_extract_id
  AND    b.hr_position_id        = c.hr_position_id
  AND    b.hr_employee_id        = be.hr_employee_id
  AND    b.data_extract_id       = p_data_extract_id
  AND    be.data_extract_id      = p_data_extract_id
  AND    c.data_extract_id       = p_data_extract_id
  AND    c.position_id           = p_position_id
  AND    c.position_id           = d.position_id
  AND    be.employee_id          = d.employee_id
  AND    d.primary_employee_flag = 'Y'
  AND    d.assignment_type       = 'EMPLOYEE'
  ORDER BY a.chart_of_accounts_id;
Line: 4551

Line: 5575

  l_last_update_date    DATE;
Line: 5576

  l_last_updated_by     number;
Line: 5577

  l_last_update_login   number;
Line: 5626

  l_update_flag            varchar2(1):='N';
Line: 5630

     Select rate_or_payscale_name,grade_name
       FROM psb_salary_i
      WHERE rate_or_payscale_id  = l_rate_or_payscale_id
	AND grade_id             = l_grade_id
	AND grade_step           = l_grade_step
	AND sequence_number      = l_sequence_number
	AND data_extract_id      = p_data_extract_id;
Line: 5639

     Select rate_or_payscale_name,grade_name
       FROM psb_salary_i
      WHERE rate_or_payscale_id = l_rate_or_payscale_id
	AND grade_id            = l_grade_id
	AND data_extract_id     = p_data_extract_id;
Line: 5646

     Select ppe.pay_element_id ,ppe.salary_type,
       FROM psb_pay_elements ppe,
	    psb_pay_element_options ppo
      WHERE ppe.data_extract_id = p_data_extract_id
	AND ppe.salary_type     = 'STEP'
	AND ppe.name            = l_rate_or_payscale_name
	AND ppe.pay_element_id  = ppo.pay_element_id
	AND ppo.name            = l_grade_name
	AND ppo.grade_step      = l_grade_step
	AND ppo.sequence_number = l_sequence_number;
Line: 5659

     Select ppe.pay_element_id ,ppe.salary_type,
       FROM psb_pay_elements ppe,
	    psb_pay_element_options ppo
      WHERE ppe.data_extract_id = p_data_extract_id
	AND ppe.salary_type     = 'RATE'
	AND ppe.name            = l_rate_or_payscale_name
	AND ppe.pay_element_id  = ppo.pay_element_id
	AND ppo.name            = l_grade_name;
Line: 5670

     Select pay_element_rate_id,
       FROM psb_pay_element_rates
      WHERE pay_element_id        = l_pay_element_id
	AND pay_element_option_id = l_pay_element_option_id;
Line: 5684

    SELECT pas.position_assignment_id
    FROM   psb_position_assignments pas, -- bug #4886277: Used the table
                                         -- instead of View.
           psb_pay_elements pe
    WHERE  pas.pay_element_id = pe.pay_element_id (+)
    AND   pas.assignment_type = 'ELEMENT'
    AND   pas.data_extract_id = p_data_extract_id
    AND   pas.position_id     = vc_position_id
    AND   NVL(pe.salary_flag, 'Y')  = 'Y'
Line: 5700

  SELECT * FROM psb_positions_i
   WHERE data_extract_id = p_data_extract_id
     AND hr_position_id  > l_restart_hr_position_id
   ORDER BY hr_position_id,
Line: 5758

     update_insert_flag    VARCHAR2(1),
     position_id           NUMBER
Line: 5772

      update_insert_flag VARCHAR2(1),
      organization_id NUMBER,
      effective_start_date DATE,
      effective_end_date DATE,
      position_definition_id NUMBER,
      transaction_id NUMBER,
      transaction_status VARCHAR2(30),
      name  VARCHAR2(240)
Line: 5821

  l_last_update_date  := sysdate;
Line: 5822

  l_last_updated_BY   := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
Line: 5823

  l_last_update_login := FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID;
Line: 5877

Line: 5884

      Select hr_position_id,
      FROM   psb_positions
      WHERE  data_extract_id = p_data_extract_id
      AND    hr_position_id  = l_last_hr_position_id
      ORDER BY hr_position_id,

      l_target_cache_count := nvl(l_target_cache_count,0) + 1;
Line: 5936

        AND l_position_cache(j).update_insert_flag IS NULL
        AND l_position_i_cache(i).update_insert_flag IS NULL THEN

          l_position_cache(j).update_insert_flag   := 'U';
Line: 5940

          l_position_i_cache(i).update_insert_flag := 'U';
Line: 5960

    AND l_position_cache(j).update_insert_flag IS NULL
    AND l_position_cache(j).position_id IS NOT NULL
    AND l_position_i_cache(i).update_insert_flag IS NULL THEN

      l_position_cache(j).update_insert_flag   := 'U';
Line: 5965

      l_position_i_cache(i).update_insert_flag := 'U';
Line: 5970

    AND l_position_cache(j).update_insert_flag IS NULL
    AND l_position_cache(j).position_id IS NOT NULL
    AND l_position_i_cache(i).update_insert_flag IS NULL THEN

      l_position_cache(j).update_insert_flag   := 'U';
Line: 5975

      l_position_i_cache(i).update_insert_flag := 'U';
Line: 5980

    AND l_position_cache(j).update_insert_flag IS NULL
    AND l_position_cache(j).position_id IS NOT NULL
    AND l_position_i_cache(i).update_insert_flag IS NULL THEN

      l_position_cache(j).update_insert_flag   := 'U';
Line: 5985

      l_position_i_cache(i).update_insert_flag := 'U';
Line: 5997

    AND l_position_i_cache(i).update_insert_flag IS NULL THEN
      l_position_i_cache(i).update_insert_flag := 'I';
Line: 6004

  still have update_insert_flag as null for the data in PSB,
  then these are terminated records and we need to update the employee id
  as null in PSB. Note that for shared positions, we would have created multiple
  position records in PSB for the same position in HR,
  if there are multiple assignments in HR. This scenario is only applicable during
  REFRESH, but we do not need any additional condition to prevent, this for CREATE */

  FOR j in 1..l_position_cache.count

     IF l_position_cache(j).update_insert_flag IS NULL THEN

      -- Only thing we update here is the employee_id to NULL,
      --rest of the data remains same.
            p_api_version            => 1.0,
            p_init_msg_lISt          => FND_API.G_FALSE,
            p_commit                 => FND_API.G_FALSE,
            p_validation_level       => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
            p_return_status          => l_return_status,
            p_msg_count              => l_msg_count,
            p_msg_data               => l_msg_data,
            p_position_id            => l_position_cache(j).position_id,
            -- de by org
            p_organization_id        => l_position_cache(j).organization_id,
            p_data_extract_id        => p_data_extract_id,
            p_position_definition_id => l_position_cache(j).position_definition_id,
            p_hr_position_id         => l_position_cache(j).hr_position_id,
            p_hr_employee_id         => NULL,
            p_business_group_id      => p_business_group_id,
            p_effective_start_date   => l_position_cache(j).effective_start_date,
            p_effective_end_date     => l_position_cache(j).effective_end_date,
            p_set_of_books_id        => p_set_of_books_id,
            p_vacant_position_flag   => 'Y',
            p_transaction_id         => l_position_cache(j).transaction_id,
            p_transaction_status     => l_position_cache(j).transaction_status,
            p_attribute1             => NULL,
            p_attribute2             => NULL,
            p_attribute3             => NULL,
            p_attribute4             => NULL,
            p_attribute5             => NULL,
            p_attribute6             => NULL,
            p_attribute7             => NULL,
            p_attribute8             => NULL,
            p_attribute9             => NULL,
            p_attribute10            => NULL,
            p_attribute11            => NULL,
            p_attribute12            => NULL,
            p_attribute13            => NULL,
            p_attribute14            => NULL,
            p_attribute15            => NULL,
            p_attribute16            => NULL,
            p_attribute17            => NULL,
            p_attribute18            => NULL,
            p_attribute19            => NULL,
            p_attribute20            => NULL,
            p_attribute_category     => NULL,
            p_name                   => l_position_cache(j).name,
            p_mode                   => 'R'
            ) ;
Line: 6149

