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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 23

	27 Nov 95	N Simpson	Removed temporary code from last update
					and changed criteria for selecting
					payroll periods in get_entry_details
	30 Nov 95	N Simpson	Reversed comparison between
					p_last_process_date and p_date_earned
					in get_entry_details cursor
					csr_next_available_period. It was,
					incorrectly, ignoring date earned
					because date earned was always less than
					the end of time.
	 5 dec 95	N Simpson	Added function average_earnings_error.
	 6 Dec 95	N Simpson	Added reference to ssp_smp_support_pkg.
	19 Jan 96	N Simpson	Added functions start_of_week and
 08-Jan-98  RThirlby 608724  30.24      Altered non-translateable MON format
                                        for dates to MM.
                                        Parameter p_deleting added to procedure
                                        recalculate_ssp_and_smp. If p_deleting
                                        logic to get rid of orphaned stoppages.
                                        Part of SMP entries problem.
 24-Mar-98 RThirlby 563202 30.25	Performance fix to csr_stoppage.
 19-AUG-98 A.Myers  701750 30.26	Amended cursors for affected rows, as
                                        the "where not exists" did not work.
					This existence checking is now done in
                                        SSP_SSP_PKG/SSP_SMP_PKG on the actual
                                        row insert. Added p_deleting to SMP call
                                        to SMP_control.
 06-JAN-2000 ILeath        30.27/       Add call to stop_if_director and
                           110.7        check_payroll_installed within
                                        recalculate_ssp_and_smp. To
                                        ensure that message within
                                        average_earnings_error is always
                                        set. Also default if null
                                        message to 'Cannot derive new
                                        emps pay'.
 12-APR-2000 A.Mills       30.28        Changed NI_Lower_Earnings_Limit
                           =110.8       function to retrieve the Weekly
                                        LEL figure from the Global
                                        'NI_WEEKLY_LEL' rather than the
                                        User Table, which becomes obsolete
                                        as at 6-APR-2000. Bug 871095.
 05-DEC-2001 GButler	   115.7 	Added new procedure update_ssp_smp_entries
 					to allow automatic recalculation of SSP/
					SMP entries over tax year end following
					legislative updates to the corresponding
					SSP/SMP rates. Procedure is called from
					perleggb.sql script after seed data
					install completed
 31-DEC-2001 ABHADURI      115.8       Added a condition to inform user that
                                       employee has been re-hired within 8 weeks.
 15-JAN-2002 GBUTLER	   115.9	Updated update_ssp_smp_entries procedure
 					to exclude all terminated employees whose
 					final process date has already passed
 02-FEB-2002 GBUTLER	   115.10	Bug 2189501. Updated SSP and SMP queries
 					to better handle employee terminations and
 					exclude deceased employees for SMP. Also
 					added exceptions to handle cases where no
 					element entries can be found in new tax year
 05-FEB-2002 GBUTLER	   115.12	Updated queries to retrieve SSP/SMP entries in
 					new tax year so that entries retrieved relate to
 					people who would be retrieved by the main SSP/SMP
 14-FEB-2002 GBUTLER	   115.13 	Added close statements to cursors
 26-FEB-2002 GBUTLER	   115.14	Altered update_ssp_smp_entries by adding sub-blocks
 					into loops to detect errors as they occur but not to
 					halt update process because of them. Added p_update_
 					error boolean flag to alert user to absences that
 					could not be updated
 02-DEC-2002 ABLINKO       115.16       Bug 2690305. New SAP/SPP functionality
 10-DEC-2002 GBUTLER	   115.17       Bug 2702282. Commented out section for SMP rate updates
 					for TYE 2002/3
 17-DEC-2002 ABLINKO       115.18       gscc fix
 09-jan-2003 vmkhande      115.19       bug 2706844
                                        Effective start date now retuned from
                                        get_entry_details will be the max of
                                        assignment start date and payroll
                                        period start date.
 24-JAN-2003 GButler	   115.20	nocopy fixes
 06-MAR-2003 GButler	   115.21 	Bug 1681054. Change to csr_assignment cursor in
 					get_entry_details to exclude benefits assignments
 24-OCT-2003 ABlinko       115.22       Replaced hardcoded SATURDAY and SUNDAY references
 08-DEC-2003 RMakhija      115.24       Uncommented SMP element entry update when rate
                                        changes in next tax year. Also added similar
                                        Functionality for SAP, SPP Birth and SPP Adoption.
 17-DEC-2003 RMakhija      115.25       Added detection of SMP/SAP/SPP standard rate
                                        changes and SMP Higher Rate changes to auto
                                        update element entries in next tax year.
 12-FEB-2004 RMakhija      115.26       Bug 3437026. Updated csr_affected_leave
                                        cursor in update_ssp_smp_entries procedure.
 02-MAR-2004 ABlinko       115.27       Bug 3456918 - Added rtrim when deriving
                                        l_saturday_txt and l_sunday_txt
 21-MAR-2006 Kthampan      115.28       Bug 5105039 - Passing the correct date when
                                        fetching element link.
 31-JUL-2006 Kthampan      115.29       Bug 5346648 - Update procedure get_entry_details
                                        to re-fetch the effective_start/end date again
                                        if the assignment start date is > the
                                        period start_date.
 23-AUG-06   KThampan      115.30       Bug  5482199 -  Statutory changes for 2007
                           115.31       Change cursor csr_payroll_period to check
                                        for period.cut_off_date when payment is not
                                        in lump sum.
 19-SEP-06   KThampan      115.33       Bug 5547703 - Amend recalculate_SSP_and_SMP
                                        only to delete stoppage when absence
                                        record = 0
 20-OCT-06   KThampan      115.34       Amend cursor csr_payroll_period to use
                                        p_date_earned <= period.end_date instead of
                                        p_date_earned <= nvl(cut_off_date,end_date)
 09-DEC-06   KThampan      115.35       Amend procedure recalculate_SSP_and_SMP to only
                                        process rows within the same session id
 12-MAR-07   KThampan      115.36       Added distinct when select input id for SSP
                                        cursor csr_first_new_ssp_entry
 21-MAR-07   KThampan      115.37       Amended cursor csr_affected_absences and
                                        csr_affected_leave to check for period of
                                        service id
 20-FEB-07   pbalu         115.38       Added Multi threaded update_ssp_smp_entries
					as part of 6800788.
 27-FEB-07   pbalu         115.39       Error flag is not set in the multithreaded
 25-AUG-08   pbalu         115.40       Changed the cursor csr_payroll_period to
						    take care of positive cutoff period for bug 6959669
g_package	constant varchar2 (31) := 'ssp_smp_support_pkg.';
Line: 155

