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1 PACKAGE pay_ca_t4_mag AS
2  /* $Header: pycat4mg.pkh 120.2.12010000.2 2008/08/08 09:26:14 sapalani ship $ */
4  /* 'level_cnt' will allow the cursors to select function results,
5      whether it is a standard fuction such as to_char or a function
6      defined in a package (with the correct pragma restriction).
7  */
9  level_cnt	NUMBER;
11  /* Used by T4 Magnetic Media
13     Sets up the tax unit context and payroll action context for the
14     transmitter_GRE
15  */
18 CURSOR mag_t4_transmitter IS
19 Select 'TAX_UNIT_ID=C', hoi.organization_id,
20        'PAYROLL_ACTION_ID=C',ppa.payroll_action_id,
21        'TRANSFER_CPP_MAX=P', pcli.information_value,
22        'TRANSFER_EI_MAX=P', pcli1.information_value,
23        'TRANSFER_PPIP_MAX=P', pcli2.information_value,
24        'SUBMISSION_REF_ID=P',ppa.payroll_action_id,
25        'ORG_ID=P',hoi.organization_id,
26        'T4_YEAR=P',to_char(ppa.effective_date,'YYYY')
27 FROM    hr_organization_information hoi,
28         pay_payroll_actions PPA,
29         pay_ca_legislation_info pcli,
30         pay_ca_legislation_info pcli1,
31         pay_ca_legislation_info pcli2
32 WHERE   hoi.organization_id = pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSMITTER_GRE')
33 and     hoi.org_information_context='Fed Magnetic Reporting'
34 and     ppa.report_type = 'T4'  -- T4 Archiver Report Type
35 and     hoi.organization_id = substr(ppa.legislative_parameters,instr(ppa.legislative_parameters,'TRANSFER_GRE=')+LENGTH('TRANSFER_GRE='))
36 and     to_char(ppa.effective_date,'YYYY')=pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('REPORTING_YEAR')
37 and     to_char(ppa.effective_date,'DD-MM')= '31-12'
38 and     pcli.information_type = 'MAX_CPP_EARNINGS'
39 and     ppa.effective_date between pcli.start_date and pcli.end_date
40 and     pcli.jurisdiction_code is null
41 and     pcli1.information_type = 'MAX_EI_EARNINGS'
42 and     pcli1.jurisdiction_code is null
43 and     ppa.effective_date between pcli1.start_date and pcli1.end_date
44 and     pcli2.information_type = 'MAX_PPIP_EARNINGS'
45 and     pcli2.jurisdiction_code is null
46 and     ppa.effective_date between pcli2.start_date and pcli2.end_date;
51  /* Used by Magnetic T4 (T4 format).
53     Sets up the tax unit context for each employer to be reported. sets
54     up a parameter holding the tax unit identifier which can then be used by
55     subsequent cursors to restrict to employees within the employer.
56  */
59 CURSOR mag_t4_employer IS
60 Select distinct 'PAYROLL_ACTION_ID=C', ppa.payroll_action_id,
61         'TAX_UNIT_ID=C', AA.tax_unit_id,
62         'TAX_UNIT_ID=P', AA.tax_unit_id,
63         'TAX_UNIT_NAME=P', fai.value,
64         'TRANSFER_EI_ER_RATE=P', pcli2.information_value
65 From    ff_archive_items fai,
66         ff_database_items fdi,
67         pay_payroll_actions ppa,
68         pay_assignment_actions AA,
69         pay_ca_legislation_info pcli2
70 WHERE   AA.payroll_action_id = pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID') --Magtape Payroll Action id
71 and     ppa.report_type = 'T4'
72 and     to_char(ppa.effective_date,'YYYY') = pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('REPORTING_YEAR')
73 and     to_char(ppa.effective_date,'DD-MM') = '31-12'
74 and     AA.tax_unit_id = substr(ppa.legislative_parameters,instr(ppa.legislative_parameters,'TRANSFER_GRE=')+LENGTH('TRANSFER_GRE='))
75 and     fdi.user_name = 'CAEOY_EMPLOYER_NAME'
76 and     ppa.payroll_action_id = fai.context1
77 and     fdi.user_entity_id = fai.user_entity_id
78 and     pcli2.information_type = 'EI_ER_RATE'
79 and     pcli2.jurisdiction_code is null
80 and     ppa.effective_date between pcli2.start_date and pcli2.end_date
81 order by fai.value;
84  /*  Used by Magnetic T4 (T4 format).
86     Sets up the assignment_action_id, assignment_id, and date_earned contexts
87     for an employee. The date_earned context is set to be the least of the
88     end of the period being reported and the maximum end date of the
89     assignment. This ensures that personal information ie. name etc... is
90     current relative to the period being reported on.