        /* Do Update_Reentry only at the time of the first failure
           with the last successful position or when the record
           count reaches g_checkpoint_save with no failed positions */

	if ((l_hr_position_ctr = PSB_WS_ACCT1.g_checkpoint_save) AND (l_status_flag <> 'I'))
            (l_last_success_flag = 'N')
          ( p_api_version              => 1.0  ,
  	    p_return_status            => l_return_status,
	    p_msg_count                => l_msg_count,
  	    p_msg_data                 => l_msg_data,
	    p_data_extract_id          => p_data_extract_id,
	    p_extract_method           => p_extract_method,
	    p_process                  => 'PSB Positions',
	    p_restart_id               => prev_hr_position_id
	  ) ;
Line: 6194

	Select application_column_name
	FROM   fnd_id_flex_segments_vl
	WHERE  id_flex_code = 'BPS'
	AND    id_flex_num  = l_id_flex_num
	AND    enabled_flag = 'Y'
	ORDER  BY segment_num
	l_init_index := l_init_index + 1;
Line: 6327

        VALUES (
        -4712, -4712, 'XXX', null, l_msg, SYSDATE, -1);
Line: 6369

        IF (l_extract_method = 'REFRESH')  or (l_update_flag = 'Y') THEN

	  -- Variable to determine whether 'REFRESH' occurred or NOT.
	  l_dummy := 0;
Line: 6376

	    SELECT position_id,organization_id
	    FROM   psb_positions
	    WHERE  hr_position_id  = position_rec.hr_position_id
	    AND    ( NVL(hr_employee_id,-1)=NVL(position_rec.hr_employee_id,-1)
                     ( hr_employee_id IS NULL
                       NOT EXISTS
                       ( SELECT 1
                         FROM   psb_positions
                         WHERE  hr_position_id = position_rec.hr_position_id
                         AND    hr_employee_id = position_rec.hr_employee_id
                         AND    data_extract_id = p_data_extract_id

                     ( hr_employee_id IS NOT NULL
                       NOT EXISTS
                       ( SELECT 1
                         FROM   psb_positions
                         WHERE  hr_position_id = position_rec.hr_position_id
                         AND    hr_employee_id  IS NULL
                         AND    data_extract_id = p_data_extract_id

	   AND     data_extract_id   = p_data_extract_id
	   AND     business_group_id = p_business_group_id
	    l_dummy := 1;
Line: 6413

    IF l_position_i_cache(i).update_insert_flag = 'U' THEN
    /* Bug 3417868 End */

            -- bug 4551061 added the in parameter p_availability_status
	    p_api_version            => 1.0,
	    p_init_msg_lISt          => FND_API.G_FALSE,
    	    p_commit                 => FND_API.G_FALSE,
	    p_validation_level       => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
	    p_return_status          => l_return_status,
	    p_msg_count              => l_msg_count,
	    p_msg_data               => l_msg_data,
	    p_position_id            => l_position_i_cache(i).position_id,
            -- de by org
            p_organization_id        => l_position_i_cache(i).organization_id,
	    p_data_extract_id        => p_data_extract_id,
	    p_position_definition_id => l_ccid,
	    p_hr_position_id         => l_position_i_cache(i).hr_position_id,
	    p_hr_employee_id         => l_position_i_cache(i).hr_employee_id,
	    p_business_group_id      => p_business_group_id,
	    p_effective_start_date   => l_position_i_cache(i).effective_start_date,
	    p_effective_end_date     => l_position_i_cache(i).effective_end_date,
	    p_set_of_books_id        => p_set_of_books_id,
	    p_vacant_position_flag   => l_vacant_position_flag,
            p_availability_status    => l_position_i_cache(i).availability_status,
	    p_transaction_id         => l_position_i_cache(i).transaction_id,
	    p_transaction_status     => l_position_i_cache(i).transaction_status,
	    p_attribute1             => NULL,
	    p_attribute2             => NULL,
	    p_attribute3             => NULL,
	    p_attribute4             => NULL,
	    p_attribute5             => NULL,
	    p_attribute6             => NULL,
	    p_attribute7             => NULL,
	    p_attribute8             => NULL,
	    p_attribute9             => NULL,
	    p_attribute10            => NULL,
	    p_attribute11            => NULL,
	    p_attribute12            => NULL,
	    p_attribute13            => NULL,
	    p_attribute14            => NULL,
	    p_attribute15            => NULL,
	    p_attribute16            => NULL,
	    p_attribute17            => NULL,
	    p_attribute18            => NULL,
	    p_attribute19            => NULL,
	    p_attribute20            => NULL,
	    p_attribute_category     => NULL,
	    p_name                   => l_concat_pos_name,
	    p_mode                   => 'R'
	    ) ;
Line: 6477

                    (SELECT a.effective_start_date,
                     FROM per_all_assignments_f a,
                          psb_data_extracts b
                     WHERE a.position_id =l_position_i_cache(i).hr_position_id
                     AND a.person_id = l_position_i_cache(i).hr_employee_id
                     AND b.data_extract_id = p_data_extract_id
                     AND b.req_data_as_of_date between
                         a.effective_start_date AND a.effective_end_date)
		   l_assignment_exists := TRUE;
Line: 6502

                     (SELECT a.effective_start_date,
                      FROM hr_all_positions_f a,
                           psb_data_extracts b
                      WHERE a.position_id =l_position_i_cache(i).hr_position_id
                      AND b.data_extract_id = p_data_extract_id
                      AND b.req_data_as_of_date between
                          a.effective_start_date AND a.effective_end_date)
		   l_eff_start_date := l_hr_position_rec.effective_start_date;
Line: 6587

	 -- l_update_flag := 'N';
Line: 6597

          AND (l_update_flag <> 'Y')
--        THEN /* For Bug No: 3066598 */
    /* Bug 3417868 Start */
    ELSIF l_position_i_cache(i).update_insert_flag = 'I' THEN
    /* Bug 3417868 End */
          SELECT psb_positions_s.nextval INTO l_position_id
	  FROM   dual;
Line: 6608

	  p_api_version            => 1.0,
	  p_init_msg_lISt          => NULL,
	  p_commit                 => NULL,
	  p_validation_level       => NULL,
	  p_return_status          => l_return_status,
	  p_msg_count              => l_msg_count,
	  p_msg_data               => l_msg_data,
	  p_rowid                  => l_rowid,
	  p_position_id            => l_position_id,
          -- de by org
          p_organization_id        => l_position_i_cache(i).organization_id,
	  p_data_extract_id        => p_data_extract_id,
	  p_position_definition_id => l_ccid,
	  p_hr_position_id         => l_position_i_cache(i).hr_position_id,
	  p_hr_employee_id         => l_position_i_cache(i).hr_employee_id,
	  p_business_group_id      => p_business_group_id,
	  p_effective_start_date   => l_position_i_cache(i).effective_start_date,
	  p_effective_END_date     => l_position_i_cache(i).effective_END_date,
	  p_set_of_books_id        => p_set_of_books_id,
	  p_vacant_position_flag   => l_vacant_position_flag,
          p_availability_status    => l_position_i_cache(i).availability_status,
	  p_transaction_id         => l_position_i_cache(i).transaction_id,
	  p_transaction_status     => l_position_i_cache(i).transaction_status,
	  p_new_position_flag      => 'N',
	  p_attribute1             => NULL,
	  p_attribute2             => NULL,
	  p_attribute3             => NULL,
	  p_attribute4             => NULL,
	  p_attribute5             => NULL,
	  p_attribute6             => NULL,
	  p_attribute7             => NULL,
	  p_attribute8             => NULL,
	  p_attribute9             => NULL,
	  p_attribute10            => NULL,
	  p_attribute11            => NULL,
	  p_attribute12            => NULL,
	  p_attribute13            => NULL,
	  p_attribute14            => NULL,
	  p_attribute15            => NULL,
	  p_attribute16            => NULL,
	  p_attribute17            => NULL,
	  p_attribute18            => NULL,
	  p_attribute19            => NULL,
	  p_attribute20            => NULL,
	  p_attribute_category     => NULL,
	  p_name                   => l_concat_pos_name,
	  p_mode                   => 'R'
	  ) ;
Line: 6665