	-- Selects an entry value for a given
	-- element entry and named input value
	select	entry.screen_entry_value,
	from	pay_element_entry_values_f entry,
		pay_input_values_f inp,
		pay_element_types_f ele
	where	entry.element_entry_id = p_element_entry_id
	and	inp.name = p_input_value_name
	and	entry.input_value_id = inp.input_value_id
	and	ele.element_type_id = inp.element_type_id
	and	ele.effective_start_date <= inp.effective_end_date
	and	ele.effective_end_date >= inp.effective_start_date
	and	inp.effective_start_date <= entry.effective_end_date
	and	inp.effective_end_date >= entry.effective_start_date;
Line: 237

        select  to_number(ni.global_value)      LEL
        from    ff_globals_f ni
        where   ni.global_name = 'NI_WEEKLY_LEL'
        and     ni.business_group_id is null
        and     ni.legislation_code = 'GB'
        and     p_effective_date between ni.effective_start_date
                                        and ni.effective_end_date;
Line: 317

	select	1
	from	pay_run_results
	where	source_id = p_element_entry_id
	and	status <> 'U';
Line: 377

	select	input_value_id
	from	pay_input_values_f
	where	name = p_input_value_name
	and	element_type_id = p_element_type_id;
Line: 407

	select	reason_id
	from	ssp_withholding_reasons
	where	upper (reason) = upper (p_reason)
	and	element_type_id = p_element_type_id;
Line: 450

	select	1
	from	ssp_stoppages
	where	((p_absence_attendance_id is not null
		and p_absence_attendance_id = absence_attendance_id)
		or (p_maternity_id is not null
		and p_maternity_id = maternity_id))
	and	reason_id||null = p_reason_id
	and	override_stoppage = 'Y';
Line: 479

	-- Find all maternity ids which have been inserted by row triggers
	-- because a change to one of their SMP parameters occurred. Exclude
	-- rows which are already being processed (because the process may
	-- cause the row triggers to fire and call this procedure recursively),
	-- and rows which are duplicated.
	select  tar1.maternity_id, nvl(tar1.p_deleting, 'N') l_deleting
	from    ssp_temp_affected_rows TAR1
	where   tar1.maternity_id is not null
	--and	nvl (tar1.locked, 'NULL') <> 'Y'
        and     tar1.locked = to_char(userenv('sessionid'))
	for update;
Line: 493

    select leave_type
        from ssp_maternities
        where maternity_id = p_maternity_id;
Line: 499

	-- Find all PIW IDs which have been inserted by row triggers
	-- because a change to one of their SSP parameters occurred.
        -- Exclusion of duplicates now done in ssp_ssp_pkg.SSP-Control as
        -- the previous "not exists" did not work... the data is already
        -- selected before they can be updated.
        select  tar1.PIW_id, nvl(tar1.locked,'NULL') locked
          from  ssp_temp_affected_rows TAR1
         where  tar1.PIW_id is not null
         --  and  nvl (tar1.locked,'NULL') <> 'Y'
         and    tar1.locked = to_char(userenv('sessionid'))
for update;
Line: 513

        select count(*)
        from   ssp_maternities mat,
               per_absence_attendances ab
        where  mat.maternity_id = p_maternity_id
        and    ab.person_id = mat.person_id
        and    ab.maternity_id = mat.maternity_id;
Line: 522

row_deleted exception;
Line: 525

pragma exception_init (row_deleted, -8006);
Line: 550

Line: 558

         update ssp_temp_affected_rows
            set locked = 'Y'
          where current of csr_affected_PIWs;
Line: 572

      update ssp_temp_affected_rows
         set locked = 'Y'
       where current of csr_affected_maternities;
Line: 606

         delete ssp_stoppages
          where maternity_id = each_maternity.maternity_id;
Line: 611

   delete ssp_temp_affected_rows
   where  locked = to_char(userenv('sessionid'))
   or     locked is null
   or     locked not in (select to_char(AUDSID) from v$session);
Line: 621

when mutating_table or row_deleted then
  -- If we get a mutating table restriction then we must be firing this code
  -- recursively (eg the user deleted an absence which cascaded to delete the
  -- stoppages for it; both the absence deletion and the stoppage deletion
Line: 667

     select effective_date
     from   fnd_sessions
     where  session_id = userenv ('sessionid');
Line: 675

     select assignment_id,
     from   per_all_assignments_f
     where  person_id = p_person_id
     and    primary_flag = 'Y'
     and    assignment_type = 'E'
     and    least(p_date,p_lsp) between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 687

     select min(effective_start_date),
     from   per_all_assignments_f
     where  assignment_id = p_asg_id
     and    primary_flag = 'Y'
     and    assignment_type = 'E'
     and    payroll_id = p_pay_id;
Line: 697

     select nvl(max(period.start_date),to_date('01/01/0001','DD/MM/YYYY'))
     from   per_time_periods period
     where  period.payroll_id = p_payroll_id
     and    period.prd_information_category = 'GB'
     and    period.prd_information1 = 'Closed';
Line: 705

     select min(period.start_date),
     from   per_time_periods period
     where  period.payroll_id = l_payroll_id
     and    period.start_date > l_closed_period
--6959669 begin
--     and    nvl(period.cut_off_date,period.end_date) <= l_last_process_date
     and    least(nvl(period.cut_off_date,period.end_date),period.end_date) <= l_last_process_date
--6959669 end
     and   (nvl(period.cut_off_date,period.end_date) >= l_effective_date
            or (    l_effective_date > l_last_process_date
                and l_last_process_date between period.start_date and period.end_date))
     and   (    l_pay_as_lump_sum = 'Y'
             or(      l_pay_as_lump_sum = 'N'
                 and (   p_date_earned <= period.end_date
                      or l_last_process_date < p_date_earned)));
Line: 916

procedure update_ssp_smp_entries (P_UPDATE_ERROR OUT NOCOPY boolean) is

cursor csr_affected_absences is
	select nvl(paa.linked_absence_id,paa.absence_attendance_id) as absence_id,
	       nvl(paa.date_start,paa.sickness_start_date) as absence_start_date,
	       nvl(paa.date_end,paa.sickness_end_date) as absence_end_date
	from per_absence_attendances paa,
	     per_absence_attendance_types paat
	where paa.absence_attendance_type_id = paat.absence_attendance_type_id
	and paat.absence_category = 'S'
	/* SSP absences which span tax years or start in old tax year and are open-ended */
		  ((paa.date_start between hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_start(sysdate) and hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate))
		   and (paa.date_end > hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate) or paa.date_end is null)
		  ((paa.sickness_start_date between hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_start(sysdate) and hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate))
		   and (paa.sickness_end_date > hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate) or paa.sickness_end_date is null)
	/* SSP absences which start in the new tax year */
	   	  paa.date_start >= hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate)
	      or paa.date_projected_start >= hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate)
	/* Do not retrieve terminated employees whose actual termination dates have passed or are null */
	and not exists
	( select 1
	  from per_all_people_f ppf,
	  	   per_person_types ppt,
		   per_periods_of_service pps
	  where ppf.person_id = pps.person_id
	  and ppt.person_type_id = ppf.person_type_id
	  and ppt.system_person_type = 'EX_EMP'
	  and nvl(pps.actual_termination_date,to_date('01/01/0001','DD/MM/YYYY')) <= sysdate
	  and ppf.person_id = paa.person_id
          and pps.date_start = (select max(date_start)
                                from   per_periods_of_service pos
                                where  pos.person_id = pps.person_id)
          and ppf.effective_start_date >= pps.date_start
          and pps.date_start <= paa.sickness_start_date)
	order by nvl(paa.linked_absence_id,paa.absence_attendance_id);
Line: 966