91  */
93 CURSOR mag_t4_employee IS
94 Select 'ASSIGNMENT_ACTION_ID=C',paa.assignment_action_id,  -- Archiver Assignment_Action_id
95         'ASSIGNMENT_ID=C',paa.assignment_id,
96         'DATE_EARNED=C',fnd_date.date_to_canonical(pay_magtape_generic.date_earned(ppa_mag.effective_date,paa.assignment_id)),
97         'JURISDICTION_CODE=C', fai.value,
98         'TRANSFER_JURISDICTION_CODE=P', fai.value
99 From    ff_archive_items fai,
100         ff_database_items fdi,
101         per_all_people_f ppf,
102         pay_assignment_actions paa,
103         pay_payroll_actions ppa,
104         pay_payroll_actions ppa_mag
105 where   ppa_mag.payroll_action_id = pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID')
106 and     ppa.report_type = 'T4'
107 and     ppa.report_qualifier = 'CAEOY'
108 and     ppa.report_category = 'CAEOY'
109 and     ppa.effective_date = ppa_mag.effective_date
110 and     paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
111 and     paa.action_status = 'C'
112 AND     paa.tax_unit_id  = pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TAX_UNIT_ID')
113 AND     fai.context1 = paa.assignment_action_id
114 AND     fdi.user_entity_id = fai.user_entity_id
115 AND     fdi.user_name = 'CAEOY_PROVINCE_OF_EMPLOYMENT'
116 AND     ppf.person_id = to_number(paa.serial_number)
117 AND     pay_magtape_generic.date_earned(ppa_mag.effective_date,paa.assignment_id)
118         between ppf.effective_start_date and ppf.effective_end_date
119 ORDER BY ppf.last_name,ppf.first_name,ppf.middle_names;
122 PROCEDURE get_report_parameters
123 (
124 	p_pactid    		IN	NUMBER,
125 	p_year_start		IN OUT NOCOPY  DATE,
126 	p_year_end		IN OUT NOCOPY  DATE,
127 	p_report_type		IN OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
128 	p_business_group_id	IN OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
129         p_legislative_parameters   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
130 );
133 PROCEDURE range_cursor (
134 	p_pactid	IN	NUMBER,
135 	p_sqlstr	OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
136 );
139 PROCEDURE create_assignment_act(
140 	p_pactid 	IN NUMBER,
141 	p_stperson 	IN NUMBER,
142 	p_endperson IN NUMBER,
143 	p_chunk 	IN NUMBER );
145 FUNCTION get_parameter(name in varchar2,
146                        parameter_list varchar2) return varchar2;
147 pragma restrict_references(get_parameter, WNDS, WNPS);
149 FUNCTION get_dbitem_value(p_asg_act_id in number,
150                           p_dbitem_name in varchar2,
151                           p_jurisdiction varchar2 default null) return varchar2;
153 FUNCTION convert_2_xml(p_data          IN VARCHAR2,
154                        p_tag           IN VARCHAR2,
155                        p_datatype      IN CHAR DEFAULT 'T',
156                        p_format        IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
157                        p_null_allowed  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N')
158 return VARCHAR2;
161 FUNCTION validate_gre_data( p_trans in varchar2,
162                             p_year in varchar2)
163 return  varchar2;
165 FUNCTION get_arch_val( p_context_id IN NUMBER,
166 		       p_user_name  IN VARCHAR2)
167 return varchar2;
169 FUNCTION convert_t4_oth_info_amt(p_assignment_action_id      IN Number,
170                             p_payroll_action_id         IN Number,
171                             p_fail                      IN char,
172                             p_oth_rep1                  OUT nocopy varchar2,
173                             p_oth_rep2                  OUT nocopy varchar2,
174                             p_oth_rep3                  OUT nocopy varchar2,
175                             p_write_f31                 OUT nocopy varchar2,
176                             p_transfer_other_info1_str1 OUT nocopy varchar2,
177                             p_transfer_other_info1_str2 OUT nocopy varchar2,
178                             p_transfer_other_info1_str3 OUT nocopy varchar2,
179                             p_transfer_other_info2_str1 OUT nocopy varchar2,
180                             p_transfer_other_info2_str2 OUT nocopy varchar2,
181                             p_transfer_other_info2_str3 OUT nocopy varchar2,
182                             p_transfer_other_info3_str1 OUT nocopy varchar2,
183                             p_transfer_other_info3_str2 OUT nocopy varchar2,
184                             p_transfer_other_info3_str3 OUT nocopy varchar2,
185                             p_transfer_other_info4_str1 OUT nocopy varchar2,
186                             p_transfer_other_info4_str2 OUT nocopy varchar2,
187                             p_transfer_other_info4_str3 OUT nocopy varchar2,
188                             p_transfer_oth1_rep1        OUT nocopy varchar2,
189                             p_transfer_oth1_rep2        OUT nocopy varchar2,
190                             p_transfer_oth1_rep3        OUT nocopy varchar2,
191                             p_transfer_oth2_rep2        OUT nocopy varchar2,
192                             p_transfer_oth2_rep3        OUT nocopy varchar2,
193                             p_transfer_oth3_rep2        OUT nocopy varchar2,
194                             p_transfer_oth3_rep3        OUT nocopy varchar2,
195                             p_transfer_oth4_rep3        OUT nocopy varchar2,
196                             p_cnt                       OUT nocopy Number)
197 return varchar2;
199 END pay_ca_t4_mag;