          IF l_position_i_cache(i).update_insert_flag = 'I' OR
            ((l_elem_assign_dummy = 0) and (l_pay_element_id is not null)) THEN
        /*   if (((l_extract_method = 'CREATE') or (l_dummy = 0)) AND l_update_flag <> 'Y' )
             or ((l_elem_assign_dummy = 0) and (l_pay_element_id is not null))
             then  */
	      p_api_version             => 1,
	      p_init_msg_lISt           => NULL,
    	      p_commit                  => NULL,
	      p_validation_level        => NULL,
	      p_return_status           => l_return_status,
	      p_msg_count               => l_msg_count,
	      p_msg_data                => l_msg_data,
	      p_rowid                   => l_rowid,
	      p_position_assignment_id  => l_position_assignment_id,
	      p_data_extract_id         => p_data_extract_id,
	      p_worksheet_id            => NULL,
	      p_position_id             => l_position_id,
	      p_assignment_type         => 'ELEMENT',
	      p_attribute_id            => NULL,
	      p_attribute_value_id      => NULL,
	      p_attribute_value         => NULL,
	      p_pay_element_id          => l_pay_element_id,
	      p_pay_element_option_id   => l_pay_element_option_id,
	      p_effective_start_date    => l_position_i_cache(i).effective_start_date,
	      p_effective_END_date      => l_position_i_cache(i).effective_end_date,
	      p_element_value_type      => 'A',
	      p_element_value           => l_position_i_cache(i).value,
	      p_currency_code           => l_currency_code,
	      p_pay_basIS               => l_position_i_cache(i).pay_basis,
	      p_employee_id             => NULL,
	      p_primary_employee_flag   => NULL,
	      p_global_default_flag     => NULL,
	      p_assignment_default_rule_id => NULL,
	      p_modIFy_flag             => NULL,
	      p_mode                    => 'R'
	    ) ;
Line: 6715

      END IF;  -- l_position_i_cache(i).update_insert_flag = 'U'
Line: 6725

Line: 6810

      ( p_api_version      =>  1.0  ,
        p_return_status    =>  l_return_status,
        p_msg_count        =>  l_msg_count,
        p_msg_data         =>  l_msg_data,
        p_data_extract_id  =>  p_data_extract_id,
        p_extract_method   =>  p_extract_method,
        p_process          =>  'PSB Positions',
        p_restart_id       =>  prev_hr_position_id
Line: 6917

  l_last_update_date    DATE;
Line: 6918

  l_last_upDATEd_BY     number;
Line: 6919

  l_last_upDATE_login   number;
Line: 6944

    Select pe.hr_employee_id,
           -- de by org
	   full_name, known_as,
	   last_name, middle_names, title,
      FROM psb_employees_i  pe,
	   psb_positions    pp
     WHERE pe.data_extract_id = p_data_extract_id
       AND pe.data_extract_id = pp.data_extract_id
       AND pe.hr_position_id  = pp.hr_position_id
       AND pe.hr_employee_id  = pp.hr_employee_id
       AND pe.hr_position_id > l_restart_hr_position_id
     ORDER BY pe.hr_position_id, proposed_salary;
Line: 6973

   SELECT distinct position_assignment_id,pp.position_id,pe.hr_employee_id
      FROM psb_position_assignments ppa,psb_positions pp,psb_employees pe,
           per_all_assignments_f paf
      WHERE ppa.position_id=pp.position_id
      AND ppa.data_extract_id=p_data_extract_id
      AND pp.hr_position_id > l_restart_hr_position_id
      AND paf.position_id=pp.hr_position_id
      AND paf.person_id=pe.hr_employee_id
      AND paf.person_id not in
                             (select person_id
                              from   per_all_assignments_f paf2,fnd_sessions fs
                              where  fs.effective_date between paf2.effective_start_date
                                                             and paf2.effective_end_date
                              and assignment_type='E' and position_id=paf.position_id
                              and fs.session_id=USERENV('sessionid'))
      AND paf.assignment_type='E'
      AND pp.hr_employee_id IS NULL
      AND ppa.assignment_type='EMPLOYEE';
Line: 6992

/*      SELECT distinct position_assignment_id,pp.position_id,pe.hr_employee_id
      FROM psb_position_assignments ppa,psb_positions pp,psb_employees pe,
           per_all_assignments_f paf
      WHERE ppa.position_id=pp.position_id
      AND ppa.data_extract_id=p_data_extract_id
      AND pp.hr_position_id > l_restart_hr_position_id
      AND paf.position_id=pp.hr_position_id
      AND paf.person_id=pe.hr_employee_id
      AND not exists (select fs.session_id from fnd_sessions fs
                      where fs.effective_date between paf.effective_start_date
                         and paf.effective_end_date
                      and fs.session_id=USERENV('sessionid') )
      AND paf.assignment_type='E'
      AND pp.hr_employee_id IS NULL
      AND ppa.assignment_type ='EMPLOYEE'; */
Line: 7047

       Select currency_code
	 FROM gl_sets_of_books
	WHERE set_of_books_id = p_set_of_books_id;
Line: 7052

       Select rate_or_payscale_name,grade_name
	 FROM psb_salary_i
	WHERE rate_or_payscale_id  = prev_rate_or_payscale_id
	  AND grade_id             = prev_grade_id
	  AND grade_step           = prev_grade_step
	  AND sequence_number      = prev_sequence_number
	  AND data_extract_id      = p_data_extract_id;
Line: 7061

       Select rate_or_payscale_name,grade_name
	 FROM psb_salary_i
	WHERE rate_or_payscale_id = prev_rate_or_payscale_id
	  AND grade_id            = prev_grade_id
	  AND data_extract_id     = p_data_extract_id;
Line: 7068

       Select ppe.pay_element_id ,ppe.salary_type,
	 FROM psb_pay_elements ppe,
	      psb_pay_element_options ppo
	WHERE ppe.data_extract_id = p_data_extract_id
	  AND ppe.salary_type     = 'STEP'
	  AND ppe.name            = prev_rate_or_payscale_name
	  AND ppe.pay_element_id  = ppo.pay_element_id
	  AND ppo.name            = prev_grade_name
	  AND ppo.grade_step      = prev_grade_step
	  AND ppo.sequence_number = prev_sequence_number;
Line: 7081

       Select ppe.pay_element_id ,ppe.salary_type,
	 FROM psb_pay_elements ppe,
	      psb_pay_element_options ppo
	WHERE ppe.data_extract_id = p_data_extract_id
	  AND ppe.salary_type     = 'RATE'
	  AND ppe.name            = prev_rate_or_payscale_name
	  AND ppe.pay_element_id  = ppo.pay_element_id
	  AND ppo.name            = prev_grade_name;
Line: 7092