       select paa.maternity_id,
	from per_absence_attendances paa,
             ssp_maternities mat
        where paa.maternity_id = mat.maternity_id
        and   nvl(mat.leave_type, 'MA') = p_leave_type
	   /* SMP absences which span tax years or start in old tax year and are open-ended */
		  ((paa.date_start between hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_start(sysdate) and hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate))
		   and (paa.date_end > hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate) or paa.date_end is null)
		  ((paa.date_projected_start between hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_start(sysdate) and hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate))
		   and (paa.date_projected_end > hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate) or paa.date_projected_end is null)
                   and paa.date_start IS NULL -- use projected dates only when actual dates not available
	/* SMP absences which start in the new tax year */
	   	  paa.date_start >= hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate)
	          or (paa.date_projected_start >= hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate)
                      and paa.date_start IS NULL)  -- use projected dates only when actual dates not available
	/* Do not retrieve employees whose final process dates have passed */
	and not exists
	( select 1
	  from per_all_people_f ppf,
	  	   per_person_types ppt,
		   per_periods_of_service pps
	  where ppf.person_id = pps.person_id
	  and ppt.person_type_id = ppf.person_type_id
	  and ppt.system_person_type = 'EX_EMP'
	  and pps.final_process_date <= sysdate
	  and ppf.person_id = paa.person_id
          and pps.date_start = (select max(date_start)
                                from   per_periods_of_service pos
                                where  pos.person_id = pps.person_id)
          and ppf.effective_start_date >= pps.date_start
          and pps.date_start <= paa.date_start)
    	/* Do not retrieve employees who are deceased */
    	and not exists
    	( select 1
    	  from per_all_people_f ppf,
    	       per_periods_of_service pps
    	  where ppf.person_id = pps.person_id
    	  and pps.leaving_reason = 'D'
    	  and ppf.person_id = paa.person_id)
      order by paa.maternity_id;
Line: 1040

l_update_error		boolean := FALSE;
Line: 1042

/* Function to check if SSP entries in new tax year have already been updated  */
/* with new SSP rates and recalculated - returns TRUE if so, FALSE if not      */
function ssp_entries_already_updated return boolean is

cursor csr_new_ssp_rate is
		select piv.default_value
		from pay_input_values_f piv,
		pay_element_types_f petf
		where petf.element_type_id = piv.element_type_id
		and piv.name = 'Rate'
		and petf.element_name = 'Statutory Sick Pay'
		and piv.effective_start_date > hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate);
Line: 1057

	select peev1.screen_entry_value
        from pay_element_entry_values_f peev1,
             pay_element_entry_values_f peev2,
             pay_input_values_f piv,
             pay_element_entries_f peef,
             pay_element_links_f pelf,
             pay_element_types_f petf
        where piv.input_value_id = peev1.input_value_id
        and peev1.element_entry_id = peev2.element_entry_id
        and peev1.element_entry_id = peef.element_entry_id
        and peef.element_link_id = pelf.element_link_id
        and pelf.element_type_id = petf.element_type_id
        and piv.name = 'Rate'
        and petf.element_name = 'Statutory Sick Pay'
        and piv.effective_start_date > hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate)
        and peev2.element_entry_value_id =
            (select peev3.element_entry_value_id
             from pay_element_entry_values_f peev3
             where input_value_id =
                  (select distinct input_value_id
                   from pay_input_values_f piv,
                        pay_element_types_f petf
                   where petf.element_type_id = piv.element_type_id
                   and petf.element_name = 'Statutory Sick Pay'
                   and piv.name = 'From')
            and peev3.screen_entry_value >
            /* Retrieve only those entries that will be retrieved by main SSP query */
            and peev3.element_entry_id in
				( select peef1.element_entry_id
			  	  from pay_element_entries_f   	peef1,
			  	   per_all_assignments_f   	paf,
				   per_all_people_f 	   	ppf,
				   per_person_types		ppt,
				   per_periods_of_service  	pps
			  	  where peef1.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
	 	 	  	  and paf.person_id = ppf.person_id
	 	 	  	  and ppf.person_id = pps.person_id
	 	 	  	  and ppt.person_type_id = ppf.person_type_id
	 	 	  	  and peev3.screen_entry_value between fnd_date.date_to_canonical(ppf.effective_start_date)
				  	  			and fnd_date.date_to_canonical(ppf.effective_end_date)
	 	 	  	  and peev3.screen_entry_value between fnd_date.date_to_canonical(paf.effective_start_date)
				  	  		    and fnd_date.date_to_canonical(paf.effective_end_date)
	 	 	  	  and ppt.system_person_type = 'EMP'
  	 	 	  	  and nvl(pps.actual_termination_date,to_date('31/12/4712','DD/MM/YYYY')) >= sysdate
	    and rownum = 1);
Line: 1113

hr_utility.trace('Entering ssp_entries_already_updated function');
Line: 1164

end ssp_entries_already_updated;
Line: 1166

/* Function to check if SMP entries in new tax year have already updated  */
/* with new SMP rates and recalculated - returns TRUE if so, FALSE if not */
function smp_rate_changed return boolean is

/* Check for SMP rates beginning on or after April 1st */
cursor csr_new_smp_rate is
       select petf.element_information10, petf.element_information9, petf.element_information16
       from pay_element_types_f petf
       where petf.element_name = 'Statutory Maternity Pay'
       and petf.effective_start_date >= trunc(hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate)) - 4
       order by effective_start_date;
Line: 1187

       select peev1.screen_entry_value
       from pay_element_entry_values_f peev1,
            pay_element_entry_values_f peev2,
            pay_element_entry_values_f peev3,
            pay_input_values_f piv,
            pay_element_entries_f peef,
            pay_element_links_f pelf,
            pay_element_types_f petf
       where piv.input_value_id = peev1.input_value_id
       and peev1.element_entry_id = peev2.element_entry_id
       and peev1.element_entry_id = peev3.element_entry_id
       and peev1.element_entry_id = peef.element_entry_id
       and peef.element_link_id = pelf.element_link_id
       and pelf.element_type_id = petf.element_type_id
       and piv.name = 'Amount'
       and petf.element_name = 'Statutory Maternity Pay'
       and petf.effective_start_date > hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate) - 5
       -- Time restriction - only rows after tax year end
       and peev2.input_value_id =
                   (select input_value_id
                    from pay_input_values_f piv
                    where petf.element_type_id = piv.element_type_id
                    and upper(piv.name) = upper('Week commencing')
       and peev2.screen_entry_value > fnd_date.date_to_canonical(hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate) - 5)
       -- Retrieve only those entries that main SMP query will retrieve
       and exists
	  ( select 1
	    from per_all_assignments_f   paf,
		 per_all_people_f 	 ppf,
		 per_person_types  	 ppt,
		 per_periods_of_service  pps
	    where peef.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
 	    and paf.person_id = ppf.person_id
 	    and ppf.person_id = pps.person_id
 	    and ppt.person_type_id = ppf.person_type_id
 	    and peev2.screen_entry_value between fnd_date.date_to_canonical(ppf.effective_start_date)
			  	  		and fnd_date.date_to_canonical(ppf.effective_end_date)
 	    and peev2.screen_entry_value between fnd_date.date_to_canonical(paf.effective_start_date)
			  	  	    and fnd_date.date_to_canonical(paf.effective_end_date)
 	    and nvl(pps.final_process_date,to_date('31/12/4712','DD/MM/YYYY')) >= sysdate
    and peev3.input_value_id =
                   (select input_value_id
                    from pay_input_values_f piv
                    where petf.element_type_id = piv.element_type_id
                    and upper(piv.name) = upper('Rate'))
    -- Rate restriction - only retrieve entries on LOW rate for SMP
    and upper(peev3.screen_entry_value) = upper('Low')
    -- Get first row that matches all of the above criteria
    and rownum = 1;
Line: 1241

