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APPS.IGS_EN_GEN_015 dependencies on IGS_SS_ENR_DETAILS

Line 1100: l_notification_flag := Igs_Ss_Enr_Details.get_notification(

1096: -- getting the person type of logged in person
1097: l_person_type := Igs_En_Gen_008.enrp_get_person_type(p_course_cd =>NULL);
1098: -- getting the notification flag of reserve seat step
1099: l_message := NULL;
1100: l_notification_flag := Igs_Ss_Enr_Details.get_notification(
1101: p_person_type => l_person_type,
1102: p_enrollment_category => l_enr_cat,
1103: p_comm_type => l_enr_comm,
1104: p_enr_method_type => l_enr_meth_type,

Line 1992: -- calling the function igs_ss_enr_details.get_notification.

1988: -- Modified the procedure to consider Approval status and step defined or not etc.
1989: --nalkumar 14-May-2002 Modified the query stored in the l_step_def_query variable as per the bug# 2364461.
1990: --Nishikant 01NOV2002 SEVIS Build. Enh Bug#2641905. notification flag was
1991: -- being fetched from cursor, now modified to get it by
1992: -- calling the function igs_ss_enr_details.get_notification.
1993: --svanukur 04-jun-03 changed the declaration of the variable l_step_override_limit
1994: -- to refer to igs_en_elgb_ovr_uoo as part of deny/warn behaviour build #2829272
1995: -- smaddali 8-mar-06 Modified for bug#5091847
1996: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 2196: l_notification_flag := igs_ss_enr_details.get_notification(

2192: l_call_audit_proc;
2193: RETURN;
2194: END IF;
2195: lv_message := NULL;
2196: l_notification_flag := igs_ss_enr_details.get_notification(
2197: p_person_type => p_person_type,
2198: p_enrollment_category => cur_step_def_var_rec.enrolment_cat,
2199: p_comm_type => cur_step_def_var_rec.s_student_comm_type,
2200: p_enr_method_type => cur_step_def_var_rec.enr_method_type,

Line 2297: -- calling the function igs_ss_enr_details.get_notification.

2293: --Change History:
2294: --Who When What
2295: --Nishikant 01NOV2002 SEVIS Build. Enh Bug#2641905. notification flag was
2296: -- being fetched from cursor, now modified to get it by
2297: -- calling the function igs_ss_enr_details.get_notification.
2298: -- smaddali 8-mar-06 Modified for bug#5091847
2299: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2300: CURSOR c_chk_audit_allowed( p_uoo_id NUMBER) IS
2301: SELECT NVL(auditable_ind, 'N'), NVL(audit_permission_ind, 'N')

Line 2417: l_notification_flag := igs_ss_enr_details.get_notification(

2413: RETURN;
2414: END IF;
2415: p_message_name := NULL;
2416: l_notification_flag := NULL;
2417: l_notification_flag := igs_ss_enr_details.get_notification(
2418: p_person_type => p_person_type,
2419: p_enrollment_category => v_stud_step_def_rec.enrolment_cat,
2420: p_comm_type => v_stud_step_def_rec.s_student_comm_type,
2421: p_enr_method_type => v_stud_step_def_rec.enr_method_type,

Line 2458: l_notification_flag := igs_ss_enr_details.get_notification(

2454: END IF;
2456: p_message_name := NULL;
2457: l_notification_flag := NULL;
2458: l_notification_flag := igs_ss_enr_details.get_notification(
2459: p_person_type => p_person_type,
2460: p_enrollment_category => v_staff_step_def_rec.enrolment_cat,
2461: p_comm_type => v_staff_step_def_rec.s_student_comm_type,
2462: p_enr_method_type => v_staff_step_def_rec.enr_method_type,

Line 2619: p_deny_warn := igs_ss_enr_details.get_notification(

2615: ELSE
2616: l_enr_method_type := p_enr_method;
2617: END IF;
2618: -- Get the value of Deny/Warn Flag for unit step 'DROP_CORE'
2619: p_deny_warn := igs_ss_enr_details.get_notification(
2620: p_person_type => l_person_type,
2621: p_enrollment_category => l_enrollment_category,
2622: p_comm_type => l_comm_type,
2623: p_enr_method_type => l_enr_method_type,