       Select pay_element_option_id
	 FROM psb_pay_element_options
	WHERE pay_element_id  = l_ppay_element_id
	  AND name            = prev_grade_name
	  AND grade_step      = prev_grade_step
	  AND sequence_number = prev_sequence_number;
Line: 7100

       Select pay_element_option_id
	 FROM psb_pay_element_options
	WHERE pay_element_id  = l_ppay_element_id
	  AND name            = prev_grade_name; */
Line: 7106

       Select pay_element_rate_id,
	 FROM psb_pay_element_rates
	WHERE pay_element_id        = l_ppay_element_id
	  AND pay_element_option_id = l_ppay_element_option_id;
Line: 7116

       Select pay_element_id
	 FROM psb_pay_elements
	WHERE data_extract_id = p_data_extract_id
	  AND option_flag    = 'N'
	  AND overwrite_flag = 'Y'
	  AND name           = l_non_grade_salary_name;
Line: 7127

  l_last_upDATE_DATE  := sysDATE;
Line: 7128

  l_last_upDATEd_BY   := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
Line: 7129

  l_last_upDATE_login := FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID;
Line: 7253

	   ( p_api_version              => 1.0  ,
	     p_return_status            => l_return_status,
	     p_msg_count                => l_msg_count,
	     p_msg_data                 => l_msg_data,
	     p_data_extract_id          => p_data_extract_id,
             p_extract_method           => p_extract_method,
	     p_process                  => 'PSB Employees',
	     p_restart_id               => prev_hr_position_id
Line: 7279

	-- Note these assignments will be created/upDATEd later as part of
	-- refreshing.

	  -- Delete 'ELEMENT' assignments.
	  Delete Psb_Position_Assignments
	   WHERE position_id     = employee_rec.position_id
	     AND data_extract_id = p_data_extract_id
	     AND assignment_type = 'ELEMENT';
Line: 7289

	  -- Delete 'ATTRIBUTE' assignments.
	  Delete Psb_Position_Assignments
	   WHERE position_id     = employee_rec.position_id
	     AND data_extract_id = p_data_extract_id
	     AND assignment_type = 'ATTRIBUTE';
Line: 7322

	  Select psb_pay_elements_s.nextval INTO ln_pay_element_id
	  FROM   dual;
Line: 7325

	  ( p_api_version             =>  1.0,
	    p_init_msg_lISt           => NULL,
	    p_commit                  => NULL,
	    p_validation_level        => NULL,
	    p_return_status           => l_return_status,
	    p_msg_count               => l_msg_count,
	    p_msg_data                => l_msg_data,
	    p_row_id                  => l_rowid,
	    p_pay_element_id          => ln_pay_element_id,
	    p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id,
	    p_data_extract_id         => p_data_extract_id,
	    p_name                    => l_non_grade_salary_name,
	    p_description             => NULL,
	    p_element_value_type      => 'A',
	    p_FORmula_id              => NULL,
	    p_overwrite_flag          => 'Y',
	    p_required_flag           => NULL,
	    p_follow_salary           => NULL,
	    p_pay_basIS               => prev_pay_basIS,
	    p_start_DATE              => prev_change_DATE,
	    p_END_DATE                => NULL,
	    p_processing_type         => 'R',
	    p_period_type             => NULL,
	    p_process_period_type     => NULL,
	    p_max_element_value_type  => NULL,
	    p_max_element_value       => NULL,
	    p_salary_flag             => 'Y',
	    p_salary_type             => 'VALUE',
	    p_option_flag             => 'N',
	    p_hr_element_type_id      => NULL,
	    p_attribute_category      => NULL,
	    p_attribute1              => NULL,
	    p_attribute2              => NULL,
	    p_attribute3              => NULL,
	    p_attribute4              => NULL,
	    p_attribute5              => NULL,
	    p_attribute6              => NULL,
	    p_attribute7              => NULL,
	    p_attribute8              => NULL,
	    p_attribute9              => NULL,
	    p_attribute10             => NULL,
	    p_last_upDATE_DATE        => l_last_update_date,
	    p_last_upDATEd_BY         => l_last_upDATEd_BY,
	    p_last_upDATE_login       => l_last_upDATE_login,
	    p_created_BY              => l_created_BY,
	    p_creation_DATE           => l_creation_DATE
Line: 7449

	 -- UpDATE psb_employees table.
	 UpDATE Psb_Employees
	     set first_name           = employee_rec.first_name,
		 full_name            = employee_rec.full_name,
		 known_as             = employee_rec.known_as,
		 last_name            = employee_rec.last_name,
		 middle_names         = employee_rec.middle_names,
		 title                = employee_rec.title,
		 last_upDATE_DATE     = l_last_update_date,
		 last_upDATEd_BY      = l_last_upDATEd_BY,
		 last_upDATE_login    = l_last_upDATE_login,
		 created_BY           = l_created_BY,
		 creation_DATE        = l_creation_DATE
	   WHERE hr_employee_id       = employee_rec.hr_employee_id
	     AND data_extract_id      = p_data_extract_id
	     AND business_group_id    = p_business_group_id;
Line: 7469

	-- UpDATE position related assignment
	-- (position_id = hr_employee_id + hr_position_id)
	FOR l_pos_assignment_rec in
	  Select employee_id, position_assignment_id
	  FROM   psb_position_assignments
	  WHERE  data_extract_id = p_data_extract_id
	  AND    assignment_type = 'EMPLOYEE'
	  AND    position_id     = employee_rec.position_id

	  l_employee_dummy := 1;
Line: 7518

	END LOOP; -- END upDATE position related assignment.
Line: 7539

	   Select position_assignment_id,
	   FROM   psb_position_assign_element_v
	   WHERE  data_extract_id = p_data_extract_id
	   AND    position_id     = employee_rec.position_id
	   AND    salary_flag     = 'Y'

	  l_element_dummy := 1;
Line: 7556

	    p_api_version             => 1,
	    p_init_msg_lISt           => NULL,
	    p_commit                  => NULL,
	    p_validation_level        => NULL,
	    p_return_status           => l_return_status,
	    p_msg_count               => l_msg_count,
	    p_msg_data                => l_msg_data,
	    p_position_assignment_id  =>
	    p_pay_element_id          => l_ppay_element_id,
	    p_pay_element_option_id   => l_ppay_element_option_id,
	    p_attribute_value_id      => NULL,
	    p_attribute_value         => NULL,
	    p_effective_END_DATE      => NULL,
	    p_element_value_type      => 'A',
	    p_element_value           => l_proposed_salary,
	    p_pay_basIS               => prev_pay_basIS,
	    p_employee_id             => C_element_assignments_rec.employee_id,
	    p_primary_employee_flag   => NULL,
	    p_global_default_flag     => NULL,
	    p_assignment_default_rule_id => NULL,
	    p_modIFy_flag             => NULL,
	    p_mode                    => 'R'
	  ) ;
Line: 7597