       select petf.element_information10, petf.element_information9, petf.element_information16
       from pay_element_types_f petf
       where petf.element_name = 'Statutory Maternity Pay'
       and petf.effective_start_date < trunc(hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate)) - 4
       order by effective_start_date desc;
Line: 1298

/* Function to check if SAP entries in new tax year have already updated  */
/* with new SAP rates and recalculated - returns TRUE if so, FALSE if not */
function sap_rate_changed return boolean is

   /* Check for SAP rates beginning on or after April 1st */
   cursor csr_new_sap_rate is
       select petf.element_information5, petf.element_information7
       from pay_element_types_f petf
       where petf.element_name = 'Statutory Adoption Pay'
       and petf.effective_start_date >= trunc(hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate)) - 4
       order by effective_start_date;
Line: 1318

       select peev1.screen_entry_value
       from pay_element_entry_values_f peev1,
            pay_element_entry_values_f peev2,
            pay_input_values_f piv,
            pay_element_entries_f peef,
            pay_element_links_f pelf,
            pay_element_types_f petf
       where piv.input_value_id = peev1.input_value_id
       and peev1.element_entry_id = peev2.element_entry_id
       and peev1.element_entry_id = peef.element_entry_id
       and peef.element_link_id = pelf.element_link_id
       and pelf.element_type_id = petf.element_type_id
       and piv.name = 'Amount'
       and petf.element_name = 'Statutory Adoption Pay'
       and petf.effective_start_date > hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate) - 5
       -- Time restriction - only rows after tax year end
       and peev2.input_value_id =
                   (select input_value_id
                    from pay_input_values_f piv
                    where petf.element_type_id = piv.element_type_id
                    and upper(piv.name) = upper('Week commencing')
       and peev2.screen_entry_value > fnd_date.date_to_canonical(hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate) - 5)
       -- Retrieve only those entries that main sap query will retrieve
       and exists
	  ( select 1
	    from per_all_assignments_f   paf,
		 per_all_people_f 	 ppf,
		 per_person_types  	 ppt,
		 per_periods_of_service  pps
	    where peef.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
 	    and paf.person_id = ppf.person_id
 	    and ppf.person_id = pps.person_id
 	    and ppt.person_type_id = ppf.person_type_id
 	    and peev2.screen_entry_value between fnd_date.date_to_canonical(ppf.effective_start_date)
			  	  		and fnd_date.date_to_canonical(ppf.effective_end_date)
 	    and peev2.screen_entry_value between fnd_date.date_to_canonical(paf.effective_start_date)
			  	  	    and fnd_date.date_to_canonical(paf.effective_end_date)
 	    and nvl(pps.final_process_date,to_date('31/12/4712','DD/MM/YYYY')) >= sysdate
    -- Get first row that matches all of the above criteria
    and rownum = 1;
Line: 1363

       select petf.element_information5, petf.element_information7
       from pay_element_types_f petf
       where petf.element_name = 'Statutory Adoption Pay'
       and petf.effective_start_date < hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate) - 4
       order by effective_start_date desc;
Line: 1414

/* Function to check if SPPA entries in new tax year have already updated  */
/* with new SPPA rates and recalculated - returns TRUE if so, FALSE if not */
function sppa_rate_changed return boolean is

   /* Check for SPPA rates beginning on or after April 1st */
   cursor csr_new_sppa_rate is
       select petf.element_information6, petf.element_information8
       from pay_element_types_f petf
       where petf.element_name = 'Statutory Paternity Pay Adoption'
       and petf.effective_start_date >= trunc(hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate)) - 4
       order by effective_start_date;
Line: 1434

       select peev1.screen_entry_value
       from pay_element_entry_values_f peev1,
            pay_element_entry_values_f peev2,
            pay_input_values_f piv,
            pay_element_entries_f peef,
            pay_element_links_f pelf,
            pay_element_types_f petf
       where piv.input_value_id = peev1.input_value_id
       and peev1.element_entry_id = peev2.element_entry_id
       and peev1.element_entry_id = peef.element_entry_id
       and peef.element_link_id = pelf.element_link_id
       and pelf.element_type_id = petf.element_type_id
       and piv.name = 'Amount'
       and petf.element_name = 'Statutory Paternity Pay Adoption'
       and petf.effective_start_date > hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate) - 5
       -- Time restriction - only rows after tax year end
       and peev2.input_value_id =
                   (select input_value_id
                    from pay_input_values_f piv
                    where petf.element_type_id = piv.element_type_id
                    and upper(piv.name) = upper('Week commencing')
       and peev2.screen_entry_value > fnd_date.date_to_canonical(hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate) - 5)
      -- Retrieve only those entries that main sppa query will retrieve
       and exists
	  ( select 1
	    from per_all_assignments_f   paf,
		 per_all_people_f 	 ppf,
		 per_person_types  	 ppt,
		 per_periods_of_service  pps
	    where peef.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
 	    and paf.person_id = ppf.person_id
 	    and ppf.person_id = pps.person_id
 	    and ppt.person_type_id = ppf.person_type_id
 	    and peev2.screen_entry_value between fnd_date.date_to_canonical(ppf.effective_start_date)
			  	  		and fnd_date.date_to_canonical(ppf.effective_end_date)
 	    and peev2.screen_entry_value between fnd_date.date_to_canonical(paf.effective_start_date)
			  	  	    and fnd_date.date_to_canonical(paf.effective_end_date)
 	    and nvl(pps.final_process_date,to_date('31/12/4712','DD/MM/YYYY')) >= sysdate
    -- Get first row that matches all of the above criteria
    and rownum = 1;
Line: 1479

       select petf.element_information6, petf.element_information8
       from pay_element_types_f petf
       where petf.element_name = 'Statutory Paternity Pay Adoption'
       and petf.effective_start_date < trunc(hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate)) - 4
       order by effective_start_date desc;
Line: 1529

/* Function to check if SPPB entries in new tax year have already updated  */
/* with new SPPB rates and recalculated - returns TRUE if so, FALSE if not */
function sppb_rate_changed return boolean is