	Select psb_employees_s.nextval INTO l_employee_id
	FROM   dual;
Line: 7606

	( EMPLOYEE_ID       ,
	  FIRST_NAME        ,
	  FULL_NAME         ,
	  KNOWN_AS          ,
	  LAST_NAME         ,
	  MIDDLE_NAMES      ,
	  TITLE             ,
	  CREATED_BY         ,
	( l_employee_id,
	  l_last_upDATEd_BY ,
	  l_last_upDATE_login ,
Line: 7643

	  p_api_version             => 1,
	  p_init_msg_lISt           => NULL,
	  p_commit                  => NULL,
	  p_validation_level        => NULL,
	  p_return_status           => l_return_status,
	  p_msg_count               => l_msg_count,
	  p_msg_data                => l_msg_data,
	  p_rowid                   => l_rowid,
	  p_position_assignment_id  => l_position_assignment_id,
	  p_data_extract_id         => p_data_extract_id,
	  p_worksheet_id            => NULL,
	  p_position_id             => employee_rec.position_id,
	  p_assignment_type         => 'EMPLOYEE',
	  p_attribute_id            => NULL,
	  p_attribute_value_id      => NULL,
	  p_attribute_value         => NULL,
	  p_pay_element_id          => NULL,
	  p_pay_element_option_id   => NULL,
	  p_effective_start_DATE    => employee_rec.effective_start_DATE,
	  p_effective_END_DATE      => NULL,
	  p_element_value_type      => NULL,
	  p_element_value           => NULL,
	  p_currency_code           => NULL,
	  p_pay_basIS               => NULL,
	  p_employee_id             => l_employee_id,
	  p_primary_employee_flag   => 'Y' ,
	  p_global_default_flag     => NULL,
	  p_assignment_default_rule_id => NULL,
	  p_modIFy_flag             => NULL,
	  p_mode                    => 'R'
	) ;
Line: 7694

	  p_api_version             => 1,
	  p_init_msg_lISt           => NULL,
	  p_commit                  => NULL,
	  p_validation_level        => NULL,
	  p_return_status           => l_return_status,
	  p_msg_count               => l_msg_count,
	  p_msg_data                => l_msg_data,
	  p_rowid                   => l_rowid,
	  p_position_assignment_id  => l_position_assignment_id,
	  p_data_extract_id         => p_data_extract_id,
	  p_worksheet_id            => NULL,
	  p_position_id             => employee_rec.position_id,
	  p_assignment_type         => 'ELEMENT',
	  p_attribute_id            => NULL,
	  p_attribute_value_id      => NULL,
	  p_attribute_value         => NULL,
	  p_pay_element_id          => l_ppay_element_id,
	  p_pay_element_option_id   => l_ppay_element_option_id,
	  p_effective_start_DATE    => prev_change_DATE,
	  p_effective_END_DATE      => NULL,
	  p_element_value_type      => 'A',
	  p_element_value           => l_proposed_salary,
	  p_currency_code           => l_currency_code,
	  p_pay_basIS               => prev_pay_basIS,
	  p_employee_id             => l_employee_id,
	  p_primary_employee_flag   => NULL,
	  p_global_default_flag     => NULL,
	  p_assignment_default_rule_id => NULL,
	  p_modIFy_flag             => NULL,
	  p_mode                    => 'R'
	) ;
Line: 7749

            ( p_api_version => 1.0,
              p_return_status => l_return_status,
              p_msg_count => l_msg_count,
              p_msg_data => l_msg_data,
              p_position_assignment_id =>terminated_rec.position_assignment_id);
Line: 7760

         delete from psb_employees
         where hr_employee_id=terminated_rec.hr_employee_id
         and data_extract_id=p_data_extract_id;
Line: 7767

   ( p_api_version              => 1.0  ,
     p_return_status            => l_return_status,
     p_msg_count                => l_msg_count,
     p_msg_data                 => l_msg_data,
     p_data_extract_id          => p_data_extract_id,
     p_extract_method           => p_extract_method,
     p_process                  => 'PSB Employees',
     p_restart_id               => prev_hr_position_id
Line: 7860

  l_last_update_date        DATE;
Line: 7861

  l_last_upDATEd_BY         number;
Line: 7862

  l_last_upDATE_login       number;
Line: 7883

    Select salary_type, rate_or_payscale_id,
	   rate_or_payscale_name, grade_id,
	   grade_name, grade_step, sequence_number,
	   minimum_value, maximum_value,
	   mid_value, element_value,pay_basIS,
	   effective_start_DATE, effective_END_DATE
      FROM psb_salary_i
     WHERE data_extract_id   = p_data_extract_id
       AND rate_or_payscale_id > l_restart_salary_id
     ORDER BY rate_or_payscale_id, salary_type;
Line: 7896

     Select rowid,pay_element_id, budget_set_id,period_type
       FROM psb_pay_elements
      WHERE data_extract_id   = p_data_extract_id
	AND name              = lr_rate_or_payscale_name
	AND salary_type       = lr_salary_type;
Line: 7903

     Select currency_code
       FROM gl_sets_of_books
      WHERE set_of_books_id = p_set_of_books_id;
Line: 7922

     Select rowid, pay_element_option_id
      WHERE pay_element_id = l_pay_element_id
	AND name = lr_grade_name
	AND grade_step = lr_grade_step
	AND sequence_number = lr_sequence_number;
Line: 7930

     Select rowid, pay_element_option_id
      WHERE pay_element_id = l_pay_element_id
	AND name = lr_grade_name;
Line: 7937

    l_last_update_date := sysDATE;
Line: 7938

    l_last_upDATEd_BY := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
Line: 7939

    l_last_upDATE_login :=FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID;
Line: 8004

	      ( p_api_version              => 1.0  ,
		p_return_status            => l_return_status,
		p_msg_count                => l_msg_count,
		p_msg_data                 => l_msg_data,
		p_data_extract_id          => p_data_extract_id,
		p_extract_method           => p_extract_method,
		p_process                  => 'PSB Elements',
		p_restart_id               => prev_rate_or_payscale_id
Line: 8035

	  ( p_api_version             =>  1.0,
	    p_init_msg_lISt           => NULL,
	    p_commit                  => NULL,
	    p_validation_level        => NULL,
	    p_return_status           => l_return_status,
	    p_msg_count               => l_msg_count,
	    p_msg_data                => l_msg_data,
	    p_row_id                  => C_Refresh_Rec.rowid,
	    p_pay_element_id          => C_Refresh_Rec.pay_element_id,
	    p_budget_set_id           => C_Refresh_Rec.budget_set_id,
	    p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id,
	    p_data_extract_id         => p_data_extract_id,
	    p_name                    => lr_rate_or_payscale_name,
	    p_description             => NULL,
	    p_element_value_type      => 'A',
	    p_FORmula_id              => NULL,
	    p_overwrite_flag          => NULL,
	    p_required_flag           => NULL,
	    p_follow_salary           => NULL,
	    p_pay_basIS               => C_Element_Rec.pay_basIS,
	    p_start_DATE              => C_Element_Rec.effective_start_DATE,
	    p_END_DATE                => C_Element_Rec.effective_END_DATE,
	    p_processing_type         => 'R',
	   Pass the existing period_type istead of NULL to resolve the issue in Bug No: 2852998
	   We should not set/override the period_type to NULL in case of REFRESH mode,
      since the period_type    doesn't come from HR
	    p_period_type             => C_Refresh_Rec.period_type,
	    p_process_period_type     => NULL,
	    p_max_element_value_type  => NULL,
	    p_max_element_value       => NULL,
	    p_salary_flag             => 'Y',
	    p_salary_type             => C_Element_Rec.salary_type,
	    p_option_flag             => 'Y',
	    p_hr_element_type_id      => C_Element_Rec.element_type_id,
	    p_attribute_category      => NULL,
	    p_attribute1              => NULL,
	    p_attribute2              => NULL,
	    p_attribute3              => NULL,
	    p_attribute4              => NULL,
	    p_attribute5              => NULL,
	    p_attribute6              => NULL,
	    p_attribute7              => NULL,
	    p_attribute8              => NULL,
	    p_attribute9              => NULL,
	    p_attribute10             => NULL,
	    p_last_upDATE_DATE        => l_last_update_date,
	    p_last_upDATEd_BY         => l_last_upDATEd_BY,
	    p_last_upDATE_login       => l_last_upDATE_login
Line: 8105