   /* Check for SPPB rates beginning on or after April 1st */
   cursor csr_new_sppb_rate is
       select petf.element_information6, petf.element_information9
       from pay_element_types_f petf
       where petf.element_name = 'Statutory Paternity Pay Birth'
       and petf.effective_start_date >= trunc(hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate)) - 4
       order by effective_start_date;
Line: 1549

       select peev1.screen_entry_value
       from pay_element_entry_values_f peev1,
            pay_element_entry_values_f peev2,
            pay_input_values_f piv,
            pay_element_entries_f peef,
            pay_element_links_f pelf,
            pay_element_types_f petf
       where piv.input_value_id = peev1.input_value_id
       and peev1.element_entry_id = peev2.element_entry_id
       and peev1.element_entry_id = peef.element_entry_id
       and peef.element_link_id = pelf.element_link_id
       and pelf.element_type_id = petf.element_type_id
       and piv.name = 'Amount'
       and petf.element_name = 'Statutory Paternity Pay Birth'
       and petf.effective_start_date > hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate) - 5
       -- Time restriction - only rows after tax year end
       and peev2.input_value_id =
                   (select input_value_id
                    from pay_input_values_f piv
                    where petf.element_type_id = piv.element_type_id
                    and upper(piv.name) = upper('Week commencing')
       and peev2.screen_entry_value > fnd_date.date_to_canonical(hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate) - 5)
       -- Retrieve only those entries that main SPPB query will retrieve
       and exists
	  ( select 1
	    from per_all_assignments_f   paf,
		 per_all_people_f 	 ppf,
		 per_person_types  	 ppt,
		 per_periods_of_service  pps
	    where peef.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
 	    and paf.person_id = ppf.person_id
 	    and ppf.person_id = pps.person_id
 	    and ppt.person_type_id = ppf.person_type_id
 	    and peev2.screen_entry_value between fnd_date.date_to_canonical(ppf.effective_start_date)
			  	  		and fnd_date.date_to_canonical(ppf.effective_end_date)
 	    and peev2.screen_entry_value between fnd_date.date_to_canonical(paf.effective_start_date)
			  	  	    and fnd_date.date_to_canonical(paf.effective_end_date)
 	    and nvl(pps.final_process_date,to_date('31/12/4712','DD/MM/YYYY')) >= sysdate
    -- Get first row that matches all of the above criteria
    and rownum = 1;
Line: 1594

       select petf.element_information6, petf.element_information9
       from pay_element_types_f petf
       where petf.element_name = 'Statutory Paternity Pay Birth'
       and petf.effective_start_date < trunc(hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate)) - 4
       order by effective_start_date desc;
Line: 1646

hr_utility.trace('Entering: '||g_package||'.update_ssp_smp_entries');
Line: 1648

savepoint pre_update_status;
Line: 1649

/* Check first whether SSP element entries already updated for new tax year */
/* SSP update block */

  savepoint pre_ssp_update_status;
Line: 1655

  if not ssp_entries_already_updated

      hr_utility.trace('SSP element entries not updated, updating ....');
Line: 1680

	      l_update_error := true;
Line: 1688

      hr_utility.trace('Updated entries for '||l_count||' absences');
Line: 1692

    hr_utility.trace('SSP element entries already updated for new tax year');
Line: 1714

       hr_utility.trace('Unexpected error occurred inside SSP update block');
Line: 1717

       rollback to pre_ssp_update_status;
Line: 1718

       l_update_error := true;
Line: 1720

   end; /* SSP update block */
Line: 1722

/* Now check SMP entries to see if they have been updated */
/* SMP update block */
-- 05/12/2003 rmakhija: Uncommented following section for TYE 2003/4
     savepoint pre_smp_update_status;
Line: 1749

                l_update_error := true;
Line: 1752

       hr_utility.trace('Updated entries for '||l_mat_count||' maternities');
Line: 1754

        hr_utility.trace('SMP element entries already updated for new tax year');
Line: 1768

          hr_utility.trace('Unexpected error occurred inside SMP update block');
Line: 1771

          rollback to pre_smp_update_status;
Line: 1772

          l_update_error := true;
Line: 1773

   end; /* SMP update block */
Line: 1779

     savepoint pre_sap_update_status;
Line: 1801

                l_update_error := true;
Line: 1804

       hr_utility.trace('Updated entries for '||l_adop_count||' adoptions');
Line: 1806

        hr_utility.trace('SAP element entries already updated for new tax year');
Line: 1820

          hr_utility.trace('Unexpected error occurred inside SAP update block');
Line: 1823

          rollback to pre_sap_update_status;
Line: 1824

          l_update_error := true;
Line: 1825

   end; /* SAP update block */
Line: 1829

     savepoint pre_sppa_update_status;
Line: 1851

                l_update_error := true;
Line: 1854

       hr_utility.trace('Updated entries for '||l_pat_adop_count||' paternity adoptions');
Line: 1856

        hr_utility.trace('SPP Adoption element entries already updated for new tax year');
Line: 1870

          hr_utility.trace('Unexpected error occurred inside SPP ADoption update block');
Line: 1873

          rollback to pre_sppa_update_status;
Line: 1874

          l_update_error := true;
Line: 1875

   end; /* SPP Adoption update block */
Line: 1879

     savepoint pre_sppb_update_status;
Line: 1901

                l_update_error := true;
Line: 1904

       hr_utility.trace('Updated entries for '||l_pat_birth_count||' paternity births');
Line: 1906

        hr_utility.trace('SPP Birth element entries already updated for new tax year');
Line: 1920

          hr_utility.trace('Unexpected error occurred inside SPP Birth update block');
Line: 1923

          rollback to pre_sppb_update_status;
Line: 1924

          l_update_error := true;
Line: 1925

   end; /* SPP Birth update block */
Line: 1927

hr_utility.trace('Update of SSP, SMP, SAP, SPP Adoption and SPP Birth entries complete');
Line: 1929

p_update_error := l_update_error;
Line: 1931

hr_utility.trace('Leaving: '||g_package||'.update_ssp_smp_entries');
Line: 1939

    hr_utility.trace('Unexpected error occurred inside SSP/SMP element entries update procedure');
Line: 1942

    rollback to pre_update_status;
Line: 1943

    p_update_error := true;
Line: 1948

end update_ssp_smp_entries;
Line: 1952

procedure update_ssp_smp_entries (P_UPDATE_ERROR OUT NOCOPY boolean, p_job_err OUT  NOCOPY l_job_err_typ) is

cursor csr_affected_absences is
	select nvl(paa.linked_absence_id,paa.absence_attendance_id) as absence_id,
	       nvl(paa.date_start,paa.sickness_start_date) as absence_start_date,
	       nvl(paa.date_end,paa.sickness_end_date) as absence_end_date
	from per_absence_attendances paa,
	     per_absence_attendance_types paat
	where paa.absence_attendance_type_id = paat.absence_attendance_type_id
	and paat.absence_category = 'S'
	/* SSP absences which span tax years or start in old tax year and are open-ended */
		  ((paa.date_start between hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_start(sysdate) and hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate))
		   and (paa.date_end > hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate) or paa.date_end is null)
		  ((paa.sickness_start_date between hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_start(sysdate) and hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate))
		   and (paa.sickness_end_date > hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate) or paa.sickness_end_date is null)
	/* SSP absences which start in the new tax year */
	   	  paa.date_start >= hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate)
	      or paa.date_projected_start >= hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate)
	/* Do not retrieve terminated employees whose actual termination dates have passed or are null */
	and not exists
	( select 1
	  from per_all_people_f ppf,
	  	   per_person_types ppt,
		   per_periods_of_service pps
	  where ppf.person_id = pps.person_id
	  and ppt.person_type_id = ppf.person_type_id
	  and ppt.system_person_type = 'EX_EMP'
	  and nvl(pps.actual_termination_date,to_date('01/01/0001','DD/MM/YYYY')) <= sysdate
	  and ppf.person_id = paa.person_id
          and pps.date_start = (select max(date_start)
                                from   per_periods_of_service pos
                                where  pos.person_id = pps.person_id)
          and ppf.effective_start_date >= pps.date_start
          and pps.date_start <= paa.sickness_start_date)
	order by nvl(paa.linked_absence_id,paa.absence_attendance_id);
Line: 2002

       select paa.maternity_id,
	from per_absence_attendances paa,
             ssp_maternities mat
        where paa.maternity_id = mat.maternity_id
        and   nvl(mat.leave_type, 'MA') = p_leave_type
	   /* SMP absences which span tax years or start in old tax year and are open-ended */
		  ((paa.date_start between hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_start(sysdate) and hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate))
		   and (paa.date_end > hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate) or paa.date_end is null)
		  ((paa.date_projected_start between hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_start(sysdate) and hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate))
		   and (paa.date_projected_end > hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate) or paa.date_projected_end is null)
                   and paa.date_start IS NULL -- use projected dates only when actual dates not available
	/* SMP absences which start in the new tax year */
	   	  paa.date_start >= hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate)
	          or (paa.date_projected_start >= hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate)
                      and paa.date_start IS NULL)  -- use projected dates only when actual dates not available
	/* Do not retrieve employees whose final process dates have passed */
	and not exists
	( select 1
	  from per_all_people_f ppf,
	  	   per_person_types ppt,
		   per_periods_of_service pps
	  where ppf.person_id = pps.person_id
	  and ppt.person_type_id = ppf.person_type_id
	  and ppt.system_person_type = 'EX_EMP'
	  and pps.final_process_date <= sysdate
	  and ppf.person_id = paa.person_id
          and pps.date_start = (select max(date_start)
                                from   per_periods_of_service pos
                                where  pos.person_id = pps.person_id)
          and ppf.effective_start_date >= pps.date_start
          and pps.date_start <= paa.date_start)
    	/* Do not retrieve employees who are deceased */
    	and not exists
    	( select 1
    	  from per_all_people_f ppf,
    	       per_periods_of_service pps
    	  where ppf.person_id = pps.person_id
    	  and pps.leaving_reason = 'D'
    	  and ppf.person_id = paa.person_id)
      order by paa.maternity_id;
Line: 2076

l_update_error		boolean := FALSE;
Line: 2092

/* Function to check if SSP entries in new tax year have already been updated  */
/* with new SSP rates and recalculated - returns TRUE if so, FALSE if not      */
function ssp_entries_already_updated return boolean is

cursor csr_new_ssp_rate is
		select piv.default_value
		from pay_input_values_f piv,
		pay_element_types_f petf
		where petf.element_type_id = piv.element_type_id
		and piv.name = 'Rate'
		and petf.element_name = 'Statutory Sick Pay'
		and piv.effective_start_date > hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate);
Line: 2107

	select peev1.screen_entry_value
        from pay_element_entry_values_f peev1,
             pay_element_entry_values_f peev2,
             pay_input_values_f piv,
             pay_element_entries_f peef,
             pay_element_links_f pelf,
             pay_element_types_f petf
        where piv.input_value_id = peev1.input_value_id
        and peev1.element_entry_id = peev2.element_entry_id
        and peev1.element_entry_id = peef.element_entry_id
        and peef.element_link_id = pelf.element_link_id
        and pelf.element_type_id = petf.element_type_id
        and piv.name = 'Rate'
        and petf.element_name = 'Statutory Sick Pay'
        and piv.effective_start_date > hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate)
        and peev2.element_entry_value_id =
            (select peev3.element_entry_value_id
             from pay_element_entry_values_f peev3
             where input_value_id =
                  (select distinct input_value_id
                   from pay_input_values_f piv,
                        pay_element_types_f petf
                   where petf.element_type_id = piv.element_type_id
                   and petf.element_name = 'Statutory Sick Pay'
                   and piv.name = 'From')
            and peev3.screen_entry_value >
            /* Retrieve only those entries that will be retrieved by main SSP query */
            and peev3.element_entry_id in
				( select peef1.element_entry_id
			  	  from pay_element_entries_f   	peef1,
			  	   per_all_assignments_f   	paf,
				   per_all_people_f 	   	ppf,
				   per_person_types		ppt,
				   per_periods_of_service  	pps
			  	  where peef1.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
	 	 	  	  and paf.person_id = ppf.person_id
	 	 	  	  and ppf.person_id = pps.person_id
	 	 	  	  and ppt.person_type_id = ppf.person_type_id
	 	 	  	  and peev3.screen_entry_value between fnd_date.date_to_canonical(ppf.effective_start_date)
				  	  			and fnd_date.date_to_canonical(ppf.effective_end_date)
	 	 	  	  and peev3.screen_entry_value between fnd_date.date_to_canonical(paf.effective_start_date)
				  	  		    and fnd_date.date_to_canonical(paf.effective_end_date)
	 	 	  	  and ppt.system_person_type = 'EMP'
  	 	 	  	  and nvl(pps.actual_termination_date,to_date('31/12/4712','DD/MM/YYYY')) >= sysdate
	    and rownum = 1);
Line: 2163

hr_utility.trace('Entering ssp_entries_already_updated function');
Line: 2214

end ssp_entries_already_updated;
Line: 2216

/* Function to check if SMP entries in new tax year have already updated  */
/* with new SMP rates and recalculated - returns TRUE if so, FALSE if not */
function smp_rate_changed return boolean is

/* Check for SMP rates beginning on or after April 1st */
cursor csr_new_smp_rate is
       select petf.element_information10, petf.element_information9, petf.element_information16
       from pay_element_types_f petf
       where petf.element_name = 'Statutory Maternity Pay'
       and petf.effective_start_date >= trunc(hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate)) - 4
       order by effective_start_date;
Line: 2237