	  ( p_api_version             =>  1.0,
	    p_init_msg_lISt           => NULL,
	    p_commit                  => NULL,
	    p_validation_level        => NULL,
	    p_return_status           => l_return_status,
	    p_msg_count               => l_msg_count,
	    p_msg_data                => l_msg_data,
	    p_pay_element_option_id   => C_Ref_Option_Rec.pay_element_option_id,
	    p_pay_element_id          => C_Refresh_Rec.pay_element_id,
	    p_name                    => C_Element_Rec.grade_name,
	    p_grade_step              => C_Element_Rec.grade_step,
	    p_sequence_number         => C_Element_Rec.sequence_number,
	    p_last_upDATE_DATE        => l_last_update_date,
	    p_last_upDATEd_BY         => l_last_upDATEd_BY,
	    p_last_upDATE_login       => l_last_upDATE_login
Line: 8134

	  ( p_api_version             =>  1.0,
	    p_init_msg_lISt           => NULL,
	    p_commit                  => NULL,
	    p_validation_level        => NULL,
	    p_return_status           => l_return_status,
	    p_msg_count               => l_msg_count,
	    p_msg_data                => l_msg_data,
	    p_pay_element_option_id   => C_Ref_Rate_Rec.pay_element_option_id,
	    p_pay_element_id          => C_Refresh_Rec.pay_element_id,
	    p_name                    => C_Element_Rec.grade_name,
	    p_grade_step              => C_Element_Rec.grade_step,
	    p_sequence_number         => C_Element_Rec.sequence_number,
	    p_last_upDATE_DATE        => l_last_update_date,
	    p_last_upDATEd_BY         => l_last_upDATEd_BY,
	    p_last_upDATE_login       => l_last_upDATE_login
Line: 8159

	   Select psb_pay_element_options_s.nextval
	     INTO l_pay_element_option_id
	     FROM dual;
Line: 8163

	  ( p_api_version             =>  1.0,
	    p_init_msg_lISt           => NULL,
	    p_commit                  => NULL,
	    p_validation_level        => NULL,
	    p_return_status           => l_return_status,
	    p_msg_count               => l_msg_count,
	    p_msg_data                => l_msg_data,
	    p_pay_element_option_id   => l_pay_element_option_id,
	    p_pay_element_id          => l_pay_element_id,
	    p_name                    => C_Element_Rec.grade_name,
	    p_grade_step              => C_Element_Rec.grade_step,
	    p_sequence_number         => C_Element_Rec.sequence_number,
	    p_last_upDATE_DATE        => l_last_update_date,
	    p_last_upDATEd_BY         => l_last_upDATEd_BY,
	    p_last_upDATE_login       => l_last_upDATE_login,
	    p_created_BY              => l_created_BY,
	    p_creation_DATE           => l_creation_DATE
Line: 8220

	   Select psb_pay_elements_s.nextval
	     INTO l_pay_element_id
	     FROM dual;
Line: 8224

	  ( p_api_version             =>  1.0,
	    p_init_msg_lISt           => NULL,
	    p_commit                  => NULL,
	    p_validation_level        => NULL,
	    p_return_status           => l_return_status,
	    p_msg_count               => l_msg_count,
	    p_msg_data                => l_msg_data,
	    p_row_id                  => l_rowid,
	    p_pay_element_id          => l_pay_element_id,
	    p_business_group_id       => p_business_group_id,
	    p_data_extract_id         => p_data_extract_id,
	    p_name                    => C_Element_Rec.rate_or_payscale_name,
	    p_description             => NULL,
	    p_element_value_type      => 'A',
	    p_FORmula_id              => NULL,
	    p_overwrite_flag          => NULL,
	    p_required_flag           => NULL,
	    p_follow_salary           => NULL,
	    p_pay_basIS               => C_Element_Rec.pay_basIS,
	    p_start_DATE              => C_Element_Rec.effective_start_DATE,
	    p_END_DATE                => C_Element_Rec.effective_END_DATE,
	    p_processing_type         => 'R',
	    p_period_type             => NULL,
	    p_process_period_type     => NULL,
	    p_max_element_value_type  => NULL,
	    p_max_element_value       => NULL,
	    p_salary_flag             => 'Y',
	    p_salary_type             => C_Element_Rec.salary_type,
	    p_option_flag             => 'Y',
	    p_hr_element_type_id      => C_Element_Rec.element_type_id,
	    p_attribute_category      => NULL,
	    p_attribute1              => NULL,
	    p_attribute2              => NULL,
	    p_attribute3              => NULL,
	    p_attribute4              => NULL,
	    p_attribute5              => NULL,
	    p_attribute6              => NULL,
	    p_attribute7              => NULL,
	    p_attribute8              => NULL,
	    p_attribute9              => NULL,
	    p_attribute10             => NULL,
	    p_last_upDATE_DATE        => l_last_update_date,
	    p_last_upDATEd_BY         => l_last_upDATEd_BY,
	    p_last_upDATE_login       => l_last_upDATE_login,
	    p_created_BY              => l_created_BY,
	    p_creation_DATE           => l_creation_DATE
Line: 8278

	   Select psb_pay_element_options_s.nextval
	     INTO l_pay_element_option_id
	     FROM dual;
Line: 8282

	  ( p_api_version             =>  1.0,
	    p_init_msg_lISt           => NULL,
	    p_commit                  => NULL,
	    p_validation_level        => NULL,
	    p_return_status           => l_return_status,
	    p_msg_count               => l_msg_count,
	    p_msg_data                => l_msg_data,
	    p_pay_element_option_id   => l_pay_element_option_id,
	    p_pay_element_id          => l_pay_element_id,
	    p_name                    => C_Element_Rec.grade_name,
	    p_grade_step              => C_Element_Rec.grade_step,
	    p_sequence_number         => C_Element_Rec.sequence_number,
	    p_last_upDATE_DATE        => l_last_update_date,
	    p_last_upDATEd_BY         => l_last_upDATEd_BY,
	    p_last_upDATE_login       => l_last_upDATE_login,
	    p_created_BY              => l_created_BY,
	    p_creation_DATE           => l_creation_DATE
Line: 8307

	   Select psb_pay_element_rates_s.nextval
	     INTO l_pay_element_rate_id
	     FROM dual;
Line: 8311

	  ( p_api_version             =>  1.0,
	    p_init_msg_lISt           => NULL,
	    p_commit                  => NULL,
	    p_validation_level        => NULL,
	    p_return_status           => l_return_status,
	    p_msg_count               => l_msg_count,
	    p_msg_data                => l_msg_data,
	    p_pay_element_rate_id     => l_pay_element_rate_id,
	    p_pay_element_option_id   => l_pay_element_option_id,
	    p_pay_element_id          => l_pay_element_id,
	    p_effective_start_DATE    => C_Element_Rec.effective_start_DATE,
	    p_effective_END_DATE      => C_Element_Rec.effective_END_DATE,
	    p_worksheet_id            => NULL,
	    p_element_value_type      => 'A',
	    p_element_value           => C_Element_Rec.element_value,
	    p_pay_basIS               => C_Element_Rec.pay_basIS,
	    p_FORmula_id              => NULL,
	    p_maximum_value           => C_Element_Rec.maximum_value,
	    p_mid_value               => C_Element_Rec.mid_value,
	    p_minimum_value           => C_Element_Rec.minimum_value,
	    p_currency_code           => l_currency_code,
	    p_last_upDATE_DATE        => l_last_update_date,
	    p_last_upDATEd_BY         => l_last_upDATEd_BY,
	    p_last_upDATE_login       => l_last_upDATE_login,
	    p_created_BY              => l_created_BY,
	    p_creation_DATE           => l_creation_DATE
	   ) ;
Line: 8349