       select peev1.screen_entry_value
       from pay_element_entry_values_f peev1,
            pay_element_entry_values_f peev2,
            pay_element_entry_values_f peev3,
            pay_input_values_f piv,
            pay_element_entries_f peef,
            pay_element_links_f pelf,
            pay_element_types_f petf
       where piv.input_value_id = peev1.input_value_id
       and peev1.element_entry_id = peev2.element_entry_id
       and peev1.element_entry_id = peev3.element_entry_id
       and peev1.element_entry_id = peef.element_entry_id
       and peef.element_link_id = pelf.element_link_id
       and pelf.element_type_id = petf.element_type_id
       and piv.name = 'Amount'
       and petf.element_name = 'Statutory Maternity Pay'
       and petf.effective_start_date > hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate) - 5
       -- Time restriction - only rows after tax year end
       and peev2.input_value_id =
                   (select input_value_id
                    from pay_input_values_f piv
                    where petf.element_type_id = piv.element_type_id
                    and upper(piv.name) = upper('Week commencing')
       and peev2.screen_entry_value > fnd_date.date_to_canonical(hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate) - 5)
       -- Retrieve only those entries that main SMP query will retrieve
       and exists
	  ( select 1
	    from per_all_assignments_f   paf,
		 per_all_people_f 	 ppf,
		 per_person_types  	 ppt,
		 per_periods_of_service  pps
	    where peef.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
 	    and paf.person_id = ppf.person_id
 	    and ppf.person_id = pps.person_id
 	    and ppt.person_type_id = ppf.person_type_id
 	    and peev2.screen_entry_value between fnd_date.date_to_canonical(ppf.effective_start_date)
			  	  		and fnd_date.date_to_canonical(ppf.effective_end_date)
 	    and peev2.screen_entry_value between fnd_date.date_to_canonical(paf.effective_start_date)
			  	  	    and fnd_date.date_to_canonical(paf.effective_end_date)
 	    and nvl(pps.final_process_date,to_date('31/12/4712','DD/MM/YYYY')) >= sysdate
    and peev3.input_value_id =
                   (select input_value_id
                    from pay_input_values_f piv
                    where petf.element_type_id = piv.element_type_id
                    and upper(piv.name) = upper('Rate'))
    -- Rate restriction - only retrieve entries on LOW rate for SMP
    and upper(peev3.screen_entry_value) = upper('Low')
    -- Get first row that matches all of the above criteria
    and rownum = 1;
Line: 2291

       select petf.element_information10, petf.element_information9, petf.element_information16
       from pay_element_types_f petf
       where petf.element_name = 'Statutory Maternity Pay'
       and petf.effective_start_date < trunc(hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate)) - 4
       order by effective_start_date desc;
Line: 2348

/* Function to check if SAP entries in new tax year have already updated  */
/* with new SAP rates and recalculated - returns TRUE if so, FALSE if not */
function sap_rate_changed return boolean is

   /* Check for SAP rates beginning on or after April 1st */
   cursor csr_new_sap_rate is
       select petf.element_information5, petf.element_information7
       from pay_element_types_f petf
       where petf.element_name = 'Statutory Adoption Pay'
       and petf.effective_start_date >= trunc(hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate)) - 4
       order by effective_start_date;
Line: 2368

       select peev1.screen_entry_value
       from pay_element_entry_values_f peev1,
            pay_element_entry_values_f peev2,
            pay_input_values_f piv,
            pay_element_entries_f peef,
            pay_element_links_f pelf,
            pay_element_types_f petf
       where piv.input_value_id = peev1.input_value_id
       and peev1.element_entry_id = peev2.element_entry_id
       and peev1.element_entry_id = peef.element_entry_id
       and peef.element_link_id = pelf.element_link_id
       and pelf.element_type_id = petf.element_type_id
       and piv.name = 'Amount'
       and petf.element_name = 'Statutory Adoption Pay'
       and petf.effective_start_date > hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate) - 5
       -- Time restriction - only rows after tax year end
       and peev2.input_value_id =
                   (select input_value_id
                    from pay_input_values_f piv
                    where petf.element_type_id = piv.element_type_id
                    and upper(piv.name) = upper('Week commencing')
       and peev2.screen_entry_value > fnd_date.date_to_canonical(hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate) - 5)
       -- Retrieve only those entries that main sap query will retrieve
       and exists
	  ( select 1
	    from per_all_assignments_f   paf,
		 per_all_people_f 	 ppf,
		 per_person_types  	 ppt,
		 per_periods_of_service  pps
	    where peef.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
 	    and paf.person_id = ppf.person_id
 	    and ppf.person_id = pps.person_id
 	    and ppt.person_type_id = ppf.person_type_id
 	    and peev2.screen_entry_value between fnd_date.date_to_canonical(ppf.effective_start_date)
			  	  		and fnd_date.date_to_canonical(ppf.effective_end_date)
 	    and peev2.screen_entry_value between fnd_date.date_to_canonical(paf.effective_start_date)
			  	  	    and fnd_date.date_to_canonical(paf.effective_end_date)
 	    and nvl(pps.final_process_date,to_date('31/12/4712','DD/MM/YYYY')) >= sysdate
    -- Get first row that matches all of the above criteria
    and rownum = 1;
Line: 2413

       select petf.element_information5, petf.element_information7
       from pay_element_types_f petf
       where petf.element_name = 'Statutory Adoption Pay'
       and petf.effective_start_date < hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate) - 4
       order by effective_start_date desc;
Line: 2464

/* Function to check if SPPA entries in new tax year have already updated  */
/* with new SPPA rates and recalculated - returns TRUE if so, FALSE if not */
function sppa_rate_changed return boolean is

   /* Check for SPPA rates beginning on or after April 1st */
   cursor csr_new_sppa_rate is
       select petf.element_information6, petf.element_information8
       from pay_element_types_f petf
       where petf.element_name = 'Statutory Paternity Pay Adoption'
       and petf.effective_start_date >= trunc(hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate)) - 4
       order by effective_start_date;
Line: 2484

       select peev1.screen_entry_value
       from pay_element_entry_values_f peev1,
            pay_element_entry_values_f peev2,
            pay_input_values_f piv,
            pay_element_entries_f peef,
            pay_element_links_f pelf,
            pay_element_types_f petf
       where piv.input_value_id = peev1.input_value_id
       and peev1.element_entry_id = peev2.element_entry_id
       and peev1.element_entry_id = peef.element_entry_id
       and peef.element_link_id = pelf.element_link_id
       and pelf.element_type_id = petf.element_type_id
       and piv.name = 'Amount'
       and petf.element_name = 'Statutory Paternity Pay Adoption'
       and petf.effective_start_date > hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate) - 5
       -- Time restriction - only rows after tax year end
       and peev2.input_value_id =
                   (select input_value_id
                    from pay_input_values_f piv
                    where petf.element_type_id = piv.element_type_id
                    and upper(piv.name) = upper('Week commencing')
       and peev2.screen_entry_value > fnd_date.date_to_canonical(hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate) - 5)
      -- Retrieve only those entries that main sppa query will retrieve
       and exists
	  ( select 1
	    from per_all_assignments_f   paf,
		 per_all_people_f 	 ppf,
		 per_person_types  	 ppt,
		 per_periods_of_service  pps
	    where peef.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
 	    and paf.person_id = ppf.person_id
 	    and ppf.person_id = pps.person_id
 	    and ppt.person_type_id = ppf.person_type_id
 	    and peev2.screen_entry_value between fnd_date.date_to_canonical(ppf.effective_start_date)
			  	  		and fnd_date.date_to_canonical(ppf.effective_end_date)
 	    and peev2.screen_entry_value between fnd_date.date_to_canonical(paf.effective_start_date)
			  	  	    and fnd_date.date_to_canonical(paf.effective_end_date)
 	    and nvl(pps.final_process_date,to_date('31/12/4712','DD/MM/YYYY')) >= sysdate
    -- Get first row that matches all of the above criteria
    and rownum = 1;
Line: 2529

       select petf.element_information6, petf.element_information8
       from pay_element_types_f petf
       where petf.element_name = 'Statutory Paternity Pay Adoption'
       and petf.effective_start_date < trunc(hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate)) - 4
       order by effective_start_date desc;
Line: 2579

/* Function to check if SPPB entries in new tax year have already updated  */
/* with new SPPB rates and recalculated - returns TRUE if so, FALSE if not */
function sppb_rate_changed return boolean is

   /* Check for SPPB rates beginning on or after April 1st */
   cursor csr_new_sppb_rate is
       select petf.element_information6, petf.element_information9
       from pay_element_types_f petf
       where petf.element_name = 'Statutory Paternity Pay Birth'
       and petf.effective_start_date >= trunc(hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate)) - 4
       order by effective_start_date;
Line: 2599

       select peev1.screen_entry_value
       from pay_element_entry_values_f peev1,
            pay_element_entry_values_f peev2,
            pay_input_values_f piv,
            pay_element_entries_f peef,
            pay_element_links_f pelf,
            pay_element_types_f petf
       where piv.input_value_id = peev1.input_value_id
       and peev1.element_entry_id = peev2.element_entry_id
       and peev1.element_entry_id = peef.element_entry_id
       and peef.element_link_id = pelf.element_link_id
       and pelf.element_type_id = petf.element_type_id
       and piv.name = 'Amount'
       and petf.element_name = 'Statutory Paternity Pay Birth'
       and petf.effective_start_date > hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate) - 5
       -- Time restriction - only rows after tax year end
       and peev2.input_value_id =
                   (select input_value_id
                    from pay_input_values_f piv
                    where petf.element_type_id = piv.element_type_id
                    and upper(piv.name) = upper('Week commencing')
       and peev2.screen_entry_value > fnd_date.date_to_canonical(hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate) - 5)
       -- Retrieve only those entries that main SPPB query will retrieve
       and exists
	  ( select 1
	    from per_all_assignments_f   paf,
		 per_all_people_f 	 ppf,
		 per_person_types  	 ppt,
		 per_periods_of_service  pps
	    where peef.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
 	    and paf.person_id = ppf.person_id
 	    and ppf.person_id = pps.person_id
 	    and ppt.person_type_id = ppf.person_type_id
 	    and peev2.screen_entry_value between fnd_date.date_to_canonical(ppf.effective_start_date)
			  	  		and fnd_date.date_to_canonical(ppf.effective_end_date)
 	    and peev2.screen_entry_value between fnd_date.date_to_canonical(paf.effective_start_date)
			  	  	    and fnd_date.date_to_canonical(paf.effective_end_date)
 	    and nvl(pps.final_process_date,to_date('31/12/4712','DD/MM/YYYY')) >= sysdate
    -- Get first row that matches all of the above criteria
    and rownum = 1;
Line: 2644

       select petf.element_information6, petf.element_information9
       from pay_element_types_f petf
       where petf.element_name = 'Statutory Paternity Pay Birth'
       and petf.effective_start_date < trunc(hr_gbnicar.uk_tax_yr_end(sysdate)) - 4
       order by effective_start_date desc;
Line: 2696

hr_utility.trace('Entering: '||g_package||'.update_ssp_smp_entries');
Line: 2698

savepoint pre_update_status;
Line: 2699

/* Check first whether SSP element entries already updated for new tax year */
/* SSP update block */

  savepoint pre_ssp_update_status;
Line: 2705

  if not ssp_entries_already_updated

      hr_utility.trace('SSP element entries not updated, updating ....');
Line: 2736

	      l_update_error := true;
Line: 2744

      hr_utility.trace('Updated entries for '||l_count||' absences');
Line: 2748

    hr_utility.trace('SSP element entries already updated for new tax year');
Line: 2770

       hr_utility.trace('Unexpected error occurred inside SSP update block');
Line: 2773

       rollback to pre_ssp_update_status;
Line: 2774

       l_update_error := true;
Line: 2776

   end; /* SSP update block */
Line: 2778

/* Now check SMP entries to see if they have been updated */
/* SMP update block */
-- 05/12/2003 rmakhija: Uncommented following section for TYE 2003/4
     savepoint pre_smp_update_status;
Line: 2817

                l_update_error := true;
Line: 2820

       hr_utility.trace('Updated entries for '||l_mat_count||' maternities');
Line: 2823

        hr_utility.trace('SMP element entries already updated for new tax year');
Line: 2837

          hr_utility.trace('Unexpected error occurred inside SMP update block');
Line: 2840

          rollback to pre_smp_update_status;
Line: 2841

          l_update_error := true;
Line: 2842

   end; /* SMP update block */
Line: 2848

     savepoint pre_sap_update_status;
Line: 2882

                l_update_error := true;
Line: 2885

       hr_utility.trace('Updated entries for '||l_adop_count||' adoptions');
Line: 2888

        hr_utility.trace('SAP element entries already updated for new tax year');
Line: 2902

          hr_utility.trace('Unexpected error occurred inside SAP update block');
Line: 2905

          rollback to pre_sap_update_status;
Line: 2906

          l_update_error := true;
Line: 2907

   end; /* SAP update block */
Line: 2911

     savepoint pre_sppa_update_status;
Line: 2945

                l_update_error := true;
Line: 2948

       hr_utility.trace('Updated entries for '||l_pat_adop_count||' paternity adoptions');
Line: 2951

        hr_utility.trace('SPP Adoption element entries already updated for new tax year');
Line: 2965

          hr_utility.trace('Unexpected error occurred inside SPP ADoption update block');
Line: 2968

          rollback to pre_sppa_update_status;
Line: 2969

          l_update_error := true;
Line: 2970

   end; /* SPP Adoption update block */
Line: 2974

     savepoint pre_sppb_update_status;
Line: 3012

                l_update_error := true;
Line: 3015

       hr_utility.trace('Updated entries for '||l_pat_birth_count||' paternity births');
Line: 3018

        hr_utility.trace('SPP Birth element entries already updated for new tax year');
Line: 3032

          hr_utility.trace('Unexpected error occurred inside SPP Birth update block');
Line: 3035

          rollback to pre_sppb_update_status;
Line: 3036

          l_update_error := true;
Line: 3037

   end; /* SPP Birth update block */
Line: 3041

p_update_error := l_update_error;
Line: 3051

	select nvl(FAILURES,0) into l_fail from dba_jobs
	where job = l_tbl_job(I).job_no and rownum = 1;
Line: 3062

		  p_update_error := true;
Line: 3076

hr_utility.trace('Update of SSP, SMP, SAP, SPP Adoption and SPP Birth entries complete');
Line: 3077

hr_utility.trace('Leaving: '||g_package||'.update_ssp_smp_entries');
Line: 3085

    hr_utility.trace('Unexpected error occurred inside SSP/SMP element entries update procedure');
Line: 3088

    rollback to pre_update_status;
Line: 3089

    p_update_error := true;
Line: 3094

end update_ssp_smp_entries;