     ( p_api_version              => 1.0  ,
       p_return_status            => l_return_status,
       p_msg_count                => l_msg_count,
       p_msg_data                 => l_msg_data,
       p_data_extract_id          => p_data_extract_id,
       p_extract_method           => p_extract_method,
       p_process                  => 'PSB Elements',
       p_restart_id               => prev_rate_or_payscale_id
Line: 8444

  Select count(*) INTO lcount
    FROM psb_employees_i
   WHERE hr_position_id = p_position_id
     AND data_extract_id = p_data_extract_id;
Line: 8474

  l_last_update_date    DATE;
Line: 8475

  l_last_upDATEd_BY     number;
Line: 8476

  l_last_upDATE_login   number;
Line: 8501

    Select b.attribute_value_id,b.attribute_id,
	   a.name, b.attribute_value,b.description,b.value_id
      FROM psb_attribute_values_i b, psb_attributes_vl a
     WHERE data_extract_id = p_data_extract_id
       AND b.attribute_id  = a.attribute_id
       AND b.attribute_value_id > l_restart_attribute_value_id
     order by b.attribute_value_id;
Line: 8510

    Select attribute_value_id
      FROM psb_attribute_values
     WHERE attribute_id = lr_attribute_id
       AND attribute_value = lr_attribute_value
       AND data_extract_id = p_data_extract_id;
Line: 8520

    l_last_update_date := sysDATE;
Line: 8521

    l_last_upDATEd_BY := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
Line: 8522

    l_last_upDATE_login :=FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID;
Line: 8580

	  ( p_api_version             =>  1.0,
	    p_init_msg_lISt           => NULL,
	    p_commit                  => NULL,
	    p_validation_level        => NULL,
	    p_return_status           => l_return_status,
	    p_msg_count               => l_msg_count,
	    p_msg_data                => l_msg_data,
	    p_attribute_value_id      => C_ref_attr_rec.attribute_value_id,
	    p_attribute_id            => C_Attribute_Rec.attribute_id,
	    p_attribute_value         => C_Attribute_Rec.attribute_value,
	    p_hr_value_id             => C_Attribute_Rec.value_id,
	    p_description             => C_Attribute_Rec.description,
	    p_data_extract_id         => p_data_extract_id,
	    p_context                 => NULL,
	    p_attribute1              => NULL,
	    p_attribute2              => NULL,
	    p_attribute3              => NULL,
	    p_attribute4              => NULL,
	    p_attribute5              => NULL,
	    p_attribute6              => NULL,
	    p_attribute7              => NULL,
	    p_attribute8              => NULL,
	    p_attribute9              => NULL,
	    p_attribute10             => NULL,
	    p_attribute11             => NULL,
	    p_attribute12             => NULL,
	    p_attribute13             => NULL,
	    p_attribute14             => NULL,
	    p_attribute15             => NULL,
	    p_attribute16             => NULL,
	    p_attribute17             => NULL,
	    p_attribute18             => NULL,
	    p_attribute19             => NULL,
	    p_attribute20             => NULL,
	    p_attribute21             => NULL,
	    p_attribute22             => NULL,
	    p_attribute23             => NULL,
	    p_attribute24             => NULL,
	    p_attribute25             => NULL,
	    p_attribute26             => NULL,
	    p_attribute27             => NULL,
	    p_attribute28             => NULL,
	    p_attribute29             => NULL,
	    p_attribute30             => NULL,
	    p_last_upDATE_DATE        => l_last_update_date,
	    p_last_upDATEd_BY         => l_last_upDATEd_BY,
	    p_last_upDATE_login       => l_last_upDATE_login
Line: 8634

	 /* The following code(check for the attribute_value and update_row if
	    it exists else use insert_row. Insert_row was already existing)
	    has been added to fix the unique
	    constraint violation error as mentioned in bug 1735018.
	    Fixed by Siva Annamalai on 30 Apr 2001 */

	 l_attribute_value_id := NULL;
Line: 8650

	   ( p_api_version             =>  1.0,
	    p_init_msg_lISt           => NULL,
	    p_commit                  => NULL,
	    p_validation_level        => NULL,
	    p_return_status           => l_return_status,
	    p_msg_count               => l_msg_count,
	    p_msg_data                => l_msg_data,
	    p_attribute_value_id      => l_attribute_value_id,
	    p_attribute_id            => C_Attribute_Rec.attribute_id,
	    p_attribute_value         => C_Attribute_Rec.attribute_value,
	    p_hr_value_id             => C_Attribute_Rec.value_id,
	    p_description             => C_Attribute_Rec.description,
	    p_data_extract_id         => p_data_extract_id,
	    p_context                 => NULL,
	    p_attribute1              => NULL,
	    p_attribute2              => NULL,
	    p_attribute3              => NULL,
	    p_attribute4              => NULL,
	    p_attribute5              => NULL,
	    p_attribute6              => NULL,
	    p_attribute7              => NULL,
	    p_attribute8              => NULL,
	    p_attribute9              => NULL,
	    p_attribute10             => NULL,
	    p_attribute11             => NULL,
	    p_attribute12             => NULL,
	    p_attribute13             => NULL,
	    p_attribute14             => NULL,
	    p_attribute15             => NULL,
	    p_attribute16             => NULL,
	    p_attribute17             => NULL,
	    p_attribute18             => NULL,
	    p_attribute19             => NULL,
	    p_attribute20             => NULL,
	    p_attribute21             => NULL,
	    p_attribute22             => NULL,
	    p_attribute23             => NULL,
	    p_attribute24             => NULL,
	    p_attribute25             => NULL,
	    p_attribute26             => NULL,
	    p_attribute27             => NULL,
	    p_attribute28             => NULL,
	    p_attribute29             => NULL,
	    p_attribute30             => NULL,
	    p_last_upDATE_DATE        => l_last_update_date,
	    p_last_upDATEd_BY         => l_last_upDATEd_BY,
	    p_last_upDATE_login       => l_last_upDATE_login
Line: 8702

	   ( p_api_version             =>  1.0,
	    p_init_msg_lISt           => NULL,
	    p_commit                  => NULL,
	    p_validation_level        => NULL,
	    p_return_status           => l_return_status,
	    p_msg_count               => l_msg_count,
	    p_msg_data                => l_msg_data,
	    p_rowid                   => l_rowid,
	    p_attribute_value_id      => C_Attribute_Rec.attribute_value_id,
	    p_attribute_id            => C_Attribute_Rec.attribute_id,
	    p_attribute_value         => C_Attribute_Rec.attribute_value,
	    p_hr_value_id             => C_Attribute_Rec.value_id,
	    p_description             => C_Attribute_Rec.description,
	    p_data_extract_id         => p_data_extract_id,
	    p_context                 => NULL,
	    p_attribute1              => NULL,
	    p_attribute2              => NULL,
	    p_attribute3              => NULL,
	    p_attribute4              => NULL,
	    p_attribute5              => NULL,
	    p_attribute6              => NULL,
	    p_attribute7              => NULL,
	    p_attribute8              => NULL,
	    p_attribute9              => NULL,
	    p_attribute10             => NULL,
	    p_attribute11             => NULL,
	    p_attribute12             => NULL,
	    p_attribute13             => NULL,
	    p_attribute14             => NULL,
	    p_attribute15             => NULL,
	    p_attribute16             => NULL,
	    p_attribute17             => NULL,
	    p_attribute18             => NULL,
	    p_attribute19             => NULL,
	    p_attribute20             => NULL,
	    p_attribute21             => NULL,
	    p_attribute22             => NULL,
	    p_attribute23             => NULL,
	    p_attribute24             => NULL,
	    p_attribute25             => NULL,
	    p_attribute26             => NULL,
	    p_attribute27             => NULL,
	    p_attribute28             => NULL,
	    p_attribute29             => NULL,
	    p_attribute30             => NULL,
	    p_last_upDATE_DATE        => l_last_update_date,
	    p_last_upDATEd_BY         => l_last_upDATEd_BY,
	    p_last_upDATE_login       => l_last_upDATE_login,
	    p_created_BY              => l_created_BY,
	    p_creation_DATE           => l_creation_DATE
	   ) ;
Line: 8759

      ( p_api_version              => 1.0  ,
	p_return_status            => l_return_status,
	p_msg_count                => l_msg_count,
	p_msg_data                 => l_msg_data,
	p_data_extract_id          => p_data_extract_id,
	p_extract_method           => p_extract_method,
	p_process                  => 'PSB Attribute Values',
	p_restart_id               => C_Attribute_Rec.attribute_value_id
Line: 8780

    ( p_api_version              => 1.0  ,
      p_return_status            => l_return_status,
      p_msg_count                => l_msg_count,
      p_msg_data                 => l_msg_data,
      p_data_extract_id          => p_data_extract_id,
      p_extract_method           => p_extract_method,
      p_process                  => 'PSB Attribute Values',
      p_restart_id               => l_fin_attribute_value_id
Line: 9002

  l_last_update_date    DATE;
Line: 9003

  l_last_upDATEd_BY     number;
Line: 9004

  l_last_upDATE_login   number;
Line: 9050

    Select currency_code
      FROM gl_sets_of_books
     WHERE set_of_books_id = p_set_of_books_id;
Line: 9055

    Select attribute_value_id
      FROM psb_attribute_values
     WHERE attribute_id = l_attribute_id
       AND decode(l_definition_type, 'DFF',hr_value_id,
		  attribute_value) = lp_attribute_value
       AND data_extract_id  = p_data_extract_id;
Line: 9066

  l_last_update_date  := sysDATE;
Line: 9067

  l_last_upDATEd_BY   := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
Line: 9068

  l_last_upDATE_login := FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID;
Line: 9147

      /*Select pe.employee_id,
	FROM psb_employee_assignments_i pea,
	     psb_employees              pe
       WHERE pea.data_extract_id   = p_data_extract_id
	 AND pe.hr_employee_id(+)  = pea.hr_employee_id
	 AND pe.data_extract_id(+) = p_data_extract_id
	 AND pea.hr_position_id    > l_restart_hr_position_id
       ORDER by pea.hr_position_id*/

      SELECT ppa.employee_id,
             -- de by org
	FROM psb_positions pp,
	     psb_position_assignments ppa,
	     psb_employee_assignments_i pea
       WHERE pp.data_extract_id = p_data_extract_id
	 AND pp.position_id = ppa.position_id
	 AND ppa.assignment_type = 'EMPLOYEE'
	 AND ppa.employee_id IS NOT NULL
	 AND pp.hr_position_id = pea.hr_position_id
	 AND pp.hr_employee_id = pea.hr_employee_id
	 AND pea.data_extract_id = p_data_extract_id
	 AND pea.hr_position_id    > l_restart_hr_position_id
      SELECT to_number(NULL),
             -- de by org
      	FROM psb_employee_assignments_i pea,
             psb_positions pp
       WHERE pea.data_extract_id   = p_data_extract_id
         AND pea.hr_position_id = pp.hr_position_id
	 AND pea.hr_employee_id IS NULL
	 AND pp.hr_employee_id IS NULL
         AND pp.data_extract_id = p_data_extract_id
	 AND pea.hr_position_id    > l_restart_hr_position_id
       ORDER by 3
      /*For Bug No : 2109120 End*/
      lp_hr_position_id  := C_Assignment_rec.hr_position_id;
Line: 9220

	    ( p_api_version              => 1.0  ,
	      p_return_status            => l_return_status,
	      p_msg_count                => l_msg_count,
	      p_msg_data                 => l_msg_data,
	      p_data_extract_id          => p_data_extract_id,
	      p_extract_method           => p_extract_method,
	      p_process                  => 'PSB Position Assignments',
	      p_restart_id               => C_Assignment_Rec.hr_position_id
Line: 9257

	Select attribute_id                                ,
	       nvl(value_table_flag ,'N') value_table_flag ,
	  FROM psb_attributes_VL
	 WHERE business_group_id = p_business_group_id
	   AND name              = lp_attribute_name
	l_attribute_id     := C_pos_attr_rec.attribute_id;
Line: 9299

	  Select position_id
	    FROM psb_positions
	   WHERE data_extract_id = p_data_extract_id
	     AND hr_position_id  = C_Assignment_rec.hr_position_id
             AND hr_employee_id is null
	  lp_position_id := C_max_pos_rec.position_id;
Line: 9316

	  Select position_id
	    FROM psb_positions
	   WHERE data_extract_id = p_data_extract_id
	     AND hr_position_id  = C_Assignment_rec.hr_position_id
	     AND hr_employee_id     = C_Assignment_rec.hr_employee_id
	  lp_position_id  := C_max_rec.position_id;
Line: 9360

	     Select position_assignment_id
	       FROM psb_position_assignments
	      WHERE data_extract_id = p_data_extract_id
		AND position_id     = lr_position_id
		AND attribute_id    = lr_attribute_id
		AND assignment_type = 'ATTRIBUTE'
	    lr_max_dummy := 1;
Line: 9409

	     p_api_version             => 1,
	     p_init_msg_lISt           => NULL,
	     p_commit                  => NULL,
	     p_validation_level        => NULL,
	     p_return_status           => l_return_status,
	     p_msg_count               => l_msg_count,
	     p_msg_data                => l_msg_data,
	     p_rowid                   => l_rowid,
	     p_position_assignment_id  => l_position_assignment_id,
	     p_data_extract_id         => p_data_extract_id,
	     p_worksheet_id            => NULL,
	     p_position_id             => lp_position_id,
	     p_assignment_type         => 'ATTRIBUTE',
	     p_attribute_id            => l_attribute_id,
	     p_attribute_value_id      => l_attribute_value_id,
	     p_attribute_value         => l_attribute_value,
	     p_pay_element_id          => NULL,
	     p_pay_element_option_id   => NULL,
	     p_effective_start_DATE    => C_Assignment_Rec.effective_start_DATE,
	     p_effective_END_DATE      => C_Assignment_Rec.effective_END_DATE,
	     p_element_value_type      => NULL,
	     p_element_value           => NULL,
	     p_currency_code           => NULL,
	     p_pay_basIS               => NULL,
	     p_employee_id             => NULL,
	     p_primary_employee_flag   => NULL,
	     p_global_default_flag     => NULL,
	     p_assignment_default_rule_id => NULL,
	     p_modIFy_flag             => NULL,
	     p_mode                    => 'R'
	  ) ;
Line: 9451

   ( p_api_version              => 1.0  ,
     p_return_status            => l_return_status,
     p_msg_count                => l_msg_count,
     p_msg_data                 => l_msg_data,
     p_data_extract_id          => p_data_extract_id,
     p_extract_method           => p_extract_method,
     p_process                  => 'PSB Position Assignments',
     p_restart_id               => lp_hr_position_id
Line: 9561

  l_last_update_date    DATE;
Line: 9562

  l_last_upDATEd_BY     number;
Line: 9563

  l_last_upDATE_login   number;
Line: 9581

    l_last_upDATE_DATE := sysDATE;
Line: 9582

    l_last_upDATEd_BY := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
Line: 9583

    l_last_upDATE_login :=FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID;
Line: 9657

       set default_data_status  = 'C'
       WHERE data_extract_id = p_data_extract_id;